参考词典:Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary ,Collins Advanced Learner’s Dictionary。
今日学习单词:shape 。
Shape 是一个常见的词语,大家都知道它的意思是“形状,塑造”。第一次见这个词是高一时刚买 SONY 的 CD Walkman 时听的第一章专辑Backstreet Boys 的《Black & Blue》,其中有一首歌就叫 Shape of my heart。十几年前还有一个流行的健身方式叫“舍宾”,也是用“shaping”音译过来的,说白了就是塑身,塑型。今天查查字典,看看还有什么重要的义项。
1)the condition of something or someone (usually used with in)
He’s in better/worse shape now.
All the players are in top/excellent shape.
可以看出 shape 可以表示人的“状态”,注意是condition,而不是state。shape 还有一个意思是指身体强壮或者身体健康,属于上述义项的引申义,比如out of shape,keep in shape等,这里不多赘述。
2)the way something is done: the form of something
They offered help in the shape of [=in the form of] a loan. [=the help they offered was a loan]
That behavior is not acceptable in any way, shape, or form. [=it is not at all acceptable]
3)a definite form or arrangement of something
The plan is finally taking shape.
多说一句,Webster’s 的这个解释我其实看得不是很明白,“某事确定的形式和安排?”。赶紧查 Collins。Collins 关于 shape 的这个义项解释为:The shape of something that is planned or organized is its structure and character. (计划或组织的)框架,结构,特点,形式。这样看就明白多了。所以,词典只有一本,真的不够。
这么来看,刚才例句中take shape 是逐渐成型的意思。Collins 词典中对 take shape 的解释供参考:
When something takes shape, it develops or starts to appear in such a way that it becomes fairly clear what its final form will be.
1)to influence the development of (something): to help (something) become what it is
Schools shape the minds of future leaders.
Ads help shape public opinion.
Most people think that the language we speak can shape the way we think.
2)to make (something, such as a plan) by a process of careful thought
They have shaped [=devised] a careful strategy for winning the election.
shape up
1) to happen or develop in a particular way 进展,表现
Our plans are shaping up nicely.
2) a: to start behaving in a better or more acceptable way 端正行为
You’d better shape up and start studying.
If he doesn’t shape up, he’s going to be fired.
提到了“开除”,不得不提非正式的美式英语经常用 shape up/ship out来表示“卷铺盖走人”。If you are told to shape up or ship out, you will have to leave your job, if you do not improve your behavior。同一短语不同语境下含义截然不同!
2) b: shape up (someone or something) or shape (someone or something) up: to cause (someone or something) to start behaving in a better or more acceptable way.
She has really shaped up the sales department.
3) to make your body stronger and healthier by exercising
Every small step I made will shape my shape. :-)