
Date: 2018.1.20


ibt = Internet based test


Independent Tasks

Speaking (free - choice)

Speaking (paired - choice)

Integrated Tasks

Reading --- Listening --- Speaking (campus life)

Reading --- Listening --- Speaking (academic related)

Listening --- Speaking (campus life)

Listening --- Speaking (academic related)



Which one of the following ways do you choose to finish a history project?

- Shooting videos

- Interviewing the older people

- Writing a paper

第一个选项的思路:travel to different places; Beijinger; Forbidden City; sound effect; image;

Task 1 的三种类型:

1. talk about...

2. give advice to people 建议类

3. 三选一

Task 2 的两种类型:

1. Do you agree or disagre with the statement?

2. prefer A or B? 选择类





Language Us

Topic Delivery

Some tips:

※语言要求:simple, direct, accurate





※Baby Chinese, good English.

※举例子可以是正例也可以是反例(如:car-repairing可以save money,举一个修车贵的例子)



☆举例子的要点:time; place; people; thing (what happened first, next, last); feeling;


e.g. 为什么学画画:fun; practical: give paintings to friends, which is meaningful.

e.g. Talk about an argument you had with others.

(1) getting a TV; I: fun to watch TV; one roommate: distracting; move out;

(2) with roommate; different schedule;

(3) with mom; don't want to clean my room; yell at me;

An Example

说理由的形式:A+,A+; A+/B-;  A+,B-; A+,B+;

e.g. 在学校学习还是在家里学习 A+, A+

在学校:For starters, 学习效率高;可以交朋友;

在家里:方便:在家里打开电脑;没有peer pressure


1. 放松 relax; take a break; unwind; relaxing; unwinding; take my mind off; reduce my stress; let my hair down; let off steam; relieve stress;

2. 健康 healthy; good for my (physical) health; keep fit;

3. 交朋友 make friends; expand my social circle / friend circle / social network; get to know new people;

4. 塑造性格 shape my personality (e.g. playing the piano; running;)

5. 提高技能 improve / enhance skills (e.g. athletic skills; artistic skills; communication skills; presentation skills; language skills; computer skills;)

6. 环境有益 eco-friendly; environmentally-friendly; contribute to the environment; do good to the environment;

7. 开拓眼界 open your eyes; eye-opening; expand my outlook; gain an insight into sth.;

8. 方便 portable; save my time;

9. 省钱(赚钱) save money; economical; (e.g. e-books; living with others; computer skills; swimming coach;)

10. 学习效率 improve / boost study / learning efficiency; productive; (e.g. studying in the library)

Date: 2018.1.24


e.g. classes with a large number of students or smaller classes?


get involved;

get more attention and support from the teacher;

make comments on...

speak up

focused / attentive

e.g. a foreign roommate or a roommate from your country?


(1) get exposed to alien / exotic culture; have a better understanding of

(2) improve English 24/7; work on a research project; exchange ideas; speak English like a native speaker

own country:

(1) Life is easier; no language barrier

(2) less culture shock; similar cultural background / context; 

We Chinese people don't say "thank you, and please" as much as Americans do; may easily offend her; party animal;

e.g. Art class or science class?

art class: field trip; way more interesting;

science class: mysterious black hole; magical universal gravity; undiscovered asteoids


activity, celebrity, alone group, art, book, childhood, dressing, education, environment, food, foreign, friend, future, gift, healthy life, family, assignment, housing, investment, job, leadership, study habits, media, movie, public event, school, skill, sport, subject, success, teacher, technology, transportation, travel, volunteer

e.g. study in a group or alone?

(1) motivate me to study more and better / atmosphere

(2) exchange / bring up ideas; bring ideas to the table; reinforce / consolidate my understanding / memory

(3) help is easy to get

(4) make friends

Date: 2018.1.27

wear and tear: 磨损


e.g. 去不去太空

e.g. 最喜欢的演员 / 明星 / 名人

loads of awards

give back to the society

set a good example for young people

optimistic / tough / strong / persistent

e.g. 要不要冒风险

e-commerce; entrepreneur; 

e.g. 天赋重要还是努力重要



1. future; important to get people educated 

China: invest / pour money / resources in developing K12 system and universities during the past decades

2. industry; 

an increasing / growing number of Chinese students go abroad

promote local economy like food and housing 

e.g. (1) 修更多的学校在 second or third tier cities

(2) 培养更多老师、educational staff


1. foundation for a country's economic development

if there are more business opportunities, more jobs will be created; people will make more money; economy is stimulated

China: make regulations to ecourage small businesses  / start-ups, like getting a loan from the bank


1. important to get proper treatment when people get sick

If there is no well-rounded systems, then people can't be taken care of, and it will cause problems.

2. taxpayers

If they are not getting proper treatment, they will not be so productive; bad work performance; It will affect a country's economy.

e.g. 修更多的医学院,培养更多的professional,鼓励更多的学生学习medical science


1. benefit us on a daily basis

accurately predict weather like snows or rains; know when to take my umberella to work or school

2. extreme weather is dangerous and destructive: tornado / typhoon / tsunami

send out warnings; evacuate to safety

e.g. 选市长:实质是分配资源人力manpower 

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