看 Peppa Pig 第一季

2020-6-28 S1E1

今天是第一天尝试观看Peppa Pig练习口语发音。




其实,这个动画片真心挺好的。一个主题,在一集里面会反复出现,比如说puddle,jump in the muddy puddle

jump up and downin the muddy puddle

look at the messyou’re in









2020-6-29 S1E2







2020-6-30 S1E3 My best friend




So does …句型

…, too.

So does George.

George wants toplay, too.

wave magic wand

chocolate chipcookies  巧克力薄片曲奇


open wide

take one’stemperature

have a sore tummy

that tickles

hear it (yourtummy) rumbling


1 听到肚子咕噜噜叫hear it (your tummy) rumbling

2 肚子疼have a sore tummy

3 痒痒的… tickles

2020-7-1 S1E4 Polly


We have a surprise.

Can you guess what it is.

have a pet parrot

copy everything sb says

They are in a hurry to get back and playwith …

You’ve completely finished your cake

They are really enjoying playing with …

They are pretending to be …

She is thinking of something else to say to…

Have you been playing with …?

Oh, my word.


2020-7-2 S1E5 Hide andseek

They are playinghide and seek.

He must quickly find somewhere to hidebefore shefinishes counting.

Ready or not? Here I come.

hide under the table

look upstairs

Have you thought about looking upstairs?

under the bed

behind the curtain

Close your eyes and start counting.

I wonder where he can be.

Found you!

That was a good place to hide.

He is hiding behind Dad’s newspaper all thetime.



2020-7-3 S1E6 The playgroup

play·group n.   /ˈpleɪɡruːp/   ( both BrE )

( also play·school ) [ CU ] a

place where children who are below school age go regularly to play together and

to learn through playing (学龄前儿童的)幼儿游戏班


at the playgroup

There’ll be you and Mr. Dinosaur there tokeep him company.

I wish I had a little brother like George.

That’s brilliant.

He’s brilliant.

You’ve done it all wrong.

petals, stalk and leaves

stalk   /stɔːk/ 

a thin stem that supports a leaf, flower or

fruit and joins it to another part of the plant or tree; the main stem of a

plant (叶)柄;(花)梗;(果实的)柄;(植物的)茎,秆

•flowers on long stalks 长茎上的花

•celery stalks 芹菜茎

•He ate the apple, stalk and all. 他把那个苹果吃了个干净,连梗都没剩下。

I’m going to teach you how to paint aflower.

You can show us all how to paint a dinosaur.

2020.7.4 S1E7 Mommy Pig at work


2020.7.5 S1E8 Piggy in the middle





2020.7.6 S1E9 Daddy loses his glasses




今天这一集对于我这个戴眼镜的来说,实在是太熟悉了。Without glasses, I can’t read, I can’t watch videos, I cannot use mycellphone, everything around me is fuzzy, and I will also feel very grumpy.



wear glasses/take off glasses

find/lose glasses

with glasses on

without glasses (on)

know where the glasses are

It’s veryimportant that Daddyknowswhere his glasses are.

look + 介词

look under the newspaper

look on top of the television

look (upstairs)in the bedroom

lookunder the pillows

look in theslippers

look in thebathroom

look inthe toilet

grumpy 也出现好多次。

becareful not to knock anything over

glassesare not there, either.

fuzzy adj.  /ˈfʌzi/

1.covered with

short soft fine hair or fur 覆有绒毛的;毛茸茸的


2.( of hair 毛发 ) in

a mass of tight curls 紧鬈的;拳曲的

3.not clear in shape or sound (形状或声音)模糊不清的


•a fuzzy image 模糊的形象

•The soundtrack is fuzzy in places. 这电影声带有些地方模糊不清。

4.confused and

not expressed clearly 糊涂的;含混不清的

•fuzzy ideas/thinking 糊涂的想法╱思想

grumpyadj.  /ˈɡrʌmpi/

(grump·ier grumpi·est )

(informal ) bad-tempered 脾气坏的;性情暴躁的




2020.7.7 S1E10 Gardening



make a little a hole

put the seed in

cover it with earth

water it


The seed grows into a littleapple/strawberry plant.

grow /plant 这两个词出现了无数次。

2020.7.8 S1E11 Hiccups

打嗝,动画里Peppa 想了几个办法帮助弟弟停止打嗝,实际上,有个非常简单的方法:喝一大口水,分4-5-6次咽下去。


You can go out to play/go out and play whenyou finish your breakfast.

Don’t drink too quickly.

George drank his juice too quickly and nowhe has hiccups.

His hiccups have gone.

His hiccups are spoiling the game.

I know how to cure hiccups.

It will stop your hiccups.

You have to do what I say.

rub your tummy

rub   /rʌb/ ( -bb- )

rub sth (with sth)

to move your hand, or sth such as a cloth,

backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing firmly 擦;磨;搓

She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. 她若有所思地抚摩着下巴。

Her cure of hiccups doesn’t seem to haveworked.

You have done it all wrong.

jump on one leg单脚跳

Her new cure hasn’t worked, either. Hestill has hiccups.

You mustn’t play so roughly with him. He’sonly little.

Here comes …with two beakers of juice.

bea·ker n.  /ˈbiːkə(r)/ 

1.( BrE ) a plastic or paper cup, often

without a handle, used for drinking from (常指无柄的)塑料杯,纸杯

2.( BrE ) the amount contained in a beaker 一杯(的量)

•a beaker of coffee 一杯咖啡

3.a glass cup with straight sides and a

lip, used in chemistry, for example for measuring liquids 烧杯

I’m not as little as George. I can drink juiceas quickly as I want to.

2020.7.9 S1E12 Bicycles


N-COUNT A stabilizer is a device,

mechanism, or chemical that makes something stable. 稳定装置; 稳定器; 稳定剂

sta·bil·izern.  /ˈsteɪbəlaɪzə(r)/

( Bre also -iser)

1.a device that keeps sth steady,

especially one that stops an aircraft or a ship from rolling to one side 稳定装置;(飞机的)安定面;(船舶的)减摇装置

2.stabilizers ( BrE ) [pl.] ( NAmE also

ˈtraining wheels ) small wheels that are fitted at each side of the back wheel

on a child's bicycle to stop it from falling over (儿童自行车后轮两侧的)稳定轮

3.( technical 术语 ) a

chemical that is sometimes added to food or paint to stop the various

substances in it from becoming separate 稳定剂

squash/skwɒʃ/      |CET6+ TEM8

V-T If someone or something is squashed,

they are pressed or crushed with such force that they become injured or lose

their shape. 压扁; 压碎

•  Robert was lucky to escapewith just a broken foot after being squashed against a fence by a car.


•  Whole neighbourhoods havebeen squashed flat by shelling.








7.10 S1E13 Secrets

cus·tard n.   /ˈkʌstəd/ 

1.( especially BrE ) [U] ( NAmE usually

also ˌcustard ˈsauce ) a sweet yellow sauce made from milk, sugar, eggs and

flour, usually served hot with cooked fruit, puddings , etc. 蛋奶沙司(通常与熟水果、布丁等一同食用)

•apple pie and custard 苹果馅饼加蛋奶沙司

2.[ CU ] a mixture of eggs, milk and sugar

baked until it is firm (烤制的)蛋奶糕,蛋挞


妈妈给两个孩子准备一个秘密盒子secret box,让他们把东西放进去,而别人都不知道是什么。你猜,我猜,非常简单的游戏。最后把吃甜甜圈说成是把吃甜甜圈藏进特殊的地方-肚子。这个游戏挺好玩的,超级简单,我之前也和我家女儿玩过。今天下午可以继续尝试一下。而且有无数个改编的版本。









7.11 S1E14 Flying a kite

He runsas fast as he can. But the kite won’t fly.

But thekite still won’t fly.

You’redoing it all wrong.

You didn’tfun fast enough.

I’m a bitof an expert at these things.

Watch outfor the trees. You might get the kitestuckin one.

He hasgot the kitecaughtin a tree.

He willget the kite down.

I don’twant you covered in mud.

Don’tworry. I know what I’m doing.

Everyoneis covered in mud.

A is justas much fun as B.

Jumpingin muddy puddles is just as much fun as flying a kite.


7.12 S1E15 Picnic




遇到了wasps黄蜂,和小鸭子little ducks。小朋友们feed the bread to the ducks。



Is there anything we’ve forgotten?

I was just teasing.

tease   /tiːz/ vt./vi. 

1.to laugh at sb and make jokes about them,

either in a friendly way or in order to annoy or embarrass them 取笑;戏弄;揶揄;寻开心

•Don't get upset—I was only teasing. 别不高兴,我只是在逗你玩。

•I used to get teased about my name. 过去别人总拿我的名字开玩笑。

[ also V speechalso VN speech ]

2.[ VN ] to annoy an animal, especially by

touching it, pulling its tail, etc. 招惹,逗弄(动物)

His tummy is quite big.

feed the ducks

They love feeding bread to ducks.

If there’s any cake left over, you can giveit to the ducks.

leave over 剩下;留下

be ˌleft ˈover (from sth)

to remain when all that is needed has been

used 剩下;残留

• There was lots of food left over. 饭菜剩下了不少

stay still 保持静止不动。

… is too fast for Daddy to catch him.

We promised the rest of cake for the ducks.

promise sth to sb

promise sb sth

He promised the money to his grandchildren.他答应把这笔钱给孙儿孙女们。

He promised his grandchildren the money. 他答应给孙儿孙女们这笔钱。

In 1920 the great powers promised them anindependent state.


这一集里,全家去野餐go for a picnic,很是惬意。然后,遇到了小鸭子ducks,和黄蜂wasps,发生了一系列事情。

7.13 S1E16 Musical instruments

accordion /əˈkɔːdɪən/  N-COUNT 手风琴

其实,小猪Peppa Pig有时候有点小霸道的。




play the violin

play the drum

play the accordion

blow the horn

play the violinbeautifully/nicely

The sounds right.

That does notsound right.

That does notsound right, either.


7.14 S1E17 Frogs, worms and butterflies

wriggly 英 /'rɪɡlɪ/  美/'rɪgli/ adj.回避的;蠕动的

wriggly worms蠕虫,其实,这里是蚯蚓



7.15 S1E18 Dressing up

You really had usfooled.

今天这一集里两个孩子穿着大人的衣服模仿爸爸和妈妈,而爸爸妈妈直接接受,立刻就把他们当Daddy Pig 和Mummy Pig,一点也没有表示出惊讶,让我印象深刻。


7.16  S1E19 Newshoes

今天这一集内容挺丰富的。先是Peppa丢了鞋子lost her shoes,然后到处找look for the shoes everywhere,然后去买鞋子buy shoes in the shoe shop,然后Peppa太喜欢这双鞋子了,于是从早到晚穿着鞋子wear the new red shoes all day



7.17 S1E20 The school fete

fête   /feɪt/ 

1.( also fair ) ( both BrE ) ( NAmE also

car·ni·val ) an outdoor entertainment at which people can play games to win

prizes, buy food and drink, etc., usually arranged to make money for a special

purpose 露天游乐会;义卖游乐会

•the school/village/church fête 学校╱村庄╱教堂义卖会

2.( NAmE ) a special occasion held to

celebrate sth 庆祝活动

•a charity fête 慈善游乐会

What do you like best?

Face painting.

I like the bouncy castle the best.

bouncy castle

N a very large inflatable model, usually of

a castle, on which children may bounce at fairs, etc 蹦蹦城堡; 一种很大的充气模型,通常为城堡形,在游乐场供儿童在上面蹦跳

at the fete

I’m certain of it.

Everyone loves bouncing in the bouncycastle.

This is the best school fete, ever.

I’m teaching them to be proper tigers.


[ only before noun ] ( BrE informal ) that you

consider to be real and of a good enough standard 真正的;像样的;名副其实的

• Eat some proper food, not just toast and jam! 吃点正常的食物,别净吃烤面包加果酱!

•When are you going to get a proper job? 你想什么时候去找一份正经的工作呀?

pussy·cat n.    /ˈpʊsikæt/   ( informal )

a child's word

for a cat (儿童用语)猫咪

purr v.  /pɜː(r)/ 

[ V ] when a cat purrs , it makes a low

continuous sound in the throat, especially when it is happy or comfortable (猫)发出呼噜声,惬意地打呼噜

7.18 S1E21 Mummy Pig’s birthday

I can't come in yet.

have a nice walk

have a lovely walk

Close your eyes.

Open your eyes.

Blow the candles out and make a wish.

We're going to babysit the little ones.

make sb breakfast

make sb a birthday card

What a super birthday!

I’m the luckiest mum in the world.

I’d forgotten what hard work birthdayswere.








7.19 S01E22 Tooth fairy




You put your tooth under your pillow. Then the tooth fairy will come and put a coin in return for a gold coin.

7.20 S1E23 The new car

这一集讲爸爸开着车带一家去玩go for a drive in the new car,结果半路出故障了,于是去修理厂修,在等候的时候,开着修理厂的新车到处转悠,因为不熟悉各种按钮、按键,出了不少洋相。尤其是敞篷的开关让爸爸一筹莫展。

close the roof/put the roof up 关闭

open the roof 打开



I like our new car, but I like our old carbetter.

The car does not sound right.

The car squirted … with water.

squirt  /skwɜːt/

1.[ usually + adv./prep. ]

to force liquid, gas, etc. in a thin fast

stream through a narrow opening; to be forced out of a narrow opening in this

way (使)喷射;喷

SYN spurt

[ VN ]

• The snake can squirt poison from a distance of a metre. 这种蛇能把毒液喷射到一米处远。

• I desperately squirted water on the flames. 我拼命朝火上喷水。

[ V ]

• When I cut the lemon, juice squirted in my eye. 我切柠檬时,柠檬汁溅到了我眼睛里。

2.[ VN ]

~ sb/sth (with sth)

to hit sb/sth with a stream of water, gas,

etc. (用…)向…喷射

SYN spray

• The children were squirting each other with water from the hose. 孩子们用软水管相互喷水。

• He squirted a water pistol at me (= made the water come out of it)

. 他用玩具水枪朝我喷水。

7.21 S1E24 Treasure hunt





全家总动员,一起玩游戏,氛围实在是太好太好了。bury treasure

We’vemade you a treasure hunt.

Somewherein the garden is buried treasure.



You areholding the map upside down.

the firstclue is in the bottle.

… hasvery bad handwriting.

…hasexcellent handwriting.

followthe arrows

The keyunlocks/opens the treasure chest.

The maphas two apple trees on it.

Theredoesn’t seem to be anything here.

This is the best treasure hunt ever.

7.22 S1E25 Not very well

call sb = ring sb

call the doctor = ring the doctor

look/feel/be ill

= look/feel/be not very well

don’t/doesn’t look/feel very well

are/am/is not very well 

Peppa must stay in bed.

He must stay in bed. 

open your mouth = open wide, please

show me your tongue = stick your tongueout, please

It doesn’t taste nice.

It tastes really horrible/disgusting.

7.23 S1E26 Snow

They are very excited today. It is snowingoutside.

go and play in the snow

wear your hats, scarves and gloves

They are making footprints in the snow.

They love making footprints in the snow.

play snowballs 打雪仗

make a snowball

build/make a snowman

They are having a lot of fun.

Maybe this game is getting a little toorough.

The snowman needs some clothes to keep himwarm.

George has found some clothes to keep thesnowman nice and warm.

This is the best snowman I have ever seen.

这一集反复练习了wear one’s hat, scarf, and gloves这几个单词,以及复数hats,

scarves, and gloves。


7.24 S1E27 Windy Castle

学到了一个新的游戏I spy

… has to secretly look at something, andthe others have to guess what it is.

I spy with my little eye, something colored“red”

I spy with my little eye, something “blue”


my go轮到我了= my turn

We’ve got a bit lost on the way to ….

There’s a great view from …


… is doing the map-reading.

He’s a bit grumpy at the moment.

…, here we come.

Come on, …, you can make it.

The view from the top is fantastic.

wave at sb

It’s so far away.

They are too far away to see you waving.

7.25 S1E28 My cousin




race you

race you to sp.



1 扔球throw the ball


3 the sly fox 狡猾的狐狸

4 跳泥坑jump in the muddypuddle


the rules say,I win.

spend the day at her house

That’s a game for little children.

proper rules or baby rules?

That’s not fair.

They must stay very still.

back to the start回到起点。

a grown-up game

I’m too grown-up to do sth

grown-up girls

It does look fun.

There is a rule that says …

7.26 S1E29 Pancakes


get grumpy /ˈɡrʌmpɪ/ adj. 脾气坏的,脾气暴躁的 = bad-tempered

make a batter 面糊

flip the pancake over

pour a little syrup on the pancake

What a shame.

on the count of three 数到三

7.27 S1E30 Babysitting

Into your beds.

Good night, sleep tight.

Now go to sleep quickly.

So well behaved.

They are leaving for their evening out.

the game of throwing and catching 抛接游戏



7.28 S1E31 Ballet Lesson

I’ll pick you up later.

Enjoy yourself.

So sweet.

with grace and beauty

raise your arms

You must copy what I do.

dance gracefully and beautifully


7.29 S1E32 Thunderstorm

Thank you. – You’ve very welcome.

The sky is getting darker and darker.

It won’t rain for ages.

He’ssoaking wet.

I’m soaking wet.

soak·ing adj.  /ˈsəʊkɪŋ/ 

( ˌsoaking ˈwet ) completely wet 湿透的;湿淋淋的

SYN sopping

•That coat is soaking—take

it off. 上衣湿透了—脱下来吧。

•We arrived home soaking wet. 我们回到家时,浑身湿淋淋的。

Let’s get you dry.

nice and dry

The rain is coming in the house. The flooris getting wet.

He is using a bucket to catch the drips/catchthe water.

Easy as pie.

The thunder bangs are very loud.

Don’t be frightened.

Let’s count between each flash and bang.

The higher we can count, the further awaythe thunderstorm is.

The thunderstorm is going away.

The thunderstorm is over.


7.30 S1E33 Cleaning the car

Daddy is taking the family for a drive inthe country.

Look how messy it is.

You should see how messy it is inside.

We must clean the car before we go for adrive.

Right you are. 你说得对。

roofbonnetdoors windows

bonnet /ˈbɒnɪt/ N-COUNT

The bonnet of a car is the metal cover over

the engine at the front. (汽车) 引擎盖

•  He raised the bonnet ofMcKee's truck.


George has dropped his sponge in the muddypuddle.

You are making the car all muddy again.

I will wash the mud off.

Don’t use the muddy water.

Peppa has thrown the muddy water all overthe car.

We can use the gardenhoseto cleanit off.

Peppa holds the hose and Daddy turns on thewater.

hose /həʊz/      |CET6 TEM4

N-COUNT A hose is a long, flexible pipe

made of rubber or plastic. Water is directed through a hose in order to do

things such as put out fires, clean cars, or water gardens. (橡胶或塑料制的) 水管

Never mind.

No need to panic.

polish the car

pol·ish    /ˈpɒlɪʃ/

~ sth (up) (with sth)

to make sth smooth and shiny by rubbing it

with a cloth, often with polish on it 擦光;磨光

[ VN]

•Polish shoes

regularly to protect the leather. 要经常擦鞋,以保护皮革。

•He polished his

glasses with a handkerchief. 他用手绢揩拭眼镜。

keep this car clean

今天这一集是关于洗车cleaning the car。全家要出游,发现汽车太脏了,先用桶和海绵擦拭,然后用水管冲,干净之后上路,结果遇到了泥坑,又把汽车弄脏了。

7.31 S1E34 Lunch

call everyone to lunch 叫人吃饭

He seems to have got his appetite back.


Do you like …?



I like

He does not like tomatoes, lettuce andcucumber.

He does not like the tomatoes, or the lettuce,or the cucumber.

Don’t like the salad? – No.

She has made tomatoes, lettuce and cucumberinto a salad.

Just try a little bit of this lovelytomato.

Try a piece of lettuce. It’s yummy.

He’s too full to eat anything more.




8.1 S1E35 Camping


Yourtummy has grown the most of all.

collectsticks to make a fire

collect sticksfor a campfire

pick up thesticks

Listen tothe sounds of nature.

That’s thesound of crickets chirping.


rumbling 肚子咕咕叫

In you



further in. 再进去点。

They are sleepingin the tent.

Daddy issleeping outside, under the stars.

sleep inthe open air with stars above me.

Maybethis isn’t such a good idea at all.

It waslovely and cozy in the tent.

I am anexpert at camping.


S1E36 The Sleepy Princess

Can I have a story?

I’ll tell just one story.

She loved looking at herself in the mirror.

the small prince

Living outside was a huge, fierce dinosaur.

Maybe the dinosaur wasn’t that fierce.

The sun set. Then the stars and moon cameout. And everyone got very sleepy.

But the most sleepy of all was the SleepyPrincess.

I’m not sleepy at all?

Looking at herself all day in the mirrorhad completely worn her out.

She was so sleepy. She had fallen fastasleep.


S1E37 The tree house

Look what I’ve made for you.

Who wants to go inside first.

In you go.

go in the tree house

pay you a visit

Who is it?

You have to say the secret words.

I have to whisper them to you.

There is room for ….

I don’t think I can fit through the door.

I don’t want to ever come out.

They are all in the tree house.

In that case, we will just have to eat myhome-made cookies all by ourselves.

I still think they are silly secret words.



7.30 S1E33 Cleaning the car

Daddy is taking the family for a drive inthe country.

Look how messy it is.

You should see how messy it is inside.

We must clean the car before we go for adrive.

Right you are. 你说得对。

roofbonnetdoors windows

bonnet /ˈbɒnɪt/ N-COUNT

The bonnet of a car is the metal cover over

the engine at the front. (汽车) 引擎盖

•He raised the bonnet of McKee's truck.


George has dropped his sponge in the muddypuddle.

You are making the car all muddy again.

I will wash the mud off.

Don’t use the muddy water.

Peppa has thrown the muddy water all overthe car.

We can use the gardenhoseto cleanit off.

Peppa holds the hose and Daddy turns on thewater.

hose /həʊz/      |CET6 TEM4

N-COUNT A hose is a long, flexible pipe

made of rubber or plastic. Water is directed through a hose in order to do

things such as put out fires, clean cars, or water gardens. (橡胶或塑料制的) 水管

Never mind.

No need to panic.

polish the car

pol·ish    /ˈpɒlɪʃ/

~ sth (up) (with sth)

to make sth smooth and shiny by rubbing it

with a cloth, often with polish on it 擦光;磨光

[ VN]

•Polish shoes

regularly to protect the leather. 要经常擦鞋,以保护皮革。

•He polished his

glasses with a handkerchief. 他用手绢揩拭眼镜。

keep this car clean

今天这一集是关于洗车cleaning the car。全家要出游,发现汽车太脏了,先用桶和海绵擦拭,然后用水管冲,干净之后上路,结果遇到了泥坑,又把汽车弄脏了。

7.31 S1E34 Lunch

call everyone to

lunch 叫人吃饭

He seems to havegot his appetite back.


Do you like …?



I like …

He does not liketomatoes, lettuce and cucumber.

He does not likethe tomatoes, or the lettuce, or the cucumber.

Don’t like thesalad? – No.

She has madetomatoes, lettuce and cucumber into a salad.

Just try a littlebit of this lovely tomato.

Try a piece oflettuce. It’s yummy.

He’s too full toeat anything more.



其实,有些剧集其实非常适合学习英语的。因为是给小孩子看的,一些结构,一些词汇都会反复出现,还有有所变化。当然, 需要家长或者教师进行引导和操练。

8.1 S1E35 Camping


Your tummy has grown the most of all.

collect sticks to make a fire

collect sticks for a campfire

pick up thesticks

Listen tothe sounds of nature.

That’s thesound of crickets chirping.


rumbling 肚子咕咕叫

In you



further in. 再进去点。

They are sleepingin the tent.

Daddy issleeping outside, under the stars.

sleep inthe open air with stars above me.

Maybethis isn’t such a good idea at all.

It was lovely and cozy in the tent.

I am anexpert at camping.


S1E36 The Sleepy Princess

Can I have a story?

I’ll tell just one story.

She loved looking at herself in the mirror.

the small prince

Living outside was a huge, fierce dinosaur.

Maybe the dinosaur wasn’t that fierce.

The sun set. Then the stars and moon cameout. And everyone got very sleepy.

But the most sleepy of all was the SleepyPrincess.

I’m not sleepy at all?

Looking at herself all day in the mirrorhad completely worn her out.

She was so sleepy. She had fallen fastasleep.


S1E37 The tree house

Look what I’ve made for you.

Who wants to go inside first.

In you go.

go in the tree house

pay you a visit

Who is it?

You have to say the secret words.

I have to whisper them to you.

There is room for ….

I don’t think I can fit through the door.

I don’t want to ever come out.

They are all in the tree house.

In that case, we will just have to eat myhome-made cookies all by ourselves.

I still think they are silly secret words.



S38 Fancy dress party

这一集小伙伴们都化妆成别的形象:nurse, pirate,

carrot, fairy princess, clown, dinosaur。



Open wide and say …

be dressed as a carrot

She is admiring herself in the mirror.

I’ve got a magic wand

turn you into a frog

He is scared of his reflection in the mirror.

I’m a nurse. I make people better.

You say who the winner is.

Everyone loves fancy dress parties.

S39 The museum



golden crown

They didn’t have television. They didn’t have computers either.

He imagines being a big dinosaur.

She imagines being a queen.

My favourite room is …

His favourite room is …

Daddy’s favourite room is …

S40 Very hot day


The sun is so hot that the puddles have dried up.

You can play in the paddling pool (充气泳池) instead. (wadingpool)

You have to change into your swimming costumes.

sun cream 防晒霜

What a fuss about nothing!

pump up the paddling pool 充

ice cream lady

cone 冰淇淋球

It just so happens that I have ...

Enjoy the weather. 祝你们玩得愉快。

You should eat your ice-lolly before it melts and falls onto the

ground. 冰棍,棒冰

tip water on sb to cool sb down

S41 Chloe’s puppet show


puppet show theater

make a puppet

pointy teeth

After lunch, we’ll do a puppet show.

That sounds fun.

You shouldn’t have said those things about Uncle Pig.

You can tell they are brothers.

Has the puppet show started yet?

S42 Daddy gets fit


Your tummy is big.

do press-ups 做俯卧撑

You’ve got 100 press-ups to do.

I do hope he’s not overdoing it.

Getting fit is quite hard work.

The brakes aren’t strong enough.

Where have you been?

Iwhizzedall the way down the hill and then I had to push thebike all the way back up again.

whiz /wɪz/     

whizzing whizzed whizzes

1. V-I If something whizzes somewhere, it moves there very fast. 嗖嗖地快速移动

•  They heard bullets continue to whiz overtheir heads.


2. N-COUNT If you are a whiz at something, you are very good at it. 高手

•  Simon's a whiz at card games.


S43 Tidying up



What on earth is going on?

What a lot of noise!

Look at all the mess on the floor.

Someone could trip over and hurt himself.

Someone did d trip over and hurt himself.

Let’s do a bit of tidying up.

Ready, steady, go.

a pop-up book 立体书(插画弹起)

You’ll lose the race.

What a tidy room.

You can carry on with your game now.

The room is untidy again.

S44 The playground



at the playground

… are on the climbing frame 攀登架

… are playing on the slide 滑滑梯

… is playing on the swing 玩秋千

Push me. I want to go really high (higher).

Push … gently

He is a bit scared of heights.

Stand back.

It does look funny.

Everyone loves the slide.

be stuck in the tire

Daddy’s tummy is a bit like a bouncy castle.

S45 Daddy puts up a picture


tape measure 卷尺

hammer nail

put plasters on the bricks

paint the wall

good as new

mend the wall

Look at the mess they’ve made. 

vacuum the floor

Pretend nothing happened.

What have you been doing?

In all the excitement, Daddy has forgotten to put the picture up.

I’m no expert, but I’m sure that it’s quite easy.

S46 At the beach


What a lot of stuff!

sunshade 遮阳伞

beach-bag 海滩包

towels 毛巾

buckets and spades

a spotty ball 沙滩球

You need some sun cream on.

The sun is very hot so they need to have sun cream on.

What a great spotty ball!

have a paddle in the sea

put water-wings on 带上臂圈

You look very smart.

Steady on. 慢一点。

make sand castles

Hey, presto.

ˌhey ˈpresto


( BrE ) ( NAmE presto )

1.something that people say when they have just done sth so quickly and

easily that it seems to have been done by magic 嘿,瞧(变魔术般迅速轻松地做完某事时所说)

•You just press the button

and, hey presto, a perfect cup of coffee! 只要按下按钮,嘿,马上就出来一杯上好的咖啡!

2.something that people say just before they finish a magic trick 变(变戏法完成之前所说)

S47 Mister Skinnylegs

家里来了一只蜘蛛spider,给孩子们的生活带来了新的乐趣。Peppa 一开始害怕,但是很快就喜欢上了这只蜘蛛,和全家人一起玩茶话会。

put the dolls to bed

What is it you’re doing?

No need to panic.

There’s no need to be afraid.

He doesn’t want to be in bed.

S48 Grandpa Pig’s boat


raise the flag

ring the bell

take the wheel

full sail 全速前进

use up petrol/run out of petrol 

Race you!

on the count of three

Will you two ever grow up?

Would you be so kind to …?

S49 Shopping


sit in the trolley

We’ve got four things on the list.

put them in the trolley

That’s one thing off the list.

What’s next on the list?

The next thing on the list is onions.

The last thing on the list is fruit.

This is the checkout where all the food is paid for.

S50 My birthday party


He’s going to do a magic show.

What time is it?

He’s been practicing his magic trick all this week.

I need a helper from the audience.

Close your eyes. No looking. Say the magic words.

Open your eyes.

blow the candles out.

This is my best birthday ever.

S51 Daddy’s movie camera


George has made a movie and so has Peppa.

My tummy is very big.

The more you eat, the bigger your tummy will get.

my sweet little brother

S52 School play


All the children have parts in the play.

The Little Red Riding Hood

What big eyes you have!

What big teeth you have!

You were almost as good as me.

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