专车 tailored taxi service
网络约车 online car-hailing services
亏损企业 enterprise running at a loss/money-losing firm/loss-making company
下岗潮 layoff wave
全面二孩政策 universal/overall two-child policy
网络视频直播 live video streaming
主播实名制 real-name system for live streaming hosts
奥林匹克休战 Olympic Truce
奥运代表团 Olympic delegation
旗手 flag-bearer
东道主 host country
出租车份子钱 taxi franchise fees
奥运会徽 Olympic Emblem
载人宇宙飞船 manned spaceship
经商头脑 a business brain
敏锐头脑 a keen mind
资金支持 financial backing
去产能 deal with overcapacities
化解房地产库存 destocking inventories
僵尸企业 zombie companies/firms/businesses
房产税 housing property tax
国务资政 state counselor
量子卫星 quantum satellite
国内漫游费 domestic roaming charges
“两岸一家亲”。 People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are all of one family.
开放型经济新体制 new systems for developing an open economy
海外利益保护体系 protection of Chinese interests overseas
共商共建共享原则 the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration
国际产能和装备制造合作 international cooperation on production capacity and equipment manufacturing
统筹国内国际两个大局 keep in mind both the domestic and international situations
通关一体化 customs integration
“港人治港”The people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong.
抗震能力 earthquake resistance capacity
民间借贷 private lending
全民健身活动 public fitness activities
诊断试验 diagnostic test
投资诈骗 investment fraud
谋大势、做实事Act with a broadvision, deliver concrete outcomes
集众智、聚合力Pool wisdom,form synergy
聚焦发展Focus on development