你拥有轻松进入美国名校的二次机会“跳板”竟然不自知 ?

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Often, transfer students are faced with the stigma of choosing the easy way out. By attending community colleges and transferring to four year institutions, students bypass the infamous SAT, ACT, and AP exams. Furthermore, community college students can forgo their high school GPA and start fresh and new. This is extremely appealing for students who did not do well in high school. It is an opportunity to rebuild their GPA. Additionally, there are no hurdles when it comes to applying for community colleges. There is a simple application that does not ask for personal statements. For these reasons, some students who directly go into a four year university assume that transfer students are not high achieving students.

However, these assumptions are inaccurate and unfair towards transfer students. There are many reasons why someone would choose to study at a community college instead of going directly to a four year institution. This is why I’d like to describe an intern I had 3 years ago, Teresa, who helped me build a “community college transfer” platform for one of my ex-clients, targeting Chinese students that were looking to graduate from a top university via a community college.

This is her story:

As a high school senior (12th grade), Teresa was accepted into various mid-tier universities, but Teresa chose to attend a community college because she believed it would be able to reduce costs and give her a higher chance of attending a top university. After analyzing her costs, Teresa realized that if Teresa transferred from a community college, Teresa would be able to graduate with a bachelor degree with zero student debt, not to mention coming out from a prestigious university brand. For a number of American students, they may choose a community college because it was closer to home. For example, she had a friend who didn’t go to a four year institution because he was working full time at a tech start-up and wanted to only take classes in the evenings. Overall, there are many reasons why community college is a more attractive option. Furthermore, during the first two years of college, students are enrolling in prerequisite classes; it is not until the last two years that students focus more on their majors. Therefore, a community college is an option for students who are not sure what they want to study. The best part about this is that it provides students with the opportunity to explore possible majors. Overall, there are many reasons why community college is an attractive option.

Although her two years at a community college was fruitful, and Teresa was able to take part in student government, intern for a non-profit organization, work part time, and even study abroad, it was not after transferring did Teresa realize the differences in resources between a community college and a four year institution. After two years, Teresa transferred to the University of California, Berkeley (my alma-mater; she has graduated by now and is now an alumni, just like myself). At Berkeley, Teresa was interacting with incredible professors who have invented life saving technologies worked in the White House under President Clinton’s administration, and won Nobel Peace prizes. Unlike a community college, four year universities have financial resources to fund international research, keep libraries open 24 hours a day, and have affiliations with other leading academic institutions. The resources available at a four year universities is incomparable to a community college. Four year institutions offer more internship opportunities, prestigious fellowships, and opportunities for students to assist professors on their next research projects, but that’s what makes it so appealing for community college students to strive for!

Nonetheless, if it weren’t for the community college system, Teresa was very certain that she would not have the springboard to catapult her into the best public university in the world, Berkeley, because it truly changed her life in spite of the vast differences a four-year institution can offer.

What about Chinese students you ask? The same applies here, and in fact community colleges make even more sense because while they would still be classified as an international student, they would already have had two years of fundamentals in a community college environment, which meant admissions criteria for those students would not be as arbitrary since there would be no need to convert Chinese grades into American guidelines, automatically raising chances exponentially to become admitted into a top university. This is great for students that may not have performed as well during high school, but still possess the necessary potential to enter a top American university - think of this as a wonderful second chance.

At the end of the day, nobody cares which school you attended in your first year, but everyone cares about what school you graduated from. It’s unsurprising that as much as my client and I were pioneers in pushing the community college transfer system back in the day, as of 2017 there are numerous companies endorsing this easy method of entering top American universities.


- Multicultural and multilingual: Grew up and lived in a number of countries, American-born Chinese -(Third Culture Kid)多文化和多语言:在多个国家成长和居住;美籍华人-典型第三文化人士(TCK)

- Leader in empowering corporate training and recruitment professionals with assessment methodologies and project-based learning andragogy为企业培训和招聘人士提供领先评估体系和游戏化的项目式学习的职场教学法的领袖

- Decade of experience in education and training, and expert in China十年以上的学生教育和企业培训的经验:并被很多本土和国外人士称为“中国通”

- Regular community event organizer with expertise in workplace gamification for employees定期社区活动的组织者:游戏化员工体系的主题

- UC Berkeley Alumni Club Ex-Leader and Recruitment Ambassador毕业于世界名校加州伯克利大学并担任校友俱乐部前任负责人和前任招生大使

- Third-party Interviewer for College Admissions美国第三方面试官(很多大学现在需要学生在提交申请书与第三方机构进行面试)

- Helped build a number of college admissions counseling departments负责搭建多个海外升学指导中心

- Unlike most “education experts”, personally attended more than a dozen schools growing up and personally went through the AP, IB, British, Singaporean and Hong Kong education systems相比其他所谓的“教育专家”,从小上过十几所学校,亲自体验过AP、IB、英国、新加坡和香港的教育制度

- Recently, created China’s first bilingual entrepreneurial and innovation educational events organization: Center for Youth Business Facilitation

在这一两年间,建立了中国第一个双语创新创业学习的活动平台: CYBF创习国际交流中心

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