
前景提要:华生认为卷福的观察入微It was extraordinary, quite extraordinary。他们从公寓出发前往新的案发现场......


Got anything? 有什么发现?

S:Not much. 不是很多

So she's German? 她是德国人吗?

S:Of course she's not. She's from out of town,though. Intended to say in London for one night before returning home to Cardiff, so far, so obvious. 当然不是,但确实是外地来的,打算在回加迪夫的家之前在伦敦小住一夜,显而易见。

W:Sorry, obvious? 怎么显而易见了?

What about message?那这遗言又作何解释?

S:Dr Watson, what do you think? 华生医生,你怎么看?

W:Of the message? 遗言吗?

S:Of the body. You're a medical man. 尸体,你是个医生。

We have a whole team outside. 外面有一整个专业团队呢。

S:They won't work with me。我不需要他们的意见。

I'm breaking every rule letting you in here... 我坏了所有规矩放你进来

L:God help me. 上帝帮忙

S:Dr Watson! 华生医生

L:Oh, do as he says. Help yourself. Anderson, keep everyone out for a couple of minutes...如他所说,请便吧。安德森,带人到外面等着。

W:well, What am I doing here? 好吧,要我在这儿做什么?

S:Helping me make a point. 帮我清理思路

W:I'm supposed to be helping you pay the rent. 我是来帮你分担房租的。

S:This is more fun. 这可有趣得多。

W:Fun? There's a woman lying dead. 有趣个什么?一位女士横死在这里。

S:Perfectly sound analysis, but I was hoping you'd go deeper. 完美的分析,不过我希望还能再深入些。

W:As phyxiation, probably. Passed out, choked on her own vomit. Can't smell any alcohol on her. It could have been a seizure. Possibly drugs. 很可能是窒息而亡,被自己的呕吐物噎住昏倒。尸体上闻不出酒味,也许是癫痫发作,很可能是由药物引起。

S:You know what it was, you've read the papers.你知道那是什么,你看过报纸。

W:Well, she's one of the suicides. The fourth...? 这是其中一起自杀案,她是第四个受害者?

L:Sherlock,two minutes, I said,I need anything you got.夏洛克,我给了你两分钟,把你的发现都告诉我。

S:Victim is in her late 30s. Professional person, going by her clothes. I'm guessing the media, going by the frankly alarming shade of pink. Travelled from Cardiff today intending to stay in London one night. It's obvious from the size of her suitcase. 死者年龄三十好几,职业女性,从她的衣着来看,我猜是传媒界的,一身显眼的粉红色。今天刚从加迪夫过来,打算在伦敦住一晚,看她的手提箱的大小就知道了。

L:Suitcase? 手提箱?

S:Suitcase. Yes. She's been married  at least ten years, but not happily. She's had a string of lovers but none of them knew she was married. 手提箱,是的。她结婚起码十年,但不幸福。她有一票情人,但没有一个知道她结婚了。

L:Oh, for God's sake, if you're just making this up...老天啊,你就编故事吧。

S:Her wedding ring. Ten years old at least. The rest of her jewellery has been regularly cleaned, but not her wedding ring. Status of her marriage, right there.  她的婚戒起码有十年了,她别的首饰都做过定期保养,而婚戒却没有,婚姻不幸的证据就在此。

The inside of the ring is shinier than the outside. That means it's regularly removed. The only polishing it gets is when she works it off her finger. It's not for work, look at her nails. She doesn't work with her hands, so what or other who does she remove her rings for?戒指的里圈要比外圈光亮许多, 说明经常拿下来,戒指只有在她取下来时才会被磨亮。看她的指甲就知道这不是工作所需。她不是做手工活的。那她是为了什么或是谁取下戒指的呢?

Clearly not one lover, she'd never sustain the fiction of being single for that matter of time, so more likely a string of them. Simple.显然不止一个情人 不然这么长时间,她肯定掩饰不了已婚的身份,因此肯定不止一个。简单。

W:That's brilliant. 厉害

W:Sorry. 抱歉

L: Cardiff? 为什么是加迪夫?

S: It's obvious, isn't it?  显而易见,不是吗?

W:It's not obvious to me. 我可看不出来。

S:Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains?it must be so boring. 

Her coat it's slightly damp, she's been in heavy rain the last few hours no rain anywhere in London in that time. Under her coat collar is damp too. She's turned it up against the wind.神啊!你那小脑袋里到底装着什么?空空如也吧。 她的外套,有点潮湿,几个小时前她一定淋了场大雨,而当时伦敦没有下雨。外套领子也是湿的,她曾把领子立起来挡风。

She's got an umbrella in her left pocket but it's dry and unused. Not just wind, strong wind too strong to use her umbrella. We know from her suitcase that she was intending to stay overnight so she must come from a decent distance but she can't have travelled more than two or three hours because her coat still hasn't dried. So where has there been heavy rain and strong wind  within the radius of that travel time? Cardiff.左边口袋里有把伞,但是干的,没用过。所以风力不小,大风,大到无法撑伞。从她的手提箱可以推出她打算在此过夜。因此她肯定是从远方来的,但行程不可能超过两三个小时,因为她的外套还没干。因此,在那段时间内既下大雨又刮大风的地方就是加迪夫。

W:Fantastic. 太神奇了。

S:Do you know you do that out loud? 你也太大声了吧。

W:Sorry, I'll shut up. 抱歉,我不说了。

S:No, it's...fine. 不,没关系。

L:Why do you keep saying suitcase?为什么你总提到手提箱?

S:Yes, where is it? She must have had a phone or an organiser.Find out who Rachel is.是啊,在哪里呢?她肯定带了手机或是掌上电脑。查出瑞琪儿是何人。

L:She was writing Rachel? 她写的是瑞琪儿?

S:No, she was leaving an angry note in German of course she was writing Rachel, no other word it can be. The question is why did she wait until she was dying to write it? 不,她写的是复仇的德语。当然写的是瑞琪儿,还会是什么字呢。问题是她为什么要在临死前写这个。

L:How do you know she had a suitcase? 你怎么知道她有个手提箱?

S:Back to the right leg, tiny splash marks on her heeling calf, not present on the left. She was dragging a wheeled suitcase behind her with her right hand,
get that splash pattern on the other way. Smallish case, going by the spread. Case that size,  woman this clothes-conscious -could only be an overnight bag so we know she was staying one night. Where is it, what have you done with it? 看右腿后侧,小腿肚上有些小泥点,而左腿上没有,她用右手拖着个手提箱,泥点则飞溅到右腿上,从泥点分布可以判断是短小的箱子。根据这大小的箱子,这位女士的穿着,只可能是那种便携小手提箱,所以我们知道她打算过一夜。箱子在哪里?你们检查过了吗?

L:There wasn't a case.根本没有箱子。

S:Say that again. 你说什么?

L:There wasn't a case. There was never any suitcase.没有箱子,这里根本没找到箱子。

S:Suitcase! Did anyone find a suitcase? Was there a suitcase in this house?箱子,有谁见过一个手提箱?这房子里有箱子吗?

L:Sir, there was no case! 先生,这里没有箱子!

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