Generalization Error
Approximated by the error on a holdout test dataset, which has never been seen by the model and can be only used once
Your midterm exam score
The final price of a pending house sale
Dataset used in private leaderboard in Kaggle
Validation dataset:
Often a subset of the dataset, not used for model training
Can be used multiple times for hyper param tuning
“test error” usually refers to error on “validation” dataset
Hold Out Validation
- Split your data into “train” and “valid” sets (often calls “test”)
- Train your model on the train set, use the error on the valid set to approximate the generalization error
- Often randomly select examples as the valid set
• Typical choices n = 50, 40, 30, 20, 10
Split non I.I.D. data
Random data splitting may lead to underestimate of generalization error
Sequential data
e.g. house sales, stock prices
Valid set should not overlap with train set in time
Examples are highly clustered
e.g. photos of the same person, clips of the same video
Split clusters instead of examples
Highly imbalanced label classes
- sample more from minor classes
K-fold Cross Validation
Useful when not sufficient data
Partition the training data into K parts
For i = 1, …, K
- Use the i-th part as the validation set, the rest for training
Report the validation error averaged over K rounds
Popular choices: K = 5 or 10
Common Mistakes
- If your ML model performance is too good to be true, very likely
there is a bug, and contaminated valid set is the #1 reason. - Valid set has duplicated examples from train set
- Often happens when integrating multiple datasets
- Scrape images from search engine to evaluate models trained on ImageNet
- Often happens when integrating multiple datasets
- Information leaking from train set to valid set
- Often happens for non I.I.D data
- use future to predict past, see a person’s face before
- Often happens for non I.I.D data
- Excessive use of valid set for hyper param tuning is cheating
The test data is used once to evaluate your model
One can hold out a validation set from the training data to estimate the test data
You can use valid set multiple times for model selections and hyper
param tuningValidation data should be close to the test data
Improper valid set is a common mistake that lead to over estimate of the model performance