Lesson 15 Good news

- Pronunciation

  • secretary /ˈsekrətəri/ secret /ˈsiːkrət, ˈsiːkrɪt/

- Words & Phases

  • news:[U]

    • a piece of ~;news agency:报社;newspaper

    • that’s news to me! [spoken] 我完全不知道

      ‘The meeting’s been cancelled.’ ‘That’s news to me!’

  • secretary

    • Secretary of State (美国)国务卿。美国的各部部长叫做 Secretary,the Secretary of Defense;Secretary of State 在英国指各部的大臣。the Foreign Secretary

    • Secretary - General (大型国际组织、政治组织的)秘书长,总干事,总书记:

      the UN Secretary General;the Secretary - General of the United Nations

    • He is secretary to the Governor 等句子里在 secretary 前面没有 a,后面接 to。

    • 职业:tester化验员,broker证券经纪人(好家伙,竟然是破产的人)

  • nervous:

    • ~ (about / of sth) 焦虑的;担忧的;惶恐的:

      She was so nervous about her exams that she couldn’t sleep.

    • nervous smile/laugh/look/glance

  • afford

    • can/could afford [usually negative] 买得起;(有时间)做,能做:
    • afford to do sth.
  • weak

    • a weak light / signal / sound 微弱的光线/信号/声音
    • 疲软的;萧条的: a weak currency 疲软的货币
  • interrupt

    • ~ sb. / sth. with sth.
    • Sorry to ~ you.
    • interruption [n]
  • more一般位于数词之后名词前,有时也可置于名词之后。如:

    She has got five more electric fans.她还有五台电扇。

    more除跟数词外,还可与a little,a few,a lot,several等词连用,而且名词也可是不可数名词。如:

    I'd like to buy a few more copies of English Weekly.我想再买几份《英语周报》。

  • see

    • to visit sb 拜访;看望;探视:

    • ~ sb (about sth) to have a meeting with sb 会见;会晤:

      »You ought to see a doctor about that cough. 你得找个大夫看看你的咳嗽。
      »What is it you want to see me about? 你找我有什么事?

  • study [C] a room, especially in sb's home, used for reading and writing 书房

  • look up

    • to get better : improve

      The economy is looking up.

      Things started to look up for me when I got the promotion.

    • look (something) up or look up (something)

    If you don't know what a word means, you should look it up (in the dictionary).
    look up a telephone number
    look up an article in the encyclopedia

    • look (someone) up or look up (someone) : =visit

    I told them to look me up if they came to town.

  • irritable: getting annoyed quickly or easily易怒的;暴躁的

    lose / keep your temper (with sb) 发脾气;忍住怒火:

    »She lost her temper with a customer and shouted at him.
    »I struggle to keep my temper with the kids when they misbehave.

- Sentences

  • 直接引语 & 间接引语

    • 直接引语:

      She said, "My brother likes English very much!"


      • 原话放入引号,不改动;
      • 原话前可用逗号,冒号,多用逗号;
      • 原话后的标点放入引号内
      • 时态不管
    • 间接引语

      • 无逗号冒号引号

      • 前后呼应(人称、时态、时间地点状语)

        "Would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow?"he asked.

        He asked me to have lunch with him the next day.

        Sb. said that...

        Sb. told me that...

  • He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.

    business is good/bad/slow.

    pay salaries.支付工资; collect salary 领工资

  • in a weak voice

  • an extra thousand pounds a year

    an extra ten minutes/three metres etc

    数目 + extra + n

    Could you get me two extra pieces of bread?

    extra: n.

    Extra! Extra! Read all about it! 号外号外,快来看呐!


  • so + adj./adv. such + adj. + n

  • 间接引语:

    • 表示一般真理,间接引语时态不变
    • 主语动词:say, tell, ask, admit, agree, reply, request, order, promise, etc.
    • 一般疑问句转述时注意连接词的使用

- Recommendation

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  • Wall Street1:Every dream has a price.
  • Wall Street2:Money Never Sleeps.
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