Friends -- S04--E01 The one with the Jellyfish


Joey: Ok,So we went to beach because Phoebe find out about this lady who knew her mom and dad. And i really don't know what happen with that.

Pheobe's birth mom: I'm your mother.

Jeoy: And Monica joked she would never go out with a guy like Chandler. And i don't really know what happened there, either. And Ross had to choose between Rachel and the bald girl. I don't konw what happened there,either. You know what? Hold on, let me go get Chandler.

Ross: Hi.

Rachel and Bonnie: Hi.

Bonnie: Rachel just helped me out. My head got sunburned.

Ross: Oh~oh.

Bonnie: Thanks a million.

Rachel: Oh, you're welcome a million.

Bonnie: OK, I'll be our room.

Rachel: Oh my god.

Ross: I know. Ok, I gotta go.

Rachel: Why?

Ross: I gotta go break up with Bonnie.

Rachel: Here? Now?

Ross: Yeah, I can't stay here all night. If i go in there, she's gonna wanna do stuff.

Rachel: You can't tell her that you're not in a mood?

Ross: No, she likes that. Faking sleep doesn't work either. I can't tell you how many morning i woke up... Yeah, why i am telling you that...

Rachel: I don't know.

Ross: It wasn't every morning.

Rachel: Oh, make it worse.

(I'll be there for you)


Pheobe's birth mom: I guess you'd like to know how it all happened.

Pheobe: I know, I mean, well, I think I can figure it out. I guess that i was born then everyone started to lie their asses off.

Pheobe's birth mom: No, no, it wasn't like that. You remember how i told you that Lily, Frank and i were close? Well, we were very close.

Pheobe: How close?

Pheobe's birth mom: Well, the three of us were kind of a couple.

Pheobe: I don't even know how that would work.

Pheobe's birth mom: Well, we were...

Pheobe: I'm not asking.

Pheobe's birth mom: Well, anyhow, somehow I got pregent. And i was...sacred, and i was stupit and selfish. I was 18 years old. You remember what it was like to be 18 years old?

Pheobe: Yeah, i see. My mom killed herself. And my dad had run off. And i'm living with a gremlin① with the guy named Sandy who talked to his hand.

Pheobe's birth mom: I was so sorry. I thought I was leaving you the best parents in the world. I didn't even hear about your dad and mom until a couple of years ago. Then, you already grown up. I don't know,you're here. I would like to get to know you.

Pheobe: Yeah, well, everybody does. I'm a really cool person. You know you have twenty nine years to find out, but you didn't even try. You know what? You walked out on me, i'm gonna do the same to you.

Pheobe's birth mom: Wait!

Pheobe: I don't ever want to see you again. Where's my purse?


Monica: Shoot! We're out of soda.

Chandler: Oh, i'm going to get you some.

Monica: Really?

Chandler: No, because i'm not your boyfriend.

Joey: Hey, Pheobs, how'd it go?

Pheobe: Well, my mom's friend Pheobe, is actually my birth mom.

Chandler: I found a dried-up seahorse.

Monica: Sweety, what are you talking about?

Pheobe: Oh, my new mom, who's a big fat abandoner.

Joey: Pheobs, wait a second. Don't you want to sit here and talk about it?

Pheobe: No. I just, I wanna...I need to be alone. Monica?

Joey: Man. What if you find that your mom was't really your mom? And your new mom turned out to be really hot. Oh, man, huh?

Chandler: But, it's your mom.

Joey: No, I'm talking about your mom.


Ross: It's over.

Rachel: Oh, was it awful?

Ross:Well, it was long. I didn't realize how late it was till i noticed five o'clock shadow on her head.Anyway, she didn't want to stay. I called a cab she just left.

Rachel: I wrote you a letter.

Ross: Oh, thank you. I like mail.

Rachel: It's just something I've been just thinking about.You know, something about us. Before we could even think about the two of us getting back together. I just need to know how you feel about this stuff.

Ross: OK. It's five thirty in the morning. So, i'd better get cracking② on this baby.

Rachel: I'll be waiting for you just come up when you're down.

Ross: I'll be up in...18 pages. Front and back. Very exciting.

Rachel: Hey, what happened to you. Why didn't you come up?


Rachel: You just finished?

Ross: I wanted to be thorough③. I mean this, clearly very very important to you, to us. So i wanted to read every word carefully. Twice.

Rachel:So, does it?

Ross: Sorry?

Rachel: Does it?

Ross: Does it? Does it. Yeah, I just wanted to give that whole 'does it' part another glance.

Rachel: What are you talking about, Ross? You just said you read it twice. Look, you know what, it either does or doesn't. And you have to even think about it...

Ross: No, Rach, I don't, I don't, I don't have to think about it. I don't. In fact, I've decided, I've decided that..that, it , does.

Rachel: Are you sure?

Ross: Sure!I'm sure!


Chandler: There's a nuclear holocaust④. I'm the last man on earth. Would you go out with me?

Monica: ...Yeah~

Chandle: I've got canned goods.

Jeoy: Hey, you guys. Take a look at this! Check this baby out.Dug me a hole⑤!

Chandle: Excellent hole, Jeo.

Joey: Oh, no. My hole!

Monica: Oh!

Joey: What? What is it?

Monica: Jellyfish sting! Oh! It hurts!

Chandle: Can we help you to take back to the house?

Monica: It two miles!

Joey: Yeah, I'm a little tired from digging the hole.

Monica: Damn the jellyfish. Damn all the jellyfish!

Chandler: We've got to do something.

Joey: Well, there's really only one thing you can do.

Monica: What? What is it!

Joey: You gotta have to pee on you.

Monica: What? Gross!

Joey: Don't blame me! I saw it on Discovery Channle.

Chandler: You know what? He's right. There's something like uh, ammonia⑥ in that. It kills the pain.

Monica: Well, forget it. It doesn't hurt that baaaaad!

Joey: You want some privacy, you can use my hole.


Pheobe: Well, I'm ready to get the hell out of here. Oh, are you, are you? Oh, that's so great! Uh, not for Bonnie. But for you, you, yeah, oh.

Rachel: Hey, how was the beach?

Monica: Nothing, I don't know.

Ross: What happened?

Monica: Nothing. I'm gonna take a shower.

Chandler: Me, too.

Joey: Me, too.

Pheobe: OK, I'm gonna put this in the car.

Rachel: Oh, I have to go pack. It really does?

Ross: It does. It really and truly does. It so does not!


Ross: She wants me to take responsbility for everything that went wrong in our relationship. I mean, she goes on for 5 pages about, about how I was faithful to her. we were on a break!

Chandler: Oh my god! If you say that one more time, I'm gonna break up with you.

Ross: Fine. But this break-up is not all my fault. And she said here, if you accept full responsbility, full responsbility, I can begin to trust you again. Does that seem like something you can do? Does it?

Jeoy: No?

Chandle: Look, Ross. You have what you want. You are back with Rachel. If you bring this up now, you are gonna wreck the best thing that ever happend to you.

Ross: Yeah, I know. You're right. I guess I'll let this go.You understand how hard it is to forget about this.

Joey: Sure hard to forget. But that doesn't mean you have to talk about it. A lot of things happened on that trip we should never ever talk about.

Ross: What the hell happened on that beach?

Joey: It between us and the sea, Ross.


Pheobe: Hi, Ursula.

Ursula: Hey.

Pheobe: Okay, well, I know that we haven't talked in a long time. But, Okay, our mom is not our birth mom. There's a other lady is our birth Mom.

Ursula: Right. OK, the one that lives in Montuak.

Pheobe: You know her?

Ursula: No, I read about her in mom's suicide note.

Pheobe: There was a suicide note? Do you still have it?

Ursula: Hang on.

Pheobe: I can't believe you didn't tell me there was a suicide note.

Ursula: Yeah. So, how've you been doing?

Pheobe: I've... uh, shut up! Goodbye, Pheobe and Ursula. I'll miss you. P.S. Your mom lives Montuak. You just write this!

Ursula: Well, It's pretty much the gist⑦. Except the poem, you know the poem, right?

Pheobe: No.

Ursula: Oh, hang on.


Monica: Pass the cheese, please. My god, you can't even look at me, can you?

Joey: No.

Chandler: Hey! Pheobe! We can talk to Pheobe!

Pheobe: No, I'm-I'm too depressed⑧ to talk.

Chandler: I'll give you a thousand dollars to talk to us.

Ross: Hey, you guys. What do you think about make that beach trip an annual thing.

Monica: No.

Rachel: All right. That's it. You guys. What happened out there?

Monica: What? We took a walk. Nothing happend. I came back with nothing all over with me.

Ross: Come on. What happened, Joey?

Joey: All right.

Monica: No. Joey. We swore we never tell.

Chandler: They'll never understand.

Joey: We have to say something. It had to get it out. It eating me alive. Monica got stung by jellyfish.

Monica: All right. All right. I got a stung. Stung bad. I couldn't stand. I couldn't walk.

Chandler: We were two miles from house. We scared and along. We didn't think we could make it.

Monica: I was in too much thing.

Joey: And I was so tired from digging a huge hole.

Chandler: And Joey remembered something.

Joey: I'd seen this thing on the Discovery Channel.

Ross: Wait a minute. I saw that. On the Discovery Channel. Yeah. About the jellyfish how if you... You pee on yourself?

Monica: You can't say that. You don't know. I mean I thought I was gonna pass out from the pain. Anyway, I tried, but I couldn't bend that way. So...

Joey: That's right. I stepped up. She's my friend. She needed help. If I had to, I'd pee on anyone of you. Only, Uh, I couldn't. I got the stage fright⑨. I wanted to help. But there was too much pressure. So, I, I turned to Chandler.

Chandler: Joey kept screaming at me, ‘Through it now, through it! Through it! Through it now!’ Sometimes late at night, I can still hear the screaming.

Joey: That's cause sometimes I do it through my wall to freak you out.

Rachel: Maybe there's somebody you guys could talk to.

Monica: Who? Someone they have a group of people like us?

Pheobe: Yeah, no, there's a guy's Owen, he's the best. I have his cards.


Pheobe: And fuchsia⑩ and mauve⑪. Those are 66 colors of my bedroom. Thank you. I invite all of you to count the colors in your bedroom. Except for you. You go away.

Pheobe’s birth mother: I’ll go in a second. I just want to tell you that there hasn’t been a day where I didn't regret giving you up.

Pheobe: O.K. Bye.

Pheobe’s birth mother: No. I'm not down. I-I just want you to know that the reason I never looked you up was because I was afraid that you would react the way you are acting like now. Can we just you know, start from here?

Pheobe: No.

Pheobe’s birth mother: O.K.

Pheobe: Sorry.

Pheobe’s birth mother: But just one last thing. You can looking for family. I’m family. I’m it. Now I'm done.

Pheobe: It's not like we're losing anything. You know.

Pheobe’s birth mother: I guess you’re right.

Pheobe: It's not like we know each other or anything. But we don’t have anything in commom.

Pheobe’s birth mother:I don’t know that we don’t have anything in common. I mean I like pizza.

Pheobe: I like pizza!

Pheobe’s birth mother: Wait. I like the beatles.

Pheobe: Oh my god! So do I. Wait, wait, wait, Puppies, cute or ugly?

Pheobe’s birth mother: So cute!

Pheobe: A-uh?

Pheobe’s birth mother: You see?

Pheobe: But, I’m still mad at you.

Pheobe’s birth mother: I know. I’m mad at me, too.

Pheobe: Do you want to get something to eat? I’m kind of hungry.

Pheobe’s birth mother: Hey! Me, too!

Pheobe: Uncanny⑫. It looks like gonna raining and I don't have my umbrella.

Pheobe’s birth mother: Me neither. I really hate that.

Pheobe: Just stop it. Now you're just doing it to freak me out.


Rachel: Oh, missed you.

Ross: I missed you, too.

Rachel: So nervous about that letter. But the way you just owned up to⑮ everything just show me how much you've grown, you know.

Ross: I suppose.

Rachel: You have Ross. You should give yourself credit⑭.I mean my mother never thought this would work out. It was all, once cheater, always cheater.

Ross: Un-un.

Rachel: I just wish we hadn't lost those four months. But this time is what you need to gain a little perspective.     

Ross: We were on a break!!

Chandler: Coffee House?

Monica: You bet.

Ross: For the record⑬. It took two people to break up this relationship.

Rachel: Yeah! You and that

Ross: I didn't know    I didn't finish the whole letter

Rachel: What?

Ross: I fell asleep!

Rachel: You fell asleep?

Ross: It's 5:30 in the morning. And you had rambled on for 18 pages.

Rachel: Oh...uh.

Ross: Front and back!

Rachel: You know,

Ross: Fine by me!

Rachel: Oh, hey-hey-hey!

Monica: Hey!

Rachel: Sorry! I just feel bad

Ross: Oh, No no no, don't worry I still have your letter!

Rachel: And hey! Just so you know,

Chandler: I knew it!

①gremlin ['ɡrɛmlɪn] :(机器发生故障时人们所责怪的)小妖精。

②get cracking  开始;开始工作;开始移动

③thorough [ˈθʌrəʊ; θʌro] :adj.彻底的;十分的;周密的

④nuclear holocaust :核爆炸

nuclear ['nuklɪɚ] :adj.原子能的;细胞核的;中心的;原子核的

holocaust ['hɑləkɔst] :n.大屠杀;毁灭

⑤Dug me a hole :我(Jeoy在沙滩上)给自己挖了个坑。

⑥ammonia [ə'monɪə] :氨

⑦gist [dʒɪst] :n.主旨,要点;依据

⑧depressed [dɪ'prɛst] :adj.沮丧的,萧条的;压低的

⑨stage fright 怯场

⑩fuchsia ['fjuʃə] :n.紫红色

⑪mauve [mov] :n.淡紫色

⑫uncanny [ʌn'kæni] :adj.神秘的;离奇的;可怕的

⑬For the record 准确地说

⑭You should give yourself credit 你应该对自己好一点

⑮own up to 坦白;爽快承认

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