

原文标题:Don’t fear the TSA cutting airport security. Be glad that they’re talking about it.



I ①Last week, CNN reported that the Transportation Security Administration is considering eliminating security at U.S. airports that fly only smaller planes — 60 seats or fewer. ②Passengers connecting to larger planes would clear security at their destinations.

II ①It’s not new: The TSA considered this back in 2011, and the agency reviews its security policies every year. ②But commentary around the news has been strongly negative. ③Regardless of the idea’s merit, it will almost certainly not happen. ④That’s the result of politics, not security: Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), one of numerous outraged lawmakers, has already penned a letter to the agency saying that “TSA documents proposing to scrap critical passenger security screenings, without so much as a metal detector in place in some airports, would effectively clear the runway for potential terrorist attacks.”

III ①We don’t know enough to conclude whether this is a good idea, but it shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand. ②We need to evaluate airport security based on concrete costs and benefits, and not continue to implement security theater based on fear. ③And we should applaud the agency’s willingness to explore changes in the screening process.

IV ①There is already a tiered system for airport security, varying for both airports and passengers. ②Many people are enrolled in TSA PreCheck, allowing them to go through checkpoints faster and with less screening. ③Smaller airports don’t have modern screening equipment like full-body scanners or CT baggage screeners, making it impossible for them to detect some plastic explosives. ④Any would-be terrorist is already able to pick and choose his flight conditions to suit his plot.

V ①There are two basic kinds of terrorists. ②The amateurs will be deterred or detected by even basic security measures. ③The professionals will figure out how to evade even the most stringent measures. ④The two things that have made flying safer since 9/11 are reinforcing the cockpit doors and persuading passengers that they need to fight back. ⑤Everything beyond that isn’t worth it.

VI ①Realistically, we need to analyze whether the increased security of any measure is worth the cost, in money, time and convenience. ②We spend $8 billion a year on the TSA, and we’d like to get the most security possible for that money. ③This is exactly what that TSA working group was doing. ④CNN reported that the group specifically evaluated the costs and benefits of eliminating security at minor airports, saving $115 million a year with a “small (nonzero) undesirable increase in risk.”

VII ①We need more of this kind of thinking. ②In 2017, political scientists Mark Stewart and John Mueller published a detailed evaluation of airport security measures based on the cost to implement and the benefit in terms of lives saved. ③They concluded that most of what our government does either isn’t effective at preventing terrorism or is simply too expensive to justify the security it does provide.

VIII ①The more we politicize security, the worse we are. ②People are generally terrible judges of risk. ③We fear threats in the news out of proportion with the actual dangers. ④We overestimate rare and spectacular risks, and underestimate commonplace ones. ⑤We fear specific “movie-plot threats” that we can bring to mind. ⑥That’s why we fear flying over driving, even though the latter kills about 35,000 people each year — about a 9/11’s worth of deaths each month. ⑦And it’s why the idea of the TSA eliminating security at minor airports fills us with fear. ⑧We can imagine the plot unfolding, only without Bruce Willis saving the day.

IX ①Very little today is immune to politics, including the TSA. ②It drove most of the agency’s decisions in the early years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. ③That the TSA is willing to consider politically unpopular ideas is a credit to the organization. ④Let’s let them perform their analyses in peace.


1. eliminate /ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt/ v. 消除;不加以考虑;拒绝

2. clear security 通过安检

3. destination /,destɪ'neɪʃən/ n. 目的地,终点

4. commentary /'kɒməntərɪ/ n. 评论

5. merit /'merɪt/ n. 优点,价值;功绩

6. numerous /'njuːmərəs/ a. 许多的,很多的

7. outraged /'autreidʒid/ a. 义愤填膺的;愤慨的

8. pen a letter 写信

9. scrap /skræp/ v. 废弃;使解体

10. security screening 安全检查

11. detector /dɪ'tektə/ n. 探测器

12. runway /'rʌnweɪ/ n. 跑道

13. dismiss /dɪs'mɪs/ v. 不予理会,不予考虑

14. security theater 安检表演

15. applaud /ə'plɔːd/ v. 赞同;称赞

16. tier /tɪə/ v. 使层层排列

17. enroll in参加

18. checkpoint /'tʃekpɒɪnt/ n. 检查站

19. scanner /'skænə/ n. 扫描仪

20. *plastic explosive塑性炸药

21. plot /plɒt/ n. 情节;阴谋

22. amateur /ˈæmətər/ n. 外行

23. deter /dɪ'tɜː/ v. 制止,阻止

24. evade /ɪ'veɪd/ vt. 逃避;逃脱

25. *stringent /'strɪndʒənt/ a. 严格的;严厉的

26. reinforce /riːɪn'fɔːs/ v. 加强,加固

27. cockpit /'kɒkpɪt/ n. 驾驶员座舱

28. persuade /pə'sweɪd/ v. 说服;使某人相信

29. nonzero /nɒn'zɪərəʊ/ a. 非零的

30. undesirable /ʌndɪ'zaɪərəbəl/ adj. 不良的;不受欢迎的

31. politicize /pə'lɪtɪsaɪz/ v. 使具有政治性

32. overestimate /əʊvərˈɛstɪmeɪt/ v. 对……估计过高

33. spectacular /spek'tækjʊlə/ a. 壮观的,惊人的

34. underestimate /ʌndər'estɪmeɪt/ v. 低估;看轻

35. commonplace /'kɒmənpleɪs/ a. 普通的,平凡的

36. unfold /ʌn'fəʊld/ v. 打开;呈现

37. save the day反败为胜;挽救局面

38. be immune to对……有免疫力;不受……的影响

39. credit to将……归于;归功于



I ①Last week, CNN reported that the Transportation Security Administration is considering eliminating security at U.S. airports that fly only smaller planes — 60 seats or fewer. ②Passengers connecting to larger planes would clear security at their destinations.


点评:I段描述事件:TSA考虑取消小型机场安检措施。①句开门见山,指出TSA针对机场安检的新措施。smaller planes将改革范围限定在小型机场,说明大型机场的安检程序不受影响。②句进一步指出转机到大型机场的乘客仍需在其目的地(即大型机场)接受安检,呼应①句所述改革范围。

II ①It’s not new: The TSA considered this back in 2011, and the agency reviews its security policies every year. ②But commentary around the news has been strongly negative. ③Regardless of the idea’s merit, it will almost certainly not happen. ④That’s the result of politics, not security: Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), one of numerous outraged lawmakers, has already penned a letter to the agency saying that “TSA documents proposing to scrap critical passenger security screenings, without so much as a metal detector in place in some airports, would effectively clear the runway for potential terrorist attacks.”


点评:II段描述议员们对TSA新举措的态度。①②句描述人们对机场安检改革的一贯态度。back in 2011、every year说明TSA早已有意进行改革。has been strongly negative借现在完成时态说明人们对改革的态度始终十分消极。③句指出,无论改革有何优点都几乎无法实现,进一步凸显消极观点的顽固。④句说明改革无法实现是“政治所导致的结果,而非安全自身存在问题”,并以一名议员的态度进行佐证。clear the runway字面意思为“清理机场跑道”,此处一语双关,指为恐怖分子清除障碍,即为其提供可乘之机。

III ①We don’t know enough to conclude whether this is a good idea, but it shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand. ②We need to evaluate airport security based on concrete costs and benefits, and not continue to implement security theater based on fear. ③And we should applaud the agency’s willingness to explore changes in the screening process.


点评:III段转折引出作者的不同观点。①句this回指上文所述TSA的改革,此处已与上文形成了一定转折(II段说明议员们强烈反对改革,而作者则认为TSA的改革正确与否目前尚无法做出定论),but进一步转折指出无论改革正确与否,也不应完全将其抛弃,实则说明改革有其价值和意义。②③句以We need to…we should表明作者对TSA改革的支持态度,同时暗示原先的机场安检不顾成本与效益,只是一种“安检表演”。

注:公共安全专家布鲁斯·施奈尔将那些看上去很有效,但实际意义并不大的安检措施称为“security theater(安检表演)”。

IV ①There is already a tiered system for airport security, varying for both airports and passengers. ②Many people are enrolled in TSA PreCheck, allowing them to go through checkpoints faster and with less screening. ③Smaller airports don’t have modern screening equipment like full-body scanners or CT baggage screeners, making it impossible for them to detect some plastic explosives. ④Any would-be terrorist is already able to pick and choose his flight conditions to suit his plot.



V ①There are two basic kinds of terrorists. ②The amateurs will be deterred or detected by even basic security measures. ③The professionals will figure out how to evade even the most stringent measures. ④The two things that have made flying safer since 9/11 are reinforcing the cockpit doors and persuading passengers that they need to fight back. ⑤Everything beyond that isn’t worth it.



VI ①Realistically, we need to analyze whether the increased security of any measure is worth the cost, in money, time and convenience. ②We spend $8 billion a year on the TSA, and we’d like to get the most security possible for that money. ③This is exactly what that TSA working group was doing. ④CNN reported that the group specifically evaluated the costs and benefits of eliminating security at minor airports, saving $115 million a year with a “small (nonzero) undesirable increase in risk.”



VII ①We need more of this kind of thinking. ②In 2017, political scientists Mark Stewart and John Mueller published a detailed evaluation of airport security measures based on the cost to implement and the benefit in terms of lives saved. ③They concluded that most of what our government does either isn’t effective at preventing terrorism or is simply too expensive to justify the security it does provide.


点评:VII段开始将分析由成本角度转入政治角度。①句承上肯定TSA改革的意义。②句引出另一项研究,based on the cost…the benefit…说明该研究同上段所述TSA专家小组的评估一样,都是以成本为依据。③句介绍研究结果:政府制定的措施或是无效,或是因成本过高而削弱了其正当性,从而呼应了III段所述的“安检表演”,并将视角从成本转入政治。

VIII ①The more we politicize security, the worse we are. ②People are generally terrible judges of risk. ③We fear threats in the news out of proportion with the actual dangers. ④We overestimate rare and spectacular risks, and underestimate commonplace ones. ⑤We fear specific “movie-plot threats” that we can bring to mind. ⑥That’s why we fear flying over driving, even though the latter kills about 35,000 people each year — about a 9/11’s worth of deaths each month. ⑦And it’s why the idea of the TSA eliminating security at minor airports fills us with fear. ⑧We can imagine the plot unfolding, only without Bruce Willis saving the day.




IX ①Very little today is immune to politics, including the TSA. ②It drove most of the agency’s decisions in the early years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. ③That the TSA is willing to consider politically unpopular ideas is a credit to the organization. ④Let’s let them perform their analyses in peace.


点评:IX段收束全文,提出建议。①②句说明TSA以往所受的政治影响。②句It指代①句politics。③句指出TSA在机场安检上的锐意改革。unpopular ideas即指取消小型机场安检的想法,credit to the organization说明此次改革不同于以往受政治因素所推动,而是出于TSA自身意愿,同时credit也表明作者对TSA做法的褒奖。④句提出建议:让TSA(them)能在平和的环境下进行评估与分析,即暗示II段提及的政客们不要再对TSA施压,呼吁人们在机场安全问题上赋予该机构更多的自主权。

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