Node.js-2017年回顾-25 Amazing Open Source Node.js Projects for the Past Year (v.2018)


25 Amazing Open Source Node.js Projects for the Past Year (v.2018)

(Click the numbers below)

No 1

Puppeteer: Headless Chrome Node API [22101 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Andrey Lushnikov at Google Engineering

No 2

faker.js — generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js [12497 stars on Github]. Courtesy of marak

No 3

Pkg: Package your Node.js project into an executable [8510 stars on Github].

No 4

Sharp: High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library [6979 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Lovell Fuller

No 5

Lowdb: A small local JSON database powered by Lodash (supports Node, Electron and the browser) [6722 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Typicode

No 6

Portainer: Simple management UI for Docker [6170 stars on Github].

No 7

Fastify: Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js [5825 stars on Github].

No 8

Agenda: Lightweight job scheduling for Node.js [3538 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Ryan Schmukler

No 9

Nodejs-dashboard: Telemetry dashboard for node.js apps from the terminal [3161 stars on Github].

No 10

Node-prune: a small tool to remove unnecessary files from ./node_modules, such as markdown, typescript source files, and so on. [3135 stars on Github]. Courtesy of TJ Holowaychuk

No 11

Nest: A modern node.js framework for efficient and scalable web applications built on top of TypeScript [3012 stars on Github].

No 12

Home Automation: Raspberry Pi 3 based home automation with NodeJS and React Native. [2971 stars on Github].

No 13

Server: Simple and powerful server for Node.js [2924 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Francisco Presencia

No 14

Node-notifier: A Node.js module for sending notifications on native Mac, Windows and Linux (or Growl as fallback) [2623 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Mikael Brevik

No 15

Pdf-bot: A Node queue API for generating PDFs using headless Chrome. Comes with a CLI, S3 storage and webhooks for notifying subscribers about generated PDFs [2124 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Esben Petersen

No 16

Node-compiler: Compiling your Node.js application into a single executable with dynamic require and all fs.* API support. [1904 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Minqi Pan

No 17

Massive-js: A data mapper for Node.js and PostgreSQL. [1977 stars on Github].

No 18

Ohm: A library for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc. [1696 stars on Github]. Patrick Dubroy at Lyft Engineering

No 19

Terminal-kit: Terminal utilities for node.js [970 stars on Github].

No 20

Node-draftlog: Create updatable log lines into the terminal, and give life to your log [841 stars on Github]. Ivan Seidel Gomes

No 21

Nodejs-mobile: A full-fledged Node.js runtime for Android and iOS [733 stars on Github].

No 22

Dawson: A serverless framework for Node.js on AWS. Courtesy of Simone Lusenti

No 23

Bent: Functional HTTP client for Node.js w/ async/await. [358 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Mikeal

No 24

Spikenail: A GraphQL API Framework for Node.js [272 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Igor Lesnenko

No 25

ClusterWS: A minimal Node JS http & real-time framework which allows to scale WebSocket between Workers in Node JS Cluster and utilize all available CPU [192 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Dmitrii Goriunov

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