

Confusion, Then Prayer, in Cockpit of Doomed Lion Air Jet

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As the seconds ticked by on the doomed Indonesian flight, the pilot handed the controls to his co-pilot and flipped through the pages of a technical manual, trying to figure out what was happening.


tick away/by/past

表示“(尤指等待某事发生时)时光在流逝,时间一点一点地过去”,英文解释为“if time ticks away, by, or past, it passes, especially when you are waiting for something to happen举个🌰:

We need a decision – time's ticking away.



表示“注定失败(或灭亡、毁灭)的”,英文解释为“certain to fail, die, or be destroyed举个🌰:

This is a doomed place.


flip through

表示“快速浏览;草草翻阅”,英文解释为“to look quickly at the pages of a magazine, book, etc.

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Then, as the nose of Lion Air Flight 610 repeatedly bucked downward, Harvino, the co-pilot, began to pray.

随后,随着狮子航空(Lion Air)610号班机的机头反复强行下压,副驾驶哈维诺(Harvino)开始祷告。


熟词僻义,表示“(尤指飞机)机头,(车辆的)前端突出部”,英文解释为“the front of a vehicle, especially an aircraft举个🌰:

The symbol was painted on each side of the plane's nose.



作动词,表示“猛烈颠簸,剧烈震荡”,英文解释为“to suddenly move up and down, or backwards and forwards, in an uncontrolled way举个🌰:

The plane bucked sharply.


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The supplication was caught on the final seconds of audio in the cockpit voice recorder.



表示“(尤指向当权者或上帝的)恳求,哀求,祈求”,英文解释为“when someone asks for help from someone in power or from God”。


黑匣子之一。驾驶舱通话记录器(Cockpit Voice Recorder,CVR),又称座舱通话记录器,仪器上的四条音轨分别记录飞行员与航空管制员的通话,正、副驾驶员之间的对话、机组员对乘客的广播,以及驾驶舱内各种声音(引擎声、警报声)。

A cockpit voice recorder (CVR) is a flight recorder used to record the audio environment in the flight deck of an aircraft for the purpose of investigation of accidents and incidents. (Wikipedia)

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God is great,” Mr. Harvino, an experienced Indonesian aviator, said, then recited a verse asking God to grant a miracle.


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But there was no miracle on Oct. 29, when the brand-new Boeing 737 Max 8 dived into the Java Sea in Indonesia, amid good weather, after 12 minutes in the air.

但10月29日那天没有发生奇迹。这架全新的波音737 Max 8坠入了印尼爪哇海,当时天气晴朗,时值飞机升空12分钟之后。

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I think he knew it was unrecoverable,” said Nurcahyo Utomo, the head of the air accident subcommittee of the Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee, who listened to and described the contents of the cockpit voice recorder that was retrieved from the ocean floor in January.

“我想他知道已无法扭转,”印尼交通安全委员会(Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee)飞机事故小组委员会负责人纽尔卡约·乌托莫(Nurcahyo Utomo)说,他听过并描述了1月从海底寻获的驾驶舱语音记录仪的内容。

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Until that point, he said, the pilots had sounded in control and calm.


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With the crash of a second nearly brand-new Boeing 737 Max 8 this month, when Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 slammed into the ground near Addis Ababa, there has been a renewed focus on the investigation into what caused Flight 610 to crash in Indonesia, killing all 189 people on board.

随着本月埃塞俄比亚航空302号班机撞到亚的斯亚贝巴附近地面,第二架近乎全新的波音737 Max 8坠毁,对于导致610班机在印尼坠毁、机上189人全部遇难的事故原因调查已再度引起关注。


表示“猛打,猛击,猛撞”,英文解释为“to hit or attack someone or something with a lot of force举个🌰:

All passengers died instantly when the plane slammed into the mountain.


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Indonesian transportation officials say they do not expect to publish a final report on the accident until July or August at the earliest. A preliminary report, based on the contents of the flight data recorder — one of the two so-called black boxes that give investigators clues to what happened in aviation accidents — was released in November.


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The cockpit voice recorder was not found until after the preliminary report was released, so the conversations between Bhavye Suneja, an Indian national who was piloting the plane, and Mr. Harvino were not included in the initial investigative account.

驾驶舱语音记录仪直到初步报告公布后才发现,因此机上印尼籍主驾驶巴维亚·苏内扎(Bhavye Suneja)与哈维诺之间的谈话内容未包含在初步调查结果当中。

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The report noted that the plane's nose suddenly shifted downward more than 20 times, a motion that investigators think may have been caused by the incorrect triggering of a new automated anti-stall system on the Boeing Max model.



表示“(飞机引擎的)停止运转,熄火”,英文解释为“if a plane goes into a stall, its engine stops working”。

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Since the Lion Air crash, pilots certified to fly the Max have complained that they were not briefed on the new system or on how to counter it should incorrect data force the nose down.



Since the Lion Air crash, Pilots certified to fly the Max have complained that [they were not briefed on the new system or on how to counter it should incorrect data force the nose down].

· 首先看整个句子结构,主语:pilots,飞行员,谓语:complain,抱怨,宾语:that [],抱怨的内容也就是that后面整个从句。

· pilots飞行员,什么样的飞行员,(who were) certified to fly the Max,用来修饰飞行员,经认证可驾驶该Max机型的飞行员。

· 具体来看抱怨的内容[they were not briefed on the new system or on how to counter it should incorrect data force the nose down];飞行员抱怨了两件事情,由or分成两点:

其一,they were not briefed on the new system 他们没有听取过这一新系统的介绍、没有被介绍过这一新系统;这里的brief sb on sth表示“向某人介绍,提供信息”(to give someone all the information about a situation that they will need)

其二,抱怨了什么呢?也就是or后面的句子,注意or后面还有一个on,结合前面抱怨的内容,可以推出,抱怨的第二件事还是没有被介绍过/没有被告知某事,也就是they were not briefed on how to counter it. 没有被告知如何应对它。

而这里的它指的是什么呢?how to counter it should incorrect data force the nose down,后面还跟了个虚拟语气的倒装句,可还原为:if incorrect data should force the nose down, ,所以it指的就是虚拟语气所描述的情况——如果出现错误数据迫使机头下压,要如何解决?而飞行员抱怨的就是没有被告知解决办法。

所以我们可以把飞行员抱怨的第二点还原为:they were not briefed on how to counter it, if incorrect data should force the nose down. 他们没有被告知如何应对一旦错误数据迫使机头下压的情况。

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Indonesian aviation regulations bar the public release of a transcript of the audio in a cockpit voice recorder. But investigators from the National Transportation Safety Committee who listened to the recording described the sounds emanating from the cockpit as the flight crew fought to take control of a plane that seemed almost magnetically propelled toward earth.



作动词,表示“禁止,阻止”,英文解释为“to officially prevent someone from entering a place or from doing something”举个🌰:

They seized his passport and barred him from leaving the country.



表示“散发自;来自”,英文解释为“to come from or out of something举个🌰:

Wonderful smells were emanating from the kitchen.


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Throughout the brief flight, an ominous rattle could be heard on the voice recorder, evidence that a device called a stick shaker was clattering to alert the pilots of a potential stall that could lead to a crash, said Ony Soerjo Wibowo, an air safety investigator. A stall can occur when a plane ascends too sharply.

航空安全调查员奥尼·苏尔约·维博沃(Ony Soerjo Wibowo)说,在整个短暂的飞行中,语音记录仪中能听到一种令人不安的嗒嗒声,这表明名为自动震杆器的设备在发出咔嗒声,警告飞行员可能会失速,而失速可能会导致坠毁。飞机爬升过于迅猛可能引发失速。


表示“(使人感到)不吉利的,不祥的”,英文解释为“making you feel that something bad is going to happen”。


表示“(物体晃动发出的)嘎嘎声,咯吱声”,英文解释为“a short repeated sound, made when something shakes”。


表示“(使)发出撞击声”,英文解释为“if heavy hard objects clatter, or if you clatter them, they make a loud unpleasant noise举个🌰:

The tray slipped and clattered to the floor.


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Investigators have speculated that incorrect data — including a 20-degree differential between readings from two sensors designed to measure, essentially, the difference between the pitch of the plane and the direction it is moving through the air — could have mistakenly triggered both the stick shaker and the anti-stall system, which is called MCAS.


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The plane had recorded days of questionable data related to air speed, altitude and the angle of the plane's climb.


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In the first sign of trouble in its doomed flight on Oct. 29, the plane dipped around 700 feet, and in the subsequent minutes, MCAS appears to have kept dragging the plane's nose down, prompting the pilots to try to push the plane back up by using switches that control stabilizers on the tail.


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The flight crew radioed back to the air traffic control tower in Jakarta, the Indonesian capital, to request permission to return to the airport, which was granted. The pilot also asked for the plane to be given a 3,000-foot clearance above and below as it continued to roller coaster through the air.


roller coaster

本义作名词指“过山车,云霄飞车”,英文解释为“an exciting entertainment in an amusement park, like a fast train that goes up and down very steep slopes and around very sudden bends”,此处指的就是“像坐过山车一样,上下剧烈波动/颠簸”,英文解释为“to go up and down like a roller coaster; rise and fall”;

作名词,它还有“(局势的)急转突变,变幻莫测;(情绪的)大起大落”的意思(a situation which changes from one extreme to another, or in which a person's feelings change from one extreme to another),举个🌰:

He was on an emotional roller coaster for a while when he lost his job.


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Flight 610 never turned back to the airport.


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In the cockpit voice recording, the pilots discussed unreliable airspeed and altitude readings they were getting, national transportation safety officials said.


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They consulted the manual to deal with these anomalies. But they did not seem to know about the MCAS system, nor did they speak about what was causing the plane to repeatedly push downward.


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Shortly after Mr. Harvino's prayer, the plane disappeared from radar, and the cockpit voice recorder stopped. The plane plummeted 5,000 feet, crashing into the Java Sea with such force that parts of the fuselage turned into powder.



表示“暴跌,急剧下降”,英文解释为“to fall very quickly and suddenly举个🌰:

House prices have plummeted in recent months.



nose表示“机头” fuselage /ˈfjuːzɪˌlɑːʒ, -lɪdʒ/ 表示“飞机机身”,英文解释为“the main body of an aircraft举个🌰:

A close inspection revealed minute cracks in the aircraft's fuselage and wings.


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Mr. Harvino's remains are missing to this day.



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