第一集里面主要讲的是主妇Mary Young在自杀之后,她的四个好朋友的日常生活,以Mary Young 的独白拉开了第一集的序幕,每一集里面的独白的用词都非常好,也道出了很多人生哲理,很多问题就是我们生活中所遇到的问题,引人思考,到时候我会单独拿出一个板块来写这些独白,有中英文对照的哦。
Part1 四个女主的出场
Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken. Of course, she didn’t cook much,while moving up the corporate ladder. She didn’t have the time. 勒奈特家有很棒的炸鸡秘方.当然,当她还在职场打拼的时候她很少做饭,因为没有时间.
But when her doctor announced she was pregnant, her husband Tom had an idea“why not quit your job?” “Kids do better with stay –at-home moms,”“It would be so much less stressful.” But this was not the case. 但当被告知怀孕后她的老公汤姆有了注意“你不如辞职吧”,“全职妈妈有利于孩子的成长”“这样压力也会小很多”“现实却不尽如人意”
In fact, Lynette’s life had become so hectic ,she was now forced to get her chicken from the fast-food restaurant. Lynette would’ve appreciated the irony if she’d thought about it. But she couldn’t have the time. 勒奈特的日子变得更加忙碌,以至于她不得不去快餐店点了份外卖炸鸡。如果勒奈特回头想想她会发现一切都背道而驰。可惜她根本没有时间。
Gabrielle Solis who lives down the block brought a spicy paella. Since her modeling days in New York. Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food…and rich men. 住在街角的加布丽尔.索利斯带了西班牙辣味炒饭。自从在纽约做了模特后她的品味有了很大的提升,只吃名贵食物,只约有钱男人。
Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions, proposed on their third date. Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes. But she soon discovered this happened every time Carlos closed a big deal. 卡洛斯从事兼并与收购业务,在第三次约会时向她求婚了。加布丽尔被他得泪水打动了。但她很快发现卡洛斯每做成一笔大生意时都会这样。
Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot. However, her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler.加布丽尔喜欢热腾腾的炒饭。然而,她和丈夫的关系却日益冷淡。
Bree Van De Kamp ,who lives next door, brought baskets of muffins she baked from scratch. 住在隔壁的布里.范德坎普带了两篮她亲手烤制的松饼。
Bree was known for her cooking and for making her own clothes, and for doing her own gardening, and for re-upholstering her own furniture. 布里擅长烹饪,自己缝纫做衣,亲自打理园子甚至自己翻新家具。
Yes, Bree’s many talents were known throughout the neighborhood. Everyone on Wisteria lane thought of Bree as the perfect wife and mother. Everyone, that is, except her own family.是的,布里非常能干远近皆知,紫藤郡的每个人都觉得,每个人不包括她的家人。
Susan Mayer, who lives across the street, brought macaroni and cheese. Her husband ,Karl ,always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook and she rarely made it well.住在对街的苏珊.梅尔带了乳酪通心粉。她的丈夫卡尔总是嘲笑她,说她只会做乳酪通心粉却还做不好。
It was too salty the night she and Karl moved into their house. It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Karl’s shirt. She burned it the night Karl told her he wans leaving her for his secretary.在她和卡尔刚搬入新家的那晚,她做的太咸了,在她发现卡尔的衣领上有口红印的那晚,她做的又太淡了。在卡尔为了他的秘书离开她的那晚她把通心粉烤糊了。
A year had passed since the divorce,Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life. Even one who would make fun of her cooking.离婚一年之后。苏珊开始觉得生命中有个男人还是挺好的。就算是个会嘲笑她厨艺的男人。
Part2 怎样看待男生出轨这个问题
Mary Young:So, what did Karl say when you confronted him?当你跟卡尔对质的时候他怎么说。
Susan:You’ll love this. He said…说的可好了,他说:“这根本不能说明什么,仅仅只是性而已”
Bree:Ah, yes, page one of the philanderer’s handbook.哦,是啊花花公子手册第一页。
Susan:Yeah, and then he got this zen look on his face, and he said,” you know, Susan, most men live lives of quiet desperation.”是啊,然后他就一脸无辜地对我说“你知道,苏珊大多数男人都生活在平静的绝望之中”
Lynette: Please tell me you punched him.告诉我你揍他了。
Susan:No , I said,” Really? And what do most women lead lives of noisy fulfillment?”没有,我说“真的吗,那么大多数女人吵吵闹闹的一生又算什么”
Mary Young:Good for you.说的好。
Susan:I mean , of all people, did he have to bang his secretary? I had that woman over for brunch.我是说那么多人你就非要搞上自己的秘书吗?我还给那个女人做过早午餐。
Gabrielle:It’s like my grandmother always said an erect penis doesn’t have a conscience.正如我祖母说的那样男人那人硬的时候没有良知可言。
Lynette: Even the limp ones aren’t that ethical.即使不硬也是每什么良知。
Bree:This is half the reason I joined the NRA. Well, when Rex stared going to those medical conferences, I wanted it in the back of his mind that he had a loving wife at home with a loaded Smith& Wesson.这也是我加入枪支协会的原因之一,当雷克斯开始参加那些医学会议时我希望他明白家里有一个很爱他的妻子和一把上了膛的沃森左轮手枪。
Mary Young:Lynette, Tom’s always away on business. Do you ever worry he might?勒奈特,汤姆总是出错你不担心他会发生什么事吗?
Lynette: Oh, please, the man’s gotten me pregnant three times in four years. I wish he was having sex with someone else.拜托这个男人让我四年里怀了三次孕我倒是希望他和别人去做爱。
Bree:So, Susan ,is he gonna stop seeing that woman?所有苏珊他还会再见那个女人吗?
Susan:I don’t know. I’m sorry, you guys ,I just…I just don’t know how I’m gonna survive this.我也不知道,抱歉姐妹们我只是我不知道自己要怎么熬过去。
Mary Young:Listen to me,We all have moments of desperation, if we can face them head-on,that’s when we’d find out how strong we really are.听我说我们都有绝望的时候当我们熬过去的时候就会发现自己有多强大。
Part 3一见钟情的感觉
Susan:I wouldn’t eat that if I were you.如果我是你,我绝不吃那个东西。
Susan:I made it. Trust me. Hey , hey, do you have a death wish?那是我做的相信我,等扽你有什么遗愿吗?
Mike:No, I just refused to believe that anybody can screw up macaroni and cheese. Oh, my god. How did you…? It tastes like it’s burnt and undercooked.没有我不相信有人连乳酪通心粉都不会做.哦,天哪。你怎么能,这吃起来就像烤焦了但又没熟。
Susan:Yeah, I get that a lot. Her you go.是啊,我经常这样,接着。
Mike:Thanks. I’m Mike Delfino. I just started renting the Sims’ house next door.谢谢,我是麦克.德尔非诺。我刚租下隔壁赛蒙家的房子。
Susan:Susan Maryer. I live across the street. Yeah, I ‘m very big with the under-five set. What do you do ?我是苏珊,我住在街对面。是啊,五岁以下的孩子都知道我。你是做什么的。
Mike:Mrs. huber told me about you, said you illustrate children’s books. Plumber. So if you ever have a clog…or something.胡博太太跟我说过你,说你为儿童书画插画说你为儿童书画插画。水管工,所以万一你有东西堵住了或是别的什么。
Susan:Now that everybody’s seen that I brought something, I should probably just throw this out.现在大家都看到我带来的东西了我应该早点把它扔了。