
摘要:一份提供给Scrum Master的实践指南,可以为分布式团队改善工作过程提供一些必要的参考。

原文标题:Supporting Distributed Scrum Teams


Distributed Scrum is never going to be easy.


The very cornerstones of Scrum — transparency, openness,self-organization — are all more difficult for a distributed team to practice.Communication and collaboration will not be organic, and team-building will beharder. Still, the cost-saving implications for many companies mean thatdistributed Scrum looks likely to stay.

与上述争议无关,本文只是一份提供给Scrum Master的实践指南,可以为分布式团队改善工作过程提供一些必要的参考。

By disregarding the arguments for and against, thisarticle is a practical guide that you can follow as a Scrum Master of adistributed team to make the process work as best it can.

适用于分布式Scrum团队的5项最佳实践(5 best practices for distributed Scrum teams

1、做团队成员的同地汇聚,频率越高越好、时间越早越好(Make an effort to colocate as often and as early as possible


Despite the arguments you may face about colocation, andeven if cost reduction is the driving force behind using distributed Scrum, theimportance of the whole team being together for some parts of the productdevelopment process cannot be stressed enough.


Even if it's just at product kickoff or when theframework is first implemented, getting the entire Scrum team together (andyes, this includes the product owner!) is imperative to foster transparency,collaboration, and teamwork from the start.


Being together in person gives the team a chance to formproperly and also to have an invaluable cultural exchange and out-of-workbonding through events such as team meals and coffees. Don’t underestimate theimportance of organic conversation and small talk in forming a strong team.


If possible, the whole team should make an effort tocolocate on regular occasions, preferably at sprint end and start, when theceremonies take place. On our distributed team, we make an effort to colocateon average once a month, when we spend a week together. Of course, this may notbe possible for many teams, but even a trip to get together once per quarterwill make a positive impact on the team.

2.建立非正式的交流渠道(Have an informal communication stream


Organic conversation is a vital component of ahigh-performing team. In a colocated office, you sit near colleagues, chatabout the TV show you watched last night, or eat lunch together. In distributedteams, this natural communication is often lacking.


Within our development team, we gave ourselves a groupname and set up our own WhatsApp messenger group. We sometimes use if for work stuff(normally a quick way to let everyone know when someone’s running late or isill), but more often than not it is the home of our group banter — sports talk,photos of days out in London, or pictures from concerts in Bucharest. Thisinformal, easy, and inclusive chat stream allows us to keep in touch with eachother even when we can’t be colocated. We can have those fun catch-ups overwhat people are doing when they’re not being Agile!

3.引入工具(Invest in tooling


One of the tenets of the Agile Manifesto is valuing"people and interactions over process and tools." The key point hereis that we value the items on the left over the items on the right, not at the expenseof them. For distributed teams, this message is still the same; however, goodtooling is vital to enable communication and collaboration and to empower theteam.


Face-to-face communication with strong audio is anintegral component for distributed teams. That means the team members allhaving access to the hardware and software they need to make this happen:decent headsets and webcams, mobile work phones, and access to programs such asSkype for Business.


For sprint planning, we use a Pointing Poker application,and for our retrospectives we find MURAL a fantastic way to enable people tocontribute in real time to a collaborative board, thus fostering conversation.There are numerous tools out there, and for a distributed team, experimentationand investment in the tools best for the group will enable you to encouragecollaboration and discussion.

4.提高推动工作的能力(Develop your facilitation skills

在任意情景下推动工作是Scrum Master的关键能力之一,这是任何团队都迫切需要的。这项能力让我们能在最佳时机做出最佳举措,通常是极难掌握的,在分布式团队环境下难度还要更大一点。你必须掌握团队成员的性格特点,哪些人内向,哪些人外向,谁愿意闷头干活而疏于分享,谁又乐意滔滔不绝地描述个人观点,如何有效发掘内向型团队成员个人观点中的价值点,同时又不抑制外向型团队成员的表现欲,是一门微妙的艺术。在推动工作时你必须充分参与进去,这样才能够识别“何时引导大家进入讨论”,“何时结束当前的主题”,以及“何时解决冲突”。

One of the key skills a Scrum Master on any team needs isthe ability to facilitate in all situations. This is a difficult skill to dowell at the best of times; on a distributed team, it is much harder. You needto be aware of the personalities on your team, of the extroverts and theintroverts, of who will be doing their thinking internally and be less likelyto share, and who will be quick to verbally intervene with their ideas. It is adelicate art to bring out the valuable thoughts and ideas of quieter teammembers while not suppressing the more outgoing ones. You need to be fullyengaged while facilitating so that you can recognize when to bring people intothe discussion, when to move the topics forward, and when to resolve conflict.

要时刻温习这些宝贵的技能。作为一个分布式团队的Scrum Master,你要持续不断地阅读和学习,以掌握积极倾听和团队动力学理念;要积极地与其他Scrum Master进行知识分享,以丰富你的技巧和技术储备。

Make sure that you brush up on these invaluable skills.As a Scrum Master for a distributed team, you should be constantly reading andlearning about ideas such as active listening, team dynamics, and adding gamesand techniques to your arsenal through knowledge sharing with other Scrum Masters.

5.时刻莫忘说“谢谢”(Don’t forget to say thank you


This is equally important for distributed and colocatedteams: Make sure you say thank you!


Recognizing team successes, contributions, knowledgesharing, and the taking on of new challenges is important. Many companies haveinternal recognition systems such as e-cards or public forums, which are agreat way to say thanks, especially on the distributed team. If you have theopportunity to occasionally colocate, then buying a round of drinks (beer orcoffees!) is also a nice way to thank teams for having done a great job.


In our sprint retrospectives, we regularly include a slotfor "Appreciations," in which everyone is free to add a sticky noteon our board to show appreciation for someone, for any reason, during a sprint.This has been a great way for us to show our gratitude to one another and tostress the importance of collaboration and teamwork within the Scrum team.



Achieving success in a distributed team is something that the wholeScrum team needs to work on. By using the ideas above and building your ownbest practices, you can ensure that your development team is as well equippedas possible to be prepared for and to overcome the common challenges facingdistributed teams.

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