Media Data之多媒体数据库(三)MediaStore

(The Media provider contains meta data for all available media on both internal and external storage devices.)

1. 类结构图



2. 字段

字段 解析
ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE 标准的intent action,发送给相机应用,拍摄照片并返回
ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE_SECURE 发送给相机应用,拍摄照片并返回,设备被固定
ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE 标准的intent action,发送给相机应用,录制视频并返回
EXTRA_FINISH_ON_COMPLETION Intent-extra的名字用来控制MovieView 的onCompletion方法
EXTRA_FULL_SCREEN Intent-extra的名字用来控制ViewImage的UI
EXTRA_MEDIA_ALBUM Intent-extra的名字用来定义album
EXTRA_MEDIA_ARTIST Intent-extra的名字用来定义artist
EXTRA_MEDIA_FOCUS Intent-extra的名字用来定义search focus.
EXTRA_MEDIA_TITLE Intent-extra的名字用来定义 song title
EXTRA_OUTPUT Intent-extra的名字用来表示一个存储图片和视频content resolver 的Uri.
EXTRA_SCREEN_ORIENTATION Intent-extra的名字用来控制ViewImage或者MovieView.
EXTRA_SHOW_ACTION_ICONS Intent-extra的名字用来控制ViewImage的UI.
EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY Intent-extra的名字用来控制录制视频的质量.
INTENT_ACTION_MEDIA_SEARCH Activity Action: 显示搜索音乐.
INTENT_ACTION_MUSIC_PLAYER This constant was deprecated in API level 15. Use CATEGORY_APP_MUSIC instead.
INTENT_ACTION_STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA Intent action在图片模式下启动camera.
INTENT_ACTION_STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA_SECURE Intent action在图片模式下启动camera,设备被锁定
INTENT_ACTION_TEXT_OPEN_FROM_SEARCH 显示搜索可读media文件并且自动播放的intent
INTENT_ACTION_VIDEO_CAMERA Intent action 在录像模式下启动相机
INTENT_ACTION_VIDEO_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH An intent to perform a search for video media and automatically play content from the result when possible.
MEDIA_IGNORE_FILENAME Name of the file signaling the media scanner to ignore media in the containing directory and its subdirectories.
MEDIA_SCANNER_VOLUME Name of current volume being scanned by the media scanner.
UNKNOWN_STRING The string that is used when a media attribute is not known.

3. 方法

方法名 解析
getMediaScannerUri() Uri for querying the state of the media scanner.
getVersion(Context context) Get the media provider's version.

4. MediaStore内部类


4.1 Media.Audio


4.1.1 MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns


字段 解析
ALBUM The album on which the audio file appears, if any
ALBUM_ART Cached album art.
ALBUM_ID The id for the album
ALBUM_KEY A non human readable key calculated from the ALBUM, used for searching, sorting and grouping
ARTIST The artist whose songs appear on this album
FIRST_YEAR The year in which the earliest songs on this album were released.
LAST_YEAR The year in which the latest songs on this album were released.
NUMBER_OF_SONGS The number of songs on this album
NUMBER_OF_SONGS_FOR_ARTIST This column is available when getting album info via artist, and indicates the number of songs on the album by the given artist.

4.1.2 MediaStore.Audio.Albums

艺术家,继承BaseColumns, AlbumColumns接口

字段 解析
CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for this table.
DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER The default sort order for this table
ENTRY_CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for entries in this table.
方法 解析
getContentUri(String volumeName) Get the content:// style URI for the albums table on the given volume.

4.1.3 MediaStore.Audio.ArtistColumns


字段 解析
ARTIST The artist who created the audio file, if any
ARTIST_KEY A non human readable key calculated from the ARTIST, used for searching, sorting and grouping
NUMBER_OF_ALBUMS The number of albums in the database for this artist
NUMBER_OF_TRACKS The number of albums in the database for this artist

4.1.4 MediaStore.Audio.Artists

艺术家 ,继承BaseColumns, ArtistColumns接口

内部类 解析
MediaStore.Audio.Artists.Albums 对于每个艺术家所包含的所有专辑的子目录
字段 解析
CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for this table.
DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER The default sort order for this table
ENTRY_CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for entries in this table.
EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the "primary" external storage volume.
INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the internal storage.
方法 解析
getContentUri(String volumeName) Get the content:// style URI for the artists table on the given volume.

4.1.5 MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns


字段 解析
ALBUM The album the audio file is from, if any
ALBUM_ID The id of the album the audio file is from, if any
ALBUM_KEY A non human readable key calculated from the ALBUM, used for searching, sorting and grouping
ARTIST The artist who created the audio file, if any
ARTIST_ID The id of the artist who created the audio file, if any
ARTIST_KEY A non human readable key calculated from the ARTIST, used for searching, sorting and grouping
BOOKMARK The position, in ms, playback was at when playback for this file was last stopped.
COMPOSER The composer of the audio file, if any
DURATION The duration of the audio file, in ms
IS_ALARM Non-zero if the audio file may be an alarm
IS_MUSIC Non-zero if the audio file is music
IS_NOTIFICATION Non-zero if the audio file may be a notification sound
IS_PODCAST Non-zero if the audio file is a podcast
IS_RINGTONE Non-zero if the audio file may be a ringtone
TITLE_KEY A non human readable key calculated from the TITLE, used for searching, sorting and grouping
TRACK The track number of this song on the album, if any.
YEAR The year the audio file was recorded, if any

4.1.6 MediaStore.Audio.Genres

包含音频文件的流派,继承BaseColumns, GenresColumns

内部类 解析
MediaStore.Audio.Genres.Members 对于每种流派所包含的所有成员的子目录
字段 解析
CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for this table.
DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER The default sort order for this table
ENTRY_CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for entries in this table.
EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the "primary" external storage volume.
INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the internal storage.
方法 解析
getContentUri(String volumeName) Get the content:// style URI for the audio genres table on the given volume.
getContentUriForAudioId(String volumeName, int audioId) Get the content:// style URI for querying the genres of an audio file.

4.1.7 MediaStore.Audio.GenresColumns


字段 解析
NAME The name of the genre

4.1.8 MediaStore.Audio.Media


字段 解析
CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for this table.
DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER The default sort order for this table
ENTRY_CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for an audio track.
EXTRA_MAX_BYTES The name of the Intent-extra used to define a maximum file size for a recording made by the SoundRecorder application.
RECORD_SOUND_ACTION Activity Action: Start SoundRecorder application.
EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the "primary" external storage volume.
INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the internal storage.
方法 解析
getContentUri(String volumeName) Get the content:// style URI for the audio media table on the given volume.
getContentUriForPath(String path)

4.1.9 MediaStore.Audio.Playlists


内部类 解析
MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members 每个播放列表所包含的所有成员的子目录
字段 解析
CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for this table.
DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER The default sort order for this table
ENTRY_CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for entries in this table.
EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the "primary" external storage volume.
INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the internal storage.
方法 解析
getContentUri(String volumeName) Get the content:// style URI for the audio playlists table on the given volume.

4.1.10 MediaStore.Audio.PlaylistsColumns


字段 解析
DATA Path to the playlist file on disk.
DATE_ADDED The time the file was added to the media provider Units are seconds since 1970.
DATE_MODIFIED The time the file was last modified Units are seconds since 1970.
NAME The name of the playlist

4.1.11 MediaStore.Audio.Radio


字段 解析
ENTRY_CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for entries in this table.

4.2 Media.Files

Media provider的表,包含了多媒体存储中所有文件的索引,包括非多媒体文件。这个类可以在单词查询中处理多媒体文件和非多媒体文件。

方法 解析
getContentUri(String volumeName) Get the content:// style URI for the files table on the given volume.
getContentUri(String volumeName, long rowId) Get the content:// style URI for a single row in the files table on the given volume.

4.2.1 MediaStore.Files.FileColumns


字段 解析
MEDIA_TYPE The media type (audio, video, image or playlist) of the file, or 0 for not a media file
MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO Constant for the MEDIA_TYPE column indicating that file is an audio file.
MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE Constant for the MEDIA_TYPE column indicating that file is an image file.
MEDIA_TYPE_NONE Constant for the MEDIA_TYPE column indicating that file is not an audio, image, video or playlist file.
MEDIA_TYPE_PLAYLIST Constant for the MEDIA_TYPE column indicating that file is a playlist file.
MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO Constant for the MEDIA_TYPE column indicating that file is a video file.
MIME_TYPE The MIME type of the file
PARENT The index of the parent directory of the file
TITLE The title of the content

4.3 MediaStore.Images


4.3.1 MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns


字段 解析
BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME The bucket display name of the image.
BUCKET_ID The bucket id of the image.
DATE_TAKEN The date & time that the image was taken in units of milliseconds since jan 1, 1970.
DESCRIPTION The description of the image
IS_PRIVATE Whether the video should be published as public or private
LATITUDE The latitude where the image was captured.
LONGITUDE The longitude where the image was captured.
MINI_THUMB_MAGIC The mini thumb id.
ORIENTATION The orientation for the image expressed as degrees.
PICASA_ID The picasa id of the image

4.3.2 MediaStore.Images.Media


字段 解析
CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type of of this directory of images.
DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER The default sort order for this table
EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the "primary" external storage volume.
INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the internal storage.
方法 解析
getBitmap(ContentResolver cr, Uri url) Retrieves an image for the given url as a Bitmap.
getContentUri(String volumeName) Get the content:// style URI for the image media table on the given volume.
insertImage(ContentResolver cr, String imagePath, String name, String description) Insert an image and create a thumbnail for it.
insertImage(ContentResolver cr, Bitmap source, String title, String description) Insert an image and create a thumbnail for it.
query(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri, String[] projection)
query(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri, String[] projection, String where,String orderBy)
query(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection,String[] selectionArgs, String orderBy)

4.3.3 MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails

这个类允许开发者去查询并且得到两种略缩图,MINI_KIND: 512 x 384 thumbnail MICRO_KIND: 96 x 96 thumbnail

字段 解析
DATA Path to the thumbnail file on disk.
DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER The default sort order for this table
HEIGHT The height of the thumbnail
IMAGE_ID The original image for the thumbnal
KIND The kind of the thumbnail
THUMB_DATA The blob raw data of thumbnail
WIDTH The width of the thumbnal
EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the "primary" external storage volume.
INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the internal storage.
方法 解析
cancelThumbnailRequest(ContentResolver cr, long origId) This method cancels the thumbnail request so clients waiting for getThumbnail will be interrupted and return immediately.
cancelThumbnailRequest(ContentResolver cr, long origId, long groupId) This method cancels the thumbnail request so clients waiting for getThumbnail will be interrupted and return immediately.
getContentUri(String volumeName) Get the content:// style URI for the image media table on the given volume.
getThumbnail(ContentResolver cr, long origId, long groupId, int kind, BitmapFactory.Options options) This method checks if the thumbnails of the specified image (origId) has been created.
getThumbnail(ContentResolver cr, long origId, int kind, BitmapFactory.Options options) This method checks if the thumbnails of the specified image (origId) has been created.
query(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri, String[] projection)
queryMiniThumbnail(ContentResolver cr, long origId, int kind, String[] projection)
queryMiniThumbnails(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri, int kind, String[] projection)

4.4 MediaStore.MediaColumns


字段 解析
DATA Path to the file on disk.
DATE_ADDED The time the file was added to the media provider Units are seconds since 1970.
DATE_MODIFIED The time the file was last modified Units are seconds since 1970.
DISPLAY_NAME The display name of the file
HEIGHT The height of the image/video in pixels.
MIME_TYPE The MIME type of the file
SIZE The size of the file in bytes
TITLE The title of the content
WIDTH The width of the image/video in pixels.

4.5 MediaStore.Video


方法 解析
query(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri, String[] projection)

4.5.1 MediaStore.Video.Media


字段 解析
CONTENT_TYPE The MIME type for this table.
DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER The default sort order for this table
EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the "primary" external storage volume.
INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the internal storage.
方法 解析
getContentUri(String volumeName) Get the content:// style URI for the video media table on the given volume.

4.5.2 MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails

这个类让开发者去查询并且得到两种略缩图:MINI_KIND: 512 x 384 thumbnail MICRO_KIND: 96 x 96 thumbnail

字段 解析
DATA Path to the thumbnail file on disk.
DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER The default sort order for this table
HEIGHT The height of the thumbnail
KIND The kind of the thumbnail
VIDEO_ID The original image for the thumbnal
WIDTH The width of the thumbnal
EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the "primary" external storage volume.
INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI The content:// style URI for the internal storage.
方法 解析
cancelThumbnailRequest(ContentResolver cr, long origId) This method cancels the thumbnail request so clients waiting for getThumbnail will be interrupted and return immediately.
cancelThumbnailRequest(ContentResolver cr, long origId, long groupId) This method cancels the thumbnail request so clients waiting for getThumbnail will be interrupted and return immediately.
getContentUri(String volumeName) Get the content:// style URI for the image media table on the given volume.
getThumbnail(ContentResolver cr, long origId, long groupId, int kind, BitmapFactory.Options options) This method checks if the thumbnails of the specified image (origId) has been created.
getThumbnail(ContentResolver cr, long origId, int kind, BitmapFactory.Options options) This method checks if the thumbnails of the specified image (origId) has been created.

4.5.3 MediaStore.Video.VideoColumns


字段 解析
ALBUM The album the video file is from, if any
ARTIST The artist who created the video file, if any
BOOKMARK The bookmark for the video.
BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME The bucket display name of the video.
BUCKET_ID The bucket id of the video.
CATEGORY The YouTube category of the video
DATE_TAKEN The date & time that the video was taken in units of milliseconds since jan 1, 1970.
DESCRIPTION The description of the video recording
DURATION The duration of the video file, in ms
IS_PRIVATE Whether the video should be published as public or private
LANGUAGE The language of the video
LATITUDE The latitude where the video was captured.
LONGITUDE The longitude where the video was captured.
MINI_THUMB_MAGIC The mini thumb id.
RESOLUTION The resolution of the video file, formatted as "XxY"
TAGS The user-added tags associated with a video
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