那不勒斯四部曲IV-失踪的孩子 中英双语版15



I took refuge in the car, I started the

  engine, and with Imma on my knees I left. The baby seemed happy, she wanted

  to honk the horn, as Elsa had taught her, she spoke her incomprehensible

  little words alternating with shrieks of joy at my presence. I drove without

  a goal, I wanted only to get as far away from the house as possible. Finally

  I found myself at Sant’Elmo. I parked, turned off the engine, and discovered

  that I had no tears, I wasn’t suffering, I was only frozen with horror.


I couldn’t believe it. Was it possible

  that that Nino whom I had discovered as he was thrusting his taut sex inside

  the sex of a mature woman—a woman who cleaned my house, did my shopping,

  cooked, took care of my children; a woman marked by the struggle to survive,

  large, worn-out, the absolute opposite of the cultivated, elegant women he

  brought to dinner—was the boy of my adolescence? For the whole time I was

  driving blindly, perhaps scarcely feeling the weight of the half-naked Imma,

  who was pounding the horn in vain and happily calling me, I couldn’t give him

  a stable identity. I felt as if, entering the house, I had suddenly found out

  in the open, in my bathroom, an alien creature who usually stayed hidden

  inside the skin of the father of my third daughter. The stranger had the

  features of Nino, but wasn’t him. Was it the other, the one born after

  Ischia? But which one? The one who had impregnated Silvia? The lover of

  Mariarosa? The husband of Eleonora, unfaithful and yet closely bound to her?

  The married man who had said to me, a married woman, that he loved me, wanted

  me at all costs?


Along the entire route that led me to the

  Vomero, I had tried to cling to the Nino of the neighborhood and of high

  school, the Nino of tenderness and love, to get myself out of the revulsion.

  Only when I stopped at Sant’Elmo did the bathroom return to mind, and the

  moment when he had opened his eyes and seen me in the mirror, standing on the

  threshold. Then everything seemed clearer. There was no split between that

  man who came after Lila and the boy with whom—before Lila—I had been in love

  since childhood. Nino was only one, and the expression he had on his face

  while he was inside Silvana was the proof. It was the expression of his

  father, Donato, not when he deflowered me on the Maronti but when he touched

  me between the legs, under the sheet, in Nella’s kitchen.


Nothing alien, then, but much that was

  ugly. Nino was what he wouldn’t have wanted to be and yet always had been.

  When he rhythmically hammered against Silvana’s buttocks and was also kindly

  taking care to give her pleasure, he wasn’t lying, just as he wasn’t lying

  when he wronged me and was sorry, apologized, begged me to forgive him, swore

  that he loved me. He is like that, I said to myself. But that didn’t console

  me. I felt, rather, that the horror, instead of fading, found a more solid

  refuge in that statement. Then a warm liquid spread down to my knees. I shook

  myself: Imma was naked, she had peed on me.



Going home seemed unthinkable, even

  though it was cold and Imma risked getting sick. I wrapped her in my coat as

  if we were playing, I bought a new package of diapers, I put one on after

  cleaning her with a baby wipe. Now I had to decide what to do. Dede and Elsa

  would get out of school soon, irritable and hungry; Imma was already hungry.

  I, my jeans wet, without a coat, nerves tense, was shivering with cold. I

  looked for a telephone, I called Lila, I asked:


“Can I come to lunch at your house with

  the children?”


“Of course.”


“Enzo won’t be annoyed?”


“You know he’ll be pleased.”


I heard Tina’s happy little voice, Lila

  said to her: Quiet. Then she asked me with a wariness that she normally

  didn’t have:


“Is something wrong?”




“What happened?”


“What you predicted.”


“Did you fight with Nino?”


“I’ll tell you later, I have to go now.”


I arrived early at school. Imma had by

  now lost any interest in me, the steering wheel, the horn, and was howling. I

  forced her yet again to stay wrapped in the jacket and we went to find some

  cookies. I thought I was acting calmly—inside I felt tranquil: not fury but

  disgust still prevailed, a revulsion not different from what I would have

  felt if I had seen two lizards coupling—but I realized that the passersby

  were looking at me with curiosity, with alarm, as I hurried along the street

  in my wet pants, talking aloud to the baby, who, squeezed tight in the coat,

  was wriggling and wailing.


At the first cookie Imma quieted down,

  but her calm freed my anxiety. Nino must have put off his appointment, he was

  probably looking for me, I was in danger of finding him at school. Since Elsa

  came out before Dede, who was in her second year of middle school, I went and

  stood in a corner from which I could watch the entrance of the elementary

  school without being seen. My teeth were chattering with cold, Imma was

  smearing my coat with saliva-soaked cookie crumbs. I surveyed the area,

  nervously, but Nino didn’t appear. And he didn’t appear at the entrance of

  the middle school, from which Dede soon emerged in a flood of pushing and

  shoving, shouts, and insults in dialect.


The children paid little attention to me;

  they were very interested in the novelty of my coming to get them with Imma.


“Why are you holding her in the coat?”

  Dede asked.


“Because she’s cold.”


“Did you see she’s ruining it?”


“It doesn’t matter.”


“Once when I got you dirty you slapped

  me,” Elsa complained.


“It’s not true.”


“It’s very true.”


Dede investigated:


“Why is it that she has only a shirt and

  diaper on?”


“She’s fine like that.”


“Did something happen?”


“No. Now we’re going to have lunch at

  Aunt Lina’s.”


They greeted the news with their usual

  enthusiasm, then they settled in the car, and while the baby talked to her

  sisters in her obscure language, happy to be the center of their attention,

  they began to fight over who got to hold her. I insisted that they hold her

  together, without pulling her this way and that: She’s not made of rubber, I

  cried. Elsa wasn’t pleased with that solution and swore at Dede in dialect. I

  tried to slap her, I said, staring at her in the rearview mirror: What did

  you say, repeat it, what did you say? She didn’t cry, she abandoned Imma to

  Dede, muttering that taking care of her sister bored her. Then, when the baby

  reached out her hands to play, she pushed her away roughly. She shouted,

  assaulting my nerves: Imma, that’s enough, you’re bothering me, you’re

  getting me dirty. And to me: Mamma, make her stop. I couldn’t bear it

  anymore, I let out a scream that frightened all three of them. We crossed the

  city in a state of tension broken only by the whispering of Dede and Elsa,

  who were trying to understand if, again, something irreparable was about to

  happen in their lives.


I couldn’t even tolerate that

  consultation. I couldn’t bear anything anymore: their childhood, my role as

  mother, Imma’s babbling. And then the presence of my daughters in the car

  clashed with the images of coitus that were constantly before me, with the

  odor of sex that was still in my nostrils, with the rage that was beginning

  to advance, along with the most vulgar dialect. Nino had fucked the servant

  and then gone to his appointment, not giving a shit about me or even about

  his daughter. Ah, what a piece of shit, all I did was make mistakes. Was he

  like his father? No, too simple. Nino was very intelligent, Nino was

  extraordinarily cultured. His propensity for fucking did not come from a

  crude, naïve display of virility based on half-fascistic, half-southern

  clichés. What he had done to me, what he was doing to me, was filtered by a

  very refined knowledge. He dealt in complex concepts, he knew that this way

  he would offend me to the point of destroying me. But he had done it just the

  same. He had thought: I can’t give up my pleasure just because that shit can

  be a pain in the ass. Like that, just like that. And surely he judged as

  philistine—that adjective was still very widespread in our world—my possible

  reaction. Philistine, philistine. I even knew the line he would resort to in

  sophisticated justification: What’s the harm, the flesh is weak and I’ve read

  all the books. Exactly those words, nasty son of a bitch. Rage had opened up

  a pathway in the horror. I shouted at Imma—even at Imma—to be quiet. When I

  reached Lila’s house I hated Nino as until that moment I had never hated




Lila had made lunch. She knew that Dede

  and Elsa adored orecchiette with tomato sauce and she announced this,

  creating a rowdy scene of enthusiasm. That wasn’t all. She took Imma from my

  arms and cared for her and Tina as if suddenly her daughter had doubled. She

  changed them both, washed them, dressed them identically, cuddled them with

  an extraordinary display of maternal care. Then, since the two little girls

  had recognized each other at once and were playing, she put them down on an

  old carpet, to crawl around, babble. How different they were. Bitterly I

  compared the daughter of Nino and me to the daughter of Lila and Enzo. Tina

  seemed prettier, healthier than Imma: she was the sweet fruit of a solid



Meanwhile Enzo came home from work,

  cordially laconic as usual. At the table neither he nor Lila asked me why I

  wasn’t eating. Only Dede intervened, as if to take me away from her own bad

  thoughts and those of the others. She said: my Mamma always eats just a

  little because she doesn’t want to get fat, and I’m doing that, too. I

  exclaimed, threatening: You have to clean your plate down to the last bite.

  And Enzo, perhaps to protect my daughters from me, started a comical contest

  to see who could eat the most and finish first. He patiently answered Dede’s

  many questions about Rino—my daughter had hoped to see him at least for

  lunch—and explained that he had started a job in a workshop and was out all

  day. Then, at the end of the meal, in great secrecy, he took the two sisters

  into Gennaro’s room to show them all the treasures there. After a few minutes

  there was a burst of furious music, and they didn’t come back.


I was alone with Lila, and I told her

  every detail, in a tone between sarcasm and suffering. She listened without

  interrupting. I realized, the more I put into words what had happened, the

  more ridiculous the scene of sex between that fat woman and skinny Nino

  seemed. He woke up—at a certain point the words emerged in dialect—he found

  Silvana in the bathroom, and even before peeing he pulled up her skirt and

  stuck it in. Then I burst out laughing in a vulgar fashion and Lila looked at

  me uneasily. She used such tones, she didn’t expect them from me. You have to

  calm down, she said, and since Imma was crying we went into the other room.


My daughter, fair-haired, red in the

  face, was shedding large tears, her mouth open, and as soon as she saw me she

  raised her arms to be picked up. Tina, dark, pale, stared at her,

  disconcerted, and when her mother appeared she didn’t move, she called to her

  as if she wanted her to help her understand, saying “Mamma” clearly. Lila

  picked up both babies, settled one on each arm, kissed mine, drying her tears

  with her lips, spoke to her, soothed her.


I was amazed. I thought: Tina says

  “Mamma” clearly, all the syllables, Imma doesn’t do that yet and is almost a

  month older. I felt at a loss and sad. 1981 was about to end. I would get rid

  of Silvana. I didn’t know what to write, the months would fly by, I wouldn’t

  deliver my book, I would lose ground as well as my reputation as a writer. I

  would remain without a future, dependent on financial support from Pietro,

  alone with three daughters, without Nino. Nino lost, Nino over. The part of

  me that continued to love him appeared again, not as in Florence but, rather,

  as the child in elementary school had loved him, seeing him coming out of

  school. In confusion I searched for an excuse to forgive him in spite of the

  humiliation, I couldn’t bear to drive him out of my life. Where was he? Was

  it possible that he hadn’t even tried to look for me? I put together Enzo,

  who had immediately taken care of the two children, and Lila, who had freed

  me of every task and had listened, leaving me all the space I wanted. I

  finally understood that they had known everything before I arrived in the

  neighborhood. I asked:


“Did Nino call?”




“What did he say?”


“That it was foolish, that I should stay

  with you, that I should help you understand, that today people live like

  this. Talk.”


“And you?”


“I slammed the telephone down on him.”


“But he’ll call again?”


“Of course he’ll call again.”


I felt discouraged.


“Lila, I don’t know how to live without

  him. It all lasted such a short time. I broke up my marriage, I came to live

  here with the children, I had another child. Why?”


“Because you made a mistake.”


I didn’t like the remark, it sounded like

  the echo of an old offense. She was reminding me that I had made a mistake

  even though she had tried to get me out of the mistake. She was saying that I

  had wanted to make a mistake, and as a result she had been mistaken, I wasn’t

  intelligent, I was a stupid woman. I said:


“I have to talk to him, I have to

  confront him.”


“All right, but leave me the children.”


“You can’t do it, there are four.”


“There are five, there’s also Gennaro.

  And he’s the most difficult of all.”


“You see? I’ll take them.”


“Don’t even mention it.”


I admitted that I needed her help, I



“I’ll leave them until tomorrow, I need

  time to resolve the situation.”


“Resolve it how?”


“I don’t know.”


“You want to continue with Nino?”


I could hear her opposition and I almost



“What can I do?”


“The only thing possible: leave him.”


For her it was the right solution, she

  had always wanted it to end like that, she had never concealed it from me. I



“I’ll think about it.”


“No, you won’t think about it. You’ve

  already decided to pretend it was nothing and go on.”


I avoided answering but she pressed me,

  she said that I shouldn’t throw myself away, that I had another destiny, that

  if I went on like that I would lose myself. I noticed that she was becoming

  harsh, I felt that to restrain me she was on the point of telling me what for

  a long time I had wanted to know and what for a long time she had been silent

  about. I was afraid, but had I not myself, on various occasions, tried to

  urge her to be clear? And now, had I not come to her also so that finally she

  would tell me everything?


“If you have something to tell me,” I

  said, “speak.”


And she made up her mind, she looked at

  me, I looked down. She said that Nino had often sought her out. She said that

  he had asked her to come back to him, both before he had become involved with

  me and after. She said that when they took my mother to the hospital he had

  been particularly insistent. She said that while the doctors were examining

  my mother and they were waiting for the results in the waiting room he had

  sworn to her that he was with me only to feel closer to her.


“Look at me,” she whispered. “I know I’m

  mean to tell you these things, but he is much worse than I am. He has the

  worst kind of meanness, that of superficiality.”

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