
<p class="image-package"><img class="uploaded-img" src="https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/23924218-a3d780d4d3a1c6bf.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240" width="auto" height="auto"/></p><p><strong>日常问候和答语</strong></p><p>
</p><p>1. Hello/ Hi你好。</p><p>3. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。</p><p>4. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗?</p><p>5. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。</p><p>6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。</p><p>7. How do you do? 你好。</p><p>8. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。</p><p>
</p><p>1. Goodbye/Bye . 再见</p><p>2. See you! (See you later!)再见,回头见。</p><p>3. Good night. 晚安。</p><p>4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!   Thank you!谢谢!
5. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!  </p><p>Happy New Year!/ The same to you!(大家共同的节日)</p><p>6. Happy Children’s Day!  Happy Women’s Day!</p><p>7.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!</p><p>
</p><p>1. My name is…/ I’m… 我的名字是…/ 我名叫…</p><p>2. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs… 这位是…小姐/先生/女士。</p><p>3. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。</p><p>4. He/ She is …  他是/她是…</p><p>
</p><p><strong>1)姓名</strong></p><p>1. What’s your name, please? 你的名字是什么?    My name is …
2. What’s his/her/its name? 她/他/它叫什么名字?  Her/His/Its name is …</p><p><strong>2)年龄</strong></p><p>1.How old are you? 你多大了?  I’m…</p><p>2. How old is he/she/it? 她/他/它多大?  She /He/ It is …</p><p><strong>3) 生日</strong></p><p>1.When is your /his/her birthday?  It’s July 1st.</p><p><strong>4) 出处</strong>
1. Where is/ are ….from?   She is from American. 她来自美国。
2. Where do/does… come from?  She is from American. 她来自美国。</p><p><strong>5) 人物</strong>
1. Who is he ?  He is my brother. 他是我弟弟。</p><p><strong>6)职业</strong></p><p>1. What is he?   He is a doctor. 他是医生。
2. What does he do? He is a doctor.
3. What’s his job?  He is a doctor.</p><p><strong>7)外貌</strong>
1. What is he like?  He is short and thin. 他很矮很瘦。
<strong>8) 喜好</strong></p><p>1. What do/does he like?  He likes English.
2. Do/does …like English?  Yes, he does/ No, he doesn’t.
<strong>9) 事情</strong>
1. What’s the matter with you? 你怎么啦?  I have a cold.我感冒了。</p><p>
1.What colour is /are …? It’s / They are blue.
2. Is your pen blue?  Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.
1. Where is /are …?  It’s / They are on the desk.
2. Is /Are … in/ on/under/…?  Yes, it is ./ No, it isn’t.
<strong>3) 名称</strong>
1. What’s this?   It’s a computer.
2. What are these/those?   They are…
3. Is this/ that…?     Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
4. Are these/ those…?  Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
<strong>4) 数量</strong>
1. How many boys are there in your class?   Fifteen.
<strong>5) 价格</strong>
1. How much is this dress?  It’s 5 yuan. 5元</p><p>
</p><p><strong>3. 其他</strong></p><p><strong>1)天气</strong>
1. What’s the weather like in Beijing?  It’s sunny.
2. How is the weather?  It’s sunny.
3. Is it sunny? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
<strong>2) 时间</strong>
1. What time is it now ?  It’s 5 o’clock.
1.Which season is it?  It’s summer.
2. Which season do you like best? Summer.
3. What’s your favourite season? Summer.
<strong>4) 日期</strong>
1.What’s the date?  It’s May 5th.</p><p>
</p><p>1. I’m sorry. 对不起。</p><p>2. Sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道。</p><p>3. Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。</p><p>4. I have a cold. 我感冒了。I’m sorry to hear that. 我很遗憾听到这个消息。</p><p>
</p><p>1. Thank you./ Thanks. 谢谢。You’re welcome. 不用谢。/ That’s OK. 没关系。</p><p>2. It’s very kind of you (to help me ). 帮助我你真是太好了。</p><p>
</p><p>1.May I come in? 我可以进来吗?   </p><p>Come in, please. 请进。</p><p>2. Can I have two cakes? 我能吃两个蛋糕吗?  </p><p>No, you can’t. 不,你不能。</p><p>3. Can I have one,please? 我能吃一个吗?  </p><p>Yes./All right. Here you are. 好的。给你。</p><p>4. Can I go with you? 我能和你一起走吗?     </p><p>Sure. 好的</p><p>
</p><p>1. Shall we play football together?   </p><p>All right. 好的。
2. Let’s go to school. OK/ Good idea.</p><p>3. Don’t open your book. 不要打开书。</p><p>
</p><p><strong>邀请</strong></p><p>1. It’s time to get up/go to school… 到了起床/去学校的时候了。</p><p>2. It’s time for dinner./ English class.</p><p>到了(做)…的时候了。</p><p>3. Would you like some cakes?     </p><p>Yes, I’d like. / No, thanks.</p><p>
</p><p>1)问路</p><p>1. Excuse me, where’s the cinema? 请问,电影院在哪?</p><p>2. Where’s the teachers’ office, please? 老师办公室在哪?</p><p>3. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?  请问,怎么走才能到达邮局?</p><p>4. Can you show me the way to the bank, please?  你能告我去银行的路怎么走吗?</p><p>5. It’s over there, near the Bank of China.  就在那儿,中国银行的旁边。</p><p>6. How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai.?  北京离上海有多远?</p><p>It’s 2hours by plane. 乘飞机要两个小时。</p><p>7. Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗? </p><p>No, it’s not. 不,不是很远。</p><p>
</p><p>2)指路</p><p>1. This way, please. 请这边走。</p><p>2.You can take No.5 bus. 你可以乘5路车。
3. Go straight/along/down. 先前直走。</p><p>4. Turn left/ right. 向左/右转</p><p>5. Sorry, I don’t know. You may go and ask him.    </p><p>对不起,我不知道。你可以去问他。</p><p>
</p><p>1. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?    </p><p>Yes, a dress for my daughter. 是的,给我女儿买条裙子。</p><p>2.What can I do for you?   我能为你做点什么吗?</p><p>I’d like …我想买。。。</p><p>3. What do you want, a dress or a skirt?   你想要买什么?连衣裙还是短裙?</p><p>4. How about the blue one? 这条蓝色的如何?</p><p>5. How much is it/ are they? 多少钱?  </p><p>Fifty-nine yuan. 五十九元。</p><p>6. What colour would you like?  你要什么颜色的?  </p><p>Green 绿色。</p><p>7.What size do you want? 你要多大号码?   </p><p>Size 8. 八号。</p><p>8. What / How about this red one?  这件红色的怎么样?</p><p>9. It’s too big/small/expensive/….Do you have some big/small ones? 这件太小,你有大一点的?</p><p>10.I’ll take it (them). 我买了。
11. Here you are. 给你。Thank you.谢谢。</p><p>
</p><p>1. Hello, this is …  / This is … speaking. 你好,我是。。。
2. Can I speak to …, please? 我能找。。。接电话吗?
3. Who’s that? / Who is speaking?  你是谁?
4. Is that…?  你是。。。。吗?
5. Hold on. / Just for a moment, please! 稍等, 别挂断。
6. It’s for you. 你的电话。</p><p>7.What’s your telephone number? 你的电话号码是什么?</p><p>
</p><p>1. 当你向你妈妈介绍你的老师时,应说: (   )  </p><p>A. This is my teacher, Miss Liu.  </p><p>B. This is my mother. </p><p>C. Is this your mother?</p><p>
</p><p>2. 你不知道今天星期几,想问同学,应说: (  )  </p><p>A. What day is today?</p><p>B. What’s the weather like today?</p><p>C. What's the date today?</p><p>
</p><p>3 . 如果你同一位外国朋友初次见面,他对你说:How do you do?</p><p>   你应说:(  )         </p><p>A. How are you?    </p><p>B. Hello!     </p><p>C. Hi!      </p><p>D. How do you do?</p><p>
</p><p>4 . 你向同学Lin Tao介绍一位新来的外国小朋友Jim,应怎样介绍?  (  )        </p><p>A.  Jim, this is Lin Tao.        </p><p>B. Lin Tao, he is Jim. </p><p>C. Lin Tao, this is Jim.          </p><p>D. Lin Tao, do you know Jim?</p><p>
</p><p>5. 假如你是酒店服务员,该如何向顾客打招呼?    (  )                </p><p>A.  What do you want to eat?     </p><p>B. What do you like?  </p><p>C. What can I do for you?          </p><p>D. Sit down, please.</p><p>
</p><p>6. 与陌生人相遇,该如何打招呼?   (  )             </p><p>A. How are you?       </p><p>B. How do you do?     </p><p>C. Hello!    </p><p>D. Are you fine?</p><p>
</p><p>7. 不小心碰倒了别人的茶杯,你应该向他说:(  )              </p><p>A. Excuse me!       </p><p>B. I'm sorry.         </p><p>C. Never mind.         </p><p>D. Oh, my dear!</p><p>
</p><p>8. 寻求别人帮助之前,你应说:(  )             </p><p>A. Excuse me.      </p><p>B. I'm sorry.      </p><p>C. Can you help me?        </p><p>D. Thank you.</p><p>
</p><p>9. 如果你问路,而对方说“不知道”时,你应该如何应答?  (  ) </p><p>A. Thank you.      </p><p>B. You're welcome.  </p><p>C. Thank you all the same.      </p><p>D. Thanks a lot.</p><p>
</p><p>10. 别人感谢你的帮助,你应回答: (  )             </p><p>A. Thank you all the same.    </p><p>B. Never mind.  </p><p>C. It doesn't matter.           </p><p>D. With pleasure!</p><p>
</p><p>11. 别人拿了一本新书,你想看,你要说:(  )  </p><p>A. Is this a book?    </p><p>B. What's this?     </p><p>C. May I have a look?  </p><p>
</p><p>12. 当你想知道今天的天气怎么样时,你会问:(  )   </p><p>A. What's it?   </p><p>B. What’s the weather like today?   </p><p>C. What a fine day today!</p><p>
</p><p>13. 你和伙伴坐在院子里,你不知道伙伴手中的玩具车是不是白色的,你会问:(  )  </p><p>A. It isn’t white.    </p><p>B. It is black.     </p><p>C. Is it white?</p><p>
</p><p>14. 李艳今天没到校,你向老师报告说:(  )  </p><p>A. She is Li Yan.    </p><p>B. Li Yan is not here.  </p><p>C. Is Li Yan at school?</p><p>
</p><p>15. 你想知道妈妈把你的帽子放在哪里了,你会问:(  )  </p><p>A. Where is my hat, Mum?     </p><p>B. Where are you, Mum?  </p><p>C. Where is your hat, Mum?</p><p>
</p><p>二、选择最合适的答案,将序号填入括号内。</p><p>16. What’s your job? ______</p><p>A. I’m thirteen.        </p><p>B. I like singing.    </p><p>C. I’m a singer.</p><p>
</p><p>17. What’s the weather like today? ________</p><p>A. It’s a sunny day.      </p><p>B. Don’t forget your raincoat.     </p><p>C. It’s Monday.</p><p>
</p><p>18. _______? I like music.</p><p>A. What do you do?    </p><p>B. Can I help you?     </p><p>C. What’s your hobby?</p><p>
</p><p>19. How do you do? _________</p><p>A. How do you do?      </p><p>B. How do you do, too?      </p><p>C. How old are you?</p><p>
</p><p>20. Your dress is very beautiful. _________</p><p>A. Oh, no.     </p><p>B. Thank you.      </p><p>C. Don’t say that.</p><p>
</p><p>21. _________? 10 yuan.</p><p>A. How many books do you have?       </p><p>B. How much is the book?</p><p>C. How about the book?</p><p>
</p><p>22. Hello! ______</p><p>A. Goodbye, Mike.     </p><p>B. Hi! I’m Tom.       </p><p>C. This is Betty.</p><p>
</p><p>23. Where are you from? _______</p><p>A. I’m from China.     </p><p>B. I am a Chinese teacher.   </p><p>I’m from Chinese.</p><p>
</p><p>24. How are you? ________ </p><p>A. I am nine.          </p><p>B. I am fine.       </p><p>C. I am a student.</p><p>
</p><p>25. Where are the stamps? _________</p><p>A. It’s in the book.      </p><p>B. They are in the book.    </p><p>C. They are Japanese stamps.</p><p>
</p><p>26. How many children are there? ________</p><p>A. Yes, there are.         </p><p>B. No, there isn’t.      </p><p>C. There are five.</p><p>
</p><p>27. Would you like some bananas? _________</p><p>A. I am sorry.             </p><p>B. No, thanks.         </p><p>C. No, you can’t.</p><p>
</p><p>28. ________? Fine, thank you.</p><p>A. How old are you?      </p><p>B. How is the day?       </p><p>C. How are you?</p><p>
</p><p>29. What colour is it?  __________</p><p>A. It’s green.             </p><p>B. It’s a green.          </p><p>C. It’s Green.</p><p>
</p><p>30. What’s the name of his cat? _______</p><p>A. It’s a Chinese cat.      </p><p>B. It’s an English cat.    </p><p>C. Its name is Mimi.</p><p>
</p><p>参考答案</p><p>一、1-5 AADCC    6-10 BBACD    11-15 CBCBA</p><p>二、16-20 CACAB  21-25 BBABB   26-30  CBCAC</p><p>

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