I believe most children have had a similar childhood dream. When we were youngsters, adults always asked what we wanted to do when fully-grown. Being impacted by television broadcasts, limited personal experience, developing individualities etc., at that time lots of us dreamed of becoming scientists, police, teachers and so on.
Being slowly exposed to more choosable jobs and gradually fostering a mature personality, we begin to own different dreams. However, at this moment, when people ask the same question again, many of us do not like to reply straightforwardly, but try to shun it by saying they have not a aspiration at all.
That is ridiculous and absurd. I have ever read an view in a book, in which the author asks a question. Is the reason why you say you have not a dream whether you have not clearly thought about it yet or lack of self-confidence? This post only aims to talk about the latter group since I had been one of them. Actually, I have a dream, but I am less confident about it since it is somewhat distant to achieve. If I cannot make it come ture after declaring it openly, I am more likely to feel shameful. Nevertheless, having gotten the opinion mentioned above, I suddenly realize that I make a serious error. By avoiding confronting my dream bravely, I have made excuses for me to put off carrying it out, to comfort myself, and even to escape reality pressure. By doing this, how can I be able to fulfill it? As you know, the answer is impossible.
After understanding this problem, I have started pressuring myself to face it courageously, to announce it publicly, and to draw up a grand plan for it decisively. Now, I could honestly tell you my dream here without any hesitation.
My dream is being hired by The Economist Group.
So, what is your dream?