

Adler:Do you know what he calls you? The Ice Man... and the Virgin. Didn't even ask for anything, he just likes to cause trouble - that's my kind of man.你知道他怎么叫你们吗?冰霜人和小处男。他不索取什么,只是想制造麻烦,正是我爱的类型。

Mycroft:And here you are, the dominatrix who brought a nation to its knees. Nicely played.而这就是你,让国家屈膝的施虐女王,真精彩。



S:I said no. Very, very close, but no. You got carried away. The game was too elaborate, you were enjoying yourself too much.我说不是的,就差一点了,但还不成功。你也被冲昏了头脑,这个有游戏太精益求精了,你太入迷了。

Adler:There's no such thing as too much.永远没有“过头”这种事。

S:Oh, enjoying the thrill of the chase is fine. Craving the distraction of the game, I sympathise, but sentiment? Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side.享受追猎的快乐当然可以,渴望用这游戏作为消遣,我理解,可是感情用事?感情用事是失败者的催化剂。

Adler:Sentiment? What are you talking about?感情用事?你在说什么?


Adler:Oh, dear God. Look at the poor man. You don't actually think I was interested in you? Why? Because you're the great Sherlock Holmes, the clever detective in the funny hat?上帝啊,看看这个可怜的男人,你不会真以为我对你有兴趣吧?为什么?因为你是伟大的夏洛克·福尔摩斯,带着滑稽帽子的聪明侦探?

S:No. Because I took your pulse. Elevated. Your pupils dilated. I imagine John Watson thinks love's a mystery to me, but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive. When we first met, you told me that disguise is always a self-portrait - how true of you. the combination to your safe, your measurements - but this, this is far more intimate, this is your heart and you should never let it rule your head. You could have chosen any number and walked out with everything. But you just couldn't resist it, could you? I've always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage. Thank you for the final proof.不,因为我测了你的脉搏,脉搏加快,你的瞳孔放大。约翰·华生大概以为我不解风情,但那些化学反应非常简单,充满破坏性,我们第一次见面时你告诉我,伪装通常像自画像,说的太对了,你保险箱的密码,是你的三围,可这个还要私密得多,这是你的内心,你绝不该让它控制你的头脑。你本可以随便选一组数字,带着一切战利品走出这里,可你就是没法抗拒对吧?我一直觉得爱是种危险的弱点,谢谢你给了我最终证明。

Adler:Everything I said, it's not real. I was just playing the game.我说的一切都不是真的,我只是在玩游戏。

S:I know. And this is just losing. There you are, Brother, hope the contents make up for any inconvenience caused tonight.我知道,而你刚刚输掉了。给你老哥。希望里面的内容可以弥补我今晚带来的麻烦。

Mycroft:I'm certain they will.我想会的。

S:If you're feelingkind, lock her up, let her go and I doubt she'll survive long. 想发善心的话,把她关起来,如果放她走,我觉得她失去保护不会活太久了。

Adler:Are you expecting meto beg?你想让我求饶?


Adler:Please. You're right. I won't even last six months.求你了,你说的对,我连6个月都活不过。

S:Sorry about dinner.抱歉不能一起晚餐了。

You don't smoke.你不抽烟的。

Mycroft:I also don't frequent cafes.我也不常去咖啡馆。

W:This the file onIrene Adler?这是艾琳·艾德勒的档案?

Mycroft:Closed forever. I am about to go and inform my brother - or, if you prefer, you are - that she somehow got herself into a witness protection scheme in America. New name, new identity. She will survive and thrive... but he will never see her again.永久封档。我正要去告诉我弟弟,如果你想的话你去,不知怎的,她挤进了美国证人保护计划。新名字,新身份,她会活下来有声有色,但是他不会再见到她了。

W:Why would he care? He despised her at the end. Won't even mention her by name, just 'The Woman'.他为什么会在意?他最后很藐视她,从没提过她的名字,只是说"那位女人"。

Mycroft:Is that loathing or a salute? One of a kind, the one woman who matters.这是厌恶,还是致敬?独一无二,唯一让人在意的女人。

W:He's not like that. He doesn't feel things that way, I don't think.他不是那种人,他没有那种感觉,我觉得不会。

Mycroft:My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?我的弟弟有着科学家或者哲学家的头脑,可他选择成为一个侦探,谁能演绎推理他的心灵?

W:I don't know.我不知道。

Mycroft:Neither do I. But, initially, he wanted to be a pirate.我也不知道。可最开始他想成为一个海盗。

W:He'll be OK with this - witness protection, never seeing her again - he'll be fine.他对这些应该满意,保护证人,不再相见,他没问题的。

Mycroft:I agree. That's why I decided to tell him that.我同意。所以我才决定这样告诉他

W:Instead of what?而不是告诉他什么?

Mycroft:She's dead.She was captured by a terrorist cell inKarachi two months ago and beheaded.她已经死了,两个月前被卡拉奇(巴基斯坦)的恐怖组织抓获,已经被斩首。

W:It was definitely her? She's done this before.确定是她吗?她以前也假死过。

Mycroft:I was thorough this time.我这次很确定。

It would take Sherlock Holmes to fool me, and I don't think he was on hand, do you? So... What shall we tell Sherlock?除非夏洛克才能骗过我,我不觉得是他安排的,你觉得呢?所以那我们怎么告诉夏洛克?

S:Clearly you've got news. If it's about the Leeds triple murder, it was the gardener. Did nobody notice the earring?显然你有消息要说,如果是利兹发生的三重谋杀案是园丁,没人注意耳环吗?

W:Hi. Er no, it's, um...it's about Irene Adler.嗨,不,是关于艾琳·艾德勒。

S:Well? Something happened? Has she come back?什么?发生什么事了,她回来了吗?

W:No, she's... I bumped into Mycroft downstairs, he had to take a call.不是她...我在楼下碰到了麦克罗夫特他在接电话。

S:Is she back in London?她回伦敦了吗?

W:No... She's, er... She's in America.没有,她在...她在美国。


W:Got herself on a witness protection scheme, apparently. Don't know how she swung it, but...well, you know.加入了美国证人保护计划,不知道她怎么挤进去的,不过你明白的。

S:I know what?明白什么?

W:You won't be able to see her again.你再也无法见到她了。

S:Why would I want to see her again?我为什么想再见到她?

W:Didn't say you did.我也没这么说。

S:Is that herfile?这是她的档案?

W:Yes, I was going to take it back to Mycroft. Doyou want to...是的,我正要带回给麦克罗夫特。你是不是想要...

W:Listen, actually...听着,事实上..

S:But I will have the camera-phone though.不过我要里面的拍照手机。

W:There's nothing on it, it's been stripped...里面什么都没存,已经被清空了。

S:I know, but I... I'llstill have it.我知道,可我...还是留着吧。

W:I've got to give this back to Mycroft, you can't keep it. Sherlock, I have to give this to

Mycroft, it's the government's now...我得还给麦克罗夫特你不能留着,夏洛克我必须给麦考夫,它现在属于政府


S:Thank you.谢谢。

W:Well, I'd better take this back.我最好把这个拿回去。


W:Did she ever text you again, after all that?事情过后,她还给你发过短信吗?

S:Once, a few months ago.只有一次,几个月前。

W:What did she say?她说什么?

S:"Goodbye, Mr Holmes."再见福尔摩斯先生。

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