Su Shun wrote a poem couched in bitter words and blaming himself for his daughter's death.
couch: to say or write words in a particular style or manner用某种文体或方式表达、措辞
常用搭配:couch something (in something)
造句:This essay is couched in terminologies that are hard to grasp.
It is a short piece describing how a little mouse, when found trapped in a bag, had pretended death, and then worsted his captors when thrown upon the ground.
一是worst的使用,worst此处用作动词,表示to defeat somebody in a fight, a contest or an argument,这里一用还有了拟人化的感觉,像是小老鼠在与人斗智斗勇一样,写得活灵活现
二是整句话句式的运用。It is a short piece describing how a little mouse, when (it was) found trapped in a bag, had pretended death, and then worsted his captors when (it was) thrown upon the ground. 通过使用伴随状语和插入语(插入语中使用了省略结构),并通过had pretended这种时态的使用和主句 found, worsted, thrown等表示的动作区分开事件发生的先后顺序,整个场景就像活了一样,而且读起来断句也恰到好处,不会让读者感觉很累,值得学习。
Under such a regime, good men held office and a number of literary talents had arisen to grace the court with their presence.
grace: 1 to make something more attractive, to decorate something
2 to bring honor to somebody/something; to be kind enough to attend or take part in something 做此种解释时的一般用法为grace something/somebody with something
1 graces, 注意此处是复数形式,表示“风度,体面”,例如social graces社交礼节
2 extra time that is given to somebody to enable them to pay a bill, finish a piece of work etc. 宽限期,延缓期
3 Let's say grace. 此处的grace是“饭前祷告”的意思。
4 His/Her/Your Grace, 一般是对大主教、公爵、公爵夫人的尊称,意为“大人、阁下、夫人”
俗语:be with a bad/good grace 不情愿地 / 心甘情愿地…
airs and graces 摆架子,装腔作势
be in somebody's good graces为某人所赞同,得到某人的欢心
fall from grace 失信,失宠
year of grace=year of our Lord 公元某年,纪元某年
造句:The picture really graces the living room.
Will you be gracing us with your presence tonight? 请问今晚能否赏光?