Speculation as a Fine Art andThoughts on Life by Dickson G. Watts

Speculation as a Fine Art andThoughts on Life by Dickson G. Watts





you have opened the tomb of agreat man. his name, his hooks and his exchange have almost vanished. dicksong. watts, author of speculation as a fine art and thoughts on life, was acharter member and president of the new york cotton exchange.


the revival of edwinlefevre's book, reminiscences of a stock operator, has renewed interest in thebook because "old dickson" wrote the bible for successfulspeculators. reference is constantly made of speculation as a fine art, yetthere is not a copy in the library of congress or the new york public library.this was one of the few books written on speculation by a successfulspeculator.


dickson g. watts waspresident of the new york cotton exchange between 1878 and 1880. this exchangewas one of the greatest arenas of speculation in america. seats sold for asmuch as $45,000. at this writing, the bid is $770 and the trading ring isdeserted. the epitaph of the cotton exchange is that our great society of freeenterprise supports the price of cotton above the world market. speculatorscannot out-bid the government, so the price cannot go up. the price cannot dropbecause uncle sam has unlimited funds. there is a remote possibility that thecotton producers will grow cotton faster than the government can print moneyand the market will be free again.


pandora's box is open. youhave parts of thoughts on life and speculation as a fine art in your hands.


did "old dickson"originate the quotations and rules of speculation or did he just pass themalong? at any rate, he used the knowledge to good advantage. can you?


j.r.l. 3/16/65


this reprint of a wall streetclassic is by permission of jack r. levien who was owner of traders press whenit was functioning in new york. i first ran across jack in early 1965 when hewas reprinting old wall street classics, as we do these days, and since then ihave kept track of his adventures away from wall street to holland and finallyback to route 1, box 18, mcdowell, virginia 24458 where he now resides, keepinghis fertile mind working in numerous areas.


one of these areas has beenfor years his love and care for miniature books. he has produced over 40 ofthem, with a great variety of subject matter, typography and bindings. in pastlives, jack was a printing salesman and later a stockbroker. he came first fromrichmond, virginia to new york and began to collect books relating to the stockmarket.


his first miniature formatwas in 1967, with the results being stock market manipulation by edwin lefevre.the results he received from publication of this small book led him to studyminiature books and publish more of them. his first five miniature publicationswere under the traders press label while he lived in brooklyn, new york. inholland he published under his own name and he is now back in virginia, hisnative land.


james l. fraser


burlington, vermont




speculation as a fine art


what is speculation?


before entering on ourinquiry, before considering the rules of our art, we will examine the subjectin the abstract. is speculation right? it may be questioned, tried by thehighest standards, whether any trade where an exact equivalent is not given canbe right. but as society is now organized speculation seems a necessity.


is there any differencebetween speculation and gambling? the terms are often used interchangeably, butspeculation presupposes intellectual effort; gambling, blind chance. accuratelyto define the two is difficult; all definitions are difficult. wit and humor,for instance, can be defined; but notwithstanding the most subtle distinction,wit and humor blend, run into each other. this is true of speculation andgambling. the former has some of the elements of chance; the latter some of theelements of reason. we define as best we can. speculation is a venture basedupon calculation. gambling is a venture without calculation. the law makes thisdistinction; it sustains speculation and condemns gambling.


all business is more or lessspeculation. the term speculation, however, is commonly restricted to businessof exceptional uncertainty. the uninitiated believe that chance is so large apart of speculation that it is subject to no rules, is governed by no laws.this is a serious error. we propose in this article to point out some of thelaws in this realm.


there is no royal road to

success in speculation. we do not undertake, and it would be worse than folly

to undertake, to show how money can be made. those who make for themselves or

others an infallible plan delude themselves and others. our effort will be to

set for the great underlying principles of the“art”the application of which must depend on circumstances, the time and the man.


let us first consider thequalities essential to the equipment of the speculator. we name them:self-reliance, judgment, courage, prudence, pliability.


1           self-reliance. a man must think for himself, must follow

his own convictions. george macdonald says:“a man cannot have another man’s ideas any more than he can another man’s soul or another man’s body.”self-trust is thefoundation of successful effort.


2judgment. that equipoise, that nice adjustment of thefaculties one to the other, which is called good judgment, is an essential tothe speculator.


3           courage. that is, confidence to act on the decisions of

the mind. in speculation there is value in mirabeau’s dictum:“be bold, still be bold; always be bold.”


4           prudence. the power of measuring the danger, together with

a certain alertness and watchfulness, is very important. there should be a

balance of these two, prudence and courage; prudence in contemplation, courage

in execution. lord bacon says:“in

meditation all dangers should be seen; in execution one, unless very

formidable.”connected with these qualities, properly an outgrowth of them, is a third, viz:

promptness. the mind convinced, the act should follow. in the words of macbeth;“henceforth the very

firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand.”think, act, promptly.


5           pliability the ability to change an opinion, the power of

revision.“he who



observes again, is always formidable.”


the qualifications named arenecessary to the makeup of a speculator, but they must be in well-balancedcombination. a deficiency or an overplus of one quality will destroy theeffectiveness of all. the possession of such faculties, in a proper adjustmentis, of course, uncommon. in speculation, as in life, few succeed, many fail.


each department of life hasits language, expressive if not elegant, and in dealing with the subject wemust perforce adopt the language of the street. the laws given will be found toapply to speculation of any kind. they are universal laws; but for the sake ofclearness we assume the case of speculation as conducted in one of ourexchanges, where they can be best demonstrated.


laws absolute.


1never overtrade. to take an interest larger than thecapital justifies is to invite disaster. with such an interest a fluctuation inthe market unnerves the operator, and his judgment becomes worthless.


2           never“double

up”; that

is, never completely and at once reverse a position. being“long,”for instance, do not“sell out”and go as much“short.”this may occasionally

succeed, but is very hazardous, for should the market begin again to advance,

the mind reverts to its original opinion and the speculator“covers up”and“goes long”again. should this lastchange be wrong, complete demoralization ensues. the change in the originalposition should have been made moderately, cautiously, thus keeping thejudgment clear and preserving the balance of the mind.




not at all; that is to say, act promptly at the first approach of danger, but

failing to do this until others see the danger, hold on or close out part of



4           another rule is, when doubtful, reduce the amount of the

interest; for either the mind is not satisfied with the position taken, or the

interest is too large for safety. one man told another that he could not sleep

on account of his position in the market; his friend judiciously and

laconically replied:“sell

down to a sleeping point.”


rules conditional.


these rules are subject tomodification according to the circumstances, individuality and temperament ofthe operator.


1. it is better to“average up”than to“average down.”this opinion is contraryto the one commonly held and acted upon; it being the practice to buy, and on adecline to buy more. this reduces the average. probably four times out of fivethis method will result in striking a reaction in the market that will preventloss, but the fifth time, meeting with a permanently declining market, theoperator loses his head and closes out, making a heavy loss - a loss so greatas to bring complete demoralization, often ruin.


but buying at first

moderately, and, as the market advances, adding slowly and cautiously to the“line”- this is a way of

speculating that requires great care and watchfulness, for the market will

often (probably four times out of five) react to the point of“average.”here lies the danger.failure to close out at the point of average destroys the safety of the wholeoperation. occasionally a permanently advancing market is met with and a bigprofit secured.


in such an operation theoriginal risk is small, the danger at no time great, and when successful, theprofit is large. the method should only be employed when an important advanceor decline is expected, and with a moderate capital can be undertaken withcomparative safety.


2. to“buy down”requires a long purse and

a strong nerve, and ruin often overtakes those who have both nerve and money.

the stronger the nerve the more probability of staying too long. there is,

however, a class of successful operators who“buy down”and hold on. they deal in relatively small amounts. entering the market prudentlywith the determination of holding on for a long period, they are not disturbedby its fluctuations. they are men of good judgment, who buy in times ofdepression to hold for a general revival of business - an investing rather thana speculating class.


3. in all ordinary

circumstances our advice would be to buy at once an amount that is within the

proper limits of capital, etc.,“selling

out”at aloss or profit, according to judgment. the rule is to stop losses and letprofits run. if small profits are taken, then small losses must be taken. notto have the courage to accept a loss, and to be too eager to take a profit, isfatal. it is the ruin of many.


4. public opinion is not to

be ignored. a strong speculative current is for the time being overwhelming,

and should be closely watched. the rule is, to act cautiously with public

opinion; against it, boldly. to go with the market, even when the basis is a good

one, is dangerous. it may at any time turn and rend you. every speculator knows

the danger of too much“company.”it is equally necessary toexercise common caution in going against the market. this caution should becontinued to the point of wavering - of loss of confidence - when the marketshould be boldly encountered to the full extent of strength, nerve and capital.the market has a pulse on which the hand of the operator should be placed asthat of the physician on the wrist of the patient. this pulse-beat must be theguide when and how to act.


5. quiet, weak markets aregood markets to sell. they ordinarily develop into declining markets. but whena market has gone through the stages of quiet and weak to active and declining,then on to semi-panic or panic, it should be bought freely. when vice versa, aquiet and firm market develops into activity and strength, then intoexcitement, it should be sold with great confidence.


6. in forming an opinion of

the market, the element of chance ought not be omitted. there is a doctrine of

chances - napoleon in his campaigns allowed a margin for chance - for the

accidents that come in to destroy or modify the best calculation. calculation

must measure the incalculable. in the“reproof of chance lies the true proof of men.”


it is better to act on

general than special information (it is not so misleading), viz., the state of

the country, the condition of the crops, manufacturers, etc. statistics are

valuable, hut they must be kept subordinate to a comprehensive view of the

whole situation. those who confine themselves too closely to statistics are

poor guides.“there

is nothing,”said


fallacious as facts, except figures.”



in doubt, do nothing. Don’t

enter the market on half convictions; wait till the convictions are fully



we have written to littlepurpose unless we have left the impression that the fundamental principle thatlies at the base of all speculation is this: act so as to keep the mind clear,its judgment trustworthy. a reserve force should therefore be maintained andkept for supreme movements, when the full strength of the whole man should beput on the stroke delivered.


it may be thought that thecarrying out of these rules is difficult. as we said in the outset, the giftedman only can apply them. to the artist alone are the rules of his art valuable.




compensations do not alwayscompensate.


a common deception, -self-deception.


hold in time, or take thejump.


a danger known is halfovercome. a fault recognized is half conquered.


a great insult, - tell a man

he can’t takea joke.


fools try to prove that theyare right. wise men try to find when they are wrong.


that writer is the greatestwho says the least and suggests the most.


follow the vague andintangible, and it will become definite and tangible.


a man’s good qualities are often, at bottom, only pride.


two standards, - one foryourself and one for your neighbor. the first should be fixed, the secondflexible.


that man is greatest whoquickens most the lives of other men.


all see; few observe, fewerstill compare.


the finished fabric ofscience is the raw material of philosophy.


destruction must oftenprecede construction, but most men stop at the former.


common sense is sense menhave in common.


defer to a man and he willlisten to you.


the dangerous classes, -enthusiasts and fools.


a true estimate of one’s self is not vanity.


suffering of the body ispain, of the mind anguish, of the spirit agony.


man can improve on nature.perhaps that is his business here.


the distant is the great, thenear the little. but the little-near controls man rather than thedistant-great.


catch thoughts“on the fly,”for there is no rebound.


to conquer fate, advance tomeet it.


the first blow is half thebattle.


man’s enemies are legion. ofttimes he himself is his onlyfriend.


surplus is as bad asdeficiency, deficiency as surplus.


sentimentality is an uglycaricature of beautiful sentiment.


nerve is nerves controlled.


many lean, few lift.


imagination controlled is agreat builder; imagination uncontrolled, a great destroyer.


people forget in the rush,remember in the hush.


look before you leap, but notwhen you leap.


the greatest tolerance is totolerate the intolerant.


awe is fear petrified.



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