Be getting more expensive

Used cars, travel and furniture are just some of many things that are getting more expensive


Just about everything is getting more expensive in the United States as the stimulus-fueled economy rebounds and Americans are again spending on shopping, traveling and eating out. But supply-chain woes mean supply isn't meeting demand — sending prices even higher.


US consumer prices in April increased 4.2% from a year earlier, more than the 3.6% economists had predicted. It was the biggest 12-month increase since September 2008, the height of the financial crisis.

4 月份,美国消费者物价指数同比提高了 4.2%,高于经济学家此前预测的 3.6%,这是 2008 年 9 月(经济危机最高峰时期)以来的最大同比增长率。

Over the past year, used car prices rose 21%. The auto market was whipsawed in the pandemic — first collapsing as people hunkered down at home and then spiking as they sought to travel without relying on public transportation.*** On top of that car manufacturers were closed or running at reduced capacity due to a shortage of computer chips used in vehicles. All this boosted the demand for used cars.

过去的一年里,二手车价格增长了 21%。汽车市场在疫情期间遭遇了双重压力——先是因为人们闭门不出,汽车市场惨淡;之后由于人们不愿依赖公共交通出门旅行,汽车销量又再度飙升。除此之外,由于车用计算机芯片的短缺,许多汽车制造商要么停产,要么以较低产能运转。这一切都促进了二手汽车的需求。

Prices for shelter and lodging, airline tickets, recreational activities, car insurance and furniture also contributed to the April price increases. Meanwhile, energy prices, which had been a major driver of inflation over the past months, came down slightly. Even so, over the past 12 months, the energy price index climbed more than 25%.

住房和租房、机票、娱乐活动、车辆保险以及家具的价格(上升)也造成了 4 月物价的上涨。与此同时,能源价格(过去几个月通胀的主要驱动力)略有下降。即便如此,在过去的 12 个月里,能源价格指数上升了超过 25%。

Price increases, supply chain problems and shortages have become hot-button issues for the global economy. Higher inflation was expected as the economy began to reopen. The Federal Reserve, whose mandate is to keep prices stable, continuously said that moderately higher prices this summer will be temporary. But the longer price increases persist, the more attention the Fed will have to pay to them.








n. 刺激物,促进因素

搭配短语:$1.9 trillion economic stimulus plan



v. 刺激,加强;为......添加燃料

例句:U.S. imports from China are surging, fueled by stay-at-home shoppers.





近义词:reopen / revive / recover

例句:The economy began to rebound / reopen / revive / recover.



n. 麻烦,问题

近义词:troubles / problems

搭配短语:financial woes

搭配短语:economic woes



v. 使进入某种状态;运送,邮寄

例句:The headache was sending me mad.

例句:The falling share prices sent the market into a panic.

the height of sth.


相关词汇:height(n. 高度;顶点,最佳点)

例句:Summer vacation is the height of the tourist season.

例句:He is at the height of his career.



v. 同时面临双重不利的情况(或压力)

词性拓展:whipsaw(n. 双人用的锯子)

英文释义:subject to two difficult situations at the same time




例句:Sri Lanka's hopes of a tourism-led economic revival have collapsed.

hunker down


搭配短语:to hunker down to fight coronavirus

同义表达:hunker down = hunker down at home



v. 激增,急升

英文释义:to rise quickly and reach a high value

例句:The US dollar spiked to a three-month high.

on top of sth.


词义辨析:on top of sth., on the top of sth.

这两个短语都可以表示“在......的上面”,且 on top of sth. 是 on the top of sth. 的省略说法。不过,on top of sth. 的用法更广泛,比如它还可以表示“除了......之外”,文章中的 on top of that 就表示“除此之外”。

例句:On top of his salary, he earns some pocket money every week.



n. 生产量,生产力

例句:The factory is working at full capacity.



v. 改善,提高,推动

搭配短语:to boost sb's confidence / ego

搭配短语:to boost exports

搭配短语:to boost profits



n. 出租的房间,寄宿的地方

相关词汇:lodge(v. 借宿)

英文释义:to pay rent to stay somewhere

例句:They chose to lodge with local families.



adj. 消遣的,娱乐的

相关词汇:creation(n. 创作,创造)


相关词汇:recreation(n. 再创作;娱乐,消遣)

搭配短语:recreational facilities

contribute to


相关词汇:contribute(v. 贡献,捐献;促成,造成(某事发生))

搭配短语:A contributes to B

例句:His carelessness contributed to the accident.



n. 驱动因素;司机

相关词汇:drive(v. 驱动;驾驶)

例句:Tourism industry is a key driver of the economy.


/ˈhɑːt ˌbʌt̬.ən/


相关短语:hot button(n. 重要而敏感的话题)

例句:Abortion has become a hot button.

搭配短语:a hot-button topic

搭配短语:a hot-button question




词性拓展:mandate(v. 下令)

例句:Many cities mandate social distancing.




adv. 适度地,温和地

例句:I only drink moderately.

例句:I did moderately well in the exam.



v. 持续,延续

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