Level 3 Unit 2


Unit 2-1 Listening

Matter is madeof atoms and molecules.

Water, forexample is the H2O molecule.

This means that a molecules of water has 3 atoms.

A water moleculehas 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

Substances likesugar, have many atoms in their molecules.

A molecule ofsugar has many atoms including carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Matter is madeof molecules such as H20, which is the water molecule.

Matter can be inone of three states, solid, liquid or gas.

Water and iceare the same substance but they are in different states.

These statesdepend on the temperature of themolecules.

When we heat a substance,the molecules move faster and try to take up more space. When we cool asubstance, the molecules move more slowly.

When we cool asubstance to its freezing point, it becomes a solid.

In a solid, themolecules move very little. Their positions are almost fixed.

To be fixedmeans that their positions don’t change.

if we heat themolecules, they move faster and away from each other.

The solid beginsto melt like  ice cream on a hot day.

At a certaintemperature, a solid begins to change into liquid.

The temperatureat which a solidchange into liquiddepends on the substance. For water, the solid begins to changes into a liquid

when itstemperature rises to above 0 degrees Celsius.

For some

substances, such as steel, the temperature which it becomes a liquid is much

higher. Steel often melts at around 1370℃.

If we continueto heat a liquid, the molecules move even faster.

At a certaintemperature, the liquid begins to change into a gas.

For water, theliquid begins to change into a gas at 100 degrees Celsius.

This is theboiling point of water.

Inside a star,such as our sun, the temperature is very high.

Everythinginside the sun is a gas.

According to scientists,there are over 65 elements inside the sun.

these includeoxygen and iron. Over 90% of the sun is hydrogen gas.

Yesterday, therewas an important science test.

Lisa, Tom and 20other classmates took the test.

The test wasabout the states of matter and how they are different.

There were 25questions on the test and there had 45 minutes to take it.

Here are some ofthe test results.  2 students got perfect scores.

The lowest scorewas 68 out of 100. The average score was 86.3.

11 studentsscored  higher than average.

11 students hadbelow the average scores.

Tom missed 2question on the test so his score was 92.

His score wasthe eighth  highest in the class.

Lisa missed 2and a half questions so her score was 90.

Her score wasthe tenth highest score.

Her score was 4points higher than the average score.

Lisa wasdisappointed with her test results.

She studied hardfor the test but she still didn’t do well.

As a result, sheplans to study harder for the next test.

The next testwill be in about 2 weeks.

Tom wassurprised and happy with his test results.

He didn’t studyhard so his result was better than he expected.

He was alsohappy that he did better than Lisa did.

Unit 2-1 vocabulary

She is screamingbecause she is very scared.

Something ischasing her so she is screaming for help.

He is shoutingbecause he is angry.

When he isreally angry, he often shouts like this.

She is sleepbecause she is tired.

Last night shedidn’t get enough sleep so today she didn’t get enough energy.

She’s crybecause she’s sad.

She got some badnews a few minutes ago.

She’s smilingbecause she’s happy.

Her boyfriendwas just called and he is returning from a long trip.

This man ishiking up a mountain trail.

He is wearinghiking boots and is carry a pack on his back.

This man enjoyscooking.

He attends a cookingclass once a week.

This womanenjoys gardening.

She grows flowerssuch as roses and vegetables such as tomatoes in her garden.

This boy lovesplaying games.

He likes all kindsof games including this video game on his computer.

This old coupleenjoys traveling.

They take severaltrips a year often to different countries.

Oh, there youare finally.

Yeah, I’m sorry.

Why are you solate? You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago.

Igot on a wrong subway bymistake.

Why didn’t youcall? I was really worried.

I don’t have myphone.

I left it in the office because I was in such a hurry

to get here.

Ok, you’re herenow. we don’t have much time.

Yes, we willhave to hurry.

The meeting startsin 15 minutes, right?

Yes, it supposedto and everyone gets here on time.

Did you read mypresentation?

Yes, I did. It’sgood and but it’s a bit too long.

I’m afraid therewon’t be enough time for questions.

Do you have anysuggestions?

Yes, I do. Ithink the company introduction can becut

in half.

They know what wedo.

Ok, I won’t showthe video, it’s about 2 minutes long.

There’s a goodidea.

The video is onour website and it’s not that good anyway.

Do you haveother suggestions?

Not, I don’t.I’m sure you will do the great job. Are you ready?

Yes, I’m ready.The meet room is on the 21st floor.

OK, let’s go.

How did you dothis yesterday science test?

I did betterthan expected. How about you.

I didn’t do verywell. I expected to do

better than Idid.

What was yourscore?

I got a 90. Whatabout you?

I got a 92. Ionly missed 2 questions.

So you didbetter than I did.

And I really studyfor it too.

That’s asurprise.

You usually dobetter than I do.

Yes, I wascareful. I made one really stupid mistake.

What was it?

I said 90% ofthe sun is Helium instead of hydrogen.

Wow, there was astupid mistake.

What was theaverage score for the class?

Do you know?

The averagescore is 86.3 and the lowest is 68.

Do you know gotthe lowest test score?

No, I don’t. Idon’t know who got the lowest score.

It’s probably asecret.

Did it anyoneget a perfect score?

I think Ada andSanjay both get a perfect score.

Yes, they alwaysdo well.

I wish I were assmart as they are.

Unit 2-2 Listening

In 6 weeks, Paulis going on a trip.

He is going toJapan and China.

There are acouple of reasons for the trip.

One reason isfor business.

He’s thinkingabout starting restaurants in both countries.

The other reasonwas for pleasure.

He enjoystraveling and he’d like to visit some friends.

Yesterday wewent online and made airline reservations.

There wereplenty of seats on the plane so it was easy.

He also got agood discount.

Unfortunately,he needs a new passport.

His old passportis expiring next week.

This issomething he didn’t expect.

Getting a newpassport will take at least a week.

He needs toapply for one right away.

Paul also needsa visa to enter China.

The last time hewent to china was 3 years ago.

Getting visa mayalso take a week or even two.

So he doesn’thave much time. He needs to hurry.

He can’t get thevisa until he gets his new passport.

He will have togo to the china consulate in Toronto.

Hopefully therewon’t be any delays.

Paul haveseveral friends in each country.

One of his bestfriend lives near the Mount Fuji.

His friend livesnear a beautiful lake about 3 hours from Tokyo.

His friend is agreat cook and owns a little restaurant.

The restaurantis located on the hill above the lake.

It has wonderfulview and the food is wonderful.

He is lookingforward to eating there.

Then he willspend the night at his friend’s house.

One way to getto his friend’s house is to go by train.

If he takes thetrain, his friend will meet him at the train station.

There is a trainstation about half an hour from his friend’s house.

On the otherhand, he may decide to go by car.

He can rent acar for few days to see more of the country.

He can use a GPSto help him with directions.

He doesn’t speakJapanese so the directions need to speak in English.

In china, Paulhas a good friend who lives in Beijing.

He studied atthe same university in Canada more than 16 years ago.

His Chinesefriend wants to help Paul with his business.

He friends haslots of business experience.

His friend canhelp Paul learn about doing business in china.

Paul knows thereis a lot to learn. He will need his friend’s help.

While inBeijing, they plan to visit Italian restaurants.

They may meetsome of the owners too but it isn’t certain yet.

Most of theowners are Chinese.

One or two ofthem may want to do business with Paul.

If he has time,he may go to the Great Wall of China.

It’s a few hoursoutside of Beijing by car.

Altogether, thetrip may take 3 or more weeks.

Paul still isn’tsure how long he will stay in each country.

He may spend aweek in Japan and 2 weeks in china.

He may decide tostay longer.

Everythingdecides on his friends.

He expects toget more information from them in a day or two.

Unit 2-2 vocabulary

In basketball,players score points by shooting a ball through a hoop.

Each side has 5players and the game is played in the basketball court.

Football isprobably the world most popular sport.

Each team triesto score a goal by kicking the ball into a net.

Baseball is teamsport where each side has 9 players.

Baseball playersuses back to try to hit the ball on base.

Golf is anindividual sport where players try to hit the ball into a hole on the ground.

The game isplayed in thegolf course with18 holes.

In boxing, thetwo boxers stand in boxing ring the and hit each other. Sometimes a boxer, likethis one, knocks the other one out.

When people falldown, they can break a bone.

A broken bonecan be very painful.

If someone iscut, they willbleed.

A knife or asharp object and can cut someone and cause bleeding.

Poisons are verydangerous and can cause death.

Some snakes orspiders are poisonous, so be careful.

A heart attackcan happen very suddenly.

If someone has aheart attack, call for an ambulance right away.

If you catch afire, fall to the ground and roll.

Getting tooclose to the fire can be very dangerous.


Unit 2-2 dialogue

What’s thematter? You look very tired today.

I’m tired. Ididn’t sleep well last night.

Bad dream?

Yes. Exactly. Ihad a terrible dream, a real nightmare.

So it woke youup.

Yes, it woke meup. I was really scared.

I’ve had thosekinds of dreams too.

It was so scaredthat I was afraid to go back to sleep.

Was somethingchasing you?

No, nothing waschasing me but it was falling.

I was fallingfaster and faster and it was dark.

I couldn’t seeor hear anything.

Can you rememberanything?

Yes, I remembernow. in my dream, I was screaming but that was no sound.

I thought I wasgoing to die at any second.

Wow, that isscary. So what did you do when you woke up?

I didn’t want togo back to sleep so I checked the news online.

Then I played agame.

You didn’t goback to sleep?

Actually, I gotso tiredly playing the game that I fell asleep.

Well, at leastyou got some sleep. Some sleep is better than no sleep.

I guess so butI’m still tired. I hope I can get through the day.

Have a goodlunch and then work out in the afternoon.

Thanks, I’malready feeling a bit better.

Hey look, theboss is coming! Look like you’re working hard.

Hey, what’s thatawful smell?

The toilet isbroken in the men’s bathroom.

Wow, I can’twork when it smells this bad.

I need somefresh air.

Ok, let’s take abreak and go out for a walk.

Get yourcomputer and we can work at a coffee shop.

Good idea. Whendo you think it will be cleaned up?

Aplumber is coming and he shouldbe here soon.

By the time weget back, the smell should be gone.

That’s one jobthat I wouldn’t want.

I hate to bearound bad smells. What about you?

Me too. Iwouldn’t want to be a plumber.

There are lotsof jobs that I wouldn’t want.

We can talkabout that later.

Get your computerand let’s get out of here.


Unit 2-3 Listening

Last month, Paulwas on the trip. He went to Japan and China.

There were acouple of reasons for the trip.

One reason forthe trip was for the business.

He wanted tostudy restaurants in both countries.

The other reasonwas for pleasure.

Before leavingon trip, Paul has several problems.

First, his passportis going to expire.

As a result, heneeds to apply for a new passport.

Second, heneeded to get a visa to enter China.

In order toapply for a visa, he needed his new passport.

He has 6 weeksto get everything done.

After applyingfor new passport, it took 2 weeks to get it.

Once he got apassport, he went to the Chinese consulate in Toronto to apply for a visa. Hefilled up the application form and stand a long line.

He was surprisedby how many people were applying for visas.

It took morethan one hour to submit his application.

He submitted hisapplication for the visa on a Friday.

A week later, hewent back to the consulate to pick up his visa.

To his surprise,when he got there, the consulate was closed.

The consulatewas close because it was a Chinese holiday.

Paul was angryat themselves for not checking the consulate website.

The its website,the consulate schedule posted.

There was anotice saying that the consulate would be closed that day.

As a result,Paul had to come back the next Monday.

This was becausethe consulate is closed on weekends.

Finally, he gothis visa on Monday and he was ready to go.

Another problemwith the trip was the travel schedule.

He needed toextend his stay in Japan. Oneweek in Japan was enough.

3 Japanese restaurantowners wanted to meet with him.

He needed moretime for the meetings a couple of days.

And he didn’twant tomiss staying witha good friend of his.

His friend livesnear Mount Fuji and owns a great restaurant.

This is onething Paul didn’t want to miss.

As a result, heextended his stay in Japan.

Instead ofstaying for just a week, he decided to stay for 10 days.

As a result, hehad to change the days for staying in China.

The meetings inChina weredelayed by for3 days.

Instead of arrivingon the 1st of the month, he arrived on the 4th.

Fortunately,there were no problems with his new schedule in China.

However, therewere few meetings than he expected.

There wasn’tmuch interesting in opening new Italian restaurants.

Still, he hadone very good meeting.

He met a youngChina restaurants owners who was interested in it.

The youngalready has the restaurant but he wants to improve it.

He and Paulliked each other right away.

They met twicein Beijing and they are planning to meet again.

The young Chineseman’s name is Yi.

He is planningto come to see Paul.

They are goingto meet late next week at Toronto.

Together, theywouldwork on a business plan.

Paul is gladthat he took the trip.

He thinks it wasa successful and enjoyable trip.

Unit 2-3 vocabulary

Ambulances areused for transport injured or sick people to hospital.

An ambulance’strained medical personnel who can treat injured or sick people.

A wheelchair is forsomeone who can’t walk.

Wheelchairs have4 wheels and are often pushed by people from behind.

Fire agenciesare used for fight fires.

Fire fighter,like this one, often rescues people from burning buildings.

Tow truck isused to tow cars.

This tow truckis towing a car to a repair shop.

Helicopters are used to rescue people from dangerousplaces.

This helicopterislifting someone from asinking boat.

This tree isblending over because of the strong wind.

It’s going to bewindy for the next few days.

It’s a veryclear night so they can look up and see many stars.

There isn’t asingle cloud in the sky.

It’s very coldtoday so they are wearing very warm clothes.

Without warmclothes, they would freeze to death.

It’s nice to eatice cream in a hot day.

This mother isbuying ice cream for her daughter.

This old man hasto wear glasses to read.

Without readingglasses, they can’t see clearly enough to read.


Unit 2-3 dialogue

How was Ada’s job in Beijing?

It seems to begoing well. I talked with her last night.

How much is shegetting pay?

I’m not sure.

She said she’searning more but I don’t know how much she’s getting.

Where was sheliving? Has she found a flat?

No, not yet.She’s living with her friend until she can find one of her own. Farther moreexpensive there and the quality isn’t good.

Did she sayanything else?

Her biggestcomplaint is the air quality.

She hates thepollution.

On some days,the pollution is so bad that she’s afraid to breathe.

Yeah, I wouldn’twant to live there.

She’s hoping itwill get better.

I’m sure it willbut it will take time especially with all the cars.

She also saidshe’s still looking for a new boyfriend.

That shouldn’tbe difficult.

She’s nice and she’sgood looking.

Has she metanyone?

No, I don’tthink so. She’s looking for someone on the internet.

Maybe she willbe lucky.

Maybe she will.I think I’m going to try that too.

Really? Whatother tries do I have?

It’s so difficultto meet someone new.

I never haveanytime.

Me too. I’malways working.

Maybe I will tryonline dating too.

If I’m lucky, Imay meet someone new, like this girl friend.

Oh, come on. Youare joking right?

I hope you canfind someone better than her.

Steve seemshappy enough.

Yes, but he isblinded by love.

You know that.I’m sure it will not late for long.

As soon as shegets bored, she will find someone else.

You may beright. Let’s wait and see.

Hey, what aboutdinner?

Sure, it’sgetting late and maybe I’ll be the woman of your dreams.

Well, let’s takea one night at a time.

Let’s have someIndian food, ok?

Ok, take chickenfor me and I’m hungry.


Unit 2-4 Listening

Earth is wherewe all live. It’s our home in the solar system.

There is noother place for us to live.

Earth isn’t justany planet. It’s a very special place.

It’s specialbecause we depend on it for many things.

Because of itsimportance, we need to take care of them.

We depend on theearth for its air, its

water and manyof its natural resources.

Naturalresources such as coal and oil give us energy.

Other naturalresources we depend on include forests and soil.

Forests provideclean air and woods for building houses.

Soil is neededto grow plans and keep them health.

We need to takecare of this resources and not waste them.

The earth is alarge rotating sphere about 4.5 billion years old.

The equatorwhich divides the earth into 2 hemispheres, is about 40,000 kilometers long.

The earthdiameter is 12,756 kilometers.

Its radius ishalf that, or 6378 kilometers.

The radius isthe distance from the earth’s center to its surface.

Most of theearth’s surface is covered by water.

The rest of theearth’s surface is land.

Just above theearth surface is the atmosphere.

The atmosphereis a layer of gas, about 500 kilometers thick.

This gasincluded oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

This mixture ofgases is the air that we breathe.

As we move aboutthe earth’s surface, the airgets


At highaltitudes, the air is too thin to breathe.

At the edge of atmosphereis space. There is no air at all in space.

Most of theearth’s water is in the ocean.

The 2 largestoceans are the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

Unfortunately,we can’t drink ocean water.

This is becausethe ocean water has too much salt.

Fortunately,there is also water in lakes and rivers.

This water isn’tsalty so we can drink it.

Only about 2% ofthe world’s water is fresh water.

Without freshdrinking water, we can’t live.

A person can’tlive few days without water.

Rivers are important.Most rivers begin in mountains and end in the oceans. The water flows from highground to low ground.

At first, wateris small and called creeks or steams.

As water entersfrom other streams, a river grows.

Some riversbecome very large and long.

The longestriver in the world is the Nile River in Africa.

It’s almost 6500kilometers long.

As for the watervolume, the Amazon is the largest river.

The volume ofriver flowing through it per second is more than in any other river. Anotheruse of river is for energy.

The energy offalling river is used to produce electricity.

This use ofwater supplies over 20% of the world’s electricity.

Water is alsoimportant for agriculture.

Without water,farmers cannot grow food.

And of course,water can be used for transportation.

River boats areused for carrying things to inland cities or lakes.


Unit 2-4 vocabulary

This man goesrunning 5 days a week if the weather is good.

On the weekendhe runs 10 kilometers unless the weather is bad.

This womanreally enjoys reading, especially works of fiction.

She has readhundreds of books.

This youngcouple enjoys watching old movies such as titanic.

They both criedwhen it sink and many people went down with the ship.

These young boysenjoy playing sports on the weekend.

Sometimes theyplay basketball and sometimes they play football.

This young maneats too many sweets so he is overweight.

He needs to eatfewer sweets and exercise more.

Here are 6 ofearth’s 7 continents.

Asia is thelargest continent both in land and in population.

Asia covers 30%of the earth’s land area.

Africa is secondlargest continent.

Of all continents,Africa has the youngest population.

Europe is to thewest of Asia and is second smallest continent.

Europe is thebirth place of classic music and some of the world’s greatest art andliterature.

North and southAmerica are bordered on the west of Pacific Ocean and on the east of AtlanticOcean.

The first humanbeings to live in America came from Asia more than 15,000 years ago.

Australiais world’ssmallest continent and the world’s largest island.

Australia issurrounded by the Indian and Pacific Oceans.


Unit 2-4 dialogue

Hey! Look atthat.

Look at what.Look out the window.

Did you see theyoung lady in the red dress?

Yeah, I see her.Wow, she’s beautiful and hot. Look at the way she walks.

Yes, no behindher. Look at the car that’s following her.

I’d rather tolook at the young lady.

So what’s thespecial about the car?

Look at thedriver! Do you see one?

No, I don’t.there isn’t anybody driving the car.

Right, there isone of those new driverless car.

Maybe it’s thewoman’s car. It’s following her.

I don’t know.Maybe you’re right.

Now that’s asmart car. Maybe I’ll go outside and follow her too.

Hey, get back towork!

Thank you forcalling our customers support.

Please listen tofollowing menu to help us to direct your call.

Please say orpress 1 to pay your bill.

Please say orpress 2 to upgrade your service

plan. Please sayor press 3 to report a technical problem.

Please say orpress 4 if you want to hear this tries again.

I don’t want anythese choices.

You may also goto our website for help.

I went to yourwebsite but it didn’t help.

I want to speakto a human being.

Your business isvery important to us.

Please say orpress 5 or hang up to end this call.

None of these! Iwant a human being.

I want to cancelmy service.

Please waitwhile we connect you to a service representative.

Finally, this iswhat they called customer services?

To assist ourrepresentative, please say your first and last name.

Tom smith.

We heard tomsmith. If this is correct, say or press 1.

If this is notcorrect, say or press 2.


Thank you. Forsecurity purposes, what’s your father middle name?

He didn’t have amiddle name.

Thank you, acustomer service representative will be with you shortly.

I’m sorry butour offices are closed.

Please call backduring business hours.

Our businessoffices are open Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 6 pm.

Thank you forcalling.


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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 42,349评论 2 346
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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