
Day 1 2017-02-25 Saturday(词汇表达)

Active Reading

1.to newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, articles, tracts, even advertisements

     词汇1:  pamphlet: (noun)

           Full definition:  a small ,thin book with no cover or only a paper cover that has information about a particular subject

          Synonyms:booklet,folder, leaflet


          Full definition:a pamphlet or leaflet of political or religious propaganda ;

      2.  who is actively engaged in giving or sending it


      Full definition:

        vi.1) to pledge oneself =promise      2) to do or take part in something

            3)to give attention to something  4) to enter into conflict or battle

            5) to come together and interlock  

              Example: the gears engage

        vt.1) to bind by a pledge to marry  

           2) to arrange to obtain the use or services of=hire    

             Example : he was engaged as a tutor.

             3) to provide occupation for=involve(文中便是此用法)

              Example:engage him in new project

             4) to hold the attention of =engross.

                Example :her work engages her completely

               Synonyms:absorb, engross, busy, catch up, enthrall, involve,occupy,immerse

              Antonyms:axe, discharge,dismiss, fire ,sack.

     3.  receiving communication is like receiving a blow or a legacy or a judgment from the court.

词汇4.blow (noun/vi/vt)

      Full definition:

            noun1): a forcible stroke delivered with a part of the body or with an instrument

                   2): a hostile act or state =combat

                   3): a forcibel or sudden act or effort=assault (文中便是sudden act 的用法)

                   4):an uncomfortable or calamitous happening

                      Example: faiure to land the job came as a blow

          其余用法:1)blow hot and cold:    to be favorable at one moment and adverse the next

                            2) blow off steam :    to release pent-up emotions

                            3) blow one's cool:     to lose one's composure

                            4) blow one's mind:      to overwhelm one with wonder or bafflement

                            5) blow one's top/blow one's stack:    to become violently angry or go crazy

  4.the reader or listener is much more like the catcher in a game of baseball.


               Full definition: one that catches; specially: a baseball player positioned behind home plate


 5.Catching the ball is just as much an activity as pitching or hitting it.


                Full definition:

               vt:  to throw sth to some place

                    synonym: throw

               vi: to incline downward=slope

                  其余形式: pitch into=attack/assault/assail

           6.The pitcher or batter is the sender in the sense that his activity initiates the motion of the ball.

           词汇7.batter (noun):

              Full definition: one that bats; specially: the player whose turn it is to bat

           7.The catcher or fielder is the receiver in the sense that his activity terminates it.


              Full definition: to come/bring to an end in time

            Synonyms: close , complete

            8.It is the inert thing

            词汇9: inert(adj)

           Full definition: 1)lacking the power to move

                                      2) very slow to move or act


           Antonyms: active,busy

       9.The analogy with writing and reading is almost perfect.

          词汇10: analogy(noun)

            Full definition:a comparison of two things based on theeir alike in some way


     10.The art of catching is the skill of catching every kind of pitch—fast balls and curves, changeups and knucklers.


         Full definition:a smooth, rounded line, shape ,path or ball


        Full definition: a slow pitch in baseball thrown with the same motin as fastball in order to deceive the batter


          Full definition:  knuckleball

   11.It is noteworthy that the pitcher and catcher are successful only to the extent that they cooperate


     Full definition: worthy of or attracting attention especially because of some special excellence

     Synonyms:memorable ,notable , remarkable

      antonyms:forgettable,unremarkable, unmemorable

    11. The writer’s skill and the reader’s skill converge upon a common end.

    词汇15:converge (V)

       Full definition: to move toward one point and join together: to come together and meet

      Synonyms:collect, cncentrate,conglomerate,convene

        Antonyms: break up ,split


      12 There is one respect in which the analogy breaks down

     词汇16: break down

        Full definition:

         1)to divide into parts or categories

         2) to cause to fall or collapse by breaking or shattering

     13.   which he executes the different mental acts involved


        Full definition:1)carry out or perform an action

                              Synonyms: perform, do

                                2)kill as a means of socially sactioned unishment

                                Example:in some states, criminals are executed

                                3)put into effect

                                Example:execute the decision of the people

         14.What does active reading entail


                Full definition:1)imply or involve

                                        2) limit the inheritance of property to specific class of heirs

                Synonyms:lead, bequeath

       15.it suffices to say that


          Full definition: be sufficient, be adequate, either in quality or quantity

          Synonyms: satisfy, fulfill ,live up to ,answer, serve











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