Particle\Validator( 粒子 验证器)
Particle\Validator 是一个小巧优雅的验证类库,提供了一个非常简洁的API
use Particle\Validator\Validator;
$validator = new Validator;
$validator->required('first_name')->lengthBetween(2, 30)->alpha();
$validator->required('last_name')->lengthBetween(2, 40)->alpha();
'last_name' => [
LengthBetween::TOO_LONG => 'Your name is too long.'
$data = [
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
$result = $validator->validate($data);
$result->isValid(); // bool(true)
为什么要使用 Particle\Validator?
- 简洁的API
- IDE的提示支持
- 友好的文档
- 利于扩展
- 无依赖性
> php composer.phar require particle/validator
注意:在使用之前请确保在项目中引入了 vendor/autoload.php 文件
use Particle\Validator\Validator;
$validator = new Validator;
$validator->required('first_name')->lengthBetween(0, 20);
Required and optional
这个方法是内置的,主要用于检测某个key的值,如果希望检测的某个值可能为空,而希望验证通过,则我们可以设置该方法的第三个参数为true。(默认值为false 代表不能为空值)。其中 required 和 optional 的区别主要是如下 required 是验证的值必须存在;而 optional 是可选的,如果key存在,则验证,不存在,则不用验证。
$v->required('foo')->lengthBetween(0, 100);
$v->validate(['foo' => ''])->isValid(); // false, because allowEmpty is false by default.
//第一个参数代表是验证的key 第二个参数代表是验证提示信息的key值,第三个参数代表是否允许空值
$v->required('foo', 'foo', true); // third parameter is "allowEmpty".
$v->validate(['foo' => ''])->isValid(); // true, because allowEmpty is true.
// option是可选的,现在存在,则必须验证,同时 allowEmpty 默认是false则代表不能为空,则验证不能通过
$v->optional('foo')->lengthBetween(0, 100);
$v->validate(['foo' => ''])->isValid(); // false, because allowEmpty is false and the key exists.
// option是可选的,现在foo不存在,则不是必须验证
$v->optional('foo')->lengthBetween(20, 100);
$v->validate([])->isValid(); // true, because the optional key is not present.
option是可选的,现在foo存在,则必须验证,同时 allowEmpty可以为空
$v->optional('foo', 'foo', true)->lengthBetween(0, 100);
$v->validate(['foo' => ''])->isValid(); // true, because allowEmpty is true.
// 基本验证
$values = [
'user' => [
'username' => 'bob',
$v = new Validator;
$result = $v->validate($values);
$result->getValues() === $values; // bool(true)
// 遍历验证
$values = [
'invoices' => [
'id' => 1,
'date' => '2015-10-28',
'amount' => 2500
'lines' => [
'amount' => 500,
'description' => 'First line',
'amount' => 2000,
'description' => 'Second line',
'id' => 2,
'date' => '2015-11-28',
'amount' => 2000
'lines' => [
'amount' => 2000,
'description' => 'Second line of second invoice',
$v = new Validator();
$v->required('invoices')->each(function (Validator $validator) {
$validator->each('lines', function (Validator $validator) {
$validator->required('description')->lengthBetween(0, 100);
$result = $v->validate($values);
$result->isValid(); // bool(true)
$result->getValues() === $values; // bool(true)
- allowEmpty(callable $callback) 是否可以为空值,true则通过 反之亦然
$v = new Validator;
// 如果用户名存在,则验证通过
$v->required('name')->allowEmpty(function (array $values) {
return $values['namePresent'] === true;
$v->validate(['namePresent' => true, 'name' => 'John'])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['namePresent' => true])->isValid(); // true
$v->validate(['namePresent' => false])->isValid(); // false
alnum($allowWhitespace = false) (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
alpha($allowWhitespace = false) 验证的字符包含 (a-z, A-Z)
between($min, $max) 验证必须在一个范围 (12, 34)
bool() Boolean值验证
callback(callable $callable) 回调验证
creditCard() 验证之前必须先安装 composer require byrokrat/checkdigit
datetime($format = null) 日期验证
digits() 一串数字字符串验证,不包含小数
each(callable $callable) 遍历验证
email() 邮箱
equals($value) 相等
float() 浮点数
greaterThan($value) 大于某个值
hash($hashAlgorithm, $allowUppercase = false) md5 sha1等验证
inArray(array $array, $strict = true) 数组范围验证
integer($strict = false) 整数验证
isArray() 数组验证
json() json格式字符串验证
length($length) 长度验证
lengthBetween($min, $max) 长度范围
lessThan($value) 小于
numeric() 浮点数和整数
phone($countryCode) 手机号 使用之前先安装 composer require giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php
regex($regex) 正则验证
required(callable $callback) 必须存在
$v = new Validator;
$v->optional('name')->required(function (array $values) {
// 根据返回值来判断是否是必须验证
return $values['forceName'] === true;
$v->validate(['forceName' => true, 'name' => 'John'])->isValid(); // true 返回值为true,必须验证 同时 name存在
$v->validate(['forceName' => true])->isValid(); // false 返回值为 true 但是name不存在
$v->validate(['forceName' => false])->isValid(); // true
string() 字符串
url($schemes = []) URL
uuid($version = Uuid::VALID_FORMAT)
$v = new Validator;
$v->required('first_name')->lengthBetween(0, 5);
$v->required('last_name')->lengthBetween(0, 5);
LengthBetween::TOO_LONG => 'It\'s too long, that value'
'first_name' => [
LengthBetween::TOO_LONG => 'First name is too long, mate'
$result = $v->validate([
'first_name' => 'this is too long',
'last_name' => 'this is also too long',
* Output:
* [
* 'first_name' => [
* LengthBetween::TOO_LONG => 'First name is too long, mate'
* ],
* 'last_name' => [
* LengthBetween::TOO_LONG => 'It\'s too long, that value'
* ]
* ];
$v = new Validator;
// 定义一个插入时候的验证规则
$v->context('insert', function(Validator $context) {
$context->required('first_name')->lengthBetween(2, 30);
// 定义一个更新时候的验证规则
$v->context('update', function(Validator $context) {
$context->optional('first_name')->lengthBetween(2, 30);
$v->validate([], 'update')->isValid(); // bool(true)
$v->validate([], 'insert')->isValid(); // bool(false), because first_name is required.
- 编写自己的验证器,继承系统的 Validator
use Particle\Validator\Validator;
* @method MyChain required($key, $name = null, $allowEmpty = false)
* @method MyChain optional($key, $name = null, $allowEmpty = true)
class MyValidator extends Validator
* {@inheritdoc}
* @return MyChain
public function buildChain($key, $name, $required, $allowEmpty)
return new MyChain($key, $name, $required, $allowEmpty);
- 编写自己的 MyChain 继承系统的 Chain
use Particle\Validator\Chain;
class MyChain extends Chain
* @return $this
public function grumpy($who = 'Grumpy Smurf')
return $this->addRule(new GrumpyRule($who));
- 编写自己的验证规则的类库
use Particle\Validator\Rule;
class GrumpyRule extends Rule
const WRONG = 'GrumpyRule::WRONG';
protected $messageTemplates = [
self::WRONG => '{{ who }} hates the value of "{{ name }}"',
protected $who;
public function __construct($who)
$this->who = $who;
public function validate($value)
if ($value !== null || $value === null) { // always true, so always grumpy!
return $this->error(self::WRONG);
return true;
// these variables can be used in error messages.
protected function getMessageParameters()
return array_merge(parent::getMessageParameters(), [
'who' => $this->who,
- 使用
v = new MyValidator;
$v->required('foo')->grumpy('Silly sally');
$result = $v->validate(['foo' => true]);
// output: 'Silly Sally hates the value of "foo"'
echo $result->getMessages()['foo'][Grumpy::WRONG];
use Particle\Validator\ValidationResult;
use Particle\Validator\Validator;
class MyEntity
protected $id;
public function setId($id)
$this->id = $id;
return $this;
public function validate() {
$v = new Validator;
return new $v->validate($this->values());
protected function values()
return [
'id' => $this->id,
// in a controller:
$entity = new Entity();
$result = $entity->validate();
if (!$result->isValid()) {
return $this->renderTemplate([
'messages' => $result->getMessages() // or maybe even just pass in $result.