1、音频 0b
2、视频 0b 10、11、12单元,波波一集,粉猪一集
晚饭后还是出门去散步,走在街上,石头对各种店铺感兴趣了,所以经过每个店铺的时候,就会告诉他是什么店。尤其是理发店,前面选择的灯,让石头很感兴趣,经过的时候,总是要停在那里,跟着转一会儿再走。但是这个灯,不知道用英语怎么说,其实中文也不太知道确切的说法,后来查了一下,中文就叫转灯,英文可以叫rotating light,spining light, barber shop pole,后一个比较确切,搜图出来都是同样的东西。查的时候,还顺便了解了下为什么发廊门口都会放一个这样的灯。
During the Middle Ages bloodletting, which involves cutting open a vein and allowing blood to drain, was a common treatment for a wide range of maladies, from sore throat to plague.
The look of the barber pole is linked to bloodletting, with red representing blood and white representing the bandages used to stem the bleeding. The pole itself is said to symbolize the stick that a patient squeezed to make the veins in his arm stand out more prominently for the procedure
It is spinning in this direction. 它朝这个方向在旋转。
The barber pole is spinning. 发廊转灯在旋转。
Can you spin like the barber pole?你能像发廊转灯一样转吗?