Python Tricks - Patterns for Cleaner Python

Covering Your A** With Assertions

Sometimes a genuinely helpful language feature gets less attention
than it deserves. For some reason, this is what happened to Python’s
built-in assert statement.


In this chapter I’m going to give you an introduction to using assertions
in Python. You’ll learn how to use them to help automatically
detect errors in your Python programs. This will make your programs
more reliable and easier to debug.


At this point, you might be wondering “What are assertions and what
are they good for?” Let’s get you some answers for that.


At its core, Python’s assert statement is a debugging aid that tests a
condition. If the assert condition is true, nothing happens, and your
program continues to execute as normal. But if the condition evaluates
to false, an AssertionError exception is raised with an optional
error message.


Assert in Python — An Example

Here’s a simple example so you can see where assertions might come
in handy. I tried to give this some semblance of a real-world problem
you might actually encounter in one of your programs


Suppose you were building an online store with Python. You’re working
to add a discount coupon functionality to the system, and eventually
you write the following apply_discount function:

def apply_discount(product, discount):
  price = int(product['price'] * (1.0 - discount))
  assert 0 <= price <= product['price']
  return price

Notice the assert statement in there? It will guarantee that, no matter
what, discounted prices calculated by this function cannot be lower than $0 and they cannot be higher than the original price of the product.


Let’s make sure this actually works as intended if we call this function
to apply a valid discount. In this example, products for our store will
be represented as plain dictionaries. This is probably not what you’d
do for a real application, but it’ll work nicely for demonstrating assertions.
Let’s create an example product—a pair of nice shoes at a price
of $149.00:

>>> shoes = {'name': 'Fancy Shoes', 'price': 14900}


By the way, did you notice how I avoided currency rounding issues
by using an integer to represent the price amount in cents? That’s
generally a good idea… But I digress. Now, if we apply a 25% discount
to these shoes, we would expect to arrive at a sale price of $111.75:

>>> apply_discount(shoes, 0.25)

currency rounding issues:这里是货币的舍入问题。作者用整数来规避了这个问题。这是一个不错的解决方式,但是我偏题了。

Alright, this worked nicely. Now, let’s try to apply some invalid discounts.
For example, a 200% “discount” that would lead to us giving
money to the customer:

>>> apply_discount(shoes, 2.0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
    apply_discount(prod, 2.0)
  File "<input>", line 4, in apply_discount
    assert 0 <= price <= product['price']


As you can see, when we try to apply this invalid discount, our
program halts with an AssertionError. This happens because a
discount of 200% violated the assertion condition we placed in the
apply_discount function.


You can also see how the exception stacktrace points out the exact line
of code containing the failed assertion. If you (or another developer
on your team) ever encounter one of these errors while testing the
online store, it will be easy to find out what happened just by looking
at the exception traceback.

通过exception traceback找到哪里出错了,找到the exact line of code。

This speeds up debugging efforts considerably, and it will make your
programs more maintainable in the long-run. And that, my friend, is
the power of assertions.


Why Not Just Use a Regular Exception?

Now, you’re probably wondering why I didn’t just use an if-statement
and an exception in the previous example…

You see, the proper use of assertions is to inform developers about
unrecoverable errors in a program. Assertions are not intended to
signal expected error conditions, like a File-Not-Found error, where
a user can take corrective actions or just try again.


Assertions are meant to be internal self-checks for your program. They
work by declaring some conditions as impossible in your code. If one
of these conditions doesn’t hold, that means there’s a bug in the program.

If your program is bug-free, these conditions will never occur. But if
they do occur, the program will crash with an assertion error telling
you exactly which “impossible” condition was triggered. This makes
it much easier to track down and fix bugs in your programs. And I like
anything that makes life easier—don’t you?


For now, keep in mind that Python’s assert statement is a debugging
aid, not a mechanism for handling run-time errors. The goal of using
assertions is to let developers find the likely root cause of a bug more
quickly. An assertion error should never be raised unless there’s a bug
in your program.


Let’s take a closer look at some other things we can do with assertions,and then I’ll cover two common pitfalls when using them in real-world

pitfall 陷阱。要介绍其他的用法了。

Python’s Assert Syntax

It’s always a good idea to study up on how a language feature is actually
implemented in Python before you start using it. So let’s take
a quick look at the syntax for the assert statement, according to the
Python docs:

assert_stmt ::= "assert" expression1 ["," expression2]


In this case, expression1 is the condition we test, and the optional
expression2 is an error message that’s displayed if the assertion fails.
At execution time, the Python interpreter transforms each assert statement
into roughly the following sequence of statements:

if __debug__:
  if not expression1:
    raise AssertionError(expression2)

expression1 是我们测试的条件,也就是assert后面跟的那个条件句子。expression2是一个错误信息,如果bug了就会抛出来。上面就是经过python解释器后大概的语句序列。

Two interesting things about this code snippet:

Before the assert condition is checked, there’s an additional check for
the debug global variable. It’s a built-in boolean flag that’s true
under normal circumstances and false if optimizations are requested.
We’ll talk some more about later that in the “common pitfalls” section.

Also, you can use expression2 to pass an optional error message that
will be displayed with the AssertionError in the traceback. This can
simplify debugging even further. For example, I’ve seen code like this:

if cond == 'x':
elif cond == 'y':
  assert False, (
    'This should never happen, but it does '
    'occasionally. We are currently trying to '
    'figure out why. Email dbader if you '
    'encounter this in the wild. Thanks!')

Is this ugly? Well, yes. But it’s definitely a valid and helpful technique
if you’re faced with a Heisenbug2 in one of your applications.


Common Pitfalls With Using Asserts in Python

Before you move on, there are two important caveats regarding the
use of assertions in Python that I’d like to call out.

caveat 警告

The first one has to do with introducing security risks and bugs into
your applications, and the second one is about a syntax quirk that
makes it easy to write useless assertions.

1.引入风险 2.无用的断言

This sounds (and potentially is) quite horrible, so you should probably
at least skim these two caveats below.

Caveat #1 – Don’t Use Asserts for Data Validation

The biggest caveat with using asserts in Python is that assertions can
be globally disabled with the -O and -OO command line switches, as
well as the PYTHONOPTIMIZE environment variable in CPython.

This turns any assert statement into a null-operation: the assertions
simply get compiled away and won’t be evaluated, which means that
none of the conditional expressions will be executed.


This is an intentional design decision used similarly by many other
programming languages. As a side-effect, it becomes extremely dangerous
to use assert statements as a quick and easy way to validate
input data.


Let me explain—if your program uses asserts to check if a function
argument contains a “wrong” or unexpected value, this can backfire
quickly and lead to bugs or security holes.

Let’s take a look at a simple example that demonstrates this problem.
Again, imagine you’re building an online store application with
Python. Somewhere in your application code there’s a function to
delete a product as per a user’s request.


Because you just learned about assertions, you’re eager to use them
in your code (hey, I know I would be!) and you write the following

def delete_product(prod_id, user):
  assert user.is_admin(), 'Must be admin'
  assert store.has_product(prod_id), 'Unknown product'

Take a close look at this delete_product function. Now, what’s going to happen if assertions are disabled?

There are two serious issues in this three-line function example, and they’re caused by the incorrect use of assert statements:

1.Checking for admin privileges with an assert statement is dangerous. If assertions are disabled in the Python interpreter, this turns into a null-op. Therefore any user can now delete products. The privileges check doesn’t even run. This likely introduces a security problem and opens the door for attackers to destroy or severely damage the data in our online store. Not good.

2.The has_product() check is skipped when assertions are disabled. This means get_product() can now be called with invalid product IDs—which could lead to more severe bugs, depending on how our program is written. In the worst case, this could be an avenue for someone to launch Denial of Service attacks against our store. For example, if the store app crashes if someone attempts to delete an unknown product, an attacker could bombard it with invalid delete requests and cause an outage.

1.谁都能操作了。 2.什么产品都可以删除,无论有还是没有。

How might we avoid these problems? The answer is to never use assertions
to do data validation. Instead, we could do our validation with regular if-statements and raise validation exceptions if necessary, like so:

def delete_product(product_id, user):
  if not user.is_admin():
    raise AuthError('Must be admin to delete')
  if not store.has_product(product_id):
    raise ValueError('Unknown product id')

This updated example also has the benefit that instead of raising unspecific
AssertionError exceptions, it now raises semantically correct
exceptions like ValueError or AuthError (which we’d have to
define ourselves.)

Caveat #2 – Asserts That Never Fail

It’s surprisingly easy to accidentally write Python assert statements
that always evaluate to true. I’ve been bitten by this myself in the past.
Here’s the problem, in a nutshell:

When you pass a tuple as the first argument in an assert statement,
the assertion always evaluates as true and therefore never fails.

For example, this assertion will never fail:

assert(1 == 2, 'This should fail')

This has to do with non-empty tuples always being truthy in Python. If
you pass a tuple to an assert statement, it leads to the assert condition
always being true—which in turn leads to the above assert statement
being useless because it can never fail and trigger an exception.

It’s relatively easy to accidentally write bad multi-line asserts due to
this, well, unintuitive behavior. For example, I merrily wrote a bunch
of broken test cases that gave a false sense of security in one of my test
suites. Imagine you had this assertion in one of your unit tests:

assert (
  counter == 10,
  'It should have counted all the items'

Upon first inspection, this test case looks completely fine. However, it
would never catch an incorrect result: the assertion always evaluates
to True, regardless of the state of the counter variable. And why is
that? Because it asserts the truth value of a tuple object.

Like I said, it’s rather easy to shoot yourself in the foot with this (mine
still hurts). A good countermeasure you can apply to prevent this syntax
quirk from causing trouble is to use a code linter. Newer versions
of Python 3 will also show a syntax warning for these dubious asserts.

By the way, that’s also why you should always do a quick smoke test
with your unit test cases. Make sure they can actually fail before you
move on to writing the next one.


Python Assertions — Summary

Despite these caveats I believe that Python’s assertions are a powerful
debugging tool that’s frequently underused by Python developers.

Understanding how assertions work and when to apply them can help
you write Python programs that are more maintainable and easier to

Key Takeaways

1.Python’s assert statement is a debugging aid that tests a condition
as an internal self-check in your program.
2.Asserts should only be used to help developers identify bugs. They’re not a mechanism for handling run-time errors.
3.Asserts can be globally disabled with an interpreter setting.

Complacent Comma Placement

字面意思不理解 ,慢慢往后看吧
Here’s a handy tip for when you’re adding and removing items from
a list, dict, or set constant in Python: Just end all of your lines with a

字面意思是 用逗号结尾......

Not sure what I’m talking about? Let me give you a quick example.
Imagine you’ve got this list of names in your code:

>>> names = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Dilbert']

Whenever you make a change to this list of names, it’ll be hard to tell
what was modified by looking at a Git diff, for example. Most source
control systems are line-based and have a hard time highlighting multiple
changes to a single line.


A quick fix for that is to adopt a code style where you spread out list,
dict, or set constants across multiple lines, like so:

>>> names = [
... 'Alice',
... 'Bob',
... 'Dilbert'
... ]

That way there’s one item per line, making it perfectly clear which one
was added, removed, or modified when you view a diff in your source
control system. It’s a small change but I found it helped me avoid silly
mistakes. It also made it easier for my teammates to review my code


Now, there are two editing cases that can still cause some confusion.
Whenever you add a new item at the end of a list, or you remove the
last item, you’ll have to update the comma placement manually to get
consistent formatting.

Let’s say you’d like to add another name (Jane) to that list. If you add
Jane, you’ll need to fix the comma placement after the Dilbert line to
avoid a nasty error:

>>> names = [
... 'Alice',
... 'Bob',
... 'Dilbert' # <- Missing comma!
... 'Jane'

When you inspect the contents of that list, brace yourself for a surprise:

>>> names
['Alice', 'Bob', 'DilbertJane']

As you can see, Python merged the strings Dilbert and Jane into DilbertJane. This so-called “string literal concatenation” is intentional and documented behavior. And it’s also a fantastic way to shoot yourself in the foot by introducing hard-to-catch bugs into your programs:

“Multiple adjacent string or bytes literals (delimited by whitespace), possibly using different quoting conventions, are allowed, and their meaning is the same as their concatenation.”

Still, string literal concatenation is a useful feature in some cases. For
example, you can use it to reduce the number of backslashes needed
to split long string constants across multiple lines:

my_str = ('This is a super long string constant '
          'spread out across multiple lines. '
          'And look, no backslash characters needed!')

On the other hand, we’ve just seen how the same feature can quickly
turn into a liability. Now, how do we fix this situation?

Adding the missing comma after Dilbert prevents the two strings from
getting merged into one:

>>> names = [
... 'Alice',
... 'Bob',
... 'Dilbert',
... 'Jane'

But now we’ve come full circle and returned to the original problem.
I had to modify two lines in order to add a new name to the list. This
makes it harder to see what was modified in the Git diff again… Did
someone add a new name? Did someone change Dilbert’s name?

Luckily, Python’s syntax allows for some leeway to solve this comma
placement issue once and for all. You just need to train yourself to
adopt a code style that avoids it in the first place. Let me show you

In Python, you can place a comma after every item in a list, dict, or set
constant, including the last item. That way, you can just remember
to always end your lines with a comma and thus avoid the comma
placement juggling that would otherwise be required.


Here’s what the final example looks like:

>>> names = [
... 'Alice',
... 'Bob',
... 'Dilbert',
... ]

Did you spot the comma after Dilbert? That’ll make it easy to add or
remove new items without having to update the comma placement. It
keeps your lines consistent, your source control diffs clean, and your
code reviewers happy. Hey, sometimes the magic is in the little things,


Key Takeaways

1.Smart formatting and comma placement can make your list, dict, or set constants easier to maintain.
2.Python’s string literal concatenation feature can work to your benefit, or introduce hard-to-catch bugs.

Context Managers and the with Statement

The with statement in Python is regarded as an obscure feature by some. But when you peek behind the scenes, you’ll see that there’s no
magic involved, and it’s actually a highly useful feature that can help
you write cleaner and more readable Python code.


So what’s the with statement good for? It helps simplify some common
resource management patterns by abstracting their functionality
and allowing them to be factored out and reused.


A good way to see this feature used effectively is by looking at examples
in the Python standard library. The built-in open() function provides
us with an excellent use case:

with open('hello.txt', 'w') as f:
  f.write('hello, world!')

Opening files using the with statement is generally recommended because it ensures that open file descriptors are closed automatically after
program execution leaves the context of the with statement. Internally,
the above code sample translates to something like this:

f = open('hello.txt', 'w')
  f.write('hello, world')

You can already tell that this is quite a bit more verbose. Note that the try...finally statement is significant. It wouldn’t be enough to just write something like this:

f = open('hello.txt', 'w')
f.write('hello, world')

This implementation won’t guarantee the file is closed if there’s an exception during the f.write() call—and therefore our program might leak a file descriptor. That’s why the with statement is so useful. It makes properly acquiring and releasing resources a breeze.


Another good example where the with statement is used effectively in
the Python standard library is the threading.Lock class:

some_lock = threading.Lock()
# Harmful:
  # Do something...

# Better:
with some_lock:
  # Do something...

In both cases, using a with statement allows you to abstract away most
of the resource handling logic. Instead of having to write an explicit
try...finally statement each time, using the with statement takes
care of that for us.


The with statement can make code that deals with system resources
more readable. It also helps you avoid bugs or leaks by making it practically
impossible to forget to clean up or release a resource when it’s
no longer needed.


Supporting with in Your Own Objects

Now, there’s nothing special or magical about the open() function or the threading.Lock class and the fact that they can be used with a with statement. You can provide the same functionality in your own classes and functions by implementing so-called context managers.

What’s a context manager? It’s a simple “protocol” (or interface) that your object needs to follow in order to support the with statement. Basically, all you need to do is add enter and exit methods to an object if you want it to function as a context manager. Python will call these two methods at the appropriate times in the resource management cycle.


Let’s take a look at what this would look like in practical terms. Here’s
what a simple implementation of the open() context manager might
look like:

class ManagedFile:
  def __init__(self, name): = name
  def __enter__(self):
    self.file = open(, 'w')
    return self.file
  def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
    if self.file:

Our ManagedFile class follows the context manager protocol and now supports the with statement, just like the original open() example did:

>>> with ManagedFile('hello.txt') as f:
... f.write('hello, world!')
... f.write('bye now')

Python calls __enter__ when execution enters the context of the with statement and it’s time to acquire the resource. When execution leaves the context again, Python calls __exit__ to free up the resource.

Writing a class-based context manager isn’t the only way to support the with statement in Python. The contextlib7 utility module in the standard library provides a few more abstractions built on top of the basic context manager protocol. This can make your life a little easier if your use cases match what’s offered by contextlib.

For example, you can use the contextlib.contextmanager decorator
to define a generator-based factory function for a resource that will
then automatically support the with statement. Here’s what rewriting
our ManagedFile context manager example with this technique looks

from contextlib import contextmanager
def managed_file(name):
    f = open(name, 'w')
    yield f
>>> with managed_file('hello.txt') as f:
... f.write('hello, world!')
... f.write('bye now')


In this case, managed_file() is a generator that first acquires the resource. After that, it temporarily suspends its own execution and yields the resource so it can be used by the caller. When the caller leaves the with context, the generator continues to execute so that any remaining clean-up steps can occur and the resource can get released back to the system.

The class-based implementation and the generator-based one are essentially equivalent. You might prefer one over the other, depending on which approach you find more readable.

A downside of the @contextmanager-based implementation might be that it requires some understanding of advanced Python concepts like decorators and generators. If you need to get up to speed with those, feel free to take a detour to the relevant chapters here in this book.

Once again, making the right implementation choice here comes down to what you and your team are comfortable using and what you find the most readable.

Writing Pretty APIs With Context Managers

Context managers are quite flexible, and if you use the with statement creatively, you can define convenient APIs for your modules and classes.

For example, what if the “resource” we wanted to manage was text indentation levels in some kind of report generator program? What if we could write code like this to do it:

with Indenter() as indent:
  with indent:
    with indent:

This almost reads like a domain-specific language (DSL) for indenting text. Also, notice how this code enters and leaves the same context manager multiple times to change indentation levels. Running this code snippet should lead to the following output and print neatly formatted text to the console:


So, how would you implement a context manager to support this functionality?

By the way, this could be a great exercise for you to understand exactly how context managers work. So before you check out my implementation below, you might want to take some time and try to implement this yourself as a learning exercise.

If you’re ready to check out my implementation, here’s how you might
implement this functionality using a class-based context manager:

class Indenter:
  def __init__(self):
    self.level = 0
  def __enter__(self):
    self.level += 1
    return self
  def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
    self.level -= 1
  def print(self, text):
    print('    ' * self.level + text)

That wasn’t so bad, was it? I hope that by now you’re already feeling
more comfortable using context managers and the with statement in
your own Python programs. They’re an excellent feature that will allow
you to deal with resource management in a much more Pythonic
and maintainable way.

If you’re looking for another exercise to deepen your understanding, try implementing a context manager that measures the execution time of a code block using the time.time function. Be sure to try out writing both a decorator-based and a class-based variant to drive home the difference between the two.


Key Takeaways

1.The with statement simplifies exception handling by encapsulating standard uses of try/finally statements in so-called context managers.
2.Most commonly it is used to manage the safe acquisition and release of system resources. Resources are acquired by the with statement and released automatically when execution leaves the with context.
3.Using with effectively can help you avoid resource leaks and make your code easier to read.

Underscores, Dunders, and More

Single and double underscores have a meaning in Python variable and method names. Some of that meaning is merely by convention and intended as a hint to the programmer—and some of it is enforced by the Python interpreter.


If you’re wondering, “What’s the meaning of single and double underscores in Python variable and method names?” I’ll do my best to get you the answer here. In this chapter we’ll discuss the following five underscore patterns and naming conventions, and how they affect the behavior of your Python programs:

  • Single Leading Underscore: _var
  • Single Trailing Underscore: var_
  • Double Leading Underscore: __var
  • Double Leading and Trailing Underscore: var
  • Single Underscore: _
Single Leading Underscore: “_var”

When it comes to variable and method names, the single underscore prefix has a meaning by convention only. It’s a hint to the programmer—it means what the Python community agrees it should mean, but it does not affect the behavior of your programs.

The underscore prefix is meant as a hint to tell another programmer that a variable or method starting with a single underscore is intended for internal use. This convention is defined in PEP 8, the most commonly used Python code style guide.


However, this convention isn’t enforced by the Python interpreter. Python does not have strong distinctions between “private” and “public” variables like Java does. Adding a single underscore in front of a variable name is more like someone putting up a tiny underscore warning sign that says: “Hey, this isn’t really meant to be a part of the public interface of this class. Best to leave it alone.”


Take a look at the following example:

class Test:
  def __init__(self): = 11
    self._bar = 23

What’s going to happen if you instantiate this class and try to access the foo and _bar attributes defined in its init constructor?


Let’s find out:

>>> t = Test() 
>>> t._bar

As you can see, the leading single underscore in _bar did not prevent us from “reaching into” the class and accessing the value of that variable.


That’s because the single underscore prefix in Python is merely an agreed-upon convention—at least when it comes to variable and method names. However, leading underscores do impact how names get imported from modules. Imagine you had the following code in a module called my_module:

def external_func(): 
  return 23
def _internal_func(): 
  return 42


Now, if you use a wildcard import to import all the names from the module, Python will not import names with a leading underscore (unless the module defines an __all__ list that overrides this behavior):

>>> from my_module import *
>>> external_func()
>>> _internal_func()
NameError: "name '_internal_func' is not defined"

很显然,带有前置下划线的模块并没有call到,这是在import *的情况下。

By the way, wildcard imports should be avoided as they make it un- clear which names are present in the namespace. It’s better to stick to regular imports for the sake of clarity. Unlike wildcard imports, regular imports are not affected by the leading single underscore naming convention:

>>> import my_module
>>> my_module.external_func() 
>>> my_module._internal_func() 


I know this might be a little confusing at this point. If you stick to the PEP 8 recommendation that wildcard imports should be avoided, then all you really need to remember is this:


Single underscores are a Python naming convention that indicates a name is meant for internal use. It is generally not enforced by the Python interpreter and is only meant as a hint to the programmer.


Single Trailing Underscore: “var_”

Sometimes the most fitting name for a variable is already taken by a keyword in the Python language. Therefore, names like class or def cannot be used as variable names in Python. In this case, you can append a single underscore to break the naming conflict:

>>> def make_object(name, class): 
SyntaxError: "invalid syntax"
>>> def make_object(name, class_): 
...  pass


In summary, a single trailing underscore (postfix) is used by convention to avoid naming conflicts with Python keywords. This convention is defined and explained in PEP 8.

说的很清楚,avoid naming conflicts 避免命名冲突。而这些命名冲突等问题主要还是因为作用域。

Double Leading Underscore: “__var”

The naming patterns we’ve covered so far receive their meaning from agreed-upon conventions only. With Python class attributes (variables and methods) that start with double underscores, things are a little different.

agreed-upon conventions:公约; __var有点不同。

A double underscore prefix causes the Python interpreter to rewrite the attribute name in order to avoid naming conflicts in subclasses.

This is also called name mangling—the interpreter changes the name of the variable in a way that makes it harder to create collisions when the class is extended later.

I know this sounds rather abstract. That’s why I put together this little code example we can use for experimentation:

class Test:
  def __init__(self): = 11
    self._bar = 23   
    self.__baz = 23

Let’s take a look at the attributes on this object using the built-in dir() function:

>>> t = Test()
>>> dir(t)
['_Test__baz', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__',
'__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__',
 '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__',
 '__init__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__',
 '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
 '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__',
 '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__',
 '__weakref__', '_bar', 'foo']

This gives us a list with the object’s attributes. Let’s take this list and look for our original variable names foo, _bar, and __baz. I promise you’ll notice some interesting changes.

嗯,我们注意到了。__baz变化成了 _Test__baz。其实这个的用处就是系统会自动的让这个变量变得独一无二,从而不会发生命名冲突。

First of all, the variable appears unmodified as foo in the attribute list.

Next up, self._bar behaves the same way—it shows up on the class as _bar. Like I said before, the leading underscore is just a convention in this case—a hint for the programmer.

However, with self.__baz things look a little different. When you search for __baz in that list, you’ll see that there is no variable with that name.

So what happened to __baz?

If you look closely, you’ll see there’s an attribute called _Test__baz on this object. This is the name mangling that the Python interpreter applies. It does this to protect the variable from getting overridden in subclasses.


Let’s create another class that extends the Test class and attempts to override its existing attributes added in the constructor:

class ExtendedTest(Test): 
  def __init__(self):
    super().__init__() = 'overridden'
    self._bar = 'overridden'
    self.__baz = 'overridden'


Now, what do you think the values of foo, _bar, and __baz will be on instances of this ExtendedTest class? Let’s take a look:

>>> t2 = ExtendedTest() 
>>> t2._bar 
>>> t2.__baz
AttributeError:"'ExtendedTest' object has no attribute '__baz'"


Wait, why did we get that AttributeError when we tried to inspect the value of t2.__baz? Name mangling strikes again! It turns out this object doesn’t even have a __baz attribute:

>>> dir(t2)
['_ExtendedTest__baz', '_Test__baz', '__class__',
'__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__',
 '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__',
 '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__',
 '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__',
 '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__',
 '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__',
 '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_bar', 'foo', 'get_vars']

在子类里我们看到的'_ExtendedTest__baz', '_Test__baz'

As you can see, __baz got turned into _ExtendedTest__baz to pre- vent accidental modification. But the original _Test__baz is also still around:

>>> t2._ExtendedTest__baz
>>> t2._Test__baz

Double underscore name mangling is fully transparent to the pro- grammer. Take a look at the following example that will confirm this:

class ManglingTest:
  def __init__(self):
    self.__mangled = 'hello' 
  def get_mangled(self):
    return self.__mangled
>>> ManglingTest().get_mangled() 
>>> ManglingTest().__mangled 
AttributeError:"'ManglingTest' object has no attribute '__mangled'"

Does name mangling also apply to method names? It sure does! Name mangling affects all names that start with two underscore characters (“dunders”) in a class context:

class MangledMethod: 
  def __method(self):
    return 42
  def call_it(self):
    return self.__method()

>>> MangledMethod().__method()
AttributeError:"'MangledMethod' object has no attribute '__method'" 
>>> MangledMethod().call_it()


Here’s another, perhaps surprising, example of name mangling in action:

_MangledGlobal__mangled = 23
class MangledGlobal: 
  def test(self):
    return __mangled
>>> MangledGlobal().test() 

In this example, I declared _MangledGlobal__mangled as a global variable. Then I accessed the variable inside the context of a class named MangledGlobal. Because of name mangling, I was able to reference the _MangledGlobal__mangled global variable as just __mangled inside the test() method on the class.


The Python interpreter automatically expanded the name __mangled to _MangledGlobal__mangled because it begins with two underscore characters. This demonstrates that name mangling isn’t tied to class attributes specifically. It applies to any name starting with two underscore characters that is used in a class context.

Whew! That was a lot to absorb.

To be honest with you, I didn’t write down these examples and explanations off the top of my head. It took me some research and editing to do it. I’ve been using Python for years but rules and special cases like that aren’t constantly on my mind.


Sometimes the most important skills for a programmer are “pattern recognition” and knowing where to look things up. If you feel a little overwhelmed at this point, don’t worry. Take your time and play with some of the examples in this chapter.

Let these concepts sink in enough so that you’ll recognize the general idea of name mangling and some of the other behaviors I’ve shown you. If you encounter them “in the wild” one day, you’ll know what to look for in the documentation.

Sidebar: What are dunders?

If you’ve heard some experienced Pythonistas talk about Python or watched a few conference talks you may have heard the term dunder. If you’re wondering what that is, well, here’s your answer:

Double underscores are often referred to as “dunders” in the Python community. The reason is that double underscores appear quite often in Python code, and to avoid fatiguing their jaw muscles, Pythonistas often shorten “double underscore” to “dunder.”


For example, you’d pronounce __baz as “dunder baz.” Likewise, __init__ would be pronounced as “dunder init,” even though one might think it should be “dunder init dunder.”

Double Leading and Trailing Underscore: “var

Perhaps surprisingly, name mangling is not applied if a name starts and ends with double underscores. Variables surrounded by a double underscore prefix and postfix are left unscathed by the Python interpreter:

class PrefixPostfixTest: 
  def __init__(self):
    self.__bam__ = 42
>>> PrefixPostfixTest().__bam__

However, names that have both leading and trailing double under- scores are reserved for special use in the language. This rule covers things like __init__ for object constructors, or __call__to make objects callable.

__xxx__ 不受解释器的影响,二来可以用作特殊用途,比如类的初始化和对象的可被调用。

These dunder methods are often referred to as magic methods—but many people in the Python community, including myself, don’t like that word. It implies that the use of dunder methods is discouraged, which is entirely not the case. They’re a core feature in Python and should be used as needed. There’s nothing “magical” or arcane about them.

dunder 魔法方法。认为这个方法应该被使用。

However, as far as naming conventions go, it’s best to stay away from using names that start and end with double underscores in your own programs to avoid collisions with future changes to the Python language.


Single Underscore: “_”

Per convention, a single stand-alone underscore is sometimes used as a name to indicate that a variable is temporary or insignificant.


For example, in the following loop we don’t need access to the running index and we can use “_” to indicate that it is just a temporary value:

 >>> for _ in range(32):
... print('Hello, World.')

You can also use single underscores in unpacking expressions as a “don’t care” variable to ignore particular values. Again, this meaning is per convention only and it doesn’t trigger any special behaviors in the Python parser. The single underscore is simply a valid variable name that’s sometimes used for this purpose.

In the following code example, I’m unpacking a tuple into separate variables but I’m only interested in the values for the color and mileage fields. However, in order for the unpacking expression to succeed, I need to assign all values contained in the tuple to variables. That’s where “_” is useful as a placeholder variable:

>>> car = ('red', 'auto', 12, 3812.4) 
>>> color, _, _, mileage = car
>>> color 
>>> mileage 
>>> _ 

_ 代表一个暂时的变量

Besides its use as a temporary variable, “_” is a special variable in most Python REPLs that represents the result of the last expression evaluated by the interpreter.

This is handy if you’re working in an interpreter session and you’d like to access the result of a previous calculation:

>>> 20 + 3 
>>> _
>>> print(_) 


It’s also handy if you’re constructing objects on the fly and want to interact with them without assigning them a name first:

>>> list()
>>> _.append(1) 
>>> _.append(2) 
>>> _.append(3) 
>>> _
[1, 2, 3]


Key Takeaways

1.SingleLeadingUnderscore“_var”: Naming convention in dicating a name is meant for internal use. Generally not enforced by the Python interpreter (except in wildcard imports) and meant as a hint to the programmer only.
2.Single Trailing Underscore “var_”: Used by convention to avoid naming conflicts with Python keywords.
3.Double Leading Underscore “__var”: Triggers name mangling when used in a class context. Enforced by the Python interpreter.
4.Double Leading and Trailing Underscore “__var__”: Indicates special methods defined by the Python language. Avoid this naming scheme for your own attributes.
5.Single Underscore “_”: Sometimes used as a name for temporary or insignificant variables (“don’t care”). Also, it represents the result of the last expression in a Python REPL session.

A Shocking Truth About String Formatting

Remember the Zen of Python and how there should be “one obvious way to do something?” You might scratch your head when you find out that there are four major ways to do string formatting in Python.


In this chapter I’ll demonstrate how these four string formatting approaches work and what their respective strengths and weaknesses are. I’ll also give you my simple “rule of thumb” for how I pick the best general-purpose string formatting approach.


Let’s jump right in, as we’ve got a lot to cover. In order to have a simple toy example for experimentation, let’s assume we’ve got the following variables (or constants, really) to work with:

>>> errno = 50159747054 
>>> name = 'Bob'

And based on these variables we’d like to generate an output string with the following error message:

'Hey Bob, there is a 0xbadc0ffee error!'

Now, that error could really spoil a dev’s Monday morning! But we’re here to discuss string formatting today. So let’s get to work.

1 - “Old Style” String Formatting

Strings in Python have a unique built-in operation that can be accessed with the %-operator. It’s a shortcut that lets you do simple positional formatting very easily. If you’ve ever worked with a printf-style function in C, you’ll instantly recognize how this works. Here’s a simple example:

>>> 'Hello, %s' % name 
'Hello, Bob'

I’m using the %s format specifier here to tell Python where to substitute the value of name, represented as a string. This is called “old style” string formatting.


In old style string formatting there are also other format specifiers available that let you control the output string. For example, it’s possible to convert numbers to hexadecimal notation or to add whitespace padding to generate nicely formatted tables and reports.


Here, I’m using the %x format specifier to convert an int value to a string and to represent it as a hexadecimal number:

>>> '%x' % errno 


The “old style” string formatting syntax changes slightly if you want to make multiple substitutions in a single string. Because the %-operator only takes one argument, you need to wrap the right-hand side in a tuple, like so:

 >>> 'Hey %s, there is a 0x%x error!' % (name, errno) 
'Hey Bob, there is a 0xbadc0ffee error!'

It’s also possible to refer to variable substitutions by name in your format string, if you pass a mapping to the %-operator:

>>> 'Hey %(name)s, there is a 0x%(errno)x error!' % 
... {"name": name, "errno": errno }
'Hey Bob, there is a 0xbadc0ffee error!'

This makes your format strings easier to maintain and easier to modify in the future. You don’t have to worry about making sure the order you’re passing in the values matches up with the order the values are referenced in the format string. Of course, the downside is that this technique requires a little more typing.


I’m sure you’ve been wondering why this printf-style formatting is called “old style” string formatting. Well, let me tell you. It was technically superseded by “new style” formatting, which we’re going to talk about in a minute. But while “old style” formatting has been de-emphasized, it hasn’t been deprecated. It is still supported in the latest versions of Python.

旧风格 不被强调,不被否决。

2 – “New Style” String Formatting

Python 3 introduced a new way to do string formatting that was also later back-ported to Python 2.7. This “new style” string formatting gets rid of the %-operator special syntax and makes the syntax for string formatting more regular. Formatting is now handled by calling a format() function on a string object.

You can use the format() function to do simple positional formatting, just like you could with “old style” formatting:

 >>> 'Hello, {}'.format(name) 
'Hello, Bob'

Or, you can refer to your variable substitutions by name and use them in any order you want. This is quite a powerful feature as it allows for re-arranging the order of display without changing the arguments passed to the format function:

>>> 'Hey {name}, there is a 0x{errno:x}error!'
.format(name=name, errno=errno)
'Hey Bob, there is a 0xbadc0ffee error!'

This also shows that the syntax to format an int variable as a hexadecimal string has changed. Now we need to pass a format spec by adding a “:x” suffix after the variable name.


Overall, the format string syntax has become more powerful without complicating the simpler use cases. It pays off to read up on this string formatting mini-language in the Python documentation.

In Python 3, this “new style” string formatting is preferred over %-style formatting. However, starting with Python 3.6 there’s an even better way to format your strings. I’ll tell you all about it in the next section.

3 – Literal String Interpolation (Python 3.6+)

Python 3.6 adds yet another way to format strings, called Formatted String Literals. This new way of formatting strings lets you use embedded Python expressions inside string constants. Here’s a simple example to give you a feel for the feature:

 >>> f'Hello, {name}!' 
'Hello, Bob!'

This new formatting syntax is powerful. Because you can embed arbitrary Python expressions, you can even do inline arithmetic with it, like this:

>>> a = 5
>>> b = 10
>>> f'Five plus ten is {a + b} and not {2 * (a + b)}.'
'Five plus ten is 15 and not 30.'

Behind the scenes, formatted string literals are a Python parser feature that converts f-strings into a series of string constants and expressions. They then get joined up to build the final string.

Imagine we had the following greet() function that contains an f-string:

>>> def greet(name, question):
... return f"Hello, {name}! How's it {question}?" 
>>> greet('Bob', 'going')
 "Hello, Bob! How's it going?"

When we disassemble the function and inspect what’s going on behind the scenes, we can see that the f-string in the function gets transformed into something similar to the following:

>>> def greet(name, question):
... return ("Hello, " + name + "! How's it " + question + "?")


The real implementation is slightly faster than that because it uses the BUILD_STRING opcode as an optimization. But functionally they’re the same:

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(greet)
  2     0 LOAD_CONST        1 ('Hello, ')
        2 LOAD_FAST         0 (name)
        4 FORMAT_VALUE      0
        6 LOAD_CONST        2 ("! How's it ")
        8 LOAD_FAST         1 (question)
       10 FORMAT_VALUE      0
       12 LOAD_CONST        3 ('?') 
       14 BUILD_STRING      5
       16 RETURN_VALUE

String literals also support the existing format string syntax of the str.format() method. That allows you to solve the same formatting problems we’ve discussed in the previous two sections:

 >>> f"Hey {name}, there's a {errno:#x} error!" 
"Hey Bob, there's a 0xbadc0ffee error!"


Python’s new Formatted String Literals are similar to the JavaScript Template Literals added in ES2015. I think they’re quite a nice addition to the language, and I’ve already started using them in my day-to-day Python 3 work. You can learn more about Formatted String Literals in the official Python documentation.

4 – Template Strings

One more technique for string formatting in Python is Template Strings. It’s a simpler and less powerful mechanism, but in some cases this might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Let’s take a look at a simple greeting example:

>>> from string import Template 
>>> t = Template('Hey, $name!') 
>>> t.substitute(name=name) 
'Hey, Bob!'

substitute 代替

You see here that we need to import the Template class from Python’s built-in string module. Template strings are not a core language feature but they’re supplied by a module in the standard library.

Another difference is that template strings don’t allow format specifiers. So in order to get our error string example to work, we need to transform our int error number into a hex-string ourselves:

>>> templ_string = 'Hey $name, there is a $error error!' 
>>> Template(templ_string).substitute(
... name=name, error=hex(errno))
'Hey Bob, there is a 0xbadc0ffee error!'

得自己先转化 所以有 hex(error)

That worked great but you’re probably wondering when you use template strings in your Python programs. In my opinion, the best use case for template strings is when you’re handling format strings generated by users of your program. Due to their reduced complexity, template strings are a safer choice.

The more complex formatting mini-languages of other string formatting techniques might introduce security vulnerabilities to your programs. For example, it’s possible for format strings to access arbitrary variables in your program.

That means, if a malicious user can supply a format string they can also potentially leak secret keys and other sensible information! Here’s a simple proof of concept of how this attack might be used:

>>> SECRET = 'this-is-a-secret' 
>>> class Error:
...   def __init__(self):
...     pass
>>> err = Error()
>>> user_input = '{error.__init__.__globals__[SECRET]}'
# Uh-oh...
>>> user_input.format(error=err) 

See how the hypothetical attacker was able to extract our secret string by accessing the __globals__ dictionary from the format string? Scary, huh! Template Strings close this attack vector, and this makes them a safer choice if you’re handling format strings generated from user input:

>>> user_input = '${error.__init__.__globals__[SECRET]}' 
>>> Template(user_input).substitute(error=err) 
ValueError:"Invalid placeholder in string: line 1, col 1"

Which String Formatting Method Should I Use?

I totally get that having so much choice for how to format your strings in Python can feel very confusing. This would be a good time to bust out some flowchart infographic...

But I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’ll try to boil it down to the simple rule of thumb that I apply when I’m writing Python.

Here we go—you can use this rule of thumb any time you’re having difficulty deciding which string formatting method to use, depending on the circumstances:

Dan’s Python String Formatting Rule of Thumb:

If your format strings are user-supplied, use Template Strings to avoid security issues. Otherwise, use Literal String Interpolation if you’re on Python 3.6+, and “New Style” String Formatting if you’re not.


Key Takeaways

1.Perhaps surprisingly, there’s more than one way to handle string formatting in Python.
2.Each method has its individual pros and cons. Your use case will influence which method you should use.
3.If you’re having trouble deciding which string formatting method to use, try my String Formatting Rule of Thumb.

“The Zen of Python” Easter Egg

I know what follows is a common sight as far as Python books go. But there’s really no way around Tim Peters’ Zen of Python. I’ve benefited from revisiting it over the years, and I think Tim’s words made me a better coder. Hopefully they can do the same for you.

Also, you can tell the Zen of Python is a big deal because it’s included as an Easter egg in the language. Just enter a Python interpreter session and run the following:

import this

The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one—and preferably only one—obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch. Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than right now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. Namespaces are one honking great idea—let’s do more of those!

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