

S:He wasn't.他没被谋杀。

Miss Adler:You don't think it was murder?你觉得不是谋杀?

S:I know it wasn't.我知道不是。

Miss Adler:How?为什么?

S:The same way I know the victim was a sportsman, recently returned from foreign travel and that the photographs I'm looking for are in this room.就像我知道死者是个出色的冒险家,刚从国外旅行回来,而我要找的照片就在这房间。

Miss Adler:OK, but how?好吧,怎么知道的?

S:So they are in this room. Thank you. John, man the door, let no-one in.这么说真在这房间,谢谢。约翰守住门,别放人进来。

S:Two men alone in the countryside, several yards apart and one car.乡村野外,只有两个男人,相隔几码远,还有一辆车。

Miss Adler:Oh, I,... I thought you were looking for the photos now.哦,我以为你在搜寻照片呢。

S:No, no. Looking takes ages, I'm just going to find them, but you're clever and we've got a moment, so let's pass the time. Two men, a car, nobody else. Driver's trying to fix his engine. Getting nowhere. And the hiker is taking a moment, looking at the sky. Watching the birds? Any moment now, something is going to happen. What?不,搜寻多花时间我会直接发现的。不过你还算聪明,我们又有空,不如来打发时间吧。两个人,一辆车,没有别人。司机想要修引擎,毫无进展,旅行者休息了一会,抬头看天。看鸟?随时都会有事要发生,发生什么?

Miss Adler:The hiker is going to die.旅行者会死。

S:No, that's the result. What's going to happen?不,那是结果,到底会发生什么?

Miss Adler:I don't understand.我不明白。

S:Oh, well try to.哦努力想想吧。

Miss Adler:Why?为什么?

S:Because you cater to the whims of the pathetic and take your clothes off to make an impression. Stop boring me and think. It's the new sexy.因为你迎合衰人的幻想,脱得精光只为了让人印象深刻,别让我无聊了,开动脑筋吧,这是性感的新定义。

Miss Adler:The car's going to backfire.车要回火了。

S:There's going to be a loud noise.会发出很大的响声。

Miss Adler:So what?所以呢?

S:Noises are important. They can tell you everything. For instance...声音很重要,能揭示一切,比如...

S:Thank you. On hearing a smoke alarm, a mother would look towards her child. Amazing how fire exposes our priorities. I really hope you don't have a baby in here. All right, John, you can turn it off now. I said you can turn it off now!谢谢,听见火警铃一位母亲会首先看她的孩子,火警多神奇,瞬间暴露我们最珍贵的东西。真心希望你没在里面藏个孩子,好了,约翰,可以把警报器关了。我叫你快把警报器关了。

W:Give me a minute!稍等一下。

S:You should always use gloves with these things, you know. Heaviest oil deposit is always on the first key used, that's a 3, but after that, the sequence is impossible to read. I see it's a six digit code. It can't be your birthday, no disrespect, but clearly you were born in the '80s and 8's barely used, so...按键的时候要记得戴手套,最先按到的键上的油渍总是最重,是3键,但之后顺序就很难分辨了,看来是六位密码。不可能是生日,无意冒犯,你明显生于80年代,,但8键几乎没被碰过,所以...

Miss Adler:I'd tell you the code right now, but you knowwhat? I already have.Think.我可以现在告诉你密码,但是密码早已透露给你了。思考吧。

Man H:Hands behind your head, on the floor, keep it still!手放头后,跪下不许动。

W:Sorry, Sherlock.抱歉,夏洛克。

Man H:Miss Adler, on the floor!艾德勒小姐乖乖跪下。

S:Don't you want me on the floor, too?难道我不需要跪下吗?

Man H:No, sir, I want you to open the safe.不,先生,我要你把密码箱打开。

S:American. Interesting. Why would you care?美国人,有趣,关你们什么事呢?

Man H:Sir, thesafe, now, please.先生,快开密码箱,谢谢。

S:I don't know the code.我不知道密码。

Man H:We've been listening, she said she told you.她说她已经把密码给你了,我们都听到了。

S:If you've been listening, you'll know she didn't.你们要是真用心听了就知道她没告诉我。

Man H:I assume I missed something. From your reputation, I assume you didn't, Mr Holmes.我是可能听漏了,但依您的名声来说,您肯定都听进去了,福尔摩斯先生。

W:For God sake, she's the one who knows the code, ask her!老天她才是设密码的人好吗?干嘛不问她!

Man H:Yes, sir, she also knows the code that automatically calls the police and sets off the burglar alarm. I've learned not to trust her.话是没错但她会告诉我们,那个输入后会自动报警的密码,经验告诉我这女人不能信任。

Mr Holmes doesn't...福尔摩斯先生并不...

Miss Adler:Shut up! One more word out of you, just one and I will decorate that wall with the insides of your head. That, for me, will not be a hardship. Mr Archer, at the count of three, shoot Dr Watson.闭嘴!再多说一个字我就让你脑浆涂墙,对我来说可是毫无压力。亚彻先生,我数到3,你就送华生医生上西天。


S:I don't know the code.我不知道密码。

Man H:One.一

S:I don't know the code.我不知道密码

Man H:Two.二

S:She didn't tell me, I don't know it!她没告诉我,我不知道。

Man H:I'm prepared to believe you, any second now. Three我随时准备相信你哦!三

S:No, stop!不,住手。

Man H:Thank you, Mr Holmes. Open it, please.谢谢,福尔摩斯先生,打开吧。

S:Vatican cameos!好戏上演。

S:Do you mind?你不介意吧。

Miss Adler:Not at all.当然不。

W:He's dead.这人死了。

Miss Adler:Thank you. You were very observant.谢谢,你看得真准。

W:Observant? "你看得真准"?

Miss Adler:I'm flattered.我受宠若惊。

S:Don't be.不用。

W:Flattered? "受宠若惊"?

S:There'll be more of them, they'll be keeping an eye on the building.还会有他们的人过来会监控这栋楼。

W:We should call the police.得赶快报警。

S:Yes. On their way.是的,这样马上就到。

W:For God's sake!我的老天。

S:Oh, shut up, it's quick.哦,闭嘴吧,这是最快的法子了。

S:Check the rest of the house, see how they got in. Well, that's the knighthood in the bag.检查一下屋内,看他们是从哪儿闯进来的。看哪,这就是囊中珍宝了。

Miss Adler:Oh, and that's mine.是我的。

S:All the photographs are on here, I presume?我猜所有的照片都在这里吧?

Miss Adler:I have copies, of course.我当然都有备份存档。

S:No, you don't. You'll have permanently disabled any kind of uplink or connection Unless the contents of this phone are unique, you couldn't sell them..不,你没有。你肯定彻底断开了上传功能和网络连接。这部手机里的内容独一无二,你才能卖个好价钱。

Miss Adler:Who said I'm selling?谁说我要卖了?

S:Well, why would they be interested? Whatever's on the phone, it's clearly not just photographs.好吧那他们为何感兴趣呢?这里面肯定不仅仅是照片。

Miss Adler:That camera-phone is my life, Mr Holmes. I'd die before I let you take it. It's my protection.这部摄像手机是我的生命,福尔摩斯先生。要我给你除非我死了,它是我唯一的保命符。


S:It was.现在不是了。

W:Must have come in this way.他们一定是从这儿进来的。


W:It's all right, she's just out cold.她没事,只是昏过去了而已。

Oh, God knows she's used to that. There's a back door. Better check it, Dr Watson.她经常这样的。这屋有个后门,华生医生你去看看吧


S:You're very calm. Well, your booby trap did just kill a man.你很镇定嘛,你的机关刚才可是杀了人。

Miss Adler:He would have killed me.不然死的就是我了。

S:What is that?! What?那是什么?怎么?

Miss Adler:Give it to me. Now. Give it to me.给我,快给我。


Miss Adler:Give it to me.快给我。


Miss Adler:Oh, for goodness sake! Drop it. I...said...drop it! Thank you, dear. ow, tell that sweet little posh thing the pictures are safe with me. They're not for blackmail, just for insurance. Besides, I might want to see her again.看在老天的份上快放下,我叫你快放下。谢了亲爱的,告诉那个贵族美妞,照片在我这儿很安全,我无意勒索,仅为保命,另外我很乐意有机会再跟她见见。

Miss Adler:Oh, no no no no no. It's been a pleasure. Don't spoil it. This is how I want you to remember me, the woman who beat you. Goodnight, Mr Sherlock Holmes.哦,不不,别挣扎了,很高兴见到你,别破坏情绪,深深烙印在你脑海中我的形象,记住我是打败了你的女人。睡吧,夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生。

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