- 8.22-26 Mon-Fri
- review old problems, note where's weak
- go over corresponding cc150 part, get a sense of how much time it takes to finish a section there
- (optional) finish refactor radiation-app;
- (try for fun) resume chrome plug-in
- 8.27-28 weekend
- with weakness in mind, practice those and make sure I understand completely. pratice practice practice!!
- read Algorithm for [graph, sorting]
- (try to do) new problems
- 8.29-9.2 Mon-Fri
- career-up & glassdoor: pass questions
- ... ()
- 9.3-9.4 weekend
- resume review
- mock interview
- publish past code to Github
- prepare chart
- 9.5-9.9 ongoing week
- review
- mock interview