// 获取彩色图像格式
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = pColorFrame->get_RawColorImageFormat(&imageFormat);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// 如果是BGRA格式,就直接把pBuffer指向pColorFrame的数据头,否则需要转化成BGRA
if (imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Bgra)
hr = pColorFrame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer(&nBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE**>(&pBuffer));
else if (m_pColorRGBX)
pBuffer = m_pColorRGBX;
nBufferSize = cColorWidth * cColorHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
hr = pColorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(nBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pBuffer), ColorImageFormat_Bgra);
hr = E_FAIL;
void CColorBasics::ProcessColor(INT64 nTime, RGBQUAD* pBuffer, int nWidth, int nHeight)
// 计算和显示帧率、时间
if (m_hWnd)
if (!m_nStartTime)
m_nStartTime = nTime;
double fps = 0.0;
LARGE_INTEGER qpcNow = {0};
if (m_fFreq)
if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&qpcNow))
if (m_nLastCounter)
fps = m_fFreq * m_nFramesSinceUpdate / double(qpcNow.QuadPart - m_nLastCounter);
WCHAR szStatusMessage[64];
StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L" FPS = %0.2f Time = %I64d", fps, (nTime - m_nStartTime));
if (SetStatusMessage(szStatusMessage, 1000, false))
m_nLastCounter = qpcNow.QuadPart;
m_nFramesSinceUpdate = 0;
// Make sure we've received valid data 确定接收了有效数据
if (pBuffer && (nWidth == cColorWidth) && (nHeight == cColorHeight))
// Draw the data with Direct2D 绘制、显示彩色图
m_pDrawColor->Draw(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pBuffer), cColorWidth * cColorHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD));
// 存储彩色图,保存为bmp文件
if (m_bSaveScreenshot)
WCHAR szScreenshotPath[MAX_PATH];
// Retrieve the path to My Photos
GetScreenshotFileName(szScreenshotPath, _countof(szScreenshotPath));
// Write out the bitmap to disk
HRESULT hr = SaveBitmapToFile(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pBuffer), nWidth, nHeight, sizeof(RGBQUAD) * 8, szScreenshotPath);
WCHAR szStatusMessage[64 + MAX_PATH];
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Set the status bar to show where the screenshot was saved
StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L"Screenshot saved to %s", szScreenshotPath);
StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L"Failed to write screenshot to %s", szScreenshotPath);
SetStatusMessage(szStatusMessage, 5000, true);
// toggle off so we don't save a screenshot again next frame
m_bSaveScreenshot = false;