Maybe he is grown up, but he may becomes naive and subject to reality, for he gives up the dream in his illusion, and admits his inability.

Everyday, he gets up then have a nice chat with his family. His mum is very lazy, so he always wakes her up, telling her it’s time to get up and then go to work.

He comes to the roof, enjoying the sunshine, finding that his family members are getting up and washing their faces. They have breakfast together, talking about their works, gossip news, and about the game their played yesterday. Sometimes he makes jokes with his family, and there is a beautiful atmosphere of happiness. Then everyone goes to work. The boy is grown up, and he is not a boy anymore. He drives to his company, finding that his teacher is parking his car. After having a nice chat about everything they love, like physics, philosophy, and politics, they come to their office and then start working. Though the work is busy, and he almost has no time to relax during his work time, he is full. Talking with his fellows, then planing for the future of the company, and everyone shares the responsibility of the company, he performed his talent of putting things into application, and he was success in his job. There are competitions between everyone, in spite of this, everyone gets on well with everyone. He earned a lot which, even it can not be called rich, but which can use them to help others, and of course, his own life and responsibility to his family. The day of working is tense but full, and after his work, he comes back home. He comes while his sister, mum, and brother-in-law come back. They all have a busy day, and then his aunt always prepared a plentiful and delicious dinner for them. They chat with each other, talking about their work, their life, and things that is interesting and his aunt always forces everyone except him to eat a lot of vegetables. Sometimes they complain the change of the policy of the country, and sometimes they all go happy for hearing news that is good for their advancement. He has a really busy day and he doesn’t want to study or work, so he called his brothers and friends. All of them have had a busy day, and he invited them to go to a coffee to play games. At that time, those who he has known from the internet have all graduated, and sometimes they go to his hometown to play with him. They play games and have a really happy day, and then everyone goes back to home. Sometimes the boy asked everyone to go to the gym together. He doesn’t want himself to be fat so that everyday he appealed everyone to join him, to exercise.

Time goes to weekends. Sleep is really charming to him so that he has had a really good sleep in the weekends. He gets up and his mother is reading books in her phone. Everyone just gets up except his aunt, and she is reading books. On the desk, she has done a good meal for those lazy guys. They chat with each other with a tired face. And then he leaves.

He goes to his home, another home where he spent his childhood. He visits his respected grandmother, and of course, his father and his brother come back to where they have spent the most time in their life. His grandmother is now very old, and his grandfather, who always punish him and afraid that he is fated because his punishment. Even the boy has always been punished by him, but there was no, even one second, that he hated his grandfather, but his grandfather just didn’t know about it. They talk about their recent life. His grandmother asks them about their life, and they all talk about their recent experience. He loves his brother, loves his grandmother, and he loves his who family. They all have had a great time, and they spent almost 3 hours talking about themselves. His brother, still less talking, but the atmosphere is still warm. His grandmother takes care of them carefully, and ask them not to do things harmful. And the talking ends with happiness, and everyone is reluctant to leave.

Everyone gets separate and he calls his brothers and sisters to get out. At that time the boy funded with his friends and families to set up a coffee where is completely quite and comfortable.He invites everyone to join him to read books there. His brother-in-law always become distracted. He knows, and laugh at him that he should learn some knowledge. Then he gets into the world of philosophy, listening the warning and teaching from those old men, and then gets into stories. He talks about the comments of the book with his teacher, and philosophy, always turns out to be what they always talks about. The coffee may not become very successful for he sets up that not for benefits. But everyone has had a really good day there.

The boy may have meet his girl friend at that time, or before, during his college life. She will be everything of him just like what he had swore to be. There maybe some argument between them but the boy always leave the honor of wining to her. The boy put everything he has to take care of her, trying best to make himself qualified to be with her. He is always the one to sacrifice, the one to protect others, and that is exactly what he wants.

Everything talked before once dreamed by the boy. There is nothing special, nothing like changing the world, nothing about taking someone’s life, nothing about fighting, but everything is normal, just like what Socrates says, that the best life is to have a bunch of friends around, and discussing the philosophy of life with them.

He doesn’t know why. He has dreamed that he will be the mad scientist who will seek the world. He is not the one who he wants himself to be, who is an archer, who will, just like what it is described in Fate, protect people who is important to him and the lab which he has dreamed, that was set up by him and his friends, against whom attempts to kill to threaten to exploit him. He is not strong that he could could skilled use swords to lift the sword. He will, never have the tragic life that once appeared in his dream. But the life, the life he have dreamed before, the normal life with friends and family, is too appealing to him.

Maybe he is grown up, but he may becomes naive and subject to reality, for he gives up the dream in his illusion, and admits his inability. But he doesn’t know why, he has never been shame on this.



所有人都开始了新的一天,他开车去了公司,发现他的老师也在停车,他们开始谈论最近公司的问题,有时也会讨论些学术上他们感兴趣的东西,像哲学物理政治这些学术性的问题,他们就这样并肩走去他们的办公室开始工作。虽然他的工作很忙,他经常忙到没有时间休息,但他却很充实。他常于同事们一起交流,为公司的未来做计划,所有人也为这公司和他们自己而奋斗着,他也能在自己的岗位上展现出他能将所有学过的东西应用起来的天赋,也能在工作上取得成功。公司中每个人之间也会有竞争,但就算这样,所有人也能和其他人很愉快的交流。他有着不错的工资,虽然不是百万千万的数目,却足以让他肩负起家庭的责任,也足够他生活。 工作日虽然很忙,但却很充实,在工作完毕之后他便回到了家里,他的家人都拖着疲惫的身躯回到了家里,而他的姨妈也早早的他们准备好了丰富的晚餐,强迫着除了他以外的每个人吃各种蔬菜,他们继续谈论今日发生的事情,也会谈论下新闻报道,抱怨某个国家的政治,也有时候对自己的升职或者在工作上取得的进步感到自豪。一日的工作让他精疲力尽,他并不想把晚上的时间用于学习或者工作,他拨通了所有人的电话,邀请他们去咖啡厅一起打游戏。在那个时候,他在那个几乎拯救了他一生的那个游戏上遇到的朋友们也早已毕业,有时他们也会来到他的故乡和他一起娱乐。他和他的朋友家人就这样在游戏的世界里度过了充实的一晚,每个人也回到了家里。有时他会召集家里人一起去健身,因为他并不想自己在时间的流逝中变得臃肿。


他来到了他另外一个家,在这个地方他度过了他的整个童年。他与他的奶奶爷爷问好,而他的父亲,哥哥也来到了家里,他的奶奶爷爷都逐渐老去,他的爷爷,一个在他童年时期经常斥责他却又害怕自己的呵斥会被讨厌的人,虽然这个男孩从小就被呵斥直到长大,他却从来没有,甚至一秒,讨厌过他的爷爷,而只是他的爷爷从来不知道而已。他们谈论着自己最近的生活 ,他的奶奶也如同以前一般,询问着他们的生活,他爱着他的哥哥,他的父亲,他的爷爷奶奶,他的整个家。他们几乎谈论了三个小时直到他忽然发现自己还有约在前,他的哥哥,虽然如同往常一般很少说话,家里的气氛却也很温暖。他的奶奶很耐心的照顾他们,提醒着他们不要做对自己有害的事情。他们的谈话在欢乐中结束,所有人也很不情愿的离开了






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