
英文 中文
Spirit of my silence I can hear you 我能听见你沉默的心绪
But I'm afraid to be near you 但我却不敢靠近
And I don't know where to begin 我不知该从何开始
And I don't know where to begin 我不知该从何开始
Okay, I'm ready. 我准备好了
You promise you like your gift? 你保证喜欢我送的礼物吗
The towel? It's absolutely terrible. 这条毛巾吗简直糟透了
Suit's on? 穿戴好了吗
- Yes, ma'am. - Your birthday suit. -是的-你的生日礼服[双关"裸体"]
Only one I've got. 就一条毛巾
I had to put the lingerie on top of my clothes. 我只能把内衣套在外面了
I see that. 看出来了
It wasn't a great moment for me. 这感觉一点也不好
Tradition is tradition. 尊重传统嘛
Yeah. But I'm gonna go ahead 是啊不过今年呢
and spare us both the seductive birthday dance this year. 我们就不跳撩人生日舞折磨彼此了
I'm sorry, baby, but it's my birthday, 抱歉宝贝今天是我生日
and I would really, really like to see the dance. 而我非常非常想看生日舞
Your funeral. 恶心到了别怪我
Ready? Mm-hmm. 准备好了吗
You like it, right?? 喜欢吗
This is what you want? 你是想看这个吗
A little of that. 撩一下衣服
A little of that, for you? 是不是想看这里
I will gag you dead with that towel. 我真想用那条毛巾噎死你
Okay, okay. 我错了
- I'm quiet. - Come on. -我不笑了-能不能行
36只是一个数字 生日快乐
Amethyst and flowers on the table 桌上摆放着紫水晶和鲜花
Is it real or a fable 不知是真是假
Well, I suppose a friend is a friend 我想朋友总归只是萍水相逢
生日派对前你不许碰蛋糕 爱你凯特
And we all know how this will end 我们都知道结局将会如何
You suck. 真过分
What is that song you sing for the dead 你会用哪首歌悼念逝去的生灵
I see the signal searchlight strike me 我看见探照灯光照向我
In the window of my room 透过窗子照进房间
Got a sec, boss? 方便说话吗老板
Yeah. What's up? 是怎么了
Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐
Happy birthday... 祝你生日...
- Yeah... - to you -这...-快乐
Happy... 祝你...
I forgive you, mother, I can hear you 我原谅你了妈妈我能听见你的声音
And I long to be near you 我多想靠着你
We love your show. 我们特别喜欢你演的剧
Do you want to dance? 要来跳个舞吗
Uh-uh. No. But, um, 不了不过...
you know, you go ahead. 你们随便玩
It's my birthday today. 今天是我生日
36 today. 36岁了
- You don't look 36. - Yeah, -根本看不出来-客气了
I do. 看得出来
Happy 36th birthday to you 祝你36岁生日快乐
Happy 36th birthday to you 祝你36岁生日快乐
I have triplets inside of me 我怀了三胞胎
I am Shamu 我是杀人鲸
And we all know how this will end 我们都知道结局将会如何
Hey, Big Three. 三个小家伙
Do you three know how much I love your mother 你们三个知道我有多爱你们妈妈吗
I mean, do you even have any idea? 你们能想象得到吗
Yeah, we do. Now shut up 能快闭嘴吧
and let your fat-ass wife go to sleep. 让你家胖婆娘好好睡个觉
No. No, no, no. Birthday tradition is birthday tradition. 不行生日传统一定要坚持
So close your eyes in there, kids, 闭好眼睛哦孩子们
because Daddy's about to do some real terrible things to Mommy. 因为爸爸要对妈妈做坏坏的事情了
I see the signal searchlight strike me 我看见探照灯光照向我
找到他了 威廉·希尔62岁 家庭住址: 费城林肯街14号公寓4B
In the window of my room 透过窗子照进房间
Chimney swift that finds me be my keeper 燕子探寻到了我的踪迹
Silhouette of the cedar 在雪松上留下斑驳剪影
What is that song you sing for the dead 你会用哪首歌悼念逝去的生灵
What is that song you sing for the dead 你会用哪首歌悼念逝去的生灵
How could you possibly want me right now? 你怎么会现在对我有性趣
I see the signal searchlight strike me 我看见探照灯光照向我
In any state, my wife, you arouse me. 老婆你对我来说随时都是诱惑
In the window of my room 透过窗子照进房间
I bet I can make that go away. 我能让你一秒忍回去
- There's nothing you can say that's... - My water just broke. -你说什么都改变不了...-我羊水破了
- Yep? - Yeah. -是吗-对
You know when I think it all went wrong for me 我觉得我的人生偏离轨道
was 1986, second grade. 是在1986年小学二年级
They were sending the Challenger up into space. 当时挑战者号正要发射到太空
You remember the Challenger, right? 你们记得挑战者号吧
- Yeah. With Sandra Bullock? - No. -桑德拉·布洛克演的呗-不是
Christa McAuliffe, right? 是克里斯塔·麦考利夫
She was gonna be the first teacher into space. 她本来会成为第一位进入外太空的教师
She was actually gonna change the world. 她本来将会改变世界的
I don't know how, but you could feel that, you know? 虽然不知道如何改变但我就是相信
At least, in second grade, you could... you could feel it. 至少在二年级的时候我很相信
Middle of the school day, 那天上学
the teacher brings in a TV, right? 老师抬进来一台电视
We're all just sitting there, watching the launch, 我们都坐着看发射现场
a bunch of seven-year-olds just-just watchin'. 一群七八岁的孩子坐在一起看
And all of a sudden, boom! 突然一声巨响
The whole thing explodes. 飞船直接爆炸了
Little pieces of sweet Christa McAuliffe 克里斯塔·麦考利夫的碎片
come raining down all over the state of Florida. 洒遍了佛罗里达州的土地
It was awful. 太惨烈了
Maybe that's when I realized trying to change the world 也许就是那时我意识到了
just leads to being blown up 改变世界就意味着
into little pieces all over Florida. 被炸成碎片四处飘散
Maybe that's how I wound up as the Man-ny. 所以我才成了《靓男保姆》的演员
It's my sister. 我妹电话
Kate? 凯特
You... you didn't have any ice, so... 你...你没有冰块了所以...
Well, this is a low point. 这可真是人生低谷了
We're 36. 我们36了
We're officially late 30s. 正式进入三十的后半段
Like, we are deep in the threes. 马上就要奔四了
Yep. 没错
How did I get here? 我怎么会到这种地步
Like, how the hell did I get here? 我怎么会变成这幅样子
Remember second grade, the Challenger explosion? 还记得二年级挑战者号爆炸吗
You have got to stop with the Challenger explosion. 别再提挑战者号爆炸这事了
There's something there. 肯定有关系
You're the only good thing in my life, Kev. 你是我这辈子唯一美好的事情小凯
I'm not that great. Come on. 我可没那么好得了吧
I know. 我知道
That's what makes it worse. 所以我才更惨
I had this... 我憧憬着
whole dream life that I envisioned for myself. 自己梦想中的生活
A real career... ? 有份正经工作
I would marry a man like Dad. 嫁一个老爸那样的男人
I would be a mom like Mom. 做个妈妈那样的老妈
But look at me, Kev. 可你看看我小凯
Like, I ate my dream life away. 我把自己的梦想吃了个精光
So what do you... what do you want me to say to you, huh? 你想让我怎么安慰你
Wh-What... Give me the magic phrase, sis, 好妹妹只要能让你好受点
to say to make you feel better and I'll say it. 你想听什么我都跟你说
Tell me to quit feeling sorry for myself. I don't know. 让我别再自怨自艾之类的
Tell me to wake the hell up. Tell me, 让我振作起来让我...
tell me to lose the damn weight. 让我减掉这身该死的肥肉
Quit feeling sorry for yourself. 别再自怨自艾
All right? That can start right now. Wake the hell up. 明白吗马上就可以开始振作起来
And-and, you know... 还有还有...
the... What was the... what was the third thing? 第三...第三是什么事来着
Lose the damn weight. 减掉这身该死的肥肉
You want to say that again? 要再说一遍吗
I'm gonna lose the damn weight. 我要减掉这身该死的肥肉
You are a lot smarter than you look. 你比看起来要聪明多了
That's what Michael Bay told me. 迈克尔·贝[著名导演]也这么说我
Here you go. 放松点
Oh, yeah. Thank you. 好谢谢
Hey, do you realize me and the kids 你有没有意识到
are gonna have the same birthday? 我跟孩子们会是同一天生日
- I know. - Yeah. -对啊-是啊
Still, six weeks early is pretty early. 不过提前六周也早太多了
Yeah. I know. 是啊我知道
What the hell could this thing possibly be for? 这东西能干什么用啊
It's for rectal examinations. 是做肛检的
That one's from the dirty pile. 那个已经用过了
Sorry. 抱歉
Now, then, I'm Dr. Katowski, 我是卡托斯基医生
but you can call me Doc or Dr. K, 你们可以叫我医生或者卡医生
which is what most people choose to do 人们一般都这么叫我
because it's folksy. 因为这样更亲切
So you work with Dr. Schneider? 这么说你是施耐德医生的同事
Take a breath for me, dear. 来做个深呼吸亲爱的
Deep breath, now. 深呼吸
There you go. 很好
All right. You relaxed? Good, good, good. 好了放松点没很好很好
Dr. Schneider's appendix burst an hour ago. 一小时前施耐德医生阑尾破裂
He just went into surgery. 他刚刚去做手术了
No, no, no, no, no. Now, stay with me. 别怕别怕听我说
Oh, God. No, I need Dr. Schneider. 老天啊不行我需要施耐德医生
- 'Cause he knows about... - Stay with me now. -因为他了解我的...-听我说
Between his screams of agony, 虽然疼得直叫唤
Schneider brought me up to speed on everything concerning your case. 施耐德还是让我掌握了你的所有情况
I know all about these triplets, 我知道你怀的是三胞胎
- and I know that this is a high-risk pregnancy. - Yeah. -我知道你是高危妊娠-是的
But everything's gonna be all right. 但你一定会平安无事的
This is some kind of bad joke, right? 你是在跟我们开玩笑吗
It is not, unfortunately. 不好意思我没开玩笑
Now, sweetheart, I'm gonna get straight to your first concern. 亲爱的现在我要你注意听我说
Look at me now. Look at me. 看着我看着我
Do you see me? I am 73 years old. 看到我了吗我今年73了
- You know what that means, don't you? - No. -知道这意味着什么吗-不知道
That means I don't run wind sprints as fast as I used to, 这意味着我不能像以前一样跑得那么快
but my faculties are otherwise completely intact. 但我的身体机能依然十分良好
There are days that I wish they weren't, 有时我倒是希望不那么好
because then I would retire and spend my remaining days 那样我就能退休去安度晚年
doing something more glamorous 做点更有意思的事
than pulling eight-pound objects out of women's vaginas. 而不是把七八斤重的孩子从产道里拽出来
But until that time, 不过在那之前
I keep showing up here every day. 我每天都会来医院
All right? 明白了吗
I'm also aware that I'm a complete stranger to you, 我也知道对你来说我完全是个陌生人
and this is the biggest moment of your life. 而今天是你人生中最重要的日子
Yeah. 是的
All right? Honey, listen to me. 好了亲爱的听我说
I am the best of the best. 我是最好的医生
And I swear to you, on the lives of my children and my grandchildren, 我以我儿孙的性命向你保证
that I am up to the task. 我能胜任这场手术
- All right? - Okay. -好吗-好的
- All right. - Thank you. -那好-谢谢你
All right. Good. 很好
Now, which one of you's pregnant? 那么你们俩谁是孕妇
Now, that was a bad joke, 这就是逗你玩了
but you just continue to take those deep breaths... 不过你还要继续做深呼吸
Let's see... let me see if any of my people are here. 让我看看看看这儿有没有我的同族人
Let me take a little test. Sheket bevakasha! 我来做个小测试不许说话[希伯来语]
Jew! Jew! 你是犹太人你也是
Jew! 还有你
All right, hey! Come on! 好了注意了
And... action! 准备...开拍
What can I do to make you feel better, huh? 我怎么才能让你开心点
You want me to breastfeed you? 想让我喂你奶吗
Would that make you feel better, if I breastfed ya? 我喂你喝奶你会开心点吗
Yeah? Here we go. Let's try to... 是吗来吧咱们试试...
I'm-I'm sorry, guys. I need to cut. Uh... 很抱歉伙计们我得暂停一下
Sorry, everybody. A little technical difficulty. 抱歉各位出了点技术故障
Who wants a T-shirt? ? 谁想要纪念衫
- Hey, man. - What's up? -伙计-怎么了
I'm sorry. You know, I'm trying to understand, for my character, 很抱歉我在试着理解我的角色
you know, um, are-are we suggesting, you know, 我们是在暗示
that the Man-ny thinks a grown man can breastfeed a baby? 主人公真以为一个成年男人能给孩子喂奶吗
Are we saying the Man-ny's got brain damage? 难倒主人公是脑残吗
'Cause I could do a voice. 我可以把嗓音装得像点
Kevin, I know you care. 凯文我知道你在乎
I know you care about the character. 我知道你在乎这个角色
I do care about the character. Thank you. 我确实在乎这个角色谢谢
I also know that you're a 30-something-year-old actor 我还知道你已经三十多岁
whose biggest previous role 可你演过的最重要的角色
was a three-episode arc on Nashville. 只是《音乐之乡》里出现三集的龙套
So say the line or find another job. 好好念台词不然就另谋高就吧
Because trust me when I say that I'll have you replaced 相信我在你回到你的车上之前
by Ryan Gosling, Ryan Phillippe, or Ryan Reynolds 我就能找到瑞安·高斯林瑞安·菲利普
or any other handsome Ryan 瑞安·雷诺兹[皆为著名演员]
by the time you get to your car. 或者别的叫瑞安的帅哥顶替你
And believe me, my ratings will go up. 相信我收视率会上去的
Ryan Gosling would never do this crap. 瑞安·高斯林才不会拍这种垃圾
You are right, Kevin. 你说得对凯文
Ryan Gosling would never do this crap. 瑞安·高斯林绝不会拍这种垃圾
Remember that. 记住了
Come on, Annie! 加油安妮
Go get the ball, hon! 去抢球亲爱的
Hi, Daddy! 爸爸
Hi, sweetheart! There's the ball! 宝贝球在那儿呢
You want to play soccer? 你不去踢球吗
- It... ? - How's she doing? -球...-她怎么样
Uh, I think she's saving it for the second half. 我觉得她在为下半场保存体力
How's about her? 她呢
- Four boys crying and counting. - That's my little bad ass. -弄哭四个男孩了-这才是我家小霸王
- Switch? - Switch. -换吗-换
- Is that a... - French braid. Yes. -那是...-法式辫没错
Over, under, back through, baby! 两股头发交织一下宝贝
- Hi, Mommy! - All right, well, she made a friend. -妈妈-好吧她交到个朋友
I found him. 我找到他了
My father. 我父亲


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