一、Getting Started
If you are on Windows, you need to change this setting:
Edit -> Project Settings -> Player
Now in the inspector view under Optimiziation find “Api Compatibility Level”
Set Api Compatibility Level to: .NET 2.0
Press play.
public Arduino arduino;
void Start () {
arduino = Arduino.global;
void ConfigurePins() {
arduino.pinMode(13, PinMode.OUTPUT);
二、Using A Servo
arduino.analogWrite(pinPort, 180);
三、Using a potentiometer with analogRead
四、Using a Button with digitalRead
arduino.reportDigital((byte)(pin/8), 1);
//(byte)(pin/8) is basically a way of finding the port your pin is part of. Ports are in groups of 8, with 3 total ports on the Arduino Uno. Pin 2 is on port 0.
The second number in the parameters (1) is the enable option. 1 = on, 0 = off.
This is the magic line of code that reads input from a digital pin.