
Must eat food gourmet strategy of 2017 06 month 28 Guide: old Shanghai has many traditional snacks to eat one time, it is difficult to forget, so the friends to Shanghai must taste the food there, the following is the jy135 to share a food strategy to eat in Shanghai, everyone quickly collection it! Shanghai must eat food Gourmet 1 Yellow crab, crab shell was named for its yellow color and round shaped like a crab shell. The crab shell is made of crisp and fermented flour, and then made into a flat round cake. It is covered with sesame seeds and baked on the oven wall. This cake is delicious, salty, sweet and crisp. Some people write poetry to praise it "no cake shop to smell, entrance puff pastry". Yellow crab stuffing is salty and sweet two. Savory onion oil, fresh meat, crab, shrimp, sweet sugar, roses, red bean paste, jujube and other varieties. This product is best made by Wu Wan cake house at Weihai Wei junction of Shimen Road, Shanghai. 2, pork ribs, rice cake and ribs New Year cake is an economical and unique snack in Shanghai. It has a history of over 50 years. Shanghai has two famous spareribs rice cake - "Changzhou" and "fresh from". The "small Changzhou" rice cake is used in Changzhou, Wuxi and other places. After pickling with soy sauce, it is put in a mixed oil pan with soy sauce, oil, sugar, green onion, ginger and wine for a short time to take out when the color is purple red, the meat is fresh and tender, and the flavor is strong. At the same time, after cooking Songjiang rice, put it in the stone mortar and beat it again and again with a hammer, pounding it until the rice has no whole grain, every 500 kits of 20, each of which is wrapped in a small piece of steak for a short time, and then boiled in a sauce pan for a short time. When eating, five powder is sprinkled, then it has the Luzhou fragrance of the bone and the soft glutinous crisp of the cake. It's very delicious. The "fresh" pork ribs are mixed together with flour, diamond powder, five spices and eggs, and then wrapped on the surface of the ribs and cooked in oil. The ribs are golden, crisp and tender. At the same time, the Songjiang red rice with soy sauce, pork with sweet soybean paste, pour in hot pepper sauce. It is fragrant, sweet and spicy, and palatable. Shanghai's dawn restaurant "Xiao Changzhou" pork ribs New Year cake, "fresh" dim sum shop ribs annual cakes are the most distinctive. 3, chicken chicken Pan-Fried Mantou Pan-Fried Mantou is the characteristics of Shanghai snacks. This kind of snack is made from fermented flour and skin, and cooked with chicken sauce, Diced Pork, pork meat and frozen oil. Good Steamed Buns including pinch tip but also with chopped onions and sesame oil, brush on the surface, into the pan fried. The product form full, half Yellow Sesame and green onion, soft taste. The second half is crisp and delicious, filling juice, eat some incense. This snack is the best made in Shanghai Wangjia sand dim sum shop. 4, Shanghai City, the worse worse snail snail is famous for its unique flavor snacks. This kind of snack is used as the raw material for the longan snail produced in Tunxi, Anhui, which is rich in fat and beautiful head. After entering the store, it will be raised with clear water for two days, so that it can spit the silt, then put into the pot, add fennel, cinnamon and so on for a long time. Finally cooked escargot put old invention made worse. This bad snail is brown grey, fresh meat, stewed juice entrance mellow, delicious, very popular. This cuisine is a famous specialty snack in Shanghai Five Flavor Restaurant and refreshment shop. 5, the small Shaoxing chicken small Shaoxing chicken soup chicken run is authentic Shanghai snacks. The store was founded in 1947 by a Shaoxing person. Because the founders and the main operators were both Shaoxing people, a small Shaoxing world was formed here, so people named it "small Shaoxing chicken congee shop". Small Shaoxing chicken is cook


7, Kaiyang scallion noodles on onion oil is Shanghai famous snacks. The onion oil surface method is very particular. It first cuts the onion into an inch and fry it in a warm oil pan. Then the onion oil already used vegetable oil to fry, sugar wine soaked shrimp and the open onion oil. Cook the noodles, drain the soup, and combine onion oil. This kind of noodle is bright and colorful, and its food is lubricated and refreshing. Its shrimp flavor is delicious, and its onion is fragrant. It is rich in nutrition and is very popular. Onion oil noodle is a special snack in Shanghai lakeside dim sum restaurant. It is also one of Town God's Temple's famous snacks. 8, Baozi Stuffed with Vegetables prime Shanghai Chunfeng Songyue Caibao is building the special snack vegetarian restaurant. The shop has 70 years of history, it is combined with Beijing, Su Yang, help flavor in one, and Shanghai local flavor vegetarian restaurant. The store's vegetables, fried mushrooms, Luo Hanzhai, mushroom soup, fried crab powder, gluten noodles and other dishes in Shanghai are very famous, especially the shop made of vegetable bag is more famous, very popular. Vegetarian bags are made from pure white flour, and stuffing is made from seasoning of green vegetables, gluten, mushrooms, winter shoots, spiced tofu, and sesame oil, sugar and other condiments. After steaming the wrapped vegetable bag, the skin is soft and white, the heart is green in the green, bright and beautiful, one opens the cage and is full of room fragrance. This snack in Shanghai Yu Garden mall spring song on floor where you can enjoy vegetarian restaurant. 9, fry fry is Shanghai Steamed Buns Steamed Buns 100 years old jujube shendacheng snack shop produced unique flavor snacks. The oil steamed bun in the shop is long: the steamed bread is made in Nanxiang steamed bread with the fine powder which is not fermented. The steamed bread made by the factory is small and exquisite, its skin is golden yellow, its color is beautiful, its entrance is crisp, the meat is fresh and tender, and the bite of the soup is overflowing, fat and not greasy. After eating the tooth cheek, mouth, if the hot food, more rewarding. 10, grind sand round grind sand circle is one of Shanghai gourmet snack shop style, has a history of 70 years. In the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was an old lady surnamed Lei in the Shanghai San Pai tower. In order to make the soup easy to store and carry, she started the method of rolling white powder on the surface of cooked soup dumplings. Qiao Jiazha's dessert circle is to boil the red bean in Chongming County into sand after cooked. After sun drying, it becomes purple red powder. Then, the glutinous rice soup, including fresh meat or bean sand, sesame, is cooked, drained and rolled into a layer of bean powder. This kind of soup is fragrant and hot, and has strong aroma of red bean. It is soft and glutinous and easy to carry. It has been popular with tourists.

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