只有女人性和感情分不开吗?吃可以解忧也是巨大传染性疾病!-H&H 73

2020-03-10 to 11

学到的新知识,就是为了博士学位赶紧把该完成的页数写够,拿到学位再说是否发表书籍和课程开发!这个很重要,否者一直纠结,耽误进展!learning: enough pages to get your degree, books and exhibition later might happen


还是10号开始kettle enrolled,竟然不去aws免费的好地方,因为可以走路去上西区地方,不折腾!



女人性和头脑/感情是否可以分离,女性的下部和心灵不可分吗?男人难道都可以吗?不见得,我的有限经验告诉,we can not fuck like a man, as man is not necessary cool about sex and emotion either, it is not even good or bad to separate it, we just are so different. I accept the fact I can not separate that is why as long as I see a man nature not nice, I run away asap as what happened with R and J. As I am worried to become stupid, blind, having a big burden in life, most importantly becoming the person who is not kind and nice. I also think the men who had sex with me is attached to me for a long period of time, they did reach to me after breaking-up but I am just so cool(not really) to ignore as I know what is right and wrong, no compromise on basic principles.

我在讲课时,提到engagement to customer is like engagement with your partner,  how u make yourself feel when u being with somebody. U kind of like the self image when u with somebody, so u thought u like the person. NO, u just like yourself being reflected with that person, in my case, so fit, so disciplined so cool so full of communicating desire, all these things not happening often, I thought I like the man, no, such a shallow man I see through it already, but I like me, being with that man, an imaginary future and illusion. 学生们反正没啥反应,线上课限制!

还提到:politician making u feel they care, they might but mostly they do not; New York mayor bellagio is doing a better job in my sense of world, I saw Cuomo TV interview kind of charming, they make u feel they care!

another example I gave is artist who is best engaging follower these days, they make u feel good about yourself.

customer engagement is happening all the time we are not aware, we thought we voluntarily making decisions which is just being engaged with intension from government, politician, artist and company or brand.

自己反思,人生一定要成就什么吗?do we have to accomplish something, what is the meaning of future goal, rather we just enjoy now, right now, living a better quality of life, including 4pm back home watching Allure, eating corns, having nap deep one before class!这就是我周二10号的作为,也不错哦!




骑车过程,真的喜欢充满生机的纽约,尤其阳光直泻入人眼,都不要浪费一点,不带眼镜去尽情享受,这就是纽约的爱,一路穿过jungle,到了AWS,发现关门:3月份整月都关门,很多人都不知道,cornavirus影响到每一个人,我直接去了对面一直要去的Brooklyn cute cafe,oat latte,结果一个很有压力的男人直接拿走我的latte,叫他都不回头,其他客人追出去才还给我,某些纽约客的无意识可见一般!


即然很多活动都被取消,我决定专注于吃,一个超级大的pesto mushroom flatbread with plenty of cheese, 听着都好吃,吃起来更好,我看到中国面孔进来吃饭都紧张,别人看到我啥心情?群里分享各种catoon聊以自慰受伤的心情,经常琢磨哪里可以躲避一下,人越少越好(其实喜欢热闹的地方一个人冷眼旁观,不喜欢没人的真实孤独),越好越孤独!体现yoga精神就是现在啦!内心的平静和强大,需要考验!

琢磨写作的事情要开始,决定试着给new york times投稿,需要投稿途径,问到了:Perfect! A very timely article and one we would love to hear. In that case I would recommend sending an email with the article to foreign@nytimes.com, bizday@nytimes.com and editorial@nytimes.com. If you send them to all three, then you should get a response within the next 48 business hours. 看一下是否有回复,做喜欢的没有商业目的的事情也是现在slack period的好处,正面看待吧!

晚上走路去jewish center, 就知道会经过我喜欢的ice cream morgenstern’s icecream,一个新的尝试,Olive oil pepper salt with avarcado toast,so smooth. Cold day but Fresh warm toast as base is great recipe, love it, enjoy it, feel so worthwhile with USD10!

感觉360度看过来,到处都是negative news!Why feel so down turning around all negative.  Not afraid of death but closing down of everything, which makes New York great is not there, lucky we have sunshine and Central Park is not closed.

晚上讲座主持人说:不来参加活动的以前只有两个理由:Good weather bad weather,现在第三个理由3Rd reason not coming

作家谈到German jewish in Washington heights,说典型的早到半小时都认为迟到了Half hour early feel late for German jeweish in Washington height!提到过去jewish待遇Beat on the street just as who u are,现在一切不同了,有权有钱有lobbying,也许中国人也会有一天如此地位,so what!我享受了几次reception cheese,哎,都是压力惹的祸!

10号开始53.2 52.7,11号53.7 今天52.4,命运让我们重复同样的挑战,开始投稿吧!

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