【薄荷阅读】福尔摩斯探案 chapter10




Sherlock Holmes sprang to his feet the moment that she was gone and rushed into his room.
He returned in a few seconds wearing a coat and a scarf.
“I’ll follow her,” he said, hurriedly, “she must be an accomplice(同伙), and will lead me to him. Wait up for me.”
The hall door had hardly closed behind our visitor before Holmes had walked down the stair(楼梯).
那老妇出去了,Holmes 还没下完楼梯,大门就“砰”的一声关上了。

Looking through the window I could see her walking along the other side, while her pursuer followed her some little distance behind.
It was almost twelve o’clock before I heard the sharp(尖锐的) sound of Holmes opening the door.
The instant he entered I saw by his face that he had not been successful.

“I wouldn’t have the Scotland Yarders know it,” he cried, dropping into his chair,
“I have mocked(嘲笑) them so much that they would never have let me hear the end of it.”
“What is it then?” I asked.

“Oh, I don’t mind telling a story against myself.
That lady had gone a little way when she began to limp(跛行) and show every sign of being tired.
Presently she called a cab(马车) which was passing, and said loudly ‘Drive to 13, Duncan Street, Houndsditch.’
Having seen her safely inside, I hung on the back.
I jumped off before we came to the door, and walked down the street.
I saw the cab(马车) pull up.
The driver jumped down, and I saw him open the door and stand in shock.
No one came out. There was no sign or trace(痕迹) of his passenger.
On inquiring(调查) at Number 13, we found that no one of the name either of Sawyer or Dennis had ever been heard of there.”
后来她叫停了一辆经过的马车,大声的说:【去 Houndsditch区Duncan街13号!】

“You don’t mean to say,” I cried, in shock, “that that old woman was able to get out of the cab(马车) while it was in motion(行驶中的), without either you or the driver seeing her?”
“Old woman be damned!” said Sherlock Holmes, sharply.
“We were fooled by the old woman.
It must have been a young man, and a smart one, too, and he must also have been a good actor.
He saw that he was followed, no doubt, and used this means of escaping me.
It shows that the man we are after is not as lonely as I imagined he was.
He has friends who are ready to risk something for him.
Now, Doctor, you are looking tired. Take my advice and go to bed.” Holmes said to me.

I was certainly feeling very weary(疲倦的), so I obeyed his advice.
I left Holmes seated in front of the fire, and knew that he was still thinking over the strange problem which he had set himself to solve.
独留 Holmes坐在火炉前,默默思考着那个他认真解锁的谜案。

“Every effort should be made to find the secretary, Stangerson, and to find out some details(细节) of the habits of the dead man.
A great step had been gained by the discovery of the address of the house at which he had stayed—
a result which was entirely due to efforts and energy of Mr. Gregson of Scotland Yard.”
这一切都归功于Scotland Yard(苏格兰法庭)的Gregson侦探的不懈努力。”

Sherlock Holmes and I read this notice from The Daily News together at breakfast, and it appeared to afford him considerable enjoyment.
“Whatever happened, Lestrade and Gregson will be sure to get some credit.”
“That depends on(取决于) how it turns out.”
“不管发生什么,Lestrade和 Gregson肯定都能获得功劳。”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter in the least. If the man is caught, it will be because of their efforts;
if he escapes, the detectives(侦探) will also get praise for trying.
It’s heads I win and tails you lose.
Whatever they do, they will have followers.
They say that ‘a stupid person can always find an even more stupid person to admire him.’ ”

“What on earth is this?” I cried,
for at this moment there was a sound of many steps in the hall and on the stairs(楼梯), accompanied(伴随着) by the disgusted(厌烦的) voice of our landlady(房东太太).

“It’s the Baker Street division of the detective(侦探) police force,” said my companion,
and as he spoke, there rushed into the room half a dozen of the dirtiest street Arabs that I had ever put eyes on.
“Attention(立正)!” cried Holmes, in a sharp(尖锐的) tone(音调), and the six dirty little Arabs stood in a line.

“In future you should send up Wiggins alone to report, and the rest must wait in the street. Have you found it, Wiggins?”
“No, sir, we haven’t,” said one of the youths.

“I hardly expected you would. You must continue until you do. Here are your wages(工资).” He handed each of them a coin.
“Now, off you go, and come back with a better report next time.”

He waved his hand, and they ran away downstairs like so many rats, and we heard their loud voices next moment in the street.
“Those children are more useful than all the detectives(侦探) put together,” Holmes remarked.
“The mere sight of an official-looking person closes men’s lips.
These children, however, go everywhere and hear everything.
They are smart, too, and all you need is to organize them.”

“Is it on this Brixton case that you are employing them?” I asked.
“Yes. There is more I want to learn.
It is merely a matter of time.
Hello! We are going to hear some news now!
Here is Gregson coming down the road with happiness written upon every feature(五官) of his face. Bound for us, I know.
Yes, he is stopping. There he is!”
你看门外那笑的一脸褶子的 Gregson侦探,肯定是带来了什么他觉得特别好的消息。

There was a violent ring of the bell, and in a few seconds the detective(侦探) came up the stairs(楼梯), three steps at a time, and burst into our sitting-room.
“My dear fellow,” he cried, “congratulate me!
I have made the whole thing as clear as day.”

A shade of anxiety seemed to cross my companion’s face.
“Do you mean that you are on the right track?” he asked.
“The right track! Oh, sir, we have the man under lock and key.”
“And his name is?”
“Arthur Charpentier, sub-lieutenant in Her Majesty’s navy,” cried Gregson, rubbing(搓) his fat hands and puffing out his chest.
“Arthur Charpentier,是皇家海军的一名中尉。”Gregson搓着手,挺着胸膛大声说。

Sherlock Holmes gave a sigh of relief, and relaxed into a smile.
“Take a seat, and try one of these cigars,” he said.
“We are anxious to know how you managed it.
Will you have some whiskey(威士忌) and water? Let us hear how you arrived at this most satisfying result.” said Holmes.
“The fun of it is,” the officer cried, “that that fool Lestrade, who thinks himself so smart, has gone off upon the wrong track altogether.
He is after the secretary Stangerson, who had no more to do with the crime than an unborn baby.
I have no doubt that he has caught him by this time.”
The idea excited Gregson so much that he laughed until he started coughing.


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