Why did Nokia fail?
作者:Asim Qureshi, CEO LaunchPad
Nokia’s failure was something that just had to happen - Nokia, realistically, couldn’t have done much about it.
In 2007, around half of all mobile phones sold were Nokia phones. These guys were massively dominant.
Below is my last Nokia, which I bought in 2007. It was a fantastic smartphone.
Less than 10% of all phones sold were smartphones, but even in that growing space Nokia, with its Symbian, had dominance.
But in 2007 something happened that you can’t really blame Nokia for. A nut job, Steve Jobs, made this insanely great smartphone that didn’t even have a keyboard, the iPhone. Not only that, he made buying apps so easy that people would actually buy them, making smartphones so much more useful.
And then, to make matters worse, Google decided to partner with every smartphone manufacturer in the world via Android, which would emulate the iPhone. And they didn’t care whether they made any money or not so gave the software for free.
I mean, what were Nokia supposed to do? It’s far more difficult changing a legacy software, like Symbian, than making an essentially new one like Google did with Android. And given they were so dominant in both hardware and software, they couldn’t have really abandoned either.
Ok, in hindsight they should have adopted Android, but fat chance that was going to happen given Android was way behind, and a competitor.
And so the reason Nokia failed was because shit happens…