work 作名词,表示工作、作品
e.g. He has got a lot of work today.他今天有很多工作任务。
The museum has many works by Picasso. 这家博物馆有很多毕加索的画作。
work 作动词,表示工作、起作用、运作
e.g. Where do you work?你在哪里上班?
The medicine will work in one hour. 这种药物会在一个小时内起效。
The air conditioner doesn't work. Could you change a room for me?
work out 解决;健身;进展顺利
e.g. Do you work out every day? 你每周都健身吗?
I hope your new job works out.希望你的新工作一切顺利噢。
They still can't work out the problem. 他们还是没能解决掉问题。