


上篇我们粗略过了一下docker 命令的调用流程,可知命令的最后运行部分是在服务端的daemon中完成.这一篇主要看一下docker卷服务的初始化和相关卷plugin的加载.




第一篇: (命令的调用流程)
第二篇: (卷服务初始化)
第三篇: (plugin的管理)
第四篇: (卷相关命令的执行)



2.1 NewDaemon函数


path function name line number
components/engine/daemon/daemon.go NewDaemon 635
func NewDaemon(ctx context.Context, config *config.Config, pluginStore *plugin.Store) (daemon *Daemon, err error) {


    # 创建deamon
    d := &Daemon{
        configStore: config,
        PluginStore: pluginStore,
        startupDone: make(chan struct{}),
    # d.pluginManager的初始化中加载了/var/lib/docker/plugins下的所有plugin
    # 此处为重点
    // Plugin system initialization should happen before restore. Do not change order.
    d.pluginManager, err = plugin.NewManager(plugin.ManagerConfig{
        Root:               filepath.Join(config.Root, "plugins"),
        ExecRoot:           getPluginExecRoot(config.Root),
        Store:              d.PluginStore,
        CreateExecutor:     createPluginExec,
        RegistryService:    registryService,
        LiveRestoreEnabled: config.LiveRestoreEnabled,
        LogPluginEvent:     d.LogPluginEvent, // todo: make private
        AuthzMiddleware:    config.AuthzMiddleware,

    # d.volumes 具体执行对卷的管理
    # 此处为重点
    d.volumes, err = volumesservice.NewVolumeService(config.Root, d.PluginStore, rootIDs, d)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err



2.2 plugin的加载过程

2.2.1 Store 结构体

这里有一个很重要的参数pluginStore, 在执行NewDaemon的时候传入的pluginStore是一个空的Store结构体,主要作用就是保存plugin:

path struct name line number
components/engine/plugin/defs.go Store 12
// Store manages the plugin inventory in memory and on-disk
type Store struct {
    plugins  map[string]*v2.Plugin
    specOpts map[string][]SpecOpt
    /* handlers are necessary for transition path of legacy plugins
     * to the new model. Legacy plugins use Handle() for registering an
     * activation callback.*/
    handlers map[string][]func(string, *plugins.Client)

2.2.2 Manager结构体


path struct name line number
components/engine/plugin/manager.go Manager 70
// Manager controls the plugin subsystem.
type Manager struct {
    config    ManagerConfig
    mu        sync.RWMutex // protects cMap
    muGC      sync.RWMutex // protects blobstore deletions
    cMap      map[*v2.Plugin]*controller
    blobStore *basicBlobStore
    publisher *pubsub.Publisher
    executor  Executor

2.2.3 NewManager函数


path function name line number
components/engine/plugin/manager.go NewManager 102
// NewManager returns a new plugin manager.
func NewManager(config ManagerConfig) (*Manager, error) {
    manager := &Manager{
        config: config,
    # 创建manager.executor
    # 此处为重点
    manager.executor, err = config.CreateExecutor(manager)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    manager.cMap = make(map[*v2.Plugin]*controller)
    # 此处为重点
    if err := manager.reload(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to restore plugins")

    manager.publisher = pubsub.NewPublisher(0, 0)
    return manager, nil


2.2.4 初始化manager.executor

  • Executor接口


path interface name line number
components/engine/plugin/manager.go Executor 38
// Executor is the interface that the plugin manager uses to interact with for starting/stopping plugins
type Executor interface {
    Create(id string, spec specs.Spec, stdout, stderr io.WriteCloser) error
    IsRunning(id string) (bool, error)
    Restore(id string, stdout, stderr io.WriteCloser) (alive bool, err error)
    Signal(id string, signal int) error


  • createPluginExec对应的匿名函数
path function name line number
components/engine/daemon/daemon.go 811
createPluginExec := func(m *plugin.Manager) (plugin.Executor, error) {
        var pluginCli *containerd.Client

        // Windows is not currently using containerd, keep the
        // client as nil
        if config.ContainerdAddr != "" {
            pluginCli, err = containerd.New(config.ContainerdAddr, containerd.WithDefaultNamespace(pluginexec.PluginNamespace), containerd.WithDialOpts(gopts))
            if err != nil {
                return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to dial %q", config.ContainerdAddr)
        # getPluginExecRoot(config.Root) = "/var/lib/docker/plugin"
        return pluginexec.New(ctx, getPluginExecRoot(config.Root), pluginCli, m)


  • New函数
path function name line number
components/engine/plugin/executor/containerd/containerd.go New 42
func New(ctx context.Context, rootDir string, cli *containerd.Client, exitHandler ExitHandler) (*Executor, error) {
    e := &Executor{
        rootDir:     rootDir,
        exitHandler: exitHandler,

    client, err := libcontainerd.NewClient(ctx, cli, rootDir, PluginNamespace, e)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error creating containerd exec client")
    e.client = client
    return e, nil


  • Executor结构体
path struct name line number
components/engine/plugin/executor/containerd/containerd.go Executor 57
// Executor is the containerd client implementation of a plugin executor
type Executor struct {
    rootDir     string
    client      Client
    exitHandler ExitHandler


2.2.5 manager.reload()加载plugin

  • reload方法
path struct name line number
components/engine/plugin/manager.go reload 182
func (pm *Manager) reload() error { // todo: restore
    # 从/var/lib/docker/plugins 路径下加载plugin
    dir, err := ioutil.ReadDir(pm.config.Root)
    plugins := make(map[string]*v2.Plugin)
    for _, v := range dir {
        if validFullID.MatchString(v.Name()) {
            # 从对应的plugin路径的json文件下加载plugin
            p, err := pm.loadPlugin(v.Name())
            if err != nil {
                handleLoadError(err, v.Name())
            plugins[p.GetID()] = p

    return nil


  • Plugin结构体
path struct name line number
components/engine/plugin/v2/plugin.go Plugin 19
// Plugin represents an individual plugin.
type Plugin struct {
    mu        sync.RWMutex
    PluginObj types.Plugin `json:"plugin"` // todo: embed struct
    pClient   *plugins.Client
    refCount  int
    Rootfs    string // TODO: make private

    Config   digest.Digest
    Blobsums []digest.Digest

    modifyRuntimeSpec func(*specs.Spec)

    SwarmServiceID string
    timeout        time.Duration
    addr           net.Addr


  • Client结构体
path struct name line number
components/engine/pkg/plugins/client.go Client 82
// Client represents a plugin client.
type Client struct {
    http           *http.Client // http client to use
    requestFactory transport.RequestFactory


  • SetAll方法
path struct name line number
components/engine/plugin/store.go SetAll 65
// SetAll initialized plugins during daemon restore.
func (ps *Store) SetAll(plugins map[string]*v2.Plugin) {
    defer ps.Unlock()

    for _, p := range plugins {
    ps.plugins = plugins

上面的方法最后把plugins保存到config中的Store中,也就是之前绑定的d.PluginStore, 也就是说d.PluginStore.plugins = plugins

2.3 卷服务的创建


d.volumes, err = volumesservice.NewVolumeService(config.Root, d.PluginStore, rootIDs, d)

2.3.1 VolumesService结构体


path struct name line number
components/engine/volume/service/service.go VolumesService 30
// VolumesService manages access to volumes
type VolumesService struct {
    vs           *VolumeStore
    ds           ds
    pruneRunning int32
    eventLogger  volumeEventLogger

2.3.2 NewVolumeService方法

NewVolumeService方法, 实参是上面的d.PluginStore, 虚参是一个PluginGetter接口.注意在NewVolumeService函数中d.PluginStore变成了pg即plugingetter.PluginGetter.

path func name line number
components/engine/volume/service/service.go NewVolumeService 38
// NewVolumeService creates a new volume service
func NewVolumeService(root string, pg plugingetter.PluginGetter, rootIDs idtools.Identity, logger volumeEventLogger) (*VolumesService, error) {
    # ds是一个接口,负责driver的存储
    ds := drivers.NewStore(pg)
    if err := setupDefaultDriver(ds, root, rootIDs); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    # vs 用来存储卷的信息
    vs, err := NewStore(root, ds)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &VolumesService{vs: vs, ds: ds, eventLogger: logger}, nil


  • PluginGetter接口
path interface name line number
components/engine/pkg/plugingetter/getter.go PluginGetter 47
// PluginGetter is the interface implemented by Store
type PluginGetter interface {
    Get(name, capability string, mode int) (CompatPlugin, error)
    GetAllByCap(capability string) ([]CompatPlugin, error)
    GetAllManagedPluginsByCap(capability string) []CompatPlugin
    Handle(capability string, callback func(string, *plugins.Client))
  • ds接口

再看ds, ds接口只定义了一个方法GetDriverList

path interface name line number
components/engine/volume/service/service.go ds 21
type ds interface {
    GetDriverList() []string


  • Store结构体
path struct name line number
components/engine/volume/drivers/extpoint.go Store 45
// Store is an in-memory store for volume drivers
type Store struct {
    extensions   map[string]volume.Driver
    mu           sync.Mutex
    driverLock   *locker.Locker
    pluginGetter getter.PluginGetter

drivers.NewStore(pg)执行后d.pluginStore被绑定到ds的pluginGetter上,也就是ds.pluginGetter = d.pluginStore.而vs是一个管理卷的结构体,定义如下:

  • VolumeStore结构体
path struct name line number
components/engine/volume/service/store.go VolumeStore 186
// VolumeStore is a struct that stores the list of volumes available and keeps track of their usage counts
type VolumeStore struct {
    // locks ensures that only one action is being performed on a particular volume at a time without locking the entire store
    // since actions on volumes can be quite slow, this ensures the store is free to handle requests for other volumes.
    locks   *locker.Locker
    drivers *drivers.Store
    // globalLock is used to protect access to mutable structures used by the store object
    globalLock sync.RWMutex
    // names stores the volume name -> volume relationship.
    // This is used for making lookups faster so we don't have to probe all drivers
    names map[string]volume.Volume
    // refs stores the volume name and the list of things referencing it
    refs map[string]map[string]struct{}
    // labels stores volume labels for each volume
    labels map[string]map[string]string
    // options stores volume options for each volume
    options map[string]map[string]string
    db      *bolt.DB

vs的drivers值为ds, vs.drivers.pluginGetter = d.pluginStore



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