
3.Not to mention what is happening in the world of online-dating. An attractive profile photo, real or fake, can greatly boost one’s chance of getting a date.

in job market 应该改为 in the job market

说照片的真假不能说true or false,要说real or fake

improve the chances to be dating应该改为improve the chance of being asked out for a date。

At first, the girl looks homely with disheveled hair. However she begged, no-one borrowed her.

点评:the girl looks homely with disheveled hair应该改为the girl looks homely and disheveled;borrow是“向……借”,这里要改为lend;第二句话的时态要改为一般现在时(讲的是一个viral video,不管是不是过去发生,还要用现在时。

修改版本:At first, the girl looks homely and disheveled. However she begs, no one lends her money.

It's no wonder that even the cost is expensive, many people are willing to undergo plastic surgery.

cost不能与expensive搭配,这里应该改为high。even不能作连词,应该改为even when/even if。

修改版本:No wonder that even when the cost is high, many people are still willing to undergo plastic surgery.

学生译文:But before you take actions, some downsides worth considering.

点评:some downsides worth considering应该改为some downsides are worth considering;take actions应该改为take action。

修改版本:But before you take action, some downsides are worth considering.

sb's looks

■a person's appearance, especially how attractive they are相貌,长相

•I like her looks.我喜欢她的相貌。

•Her looks improved as she grew older.年纪稍大一些后,她变得好看多了。

•He put on weight and started to lose his looks.他胖了,而且开始长得越来越难看了。


the look of sb/sth


■the appearance of someone or something相貌,外观

•They liked the look of the hotel, but it was too expensive.他们很喜欢饭店的外观,只是价格太贵了。

•I don't like the look of that fence (= It appears to have something wrong with it).我不喜欢那道栅栏的样子。





■If something is spare, it is available to use because it is extra额外的,备用的;多余的

•a spare key/tyre备用锁匙/轮胎

•spare sheets and blankets多余的床单和毛毯

•Have you got a spare pen?你有多余的笔吗?

•We've got aspareroomif you want to stay overnight with us.要是你想在我们这里过夜的话,我们有一个空房间。

•Could I have a word with you when you've got a spare moment/minute?如果你有时间,我能否和你谈两句?

•UK informal"Do you want this cake?" "Yes, if it's going spare(= if no one else wants it)."“你要这块蛋糕吗?”“如果没有别人要,就给我吧。”

Their places are far from perfect, but each of them is nice and cozy in its own unique way.

Their homes are far from perfection, but every one is nice and cozy,with distinctive features.


to become worse:Air quality is rapidly deteriorating in our cities.|Living conditions here have deteriorated in the past few years.

get worse

to become worse.Get worseis less formal and more common thandeterioratein everyday English:My eyesight seems to be getting worse.|He’s never been well-behaved, but he’s getting even worse.

go downto become gradually worse – used especially about the standard of something:The hotel’s gone down since its management changed.|Nick’s teachers say that his work has gone down recently.

go downhill to become much worse and be in a very bad condition, especially after a particular time or event:During the recession the business began to go downhill.|Her health went downhill rapidly after Christmas.

decline especially writtento become gradually worse – used especially about standards of living, education, health etc:After the war, the standard of living declined.|Over the years, the standard of public transport has declined.

degenerateformalto become worse, or to become something bad instead of something good:Relations between the two countries have degenerated.|The debate degenerated into an argument between the two sides.

escalateto become much worse very quickly – used especially about fighting, violence, or a bad situation:Further violence could escalate into a full-scale armed conflict.|The political crisis escalated.

spiral out of control to become worse in a way that cannot be controlled and is extremely serious and worrying:Police say that the violence has spiralled out of control.|Scientists are worried that global warming could soon spiral out of control.|Costs have been spiralling out of control.

文章开头 引出现象的summary:     when where who what why how

A property firm which offers flats specially for single people found that the average age of the buyers is 32, which is not because they are yet to have children, rather, they probably will never have them.


原因:主语不应该是一家公司,而应该直接点出问题的对象——the age ,再想谁的age ,顾客,特征:young single 是多少。事实现象陈述完毕。说明。。。

In London, the average age of people buying Pocket Living, a building designed for single youngsters, is 32, which means young people are postponing their age of having children, or will never have them.


学生译文:1.  It's free to live on one's own, doing things and living the way you want. It's convenient whether in terms of living styles or learning habits.

点评:is free to live and act 应该改为offers the freedom to live and act…;in the way可以直接说the way,更简洁; learning habits应该改为study habits.

1. Living on your own offers a great deal of freedom to act and live the way you want. It is convenient in terms of both lifestyle and study habits.

hin自由,干什么很自由? 给你自由去干吗,so 是sth offers you the freedom to do sth



10. If you still decide to stick with each other despite that, chances are your friendship will last a lifetime.

10.If you choose to stick with each other despite that, chances are, your friendship will last forever.

2.In terms of lifestyle, you don't have to make bathroom schedules with anyone. Instead, you can have it totally to yourself, so nothing awkward happens in the morning.

2. In life aspect, instead of making bathroom schedules with some else, you can have it all to yourself, so something embarrassing won't happen in the morning time.

12. That’s why, despite all the possible inconveniences, I would still choose to share a room with others during my college years.

12.Therefore, despite some inconvenience sometimes, I still choose to share a room with others in college years.

虽然不是所有长久的婚姻都一定幸福,但婚姻的长度确实能说明一定问题。(say something about it)

3.Although not all long marriages are necessarily happy marriages, the length of marriage does say something about it.

3.While not all long-lasting marriages are happy ones, the length of a marriage does say something about it.

6. 他特别敏感,而且有一种制造小浪漫的天赋。(have a knack for...)

6.He is sensitive in every possible way and has a knack for making little romantic gestures.

6.He is very sensitive, and has a knack for creating little romance.

7. 爷爷喜欢种花养草。奶奶还没睡醒,他就从后院的小花园里摘下最美的花儿,插在他们床头柜上的花瓶里。(backyard garden, nightstand)

7.Being a gardener, he always picks the most beautiful flowers in the smallbackyard gardenand puts them in the vase on their nightstand before my grandma gets up.

7.My grandpa loves gardening. He will pick up the most beautiful flowers from the backyard garden and place them in the vase on the nightstand before grandma wakes up.


.[VN]to take flowers, fruit, etc. from the plant or the tree where they are growing


»to pick grapes


»flowers freshly picked from the garden


»to go blackberry picking


9. 不幸的是,爷爷70多岁的时候患上了老年痴呆症。过去的事情还记得不少,但他很难记住近期发生的事情。(suffer from Alzheimer's, establish short-term memories)

9.Unfortunately, my grandpa started to suffer from Alzheimer's in his early seventies. He still has many of his old memories but has trouble establishing short-term memories.

9.Unfortunately, grandpa suffered from Alzheimer's at his 70s. He can remember quite some stuff, but can hardly establish short-time memories.

to help him calm down.

to calm him down.

12. 我想,幸福的婚姻并不是说两个人总是幸福的,而是说他们都会非常努力,让对方开心,就像《麦琪的礼物》里那样。(The Gift of the Magi)

12.I guess a happy marriage does not mean the couple is always happy, but they try so hard to make each other happy, like what happens inThe Gift of the Magi.

12.I figure a happy marriage is not that when both are happy all the time, but when they both work really hard to make the other one happy, just like what they do inThe Gift of the Magi.

2. I first saw this painting in a book on French impressionism in the school library a few years ago. 

在...书中看到用介词in,不用on;关于...的书应该说a book on...


■a view or picture of the countryside, or the art of making such pictures乡村风景;乡村风景画;乡村风景绘画

•a watercolour landscape.水彩风景画

•J.M.W. Turner is one of Britain's best-known landscape painters.J.M.W.特纳是英国最著名的风景画画家之一。

5.In addition to the greens, Monet’s palette consists of white, pink, purple, yellow, blue, brown and black.





■a thin board with curved edges and a hole for your thumb, used by an artist to mix their paints on while they are painting调色板

countable usually singular

■the range of colours that an artist usually paints with用色风格

•Matisse's palette typically consists of bright blues, greens and oranges.马蒂斯所运用的典型色彩包括亮蓝、绿色和橙色。

这里shadow, water, leaf都是可数名词,都要使用复数形式;light表示“光线”是不可数名词,依然保持light原形;lively是形容词,这里应该改为副词vividly。

修改版本:Different hues vividly represent shadows and light, waters and leaves.

represent (这个词很实用,在描述艺术作品时可以用到。)




■to show or describe something or someone表现;展现;描绘;描述

•[+-ingverb] The statue represents St George killing the dragon.这座雕像展现的是圣乔治斩龙的故事。

•This new report represents the current situation in our schools.这份新的报告介绍了我们这里的学校现状。

•He represents himself as an expert, but he knows nothing.他自称是个专家,可是他一窍不通。



  to describe someone or something in a piece of writing:

His stories depict life in Trinidad as seen through the eyes of a young boy.

|In this new biography she is depicted as a lonely and unhappy woman.


to describe someone or something in a particular way:• (尤指不公平地)展现,描述,表现:

College teachers are often represented on television shows as slightly eccentric.

|The magazine has been criticized for the way it portrays women.

Police have represented her as a willing participant in the crimes.


■to represent or describe something very accurately using words or images(用文字或图像)表现,描绘,刻画

•It would be impossible to capture her beauty in a painting.她的美无法用画笔描绘。

He was inspired by his garden view. Monet started to build his garden from his forties. There are cool greens, sparkling water and exotic plants.

8. This painting was inspired by his garden view. Monet started growing his own gardens in his forties with cool greens and calm, reflective waters,(波光粼粼的平静睡眠) enhanced by exotic plants.

被启发的对象应该是莫奈的绘画,而不是莫奈自己。build his garden应该改为grow his gardens。后半部分不需要另外起there be句型,造成时态问题,建议与前面合并;sparkling waters是一个酒店名,sparkling water指的是“苏打水”“气泡水”,此处应该用reflective waters。

10. 画家捕捉了一个短暂时刻转瞬即逝的之美,从中创造出永恒。(capture, ephemeral moment, eternity)

10.The painter captured an ephemeral momenof beauty and created eternity out of it.

10. The painter captured the passing beauty of an ephemeral moment and created eternity out of it.

11. 花园本身和画作都表现出画家独特的视觉敏感性和对自然的情感(visual sensitivity)

11.His unique visual sensitivity and emotional response to nature are expressed in both the garden itself and his paintings.

对。。。的情感 不能说emotion toward sth

4.(主语是事物)轻微地显露,流露,是延续性的状态(第一类动词)。【例如】His gray eyes usually suggested a confidence and discretion born from experience. 他灰色的眼睛常常显示出经过世故养成了既自信又严谨的性格。/ His reaction suggested a guilty conscience. 他的反应流露出有点心虚。

Manifestindicates a much more clear-cut or unmistakable revealing; unlikeevince, it would suggest something that requires no investigation but is plainly evident to anyone: a hunger thatmanifesteditself in strange ways; a countrymanifestingan unbelievable luxuriance of flora and fauna.

2.[VN]to show sth that previously could not be seen

• 显出;露出;展示


»He laughed, revealing a line of white teeth.


»The door opened to reveal a cosy little room.


»She crouched in the dark, too frightened toreveal herself.




■to show a feeling, opinion or fact陈述;表达;表露

•Her eyes expressed deep sadness.她眼神中流露出深切的悲伤。

•I would like toexpressmy thanks for your kindness.我想向你的善意表示衷心的感谢。

•Words can'texpresshowhappy I am.言语无法形容我的快乐。

•These figures areexpressedasa percentage of the total.这些数字是用总数的百分比来表示的。

express yourself

■to communicate what you think or feel, by speaking or writing, or in some other way表达自己(的想法或感受)

•I'm afraid I'm not expressing myself very clearly.我担心没有把意思表达清楚。

•Children often express themselves in painting.小朋友经常透过画画来表达内心的感受。

point out to mention something that seems particularly important or relevant:

Dr Graham points out that most children show some signs of abnormal behaviour.

|It’s worth pointing out that few people actually die of this disease.

学生译文:In the past, when options were limited, sellers could ramp up the price of some product which is in demand, but that is unlikely to happen now

点评:关于时态,过去式本身就能表示过去发生的情况,所以in the past可以删去。同上一句,options应该改为choice;some product应该改为a certain product;定语从句可以简化为定语。unlikely应该改为less likely。

修改版本:When the choice was limited, sellers could ramp up the price of a certain in-demand product, but that is less likely to happen now.

学生译文:However, these benefits are at the expense of environment.

点评:表示“自然环境”时,environment前面始终要加the,因此environment应改为the environment。be动词虽然没有语法错误,但不如原句生动形象。

修改版本:However, such benefits come at the expense of the environment.

Require sth of sb(注意不是from)

还有copy off of sb /take my eyes off of sb 这里的of 都和表示 /拿走,使损失/ 的动词搭配

■used in expressions showing loss(用于表示损失)

•They were robbed of all their savings.他们的全部积蓄都被抢走了。

•I feel I've been deprived of your company.我感觉我和你在一起的机会全被剥夺了。

2.[often passive]~ sth (of sb)to make sb do or have sth, especially because it is necessary according to a particular law or set of rules

• 使做(某事);使拥有(某物);(尤指根据法规)规定:

▪ [VN]

»What exactly is required of a receptionist(= what are they expected to do)?


»The wearing of seat belts is required by law.


»'Hamlet' is required reading(= must be read)for this course.


»Several students failed to reach the required standard.


2.accident 单独用指“偶然”,不指“不幸”,如 She was twenty when accident brought her to the notice of the great author 和 That was merely a matter of accident。by accident 作“偶然地”解,并没有“不幸”的意思。(by accident 的反义表达方式是 by design 或 on purpose。)

但是如果仔细想想 but if you think about it

Gold Standard

1.a system of providing and controlling the exchange of money in a country, in which the value of money (compared to foreign money) is fixed against that of gold  金本位制

2.something which is very good and is used for measuring how good other similar things are在同类事物中作为尺规,起到衡量比较作用的好事物

I think 'Sesame Street' is still the gold standard for preschool television. 我觉得《芝麻街》仍然是衡量学龄前儿童电视节目品质的尺规。

golden rule

■an important rule or principle, especially in a particular situation(尤指在某种情况下使用的)重要的原则,指导准则

•The golden rule for working in any factory is to observe its safety regulations.在任何工厂工作都要遵守的重要原则是遵守其安全生产规章。

on your own/by yourself without help from anyone else:I can’t move the bed on my own.|See if you can work out the answer by yourself.|all on your own/all by yourself(=used when you feel impressed or feel sympathy for someone):Did you paint this picture all on your own?|It’s not fair that she does everything all by herself.

alone without any help from anyone else.Alone is more formal and less common thanon your ownorby yourself:Police believe the killer acted alone.

independently without asking for help or advice from anyone:Students are taught to work independently.|One day she will have to live independently without the support of her family.

unaided without the help of anyone or anything – used especially about people who are very weak, ill etc:He is unable to breathe unaided.|After treatment, he was able to go up and down stairs unaided.

single-handedly doing something difficult or impressive without help from anyone else:She single-handedly reformed the entire system.

solo by one person, not a group:Lindbergh’s solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean|She is planning to release a solo album.|He sang and played the song solo.

lone adjective[only befor noun]doing something alone. Used especially in the following phrases:a lone gunman:Police say the attack was carried out by alone gunman.|The government should do more to help lone parents(=who raise a child alone).

学生译文:A month ago I met an old friend who I hadn't seen for a long time, so we have a lot to talk about. Somehow we talked about social news.

点评:用定语从句 who I hadn't seen for a long time修饰朋友属于比较少见的用法。建议参考原句调整。整个句子都是过去发生的事情,we have应该改成we had。talk about更偏重于谈论、说起某事,discuss侧重于“讨论”,结合下文更符合语境

修改版本:A month ago I met an old friend. I hadn't seen her for a long time, so we had a lot to talk about. Somehow we began discussing social news.

2. Recently, there have been several high-profile cases of elderly people who collapsed or suffered accidents in public spaces, who then sued the good Samaritans who tried to help them.



UK[ˌhaɪ'prəʊ.faɪl]US[-'proʊ-]adjective[before noun]


■attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public and newpapers, television, etc引人注目的,备受关注的

high-profile politicians备受关注的政治家

•He resigned from a high-profile job as economic adviser to the Prime Minister.他辞去了首相的财经顾问这备受瞩目的职位元。





■to fall down suddenly because of pressure or having no strength or support(由于压力、无力或缺乏支持而)倒塌,坍塌,崩溃,垮掉

•Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake.数以千计的建筑物在地震中倒塌了。

•The chair collapsed under her weight.椅子承受不了她的重量散架了。

•figurative He thought his whole world had collapsed when his wife died.妻子去世后他觉得自己的整个世界都坍塌了。

学生译文:There are some high-profile cases in recent years, which about the elderly collapse suddenly in public place and some good Samaritans help them but end up being sued.

good Sa∙mar∙itans


• a British charity that offers help to people who are very depressed and in danger of killing themselves, by providing a phone number that they can ring in order to talk to sb

• 撒玛利亚会(英国慈善团体,为严重抑郁和想自杀的人提供热线电话谈心服务)

n a person who voluntarily offers help or sympathy in times of trouble

点评:时态上,这些事情已经发生并对现在人们的行事方式造成了影响,所以使用现在完成时there have been,后面的内容用过去式。public place应该改为public places。collapse后面无需suddenly,语义重复。

修改版本:There have been some high-profile cases in recent years of the elderly who collapsed or suffered accidents in public places. Some good Samaritans helped them but ended up being sued.

学生译文:It’s not because people become cold-hearted, but because they really worry about that raising a helping hand will only bring them lawsuits and personal economic losses.

点评:become应该改为have becomeworry about后面不能加that从句,应该改为worry that;economic应该改为financial;raising a helping hand应该改为更常见的说法giving/lending a helping hand。

修改版本:It’s not because people have become cold-hearted, but because they really worry that raising a helping hand will only bring them lawsuits and personal financial losses.可数

点评:没有ask someone something这个搭配。应该是I asked for my friend’s advice,或者是I asked my friend for her advice。this scenario应该改为such scenarios;"Don't ask for trouble." 需要独立成句。

修改版本:I asked my friend for her advice for such scenarios, and her answer was to stay away. "Don't ask for trouble," she said.

点评:we can的can去掉。everyday应该改为every day;but if后面应该加从句,所以thinking carefully应该改为you think carefully;整个句子的逻辑需要调整。 人称的变化要非常谨慎。原句说“我们似乎每天都听说”,使用we,表示普遍的现象,然后说if you think carefully,是在引发读者的思考,后半句so后面用there be句型,表示“你我”都不应该过于pessimistic,而学生译文中人称的变化逻辑混乱。

修改版本:It seems that we hear such cases every day, but if you think carefully, it’s because constant media exposure makes us feel this way, so there is no reason to be too pessimistic.

学生译文:You can say that my friend's advice can help you stay clear of trouble in the short term, but in the long term, it would do potential harm to the whole society and victimize everyone in the end.

点评:第一个can改为may。it would do应该改为it does,因为这种做法现在就正在对社会造成危害,而且还将继续造成the whole society应该改为society as a whole,更为常用;victimize everyone应该改为everyone will be victimized,因为前者的主语是advice,不符合实际。实际上,如果每个人都这么做,才会让每个人都变成受害者,用被动语态施动者可以不出现。

修改版本:You may say that my friend's advice can help you stay clear of trouble in the short term, but in the long term, it does potential harm to society as a whole and everyone will be victimized in the end.


这个形容词同中文“精神方面的”不完全相等,比较接近于宗教上的含义。因此,“精神文明”译成spiritual civilization就不大妥当,可以采取了几个“拐弯”的译法,如:cultural and ideological progress; culture and ideology; culture and ethics,但是同“物质文明”并列使用时,还是只好勉强用spiritual civilization(也有人认为civilization是个整体,不可以分成两类,因而主张用spiritual aspect of civilization)。“精神准备”是mental(*spiritual) preparedness。“精神生活”是cultural(intellectual) life。精神世界”是inner(mental) world。“精神鼓励”是moral encouragement。“精神产品”是intellectual product。法律上的“精神损失赔偿”是emotional damages


Don't say 'a/the need of sth', say a/the need for sth:

I cannot see the need of a new supermarket.I cannot see the need for a new supermarket.

Don't say 'in need for sth', say in need of sth:

This town is in need for a new supermarket.This town is in need of a new supermarket.

学生译文:The most fundamental function teachers have is passing on knowledge, which could be replaced by computer, or aided by computer.

点评:说老师的function,不如用role。fundamental最好是改为basic,因为fundamental有一个意思是more important than anything else。这篇文章显然不是把pass on knowledge作为老师最重要的职能,而是最基本、最基础的职能。后半部分进行一个合并,computer改为computers。

修改版本:The most basic role of teachers is pass on knowledge, which could be replaced or aided by computers.

7.Jaime Escalante was a Bolivian high school teacher known for his ability to turn out high-achieving calculus students from a poor Hispanic neighborhood in East Los Angeles.


turn out

5.PHRASAL VERB短语动词生产;制造If a business or other organization turns out something, it produces it.

【语法信息】:V P n (not pron)

【语法信息】:Also V n P

.•They have been turning out great blades for 400 years.他们生产优质刀片已经有400年历史了。

学生译文:Jamie Escalante is a high school teacher from Bolivia, turns out to be famous because he helped his students, who are from a poverty-stricken Hispanic residential community in East Los Angeles, get high-achieving scores of Calculus.

点评:整体表达比较啰嗦,共用36 words,原句为27 words。首先,整个时态应该使用过去式。turn out在句中的意思是“大量培养”,使用有误。黏连句的情况依然严重。 residential community应该改为neighborhood。

修改版本:Jamie Escalante, a high school teacher from Bolivia, was famous because he helped his students from a poor Hispanic neighborhood in East Los Angeles get high scores in calculus.

9. But he turned things around by offering AP Calculus classes to a few students who would listen to him and managed to help those poor kids get into prestigious universities like Yale and Columbia.

学生译文:His classroom is playing rock music at full blast, remote-controlled toys and Magic all bring into play.

点评:时态应该用过去式。不要用classroom做主语。魔术不能直接用magic,而应该改为magic tricks,也就是魔术小把戏;bring into play应该改为were brought into play。

修改版本:In his classroom, rock’n’roll records played at full blast, remote-controlled toys and magic tricks were all brought into play.


UK[wɜ:st]US[wɝ:st]nounonly singular

at your worst

■less active or intelligent than you are at other times状态最差

■showing the most unpleasant side of someone's character表现出最坏的品质,显出最丑陋的一面

•This problem over late payment has shown him at his worst.这次拖延付款的问题使他原形毕露。

学生译文:Teachers make students laugh, encourage their academic passion, and make them keep faith in the future.

点评:make应该改为help;future在句中是一个可数名词,表示前途,所以in the future应该改为in their futures。

修改版本:Teachers make students laugh, encourage their academic passion, and help them keep faith in their futures.


3.at best

even when considered in the most positive way

The food was bland at best, and at worst completely inedible.

4.at its best

at the highest standard that can be achieved

The documentary was an example of investigative journalism at its best.

13. 不以金钱作为这种行为的衡量标准,他们的贡献对己对人都似乎更加无价。(measurement, invaluable)

13.Without money as a measurement for such deeds, their contributions seem to be more invaluable both to them and to others.

13. Not using money as measurement for this behavior seems to make their contribution more invaluable to others and to themselves.

13翻译先挑出中文的主句,再把别的乱七八糟成分添上去 。这里主句是后半句“贡献更加无价”,前半句是个状语不是主语


也可以用作并列连词,相当于but,但是意思往往表示前一句的内容遇到障碍或限制(有点像“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”中的“只是”,此时后一句的语气没有用but那样重 ),例如:I like this car very much, except I don't have enough money. 这辆车我很喜欢,只是我的钱不够。

4.except与except for的区别是:except是同类事物中除去例外;except for是大范围中除去小类事物作为例外。【例如】Everybody was invited except me. 除了我,人人都获得了邀请(me属于everybody之中)。/ Except for one old lady, the bus was empty. 除了有一位老太太之外,公共汽车是空的(bus是大范围,one old lady是小类事物)。/ The wooden part, black except for a few scattered electric carbon arc lights, came into view. 木质部分,除了有一些零星的电碳弧灯,一片漆黑,此时进入了视线。/ The classroom was silent, except for the busy scratching of pens on paper. 课堂很安静,只有笔在纸上忙碌划擦的声音。/ The office will be empty over Christmas except for the boss and me. 圣诞节期间办公室没人,只剩下头头和我。/ Except for emergencies I have found it easier not to expect any help from my children. 除非遇到紧急情况,我已经认识到,不期待我的孩子们来帮忙,就更加方便一些。

通常,一个问题解决之时,另一个问题就出现了。(the ultimate solution, the moment)

13.If we think technology isthe ultimate solution, that is naïve. More often than not,the momentone problem is solved, another problem appears.

Coke 可乐


and an extra medium-sized French fries in addition to the combo.

2. 这一切都是从点餐开始的。当时我正在一个外国人身后排队,他说着结结巴巴的中文,似乎很难点他想要的东西,所以我主动提出帮助。(ordering, line up, have a hard time, broken Chinese)

2.It all started with the ordering. I was lining up behind a foreigner who seemed to be having a hard time getting what he wanted with his broken Chinese, so I offered to help.

2. It all started with ordering. At that time, I waslining up behind a foreigner who was speaking broken Chinese and seemed tohave a hard time getting what he wanted, so I offered to help.


They’ve talked  about using AI to distinguish between constructive and unconstructive  comments; one possibility is that by tweaking the code in things, you can  have a sea change in the way society  works. (The Guardian)


可供替换的表达:the way society functions


(1)society   runs

点评:“社会运转”不能写成society runs,因为当run取“运转”含义时是及物动词,我们可以说He runs a company.但不能说The company runs.


type in a keyword,plug in ,enter ;search by keywords

■a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular  subject, usually resulting in an examination or qualification课程;教程

•Timdida three-yearcourseinlinguistics at Newcastle.蒂姆在纽卡斯尔大学修读了为期三年的语言学课程。

•They're going awayona trainingcoursenext   week.下星期他们要出去上实习课。

•I'd like to UKdo/ UStakea writingcoursewhen I retire.退休后我想修读一门写作课。

Common   Learner ErrorscourseThe correct preposition to use before course is   on. Don't say 'to/at/in a course', say on a course :

In this course you will learn how to manage   your time.On this course you will   learn how to manage your time.

(1)high-profile titles

点评:high-profile一般用于修饰人,比如a high-profile politician   / public figure / company,不可以用来修饰titles

2- the fashion industry

“the fashion industry”是“时尚行业、时尚界”的固定表达。

2.产生更好以及长久的效果produces better and long-lasting results:

▪ long-lasting continuing for a long time – used especially about effects or relationships:Stress can have long-lasting effects. | While at the school, she made many long-lasting friendships.

▪ lasting [only before noun] strong enough or great enough to continue for a long time: •Few observers believe that the treaty will bring a lasting peace to the region.没有几个观察家认为该条约会给该地区带来持久的和平。

•Did any of your teachers make a lasting impression on you?有没有哪位老师给你留下了深刻的印象?

passive mode of learning 

2.认知能力cognitive skills:

• Alcohol can impactcognitive and motor skillsseverely.

• He had poor social skills and often offended people.

• He is a negotiator of considerable skill.

broaden, hone, improve, increase, master, sharpen, upgrade

拓宽技能;磨练技巧;提高技艺;掌握技术:helping children to master the skills necessary to live in our society 帮助孩子们掌握在社会上生存必需的技能She attends regular training weekends to sharpen her skills. 她周末定期上培训班提高自己的技能。refresh, update更新技能

4.区分事实与伪事实fact from fiction:

countable or uncountable

■a false report or statement which you pretend is true 虚构的事;谎言

•[+ that] At work she kept up the fiction that she had a university degree.工作时,她一直谎称自己有大学学历。

•When he's telling you something, you never know what's fact and what's fiction.他向你叙事时,你永远都不知道哪些是事实,哪些是杜撰的。

其它:。[搭配]PHRASESfact and fiction

真实和虚构:Fact and fiction became all jumbled up in his report of the robbery. 在他对这次抢劫的供述里 ,分不清哪句是真,哪句是假。

motion sickness

ˈmotion ˌsicknessnoun[uncountable]especially American


a feeling of illness that some people get when travelling by car, boat, plane etc

SYNtravel sickness,carsickness, seasicknessBritish English

Q:请问老师,“workplace”是可数名词,这里为什么不用复数呢?是用“the workplace”宽泛指代工作岗位

A:the workplace是一个固定说法,表示“工作场所”,这个用法可以记起来。

the workplace   in general for referring to places where people work

discrimination  in the workplace

elective 用作“选修的”(如 an elective subject)或“选修课程”(名词)解是美国英语,相当于英国的 optional 和 optional subject。

Students may have a relatively limited attention span(1.注意力持续时间), and their minds are likely to drift off(2.转移)to other things duringlong lectures(3.长时间的课程). Even students who remain awake and alert(4.保持清醒)during lectures may spend more of their energy scrambling to take notes(5.匆忙记笔记).

remain awake and alert

Q:请问they are distracted to other places可以表示注意力转移到其他地方的意思吗?

A:写成they are distracted就可以了,to   other places是中式表达。

5.PHRASE短语迄今;到目前为止To date means up  until the present time.

【搭配模式】:PHR with cl

•'Dottie' is by far his best novel todate...《多蒂》是他迄今为止最好的小说。

•She is without question the craziest person I've met todate...她无疑是我到目前为止所遇到的最疯狂之人。

•To date we have spent eight thousand pounds between   us.迄今我们总共已经花掉了8,000英镑。


(1)overall progress until now

点评:until now含义是“直到……为止”,后面暗示着情况会发生变化,如果情况没有变化,要使用so far.

1.……的一个重要作用One of the important functions of:

2.为学生走向社会和工作岗位的平稳过渡做好准备prepare students for a smooth transition into society and the workplace:

不符合中国人心理习惯的,是prepare作为及物动词,以人作为宾语,而且后面通常加上for something。中文的“准备”无论如何不能以人当作宾语,遇到这样的英文,有时候译成中文也有点别扭。例如:Our teacher is preparing us for the exam要绕个弯译成“我们老师正在帮助我们准备考试”甚至“我们老师正在督促我们准备考试”。作为及物动词的prepare还可以有反身代词。【例如】I've been preparing myself for the interview. 我一直在准备面试。/ The doctor had told him to prepare himself for surgery. 医生已经叫他准备动手术。Prepare somebody for something中的something往往有“突如其来的不利事件”的意思,所以这里的prepare就有“给某人打个底子,做好精神准备,以免一下子打击太大”的含义。【例如】Prepare yourself for a shock. 做好大吃一惊的精神准备。/ Problems sometimes arise for mothers who have suddenly taken on full-time work without preparing their children. 有些做母亲的,事先没有给孩子做好思想准备,就干起全天的工作,这样的母亲,有时候会遇到难题。/ The children have been well prepared for their father's death. 孩子们对于父亲的去世,已经早有思想准备。有时候加上一个mentally来修饰prepare,但是没有mentally其实也是指“思想准备”。

3.学生课堂的参与和互动student participation and interaction:

• Some of the magic trickscalled for audience participation.

• Teachers were asked to solicitstudent participation.

direct participation in the running of the country 直接参与国家建设

• the decline in voting and civic participation 投票人数和公民参与度的下降



:The negotiators hoped toeffect a smooth transitionto an interim administration. 谈判人员希望促成向临时政府的平稳过渡。

complete, make

完成改变; 作出转变:The company was slow tomake the transition from paper to computer.公司由纸张办公过渡到计算机办公的转变迟缓。undergo 经历改变

mark 标志转变:The ceremonymarks the transitionfrom the student to graduate status. 这个仪式标志着由学生到毕业生的身分转变。

ease, smooth


This training course aims tosmooth the transitionbetween education and employment这个训练课程的目的是实现从学校学习到就业之间的顺利转变。

the abilities to do sth



University students areat the age when(1.处于一个……的年龄)they are aware of theiracademic interests(2.专业兴趣)and able tomake decisions on their own(3.自己做决定).In light of this fact(4.因此), it is reasonable that they should be given the freedom to takeoptional courses(5.选修课) both within and outside theirmajor area of study(6.专业).

College students are already at an age when they learn about their self interest and can decide for themselves. Thus, they have the freedom to choose their selective courses inside or outside their majors

1.处于一个……的年龄at the age when:

2.专业兴趣academic interests:

3.自己做决定make decisions on their own:

able 强调有能力

4.因此In light of this fact:

because of

• In the light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings.

5.选修课optional courses:

6.专业major area of study:

3.评估方法methods of evaluation:

continuous, regular

不间断的评估;定期的评估:Examination is by continuous assessment. 成绩以持续评估为准。

[搭配]ASSESSMENT + NOUN methods, procedures, technique


criteria 评估标准


assesement 复数是指评估结果。•Both their assessments of production costs were hopelessly inaccurate.他们两者对生产成本所作的估算都非常不准确。




[T usually passive or I] [usually + adv/prep]

■to bring or come together in a large number or amount in one particular area集中;聚集;汇集;集结

•Most of the country's population is concentrated in the north.该国的大部分人口都集中在北部。

•In the dry season, the animals tend to concentrate in the areas where there is water.在干旱的季节,动物常常聚集在有水的地区。

3.阻碍学生……deny students access to:

deny可以有直接和间接宾语。可以deny + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语,也可以deny + 直接宾语 + to + 间接宾语。意思是“拒绝给予某人以某物”。【例如】He denies his son nothing (He denies nothing to his son). 他对儿子是有求必应。/ The government exploited their labour while denying them social equality. 政府剥削他们的劳动,同时又不给他们社会平等地位。/He has also denied you access to some information.他还拒绝了让你接触某些信息。/ The governor has denied clemency to the gang leader. 州长拒绝了宽恕那个团伙头目。既然是“拒绝”,也就有了否定的意义(此时deny就转为表示状态的延续动词,即第一类动词)。【例如】The windows (of the car) were coated with dark plastic, which denied the casual onlooker(间接宾语)the sight(直接宾语)of the people inside. 车子的窗蒙上了暗色的塑料膜,路人偶然张望也看不见车里的人。

[dɪ'naɪ] verb transitive



■to not allow someone to have or do something 不允许;剥夺;拒绝

•Her request for time off workwas denied.她的休假请求未获得批准。

No one should be denieda good education./A good education should be denied to no one.任何人都不能被剥夺接受良好教育的权利。

•[+ two objects] The goalkeeper denied him his third goal.守门员粉碎了他攻入第三球的希望。

I was denied the opportunityof learning French at school.我上学时没有机会学习法语。

其它:it would be unfair, were based on wealth rather than merit, 虚拟


1.作为形容词,组成to be subject to时,有“遭受”、“蒙受”的意义,但又可以分为三个略微不同的含义。

第一个是事实上业已“遭受”、“蒙受”。【例如】Here you'll besubjectto outside noises. 你在这里将会受到外界噪音的干扰。/ Each parent is allowed to give a child up to $12,000 a year before it issubjectto gift tax. (US News & World Report, Dec. 24, 2007, p. 55) 父母每人可以一年赠与一个儿女一万二千美元而不用缴纳馈赠税。

第二个是“(按照规定)必须经过(某一环节或程序)(但尚未经过,结果也未知)”。【例如】The project issubjectto the director's approval. 方案有待所长批准。

第三个是“(按照规定)有可能被施加(某一措施)(但尚未施加,也可能实际上不施加,这个程序不是肯定一律必须实施的)”。【例如】All letters are subject to editing for length, style and fairness. (报纸的“读者来信”处理办法有这么一项)所有来信都可能经过编辑整理,做到长度适当、文笔通顺、待遇公平(有些信件就可能一字不易照登)。/ All hand baggage issubjectto search. 所有手提行李都可以受到检查(实际上只是抽查一部分)。/ Before that "special counsels"—who were selected by, answerable to, andsubjectto being fired or financially hamstrung by the attorney general—were the norm. (The Atlantic Monthly, Nov. 2005, p. 44)在此之前,惯例是任命一些“特别稽查员”,他们是由司法部长挑选、对他负责、可以被他所解职或是被他在经费上卡住的(subject to只是“可以解职”,不是“一定解职”)。参见carry条。

2.作为名词,subject很常用的一个词义,就是“题目”、“主题”,但是意义扩大,就可以表示“谈论的对象”,再进一步扩大,就可以是某一行动的“对象”,接近它的对立面object,结果subject和object就合流了。【例如】His behavior is a subject of much controversy. 他的行为招到很多争议。其他一些语言,在这个场合就用相当于object的名词。但是英文也常常用object而不用subject来表示“对象”,尤其是内心情绪的对象。【例如】He was now theobjectof all their rage and frustration. 他现在成了他们一股脑儿发怒和懊恼的对象。/ This is theobjectof his obsession. 这是他入迷的对象。


1.[C]~ (for sth / that...)a very firm request for sth; sth that sb needs


»a demand for higher pay


»demands that the law on gun ownership should be changed


»firms attempting tomeet / satisfytheir customers'demands(= to give them what they are

asking for)


2. demands[pl.]~ (of sth)|~ (on sb)things that sb / sth makes you do, especially things that are difficult, make you tired, worried, etc.

• (尤指困难、使人劳累、令人烦恼等的)要求:

»the demands of children / work


»Flying makes enormous demands on pilots.


3.[U, C]~

(for sth / sb)the desire or need of customers for goods or services which they want to buy or use


»to meet the demand for a



»There's an increased demand for organic produce these days.


»Demand is exceeding supply.



一直存在:the ever present risk of pollution一直存在的污染造成的危险

1.修饰人或有生物时,用to/ He is highly susceptible to flights of fancy. 他容易胡思乱想。/ ... these professionals seemed less susceptible to herd behavior. (Newsweek, Oct. 15, p. 45) …这些专业人员看来不那么容易受到人群起哄的影响。

2.修饰事物时,用of。【例如】The argument is susceptible of serious misunderstanding.这个论据容易被人严重误解。/ These facts are not susceptible of proof. 这些事实是无法证明的。

UK['gəʊ.ɪŋ]US['goʊ-]adjective[after noun]

■available or existing可得到的;现有的;现行的

•I wouldn't trust him if I were you - he's the biggest crookgoing(= he's the most dishonest person that exists).如果我是你就不会相信他——他是当今世上最大的骗子。

•I don't suppose there's any left-over pie going, is there?我想派饼一点也没有剩下吧,是不是?

ˌfact of ˈlife noun (plural facts of life) [countable]

1.an unpleasant situation that exists and that must be accepted:

Mass unemployment seems to be a fact of life nowadays.

Persuading others to accept the hard financial facts of life is not a very popular job.

2.the facts of life the details about sex and how babies are born:

Mum told me the facts of life when I was twelve.

Segregating students into different schools before they are fully mature is very unfair.

1. to separate one group of people from others, especially because they are of a different race, sex, or religion


segregate somebody from somebody

Blacks were segregated from whites in schools.

2. to separate one part of a place or thing from another

segregate something from/into something

The coffee room had been segregated into smoking and non-smoking areas.


Online courses have been condemned as shallow and a poor substitute for proper university experience, with critics pointing out that staring at a computer screen can hardly compare to vibrant campus life or lively lecture hall debates.


1.[VN]~ sb / sth (for / as sth)to express very strong disapproval of sb / sth, usually for moral reasons• (通常因道义上的原因而)谴责,指责:

»The government issued a statement condemning the killings.


»The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity.


2.[only before noun](BrE,informal) that you consider to be real and of a good enough standard


»Eat some proper food, not just toast and jam!


»When are you going to get a proper job?


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  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 36,169评论 0 254
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 40,324评论 1 294
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 35,268评论 2 317
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 37,299评论 1 329
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 32,996评论 3 315
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 38,591评论 3 303
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 29,667评论 0 19
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 30,911评论 1 255
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 42,288评论 2 345
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 41,871评论 2 341
