Can You Listen to Me Now?---商业即兴15

Can You Listen to Me Now?你现在可以听我说话吗?

While “Yes, and . . . ” can effect huge changes in corporate culture and in interpersonal dynamics, one doesn’t have to focus solely on huge changes to get started down the “Yes, and” path. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” So let’s start with small things you can do for yourself to help you in your personal development.


If you start using some of the “Yes, and” language of acceptance and support, it will trickle back to the way you think. It’s not such a daunting change when it begins with small, practical steps like making the attempt to swap out one three-letter word, “but,” for another,“and.” No brains have to be rewired in order to do this properly.However, it does take desire and action, focus and concentration; the truth is, when those first small steps are attempted on a regular basis and you begin to create good speaking habits, the rewiring of your brain begins automatically.

如果您开始使用某些“是,并且”接受和支持的语言,它将逐渐回到您的思维方式。当它以小的实际步骤开始时,例如尝试将一个三个字母的单词“ but”替换为另一个“ and”,这并不是一个令人生畏的变化。无需重新布线即可正确地完成此操作。但是,它确实需要欲望和行动,专注力和专心;事实是,如果定期尝试这些最初的小步骤,并且您开始养成良好的说话习惯,那么大脑的自动重新布线就会自动开始。

A small part of an incredibly effective exercise I execute in most sessions focuses on participants simply closing their eyes and listening. The listening lasts for only 30–45 seconds. When I ask people what they heard during that short span, there are always some obvious responses—the hiss of a radiator, people talking next door, the floor creaking, the clock ticking. When I press a little harder for what else they heard, somebody invariably says, “I heard my own thoughts.” When I ask who else heard their own thoughts, on average 85 percent of hands in the room go up. 


The point of the exercise is to demonstrate how so many of us actually have trouble focusing on what our ears are registering. Even when asked to simply listen for less than a minute, the vast majority of people can’t do it and end up getting caught in their heads, thinking about something other than what their ears are picking up: Why are we doing this? I have to remember to call home. Did I send out that follow-up e-mail? What will I get at the lunch buffet? Whose pants am I wearing? Our mind needs to be challenged and we unconsciously allow it to drift away from the task at hand—in this case the task of listening. This simple exercise underscores how we communicate in real life as we busily attempt to multitask our way through real deadlines and time crunches and ambient chaos. So how does one learn to listen better amid real-world business stress?


To fully embrace “Yes, and” and make fast, effective decisions in the real-world environment, we have to do something counterintuitive: slow our brain down. Slowing down our thoughts doesn’t mean we’re looking to diminish the quality of our thoughts. I would argue instead that by slowing down the brain and focusing on the nuances of our communications, we’re actually increasing the quality of thought.Let’s hit this piñata from another angle. The human brain can process  somewhere between 350 and 550 words a minute, while most peopleusually only speak around 120 words a minute.16 This means that in virtually every exchange of communication each participating brain has room for 230–375 extra words’ worth of thought to float around.


Like a captainless ship, that gives our minds plenty of chance to drift and wander, whether we’re the one speaking or listening. We easily slip into the basic communication pitfall of drifting away from the person speaking, often thinking about what we’re going to say next rather than being focused on what we’re communicating or what’s being said to us. Rather than wandering off, our focus should be to slow the brain down, put extra emphasis on the words spoken (as if they were gold), engage our partner, and be fully present in the moment.


Throw down the gauntlet and challenge your brain to stay in the  moment, in real time. It’s all about refocusing the brain to engage in a heightened state of concentration. This is precisely what “Yes, and” accomplishes. At its simplest level “Yes, and” requires you to really listen and understand, in the moment, before you react. The broader concept is that “Yes, and” asks both speaker and listener to be accountable for what is being communicated and what is being received—that is, to be accountable for all parties involved in the communication.


In my programs I move on from our intensive listening exercise to  some exercises in interpersonal collaboration. We begin with a demonstration of what’s really happening when we say we’re listening but are instead allowing those approximately 200 extra words per minute to ricochet wildly in our brains. Participants pair off and attempt to have a “conversation” in which each person must talk over the per�son who’s trying to talk to him or her. We only need 30 seconds or so of this to get the point across.


 Nobody is clear on what was said because speakers were either talking mindlessly while focusing on drowning out the other person, or they were only hearing themselves speak regardless of what was being said to them. So in a conversation in which no actual listening is occurring, there is no reacting, adapting, or engaging taking place—only noise. Even on a comedy improv stage, if two performers are talking over each other it feels rude and confusing to the audience.


 There’s a slim chance that the performers are in mutual agreement to find comedy in the pointless noise of talking over each other, though most of the time that’s not what’s happening. Instead when two improv performers are talking over each other it means each is trying too hard to pull a high-status move, get a laugh,or upstage the other performer. They are more focused on a personal agenda than on sharing and accepting personal perspective.


The seminar exercise continues on to the most practical of small  “Yes, and” steps: a pair of people have a conversation in which every sentence must begin with the actual words “Yes, and.” Whether or not I’ve prefaced the exercise with the underlying philosophy of these words, people quickly discover that in order to make such a conversation work, they have to listen intensively and make connections to their partner’s comments before building a cognitive bridge to their own perspective. The emphasis is on one voice at a time, giving and taking the right to speak in a mutually agreed process. This is the gist of “active listening.”


With an eye on transferring this exercise to the real world, in the  next round we show how our “Yes, and” conversations can connect in a slightly different way to relationship building and influence. In this round each speaker has the right to speak one sentence at a time, and each partner’s response must include specific, significant words used by the last speaker. 


The idea is to maintain a natural flow of conversation in which each speaker recognizes which of their own words are being used by the other person. (This should be a natural, authentic conversation, of course; simply repeating something common like the word “the” would defeat the purpose.) The goal is that speakers focus their mental energy enough to repeat what’s been said to them, and listeners are focused enough to hear what’s being repeated back.

想法是保持自然的对话流,其中每个说话者都可以识别对方正在使用自己的哪些单词。(当然,这应该是一种自然,真实的对话;简单地重复诸如“ the”一词之类的普通话会破坏目的。)目标是让说话者集中精神力量来重复对他们说的话,而听众则专注于听到正在重复的内容。

When I ask group members how it felt to have a conversation in  which they heard their own key words being used by the person they were talking to, the responses are often revelatory: “I felt like I was being listened to.” “I felt like the other person cared about what I was saying.” “I felt like we were on the same page.” “I felt like we were building a connection.” “I felt validated.”


I ask the participants whether it would be worth employing this  simple technique if it could have the same effect on people they speak with in their workplace, and the answer of course is yes. They answer yes not because any of these businesspeople feel the urge to grab a ukulele and get a version of “We Are the World” started. It is yes be�cause they’ve just gotten a clean taste of how effective communication can create a positive emotional effect in someone else. They got a taste of how to quickly create a strong connection with another person. They got a taste of “Yes, and . . . ”


In a final round of the exercise we highlight how language influences real-world workplace relationships. In that real world, conversations don’t happen just for the sake of showing off speakers’ communication skills. They happen because points of view need to be expressed, explored, and perhaps even debated. With that in mind participants continue to have these “Yes, and” conversations in which every sentence must start with “Yes, and” for about a minute. 


They then continue their conversation, this time with the direction of starting every sentence with “Yes, but . . . ” Participants quickly discover that it’s much harder to maintain a flow of acceptance and support in a conversation when starting every sentence with “Yes, but”; and when they don’t remain mindful about the process, the “Yes, but” passion quickly turns things into an argument, a one-upmanship grapple for high status, an impassioned defense of one’s own opinion by undermining one’s partner’s opinion, or even a point/counterpoint debate in which the conversation simply moves back and forth like a game of table tennis.


In other words a “Yes, but” conversation is hard work. Conversely a “Yes, and” conversation is smooth, free flowing, inclusive, and easily productive, and the feeling of collaboration is underscored by the depth and breadth of the conversation. In a nutshell, a “Yes, and” conversation is easy and enjoyable. By extension a “Yes, and” culture accommodates passion without shutting other people down. It may take a little effort to establish this culture, and the payoff is tremendous.Let’s see if energy in relation to language matters by revisiting our “Yes” test:


Have a 3–5-minute, very excited, very energetic, very passionate conversation with a colleague (or a stranger at a pub), starting every sentence with “Yes, but . . . ” Your goal now is to influence the other person with your level of energy and excitement in this passionate “Yes, but” conversation. Take note of how your partner reacts to you and the language they use toward you.


What did you notice?

Now have a 3–5-minute, very excited, very energetic, very passionate conversation, starting every sentence with “Yes, and . . . ”Your goal is still to influence the other person with your level of energy and excitement in this passionate “Yes, and”conversation.Audit what happens in this conversation, how your partner reacts to you and the language they use toward you.


What did you notice?

What was the difference between the passionate “Yes, but” conversation versus the passionate “Yes, and” conversation?The beauty of the “Yes, and” approach is that practicing it doesn’t actually require a break from the workday, an empty conference room, or the pairing up of staff. Anyone at almost any time can decide to work the techniques of the exercises through his or her side of an interaction. The persons you communicate with will likely not know that an exercise is being followed, but they will feel the effect. No explanation of the exercise will be necessary—the resulting experience, positive or negative, will speak for itself. Try it!



• Try talking over someone and see what happens.

• Try taking specific words used by the person whom you are conversing with and incorporating them in your follow-up sentences. See what kind of response you get.

• Have a conversation in which you only ask questions. Interrogate your partner and see how that person reacts to you.

• Have a conversation starting every sentence with “Yes, but . . . ” and see how the person across from you reacts.





• Similarly have a conversation starting every sentence with “Yes, and . . . ” and see how the person across from you reacts.


“Yes, and” techniques can be employed with a boss, a colleague, a spouse, a child—even a flight attendant who looks like he’s having a hard day. In fact on several long international flights, motion sickness bags full of mini booze bottles have been surreptitiously handed to me by stressed-out attendants who greatly appreciated a smile, positive attitude, and a little attentive listening. Just a few moments of awareness and “Yes, and” word choice on my part were enough for these attendants to feel they were being heard and understood. If you still doubt that the positivity and clear communication of “Yes, and” gets noticed and has an impact, those tiny bottles of Bombay Sapphire don’t lie.Now that we’ve learned the importance of “Yes, and . . . ” as a foundation of personal development, let’s take a look at how it can be used to develop one’s own voice and presence in the workplace.


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