刷机升级 Yotaphone 3 国行Android 7.1.1 成 Yota3+ 港行Android 8.1.0 – Upgrade your Yota3 to Yota 3+ Interna...


Yesterday night, I upgraded my Yotaphone3 China version (Android 7.1.1, no Google apps) to Yota3+ HongKong version (Android 8.1.0 with all Google apps).

Yotaphone 3 China version upgraded to Yota3+ Android 8.1.0

Yota3+ has significant user experience improvement than Yota3 (China version), inherently with supporting all apps in back screen (E-ink screen), running Android 8.1.0 which is safer and crispy.

Check it out on Youtube


  • Everything in your Yota3 will be wiped (lost)
  • There is a chance that your Yota3 may be ruined (brick)

All apps you need


  • Windows 10
  • Yotaphone 3 (China edition, Android 7.1.1, 64G/128G)
  • ADB / fastboot binaries are put in your system PATH
    • Don’t know how? Google it.
  • Windows 10 ADB drivers are installed
  • Download everything I provided upon and unzipped it in your local Drive.


Install TWRP & ROOT:

You must root your phone to backup QCN.

Enable Developer Mode / USB debugging

  • Go to Settings, About Phone -> hit Build Number 7 times to enable Developer mode
  • Go to Settings -> Advance settings -> Developer options
    • Enable USB debugging
    • Enable OEM unlock

fastboot flashing unlock and OEM unlock

  • Power down, disconnect from USB
  • Press Volume Down + Power button for 5s
  • Open Windows -> CMD and execute
fastboot flashing unlock
fastboot oem unlock

Don’t know how to open CMD? Google it.

(Explorer/File open the unzipped downloaded files folder, enter cmd in File location/Address bar and press Return/Enter key)

Install TWRP recovery:

  • Hold Power to shutdown, wait until the Battery charging symbol disappear if any
  • Hold Power and Volume Down for 10s
fastboot flash recovery rec.img
fastboot flash recoverybp rec.img
fastboot boot rec.img
  • Use TWRP to restart your phone to System.
    • Before restart, make sure you check Disable Stock Recovery so that in future, to press Volume UP + Power button would bring you to TWRP recovery

Factory Reset / Wipe everything:

  • Option #2: Android Factory Reset
    • Go to Android Settings and perform Factory Reset
  • Option #1: Use TWRP to wipe
    • User TWRP to wipe Internal Storage and data (Advanced Mode)
    • Ignore all failures (mount failures, etc.)
    • TWRP Restart to System

Enable Developer Mode / USB debugging

  • Go to Settings, About Phone -> hit Build Number 7 times to enable Developer mode
  • Go to Settings -> Advance settings -> Developer options
    • Enable USB debugging
    • Enable OEM unlock
  • Connect your Yota3 to Windows 10
  • Wait for ADB drivers installed if any
  • Open Windows 10 CMD and execute
adb devices
  • Unlock your Yota3, and authorize/agree the USB debugging request
  • Install MagiskManager via ADB install in Windows 10 CMD, exectute
adb install MagiskManager-v7.0.0.apk
Magisk Manager
  • Download Magisk zip
    • Open MagiskManager app in your Yota3
    • Tap Install
    • Tap Download Zip only
  • TWRP Recover install Magisk
    • Power off Yota3, disconnect USB
    • Hold Power button + Volumn Up to TWRP Recovery
    • After TWRP loaded, click Install, go to the file location Download / Magisk ***.zip, pick it and Swipe TWRP to confirm.
    • Ignore all errors.
    • Reboot to System. After Yota3 reboots, go to Magisk Manager app to check if the Magisk is installed

Backup QCN (IMEI)

  • You must backup your QCN(IMEI) file in case of loosing it, or your phone may not be able to connect to 4G anymore. As follows.
  • Open the downloaded files in your Windows 10
    • Install QPST_2.7.474China
    • Install QDLoader+HS-USB+Driver_64bit_Setup
    • Restart Windows 10 as requested after the driver installed
  • Enable Qualcomm Diagnostics
    • After Windows 10 restarted, connect the Rooted Yota3 to Windows 10 via USB
    • Windows 10 CMD execute,
adb shell
  • Allow SuperSU
    • Go to Yota3 to allow it in SuperSU (installed in Magisk already)
    • After allowed SU, Windows CMD execute
setprop sys.usb.config diag
  • Wait for Qualcomm USB Diagnostics Drivers installed in your Windows 10

    • Right click Windows Start icon, open Device Manager
    • Windows Start icon is the Start icon in the left-bottom of your Windows 10 desktop
  • Check Ports (COM & LPT), make sure Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 900E(COM*) is shown


  • QPST Configuration

    • Go to Windows 10 Start icon -> QPST -> QPST Configuration, You could see a new Port is added, shown as,
Port: COM3, Phone: MSM8953(*****)
  • If nothing is shown, that means your Yota3 is not rooted correctly or setprop sys.usb.config diag failed or USB connection is unstable

  • Click Menu -> Start Clients -> Software Download

  • Go to Backup tab; Select a location to back QCN, click Start.

  • Wait for File status bar to be 100%. May need a couple of minutes. After finished, exit.

Upgrade to Android 8 Yota3+ HongKong international edition

Finally we are here.

  • Toggle off and on USB debugging
    • Go to settings -> Advanced Settings -> Developer options, disable it and reenable it, and enable OEM unlock and USB debugging again
  • Put the Yota 3 on 9008 mode ( edl mode )
    • Option #1 ADB
adb reboot edl
  • Option #2 3 buttons

    • Power off and disconnect from USB

    • Press “Vol +” + “Vol -” + “Power” buttons.

    • Connect USB

    • Wait for Windows 10 completed Drivers installation.

    • Download ROM of Yota3+ to your Yota3

  • Unzip the downloaded rom new9008-0112.zip

  • Close QPST Configuration (QPST server)

  • Run Windows 10 Start -> QPST -> QFil.exe, go to Configuration -> Firehose Configuration

  • Tick Reset After Download

  • Select Port, make sure Qualcomm HS-USB QLoader 9008 (COM*) is selected

  • Select Flat build in Select Build type.

  • Click Browse... button right to Select Programmer


  • Select the mbn file from the rom into a the Programmer Path.

  • Click on Load XML… and select the two xml files (rawprogram0.xml and rawprogram0_BLANK.xml), and Open patch0.xml after that


  • And then click on Download button


  • Wait for 3 minutes

    • if it show download failed (USB connection issue), press Volume Up + Volume Down + Power button until you hear a Vibration. Reopen QFILE, try the same configuration and Download again
  • Wait for 2 minutes until you see Download Success and Download Finished. Next, Then, you need to click on Load XML, and only select the Rawprogram0.xml and the patch0.xml.

  • Click Download button again.


  • If your phone die / brick during download as Unknown / Unrecognized USB device, follow these steps

    • Use your AC adapter to charge it for 2+ hours.
    • After 2 hours, make sure you've disconnected phone from USB of PC
    • Then press Volume Up + Volume Down + Power and hold for 20 seconds (you won't hear any vibration as now it's hard brick)
    • Connect phone to USB
    • It should show Qualcomm HS-USB QLoader 9008 (COM*) in Device Manager. If it's not, try to hold the 3 buttons while USB is connected for 20 seconds
    • After 9008 mode is enabled, restart from step Click on Load XML… and select the two xml files

After downloaded, the phone will reboot. and will show a screen “Decryption unsuccessful”. Now you will need to Click Reset the Phone button twice.

Wait for the phone restart for a couple of times. It will go to Encrypting screen.

Finally, Your Yota3+ will be booted.






The installed Yota3+ is not rooted and it could receive OTA update.
Wanna root your Yota3+?

References (and Credits)


  • 序言:七十年代末,一起剥皮案震惊了整个滨河市,随后出现的几起案子,更是在滨河造成了极大的恐慌,老刑警刘岩,带你破解...
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