Sara 《听老友记学地道美语》课程 7 & 8 出自 S01E22 (Monica 老牛吃嫩草)

  • Monica: All right, I'll see you guys later. (raises)
  • Rachel: Off to see young Ethan?
  • Monica: Thank you.
  • Joey: How young is young Ethan? Young?
  • Monica: He's... our age.
  • Chandler: When we were?
  • Monica: Ok, he's a senior in college.
  • Ross: College?
  • Joey: Oh, rob that cradle.
  • Monica: Well, he's smart and-and mature and grown up.
  • Ross: Mature and grown up? He's a big boy!
  • Chandler: And this manchild has no problem with how old you are?
  • Monica: No, of course not. It's not even an issue. 'Cause I told him I was 22.
  • All: What?
  • Monica: Oh, I can't pass for 22?
  • Phoebe: Well, maybe 25-26.
  • Monica: I am 26.
  • Phoebe: There you go.


  • 「off to」= 「go off to (do something / somewhere)」去做某事/去哪儿。同样用法还出现在:
    • S01E09 Ross: I’m off to Carlo’s.
    • S01E09 Ross: All right, I’m off to talk to my unborn child.
    • S02E12: Phoebe: Hey, hey, where (are) you off to? //Phoebe 看 Ross 大包小包进咖啡厅
    • S02E22: Chandler: You guys off to party No.1, and you and you off to party No.2 //Rachel 的爸爸妈妈合不来,所以大家开 party 的时候在两间公寓分别接待了来客,所以 Monica 后来都火了
    • S05E13 Joey:I’m off to my audition.
    • S07E03 Chandler (to Ross): I'm off to see your dad.
    • S07E23 Joey: I'm off to fight the Nazis.
    • S09E06/E10: Chandler: I'm off to Tosa.
    • S10E09 Chandler: We are off to Ohio.
  • 「our age」这个用法同样可以接在其他形容词性物主代词 (my,your 等) 后面,表示 「和 XXX 同龄的 / XXX 年龄段的」,注意没有 same. 同样用法还出现在:
    • S03E01 Phoebe:Every guy our age love that.
    • S03E19 (Phoebe: So you are billionaire!) Chandler (补充道): And you're our age. You're our age. // Monica 交往了一个年轻的亿万富翁 Pete Becker
    • S04E14 Rachel’s boss: She's about your age. //Rachel 老板的一个侄女要来纽约玩,让 Rachel 带她转转.
    • S09E15 Chandler: She's about my age. (Your age?)
  • 「Rob that cradle」字面意思偷来了一辆婴儿车,(在这个语境下的) 意译则为「老牛吃嫩草」,相关的用法还出现在:
    • S05E15 Phoebe: You guys (She turns to an elderly gentleman and a 20-something woman, who're a couple.) (To the girl) Gold digger, (To the old guy) cradle robbing perv!
  • 「He’s smart and mature and grown-up.」这里 Monica 在「mature」后面再用了一个「grown-up」来加重语气
  • 「pass for (something)」看起来像 / 混得过去 / 充当得过去 / 骗得过去,比如:
    • His English is so good, he can easily pass for an American.
    • S07E01 Joey: I can pass for 19, right? (Chandler: Yes, you can pass for 19.) //Joey (当时 31 岁) 要去演一个 19 岁的小男生
    • 男生可以对女生说:You don’t look like 30, you can easily pass for 18.
    • 女生也可以说:I can pass for 18, can’t I?
  • 「There you go.」最基本的意思是「给你」,这个意思的用法出现在:
    • S02E23 Monica (to Chandler): There you go and enjoy your coffee.
    • S03E10 Rachel: There you go, enjoy. //Rachel 最后一天在 Central Park 端咖啡,好好喝 (这是姐最后一天端咖啡了,好好喝)
  • 还是「There you go.」,这里 Phoebe 明显没有给 Monica 任何东西,所以在这个语境下可以理解为「你看,我说对了吧」,一般有这么几种意思:
    • 我是对的
    • 我早就说了吧
    • 这不就得了
    • 这不就对了
    • 你看我告诉你过哦
    • 你现在很上道「Way to go / That's the way to go」
    • 你现在的方向是对的 (我是对的)
  • 这种 (没有给东西的)「There you go.」出现在:
    • S02E21
      • Ross: Alright, that's it. I've had enough of this, alright. Gunther, these guys are trying to take our seat.
      • Gunther: Fellas, these guys were here first.
      • Big Bully: Oh, sorry, I didn't realize.
      • Little Bully: Sorry.
      • Gunther: There you go. //这下好了,你们可以坐回自己位置了
    • S03E01
      • Joey: This is Janice! You remember Janice?
      • Rache: Yes, Joey, I remember, she's annoying, but you know what she's-she's his girlfriend now. I mean what can we do?
      • Joey: There you go! That's the spirit I'm looking for! What can we do? //这就对了
    • S03E11
      • Rachel (on phone): Oh, God, thank you soo much. Great! Bye! (Hangs up phone) I got the interview!
      • Monica: Oh, Yay!
      • Ross: There you go. //这不就好了?早就该打电话啦~
    • S03E18
      • Chandler: Every office in the world uses that program! //Monica 交往的那个 Pete Becker the billionaire 发明了「摩斯865」(剧中虚构的一种计算机统计程序)
      • Rachel: We use it!! //Rachel 惊讶道「我们都在用这个哎!!」
      • Chandler: There you go! //计算机专家 Chandler 说「你说对了」
  • 题外话,这个 young Ethan 其实不是 a senior in college, 而是 a senior in high school 😂, 「senior」means a student in the last year of university or high school.
    • Monica: Here goes. I'm not 22. I'm 25... and 13 months. But I figure, you know, that shouldn't change anything.
    • Ethan: long as we're telling stuffI have another one for you. I'm a little younger than I said.
    • Monica: You're not a senior?
    • Ethan: Oh, I'm a senior... in high school.


  • 「our age」读成 or age,口语中一般都把 our 这么读,同样读法还出现在:
    • S01E02 Ross: Of course, she- uh- familiar with our.. special situation? //这个医生对我们的情况 (你是我前期但你是同性恋,而你又跟别的女人住在一起,可你又怀了我的孩子) 熟悉吗?
    • S01E03 Ross: That's funny, that, no, because, uh, our parents actually did, uh, send our dog off to live on a farm. //善良的 Ross 一直以为自己的小狗 (Chi Chi) 被爸妈送到农场去追小兔子去了,实际上已经安乐死
    • S01E03 Phoebe: Thank you for calling attention to our error.
    • S01E04 Joey: Less than a hundred steps from our place to here. //也就是说的 Central Park 到他们公寓不到一百步
    • S01E08 Mr. Geller: Not just restaurants, from our house. //Ross 的外婆经常喜欢从餐厅拿 Sweet'n Lows (sweet and low, 大写的话是指一个甜品品牌,小写的话是指低热量甜品,剧中是指木糖醇的糖包)
    • S01E10 Ross: We- we had our first fight this morning. //Ross 跟他的猴子 Marcel 早上吵 (第一) 架,说明他们经常吵架
    • S01E11 Mrs. Bing: He's not a hero... You know who our hero is. //Chandler 的妈妈对 Ross 说 Paul 跟 Rachel 根本没戏,你才是我们的英雄
    • S01E14 Janice: Hello, Joey, our little matchmaker. //Joey 是 Janice 跟 Chandler 那次复合的小媒人 / 月老
    • S01E19 Chandler: Yes, but these women are very hot, and they need our help! And they're very hot. //这些女孩家里暖气坏了非常热,需要我们的帮助
    • S01E20 Joey: Hey, you know our phone's not working?
  • 「rob that cradle」两个爆破音失去爆破
  • 「mature」重音在后面的音节里
  • 「grown-up」读成 grow nap
  • 「big boy」爆破音失去爆破
  • 「not even an」连读成 notiven n (an orange 同样的读法)
  • 「told him」连读成 toldim,h 的发音弱读
  • 「can't pass」爆破音失去爆破
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