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“Despite knowing the journey and where itleads, I embrace it. And I welcome every moment of it.” How do you evaluateLouise according to this saying? Please combine the movie plots with youropinion.
1. Ludwig Wittgenstein ever said: The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. In fact, our brains are limited when they are shaped. As a undergraduate, talk about your “Students thinking mode”. Besides, make a rational analysis about how to grow into a more adaptable “adult” to the modern society?
2. Tony Robbins made a comment: China is 10 times materialthan the US. In such material-oriented society, most people have been told: Gochasing money! Once making enough money, your life will be perfect. That’sreally an oversimplified and crude value which severely limits our horizon.Have you been fettered by such linear causality? It’s really hard to overturnthe original deep-rooted perception, but it’s worthwhile to have a try forbeing a more aware individual.
3. Charlie Munger fancies a sentence: All I want to know iswhere I’m going to die, so I’ll never go there. Using the finished state todirect the present life is an advisable method. So try to Imagine doing a timetravel to 100 years’ old, what would you tell to who you are today? Why?
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