那不勒斯四部曲IV-失踪的孩子 中英双语版9



During that same period my sister, after

  endless anxieties and protests, gave birth. She had a boy whom she named

  Silvio, after Marcello’s father. Since our mother was still not well I tried

  to help Elisa. She was white with exhaustion and terrified by the newborn.

  Seeing her son all smeared with blood and liquids had given her the

  impression of a small body in its death throes and she was disgusted. But

  Silvio was all too alive, he wailed desperately with clenched fists. And she

  didn’t know how to hold him, how to bathe him, how to take care of the wound

  from the umbilical cord, how to cut his nails. Even the fact that he was a

  male repulsed her. I tried to instruct her, but it didn’t last long.

  Marcello, always rather clumsy, treated me immediately with an apprehension

  beneath which I perceived annoyance, as if my presence in the house

  complicated his day. And Elisa, too, instead of being grateful, appeared

  annoyed by everything I said, by my very generosity. Every day I said to

  myself: that’s it, I have so many things to do, tomorrow I won’t go. But I

  kept going, until events decided for me.


Terrible events. One morning when I was

  at my sister’s house—it was very hot and the neighborhood was dozing in the

  burning-hot dust; several days earlier the station in Bologna had been blown

  up—a phone call came from Peppe: our mother had fainted in the bath. I

  hurried to her, she was in a cold sweat, trembling, she had an unbearable

  pain in her stomach. Finally I managed to make her see a doctor. Tests of

  various sorts followed and in a short time a serious illness was diagnosed,

  an evasive term that I learned to use immediately. The neighborhood resorted

  to it whenever the problem was cancer and the doctors did the same. They

  translated their diagnosis into a similar formula, maybe just a little more

  refined: the illness, rather than serious, was inexorable.


My father at that news immediately fell

  apart, he couldn’t tolerate the situation, and became depressed. My brothers,

  their expressions vaguely dazed, their complexions pasty, hovered for a while

  with an air of wanting to help, and then, absorbed day and night by their

  mysterious jobs, disappeared, leaving money, which was needed for doctors and

  medicines. As for my sister, she stayed in her house, frightened, untidy, in

  her nightgown, ready to stick a nipple in Silvio’s mouth if he merely hinted

  at a wail. Thus, in the fourth month of my pregnancy, the full weight of my

  mother’s illness fell on me.


I wasn’t sorry, I wanted my mother to

  understand, even if she had always tormented me, that I loved her. I became

  very active: I involved both Nino and Pietro, asking them to direct me to the

  best doctors; I took her to the various luminaries; I stayed with her in the

  hospital when she had an urgent operation, when she was discharged. I took

  care of everything once I brought her home.


The heat was unbearable, and I was

  constantly worried. While my stomach began to swell happily and in it grew a

  heart different from the one in my breast, I daily observed, with sorrow, my

  mother’s decline. I was moved by her clinging to me in order not to get lost,

  the way I, a small child, had clung to her hand. The frailer and more

  frightened she became, the prouder I was of keeping her alive.


At first she was as ill-tempered as

  usual. Whatever I said, she always objected with rude refusals, there was

  nothing she didn’t claim to be able to do without me. The doctor? She wanted

  to see him alone. The hospital? She wanted to go alone. The treatments? She

  wanted to take care of them alone. I don’t need anything, she grumbled, get

  out, you only bother me. Yet she got angry if I was just a minute late (Since

  you had other things to do it was pointless to tell me you were coming); she

  insulted me if I wasn’t ready to bring her immediately what she asked for and

  she would set off with her limping gait to show me that I was worse than

  Sleeping Beauty, that she was much more energetic than I (There, there, who

  are you thinking about, your head’s not there, Lenù, if I wait for you I’ll

  get cold); she criticized me fiercely for being polite to doctors and nurses,

  hissing, If you don’t spit in their faces, those pieces of shit don’t give a

  damn about you, they only help if they’re scared of you. But meanwhile inside

  her something was changing. Often she was frightened by her own agitation.

  She moved as if she feared that the floor might open beneath her feet. Once

  when I surprised her in front of the mirror—she looked at herself often, with

  a curiosity she had never had—she asked me, in embarrassment, do you remember

  when I was young? Then, as if there were a connection, she insisted—returning

  to her old violence—that I swear I wouldn’t take her to the hospital again,

  that I wouldn’t let her die alone in a ward. Her eyes filled with tears.


What worried me most was that she became

  emotional easily: she had never been that way. She was moved if I mentioned

  Dede, if she suspected that my father had no clean socks, if she spoke of

  Elisa struggling with her baby, if she looked at my growing stomach, if she

  remembered the countryside that had once extended all around the houses of

  the neighborhood. With the illness there came, in other words, a weakness she

  hadn’t had before, and that weakness lessened her anxiety, transformed it

  into a capricious suffering that frequently brought tears to her eyes. One

  afternoon she burst out crying because she had thought of Maestra Oliviero,

  although she had always detested her. You remember, she said, how she

  insisted that you take the test for admission to middle school? And the tears

  poured down without restraint. Ma, I said, calm down, what’s there to cry

  about? It shocked me seeing her so desperate for nothing, I wasn’t used to

  it. She, too, shook her head, incredulous, she laughed and cried, she laughed

  to let me know that she didn’t know what there was to cry about.



It was this frailty that slowly opened

  the way to an intimacy we had never shared. At first she was ashamed of being

  ill. If my father or my brothers or Elisa and Silvio were present at a moment

  of weakness she hid in the bathroom, and when they urged her tactfully (Ma,

  how do you feel, open the door) she wouldn’t open it, she answered

  inevitably: I’m fine, what do you want, why don’t you leave me in peace in

  the bathroom, at least. With me, on the other hand, out of the blue, she let

  go, she decided to show me her sufferings unashamedly.


It began one morning, at her house, when

  she told me why she was lame. She did it spontaneously, with no preamble. The

  angel of death, she said proudly, touched me when I was a child, with the

  exact same illness as now, but I screwed him, even though I was just a girl.

  And you’ll see, I’ll screw him again, because I know how to suffer—I learned

  at the age of ten, I haven’t stopped since—and if you know how to suffer the

  angel respects you, after a while he goes away. As she spoke she pulled up

  her dress and showed me the injured leg like the relic of an old battle. She

  smacked it, observing me with a fixed half-smile on her lips and terrified



From then on her periods of bitter

  silence diminished and those of uninhibited confidences increased. Sometimes

  she said embarrassing things. She revealed that she had never been with any

  man but my father. She revealed with coarse obscenities that my father was

  perfunctory, she couldn’t remember if sleeping with him had ever truly given

  her pleasure. She revealed that she had always loved him and that she still

  did, but as a brother. She revealed that the only good thing in her life was

  the moment I came out of her belly, I, her first child. She revealed that the

  worst sin she had committed—a sin for which she would go to Hell—was that she

  had never felt attached to her other children, she had considered them a

  punishment, and still did so. She revealed finally, without circumlocutions,

  that her only true child was me. When she said this—I remember that we were

  at the hospital for an examination—her distress was such that she wept even

  more than usual. She whispered: I worried only about you, always, the others

  for me were stepchildren; so I deserve the disappointment you’ve given me,

  what a blow, Lenù, what a blow, you shouldn’t have left Pietro, you shouldn’t

  have gone with Sarratore’s son, he’s worse than the father, an honest man who

  is married, who has two children, doesn’t take someone else’s wife.


I defended Nino. I tried to reassure her,

  I told her that there was divorce now, that we would both get divorced and

  then would marry. She listened without interrupting me. She had almost

  completely used up the energy with which she once rebelled, and insisted on

  being right, and now she confined herself to shaking her head. She was skin

  and bones, pale, if she contradicted me she did it with the slow voice of



“When? Where? Must I watch you become

  worse than me?”


“No, Ma, don’t worry, I’ll move forward.”


“I don’t believe it anymore, Lenù, you’ve

  come to a halt.”


“You’ll see, I’ll make you happy, we’ll

  all make you happy, my siblings and I.”


“I abandoned your brothers and sister and

  I’m ashamed.”


“It’s not true. Elisa has everything she

  wants, and Peppe and Gianni work, have money, what more do you want?”


“I want to fix things. I gave all three

  of them to Marcello and I was wrong.”


Like that, in a low voice. She was

  inconsolable, she sketched a picture that surprised me. Marcello is more

  criminal than Michele, she said, he pulled my children into the mud, he seems

  the better of the two but it’s not true. He had changed Elisa, who now felt

  more Solara than Greco and was on his side in everything. She talked for

  hours, whispering, as if we were waiting our turn not in the ugly, crowded

  waiting room of one of the best hospitals in the city but in some place where

  Marcello lurked nearby. I tried to make light of it, to calm her, illness and

  old age were making her exaggerate. You worry too much, I said. She answered:

  I worry because I know and you don’t, ask Lina if you don’t believe me.


It was here, on the wave of those

  melancholy words describing how the neighborhood had changed for the worse

  (We were better off when Don Achille Carracci was in charge), that she began

  to talk about Lila with an even more marked approval than before. Lila was

  the only one capable of putting things in order in the neighborhood. Lila was

  capable of harnessing the good and, even more, the bad. Lila knew everything,

  even the most terrible acts, but she never condemned you, she understood that

  anyone can make a mistake, herself first of all, and so she helped you. Lila

  appeared to her as a kind of holy warrior who spread avenging light over the

  stradone, the gardens, amid the old buildings and the new.


As I listened it seemed to me that now I

  counted, in her eyes, only because of my relationship with the neighborhood’s

  new authority. She described the friendship between me and Lila as a useful

  friendship, which I ought to cultivate forever, and I immediately understood



“Do me a favor,” she said, “talk to her

  and to Enzo, see if they can take your brothers off the street, see if they

  can hire them.”


I smiled at her, I smoothed a lock of

  gray hair. She claimed she had never taken care of her other children,

  meanwhile, bent over, hands trembling, nails white as she clutched my arm,

  she worried about them most of all. She wanted to take them away from the

  Solaras and give them to Lila. It was her way of remedying a tactical mistake

  in the war between the desire to do harm and the desire to do good in which

  she had been engaged forever. Lila, I observed, seemed to her the incarnation

  of the desire to do good.


“Mamma,” I said, “I’ll do everything you

  want, but Peppe and Gianni, even if Lina would take them—and I don’t think

  she would, they’d need to study there—would never go to work for her, they

  earn more with the Solaras.”


She nodded bleakly, but insisted:


“Try anyhow. You’ve been away and you’re

  not well informed, but here everyone knows how Lina put down Michele. And now

  that she’s pregnant, you’ll see, she’ll become stronger. The day she makes up

  her mind to, she’ll crush both of the Solaras.”



The months of pregnancy passed quickly

  for me, in spite of my worries, and very slowly for Lila. We couldn’t avoid

  noting that the feelings of expecting were very different for each of us. I

  said things like I’m already at the fourth month, she said things like I’m

  only at the fourth month. Of course, Lila’s complexion soon improved, her

  features softened. But our bodies, although undergoing the same process of

  reproducing life, continued to experience the phases in different ways, mine

  with active collaboration, hers with dull resignation. And even the people we

  dealt with were surprised at how time hurried along for me and dragged for



I remember that one Sunday we were

  walking along Toledo with the children and we ran into Gigliola. That

  encounter was important; it was disturbing to me and proved that Lila really

  had had something to do with Michele Solara’s crazy behavior. Gigliola was

  wearing heavy makeup but she was shabbily dressed, her hair was uncombed, she

  flaunted her uncontainable breasts and hips, her broad buttocks. She seemed

  happy to see us, she wouldn’t let us go. She made a fuss over Dede and Elsa,

  she dragged us to Gambrinus, she ordered all sorts of things, both salty and

  sweet, and ate greedily. She soon forgot about my children, and they her:

  when she began to tell us in detail, in a very loud voice, about all the

  wrongs Michele had done to her, they got bored and, curious, went off to

  explore the restaurant.


Gigliola couldn’t accept the way she had

  been treated. He’s a beast, she said. He went so far as to shout at her:

  Don’t just threaten to do it, kill yourself for real, jump off the balcony,

  die. Or he thought he could fix everything with no concern for her feelings,

  sticking in her bosom and in her pocket hundreds of thousands of lire. She

  was furious, she was desperate. She recounted—turning to me, because I had

  been away for a long time and wasn’t up to date—that her husband had thrown

  her out of the house on Posillipo, kicking and hitting her, that he had sent

  her to live, with the children in the old neighborhood, in two dark rooms.

  But the moment she began to wish on Michele all the most atrocious diseases

  she could think of and a terrible death, she switched listeners, and

  addressed herself exclusively to Lila. I was amazed, she spoke to her as if

  she could help her make the curses effective, she considered her an ally. You

  did well, she said excitedly, to make him pay dearly for your work and then

  quit. In fact, even better if you screwed him out of some money. Lucky you,

  you know how to treat him, you have to keep making him bleed. She screamed:

  What he can’t bear is that you don’t care, he can’t accept that the less you

  see him the better off you are, well done, well done, make him go nuts for

  good, make him die cursed.


At that point she drew a sigh of false

  relief. She remembered our two pregnant bellies, she wanted to touch them.

  She placed her broad hand almost on my pubic bone, she asked what month I was

  in. As soon as I said the fourth she exclaimed: No way you’re already in the

  fourth. Of Lila, on the other hand, she said, suddenly unfriendly: There are

  women who never give birth, they want to keep the child inside forever,

  you’re one of those. It was pointless to remind her that we were in the same

  month, that we would both give birth in January of the following year. She

  shook her head, she said to Lila: Just think, I was sure you’d already had

  it. And she added, with an incoherent note of pain: The more Michele sees you

  with that belly, the more he suffers; so make it last a long time, you can

  manage, stick it in front of him, let him drop dead. Then she announced that

  she had very urgent things to do, but meanwhile she repeated two or three

  times that we ought to see each other more often (Let’s reestablish the group

  from when we were girls, ah, how nice it was, we should have said fuck off to

  all those shits and thought only of ourselves). She didn’t even wave goodbye

  to the children, who were now playing outside, and she went off after making

  some obscene remarks to the waiter, laughing.


“She’s an idiot,” Lila said, sulkily.

  “What’s wrong with my stomach?”




“And me?”


“Nothing, don’t worry.”



It was true, nothing was wrong with Lila:

  nothing new. She remained the same restless creature with an irresistible

  force of attraction, and that force made her special. Every one of her

  affairs, for better or for worse (how she was reacting to the pregnancy, what

  she had done to Michele and how she had subdued him, how she was asserting

  herself in the neighborhood), continued to seem to us more intense than ours,

  and it was for that reason that time for her seemed to move slowly. I saw her

  frequently, above all because my mother’s illness brought me to the

  neighborhood. But with a new sense of balance. Maybe because of my public

  persona, maybe because of all my private troubles, I felt more mature than

  Lila by now, and I was increasingly convinced that I could welcome her back

  into my life, acknowledging her fascination without suffering from it.


In those months I rushed frantically here

  and there, but the days flew by; paradoxically I felt light even when I

  crossed the city to take my mother to a doctor’s appointment in the hospital.

  If I didn’t know what to do with the children I turned to Carmen, or

  sometimes even Alfonso, who had telephoned me often to tell me I could count

  on him. But naturally the person in whom I had the most confidence, the one

  whom Dede and Elsa went to most willingly, was Lila, although she was always

  burdened by work and exhausted by pregnancy. The differences between my belly

  and hers were increasing. I had a large, wide stomach, which seemed to expand

  sideways rather than forward; she had a small stomach, squeezed between

  narrow hips, sticking out like a ball that was about to tumble out of her



As soon as I told Nino about my

  condition, he took me to a gynecologist who was the wife of a colleague, and

  since I liked the doctor—very skilled, very available, very different in

  manner and perhaps also in competence from the gruff doctors in Florence—I

  had told Lila about her enthusiastically and urged her to come with me at

  least once, to try. Now we went together for our examinations, and had

  arranged to see her at the same time: when it was my turn, she stood quietly

  in a corner, and when it was her turn, I held her hand, because doctors still

  made her nervous. But the best part was in the waiting room. In those moments

  I forgot about my mother’s suffering and we became girls again. We liked

  sitting next to each other, I fair, she dark, I calm, she anxious, I likable,

  she malicious, the two of us opposite and united, and separate from the other

  pregnant women, whom we observed ironically.


It was a rare hour of joy. Once, thinking

  of the tiny creatures who were defining themselves in our bodies, I

  remembered when—sitting next to each other in the courtyard, as we were now

  in the waiting room—we played at being mothers with our dolls. Mine was

  called Tina, hers Nu. She had thrown Tina into the shadows of the cellar and

  I, out of spite, had done the same with Nu. Do you remember, I asked. She

  seemed bewildered, she had the faint smile of someone struggling to recapture

  a memory. Then, when I whispered to her, with a laugh, how fearful we were,

  how bold, climbing up to the door of the terrible Don Achille Carracci, the

  father of her future husband, and accusing him of the theft of our dolls, she

  began to find it funny, we laughed like idiots, disturbing the inhabited

  stomachs of the other patients, who were more sedate.


We stopped only when the nurse called us,

  Cerullo and Greco: we had both given the surnames we had had as girls. She

  was a large good-humored woman, who never failed to say to Lila, touching her

  stomach, There’s a boy in here; and to me, Here’s a girl. Then she showed us

  in and I whispered to Lila: I already have two girls, if you really have a

  boy will you give it to me: and she replied, Yes, let’s do an exchange, no



The doctor always found us in good

  health, the tests were excellent, everything was going smoothly. Or

  rather—since she focused her attention on our weight, and Lila remained as

  usual very thin while I tended to get fat—at every examination she judged that

  Lila was healthier than me. And although we both had many worries, on those

  occasions we were almost always happy to have found again, at the age of

  thirty-six, a pathway to affection: though distant in every way we were still



But when I went back up to Via Tasso and

  she hurried to the neighborhood, the gap that we put between us made other

  gaps conspicuous. This new solidarity was undoubtedly real. We liked being

  together, it lightened our lives. But there was one unequivocal fact: I told

  her almost everything about myself, she said almost nothing about herself.

  While I couldn’t not tell her about my mother, or an article that I was

  writing, or problems with Dede and Elsa, or even about my situation as a

  lover-wife (it was enough not to specify the lover-wife of whom, not to utter

  the name of Nino too often; otherwise I could confide freely), when she

  talked about herself, her parents, her siblings, Rino, the anxieties Gennaro

  caused her, our friends and acquaintances, Enzo, Michele and Marcello Solara,

  the entire neighborhood, she was vague, she didn’t seem to trust me

  completely. Evidently I remained the one who had gone away, and who, even

  though I had returned, now had another view, lived in upper-class Naples,

  could not be fully welcomed back.



That I had a sort of double identity was

  true. Up on Via Tasso Nino brought me his educated friends, who treated me

  with respect, loved my second book in particular, wanted me to look at what

  they were working on. We talked late into the night with an attitude of

  worldliness. We wondered if there was still a proletariat or not, we alluded

  to the socialist left and, with bitterness, to the Communists (They’re more

  cops than the cops and the priests), we argued about the governability of an

  increasingly depleted country, some boldly used drugs, we were sarcastic

  about a new illness that everyone thought was an exaggeration of Pope John

  Paul II’s to block the free expression of sexuality in all its possible



But I wasn’t confined to Via Tasso; I

  moved around, I didn’t want to be a prisoner of Naples. I often went to

  Florence with the children. Pietro, who had long since broken politically

  with his father, was now—unlike Nino, who was growing closer to the socialists—openly

  Communist. I stayed a few hours, listening to him in silence. He sang the

  praises of the competent honesty of his party, he cited the problems of the

  university, he informed me of the success his book was having among

  academics, especially the English and Americans. Then I set off again. I left

  the girls with him and Doriana and went to Milan, to the publisher, in

  particular to oppose the campaign of denigration in which Adele was

  persisting. My mother-in-law—the director himself had reported, one evening

  when he took me to dinner—did not miss any opportunity to say bad things

  about me and was labeling me with the reputation of a fickle and unreliable

  person. As a result I tried to be engaging with everyone I happened to meet

  at the publisher’s. I made sophisticated conversation, I was agreeable to

  every request from the publicity department, I claimed to the editor that my

  new book was at a good point, even though I hadn’t even started it. Then I

  set off again, stopped to get the children, and slipped into Naples,

  readjusting to the chaotic traffic, to the endless transactions to obtain

  each thing that was mine by right, to exhausting and quarrelsome lines, to

  the struggle to assert myself, to the permanent anxiety of going with my mother

  to doctors, hospitals, labs for tests. The result was that on Via Tasso and

  throughout Italy I felt like a woman with a small reputation, whereas in

  Naples, especially in the neighborhood, I lost my refinement, no one knew

  anything about my second book, if injustices enraged me I moved into dialect

  and the coarsest insults.


The only bond between high and low seemed

  to me blood. There was more and more killing, in the Veneto, in Lombardy, in

  Emilia, in Lazio, in Campania. I glanced at the newspaper in the morning and

  sometimes the neighborhood seemed more tranquil than the rest of Italy. It

  wasn’t true, of course, the violence was the same. Men fought with each

  other, women were beaten, people were murdered for obscure reasons.

  Some­times, even among the people I loved, the tension rose and tones became

  threatening. But I was treated with respect. Toward me there was the

  benevolence that is shown to a guest who is welcomed but mustn’t stick her

  nose into matters she’s not familiar with. And in fact I felt like an

  external observer, with inadequate information. I constantly had the

  impression that Carmen or Enzo or others knew much more than I did, that Lila

  told them secrets that she didn’t reveal to me.



One afternoon I was with the children in

  the office of Basic Sight—three little rooms from whose windows you could see

  the entrance to our elementary school—and, knowing I was there, Carmen also

  stopped by. I alluded to Pasquale out of sympathy, out of affection, even

  though I imagined him now as a fighter on the run, ever more deeply involved

  in infamous crimes. I wanted to know if there was news, but it seemed to me

  that both Carmen and Lila stiffened, as if I had said something reckless.

  They didn’t avoid it, on the contrary, we talked for a long time about him,

  or rather we let Carmen go on about her anxieties. But I had the impression

  that for some reason they had decided that they couldn’t say more to me.


Two or three times I also ran into

  Antonio. Once he was with Lila, another, I think, with Lila, Carmen, and

  Enzo. It struck me how the friendship among them had solidified again, and it

  seemed surprising that he, a henchman of the Solaras, behaved as if he had

  changed masters, he seemed to be working for Lila and Enzo. Of course, we had

  all known each other since we were children, but I felt it wasn’t a question

  of old habits. The four of them, on seeing me, behaved as if they had met by

  chance, and it wasn’t true, I perceived a sort of secret pact that they

  didn’t intend to extend to me. Did it have to do with Pasquale? With the

  operations of the business? With the Solaras? I don’t know. Antonio said

  only, on one of those occasions, but absentmindedly: you’re very pretty with

  that belly. Or at least that’s the only remark of his that I remember.


Was it distrust? I don’t think so. At

  times I thought that, because of my respectable identity, I had lost,

  especially in Lila’s eyes, the capacity to understand and so she wanted to

  protect me from moves that I might in my ignorance misunderstand.



Yet something wasn’t right. It was a

  sensation of indeterminacy, which I felt even when everything appeared

  explicit and it seemed only one of Lila’s old childish diversions: to

  orchestrate situations in which she let you perceive that under the facts there

  was something else.



One morning—again at Basic Sight—I

  exchanged a few words with Rino, whom I hadn’t seen for many years. He seemed

  unrecognizable. He was thin, his eyes were dull, he greeted me with

  exaggerated affection, he even touched me as if I were made of rubber. He

  talked a lot of nonsense about computers, about the great business affairs he

  managed. Then suddenly he changed, he was seized by a kind of asthma attack,

  and for no evident reason he began, in a low voice, to rail against his

  sister. I said: Calm down, and wanted to get him a glass of water, but he

  stopped me in front of Lila’s closed door and disappeared as if he were

  afraid that she would reprimand him.


I knocked and went in. I asked her warily

  if her brother was sick. She had an expression of irritation, she said: You

  know what he’s like. I nodded yes, I thought of Elisa, I said that with

  siblings things aren’t always straightforward. Meanwhile I thought of Peppe

  and Gianni, I said my mother was worried about them, she wanted to get them

  away from Marcello Solara and had asked me to see if she had any way of

  giving them a job. But those phrases—get them away from Marcello Solara, give

  them a job—made her narrow her eyes, she looked at me as if she wanted to

  know how far my knowledge when it came to meaning of the words I had uttered.

  Since she must have decided that I didn’t know their real meaning, she said

  bitterly: I can’t take them here, Lenù; Rino’s already enough, not to mention

  the risks that Gennaro runs. At first I didn’t know how to answer. Gennaro,

  my brothers, hers, Marcello Solara. I returned to the subject, but she

  retreated, she talked about other things.


That evasiveness happened later in the

  case of Alfonso, too. He now worked for Lila and Enzo, but not like Rino, who

  hung around there without a job. Alfonso had become very good, they sent him

  to the companies they consulted for to collect data. The bond between him and

  Lila, however, immediately seemed to me much stronger than anything to do

  with work. It wasn’t the attraction-repulsion that Alfonso had confessed to

  me in the past but something more. There was on his part a need—I don’t know

  how to put it—not to lose sight of her. It was a singular relationship, based

  on a secret flow that, moving from her, remodeled him. I was soon convinced

  that the closing of the shop in Piazza dei Martiri and the firing of Alfonso

  had to do with that flow. But if I tried to ask questions—what happened with

  Michele, how did you manage to get rid of him, why did he fire Alfonso—Lila

  gave a little laugh, she said: what can I say, Michele doesn’t know what he

  wants, he closes, he opens, he creates, he destroys, and then he gets mad at



The laugh wasn’t of mockery, of

  contentment, or of satisfaction. The laugh served to prevent me from

  insisting. One afternoon we went shopping on Via dei Mille and since that

  area had for years been Alfonso’s domain, he offered to go with us, he had a

  friend with a shop that would suit us. People knew by now of his

  homosexuality. He continued formally to live with Marisa, but Carmen had

  confirmed to me that his children were Michele’s, and she had whispered:

  Marisa is now Stefano’s lover—yes, Stefano, Alfonso’s brother, Lila’s

  ex-husband, that was the new gossip. But—she added with explicit

  under­standing—Alfonso doesn’t give a damn, he and his wife lead separate

  lives and they get on. So I wasn’t surprised that the shopkeeper friend—as

  Alfonso himself introduced him, smiling—was a homosexual. What surprised me

  instead was the game that Lila led him into.


We were trying on maternity clothes. We

  came out of the dressing rooms, looked at ourselves in the mirror, and

  Alfonso and his friend admired, recommended, recommended against, in a

  generally pleasant atmosphere. Then for no reason Lila began to get restless,

  scowling. She didn’t like anything, she touched her pointy stomach, she was

  tired, she made remarks to Alfonso like: What are you saying, don’t give me

  bad advice, would you wear a color like this?


I perceived in what was happening around

  me the usual oscillation between the visible and the hidden. At a certain

  point Lila grabbed a beautiful dark dress and, as if the mirror in the shop

  were broken, said to her former brother-in-law: show me how it looks on me.

  She said those incongruous words as if they expressed a normal request, so

  that Alfonso didn’t wait to be asked again, he grabbed the dress and shut

  himself up in the dressing room for a long time.


I continued to try on clothes. Lila

  looked at me absent-mindedly, the owner of the shop complimented every item I

  put on, and I waited in bewilderment for Alfonso to reappear. When he did I

  was speechless. My old desk mate, with his hair down, in the elegant dress,

  was a copy of Lila. His tendency to resemble her, which I had long noted,

  came abruptly into focus, and maybe at that moment he was even handsomer,

  more beautiful than she, a male-female of the type I had talked about in my

  book, ready, male and female, to set off on the road leading to the black

  Madonna of Montevergine.


He asked Lila with some anxiety: Do you

  like it, this way? And the shop owner applauded enthusiastically, he said

  conspiratorially: I know exactly who’d like you, you’re beautiful. Allusions.

  Facts that I didn’t know and they did. Lila had a malicious smile, she

  muttered: I want to give it to you. Nothing more. Alfonso accepted it happily

  but nothing else was said, as if Lila had commanded him and his friend,

  silently, that it was enough, I had seen and heard enough.



That deliberate oscillation of hers

  between the obvious and the opaque struck me in a particularly painful way

  once—the only time—when things went badly at one of our appointments with the

  gynecologist. It was November and yet the city gave off heat as if summer had

  never ended. Lila felt sick on the way, and we sat in a café for a few

  minutes, then went, slightly alarmed, to the doctor. Lila explained to her in

  self-mocking tones that the now large thing she had inside was kicking her,

  pushing her, stifling her, disturbing her, weakening her. The gynecologist

  listened, amused, calmed her, said: You’ll have a son like you, very lively,

  very imaginative. All good, then, very good. But before leaving I insisted

  with the doctor:


“You’re sure everything’s all right?”


“Very sure.”


“What’s the matter with me?” Lila



“Nothing that has to do with your



“What does it have to do with?”


“With your head.”


“What do you know about my head?”


“Your friend Nino was full of praise for



Nino? Friend? Silence.


When we left I had to struggle to

  persuade Lila not to change doctors. Before going off she said, in her

  fiercest tones: your lover is certainly not my friend, but in my view he’s

  not your friend, either.


Here I was, then, driven forcefully into

  the heart of my problems: the unreliability of Nino. In the past Lila had

  showed me that she knew things about him I didn’t know. Was she now

  suggesting that there were still other facts known to her and not to me? It

  was pointless to ask her to explain; she left, cutting short any


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