Coursera | Andrew Ng (01-week-1-1.5&1.6)—About this Course & Course Resources

该系列仅在原课程基础上部分知识点添加个人学习笔记,或相关推导补充等。如有错误,还请批评指教。在学习了 Andrew Ng 课程的基础上,为了更方便的查阅复习,将其整理成文字。因本人一直在学习英语,所以该系列以英文为主,同时也建议读者以英文为主,中文辅助,以便后期进阶时,为学习相关领域的学术论文做铺垫。- ZJ

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1.5 关于这门课

So you're just about to reach the end of the first week,of material on the first course in this specialization. Let me give you a quick sense of,what you'll learn in the next few weeks as well. As I said in the first video ,this specialization comprises five courses. And right now, we're in the first of these five courses,which teach you the most important foundations ,really the most important building blocks of deep learning. So by the end of this first course ,you know how to build and get to work a deep neural network.



So here the details of what is in this first course.This course is four weeks of material.And you're just coming up to the end of the first week,when you saw an introduction to deep learning.At the end of each week,there are also be 10 multiple-choice questions that you can use to double check your understanding of the material.So when you're done watching this video,I hope you're going to take a look at those questions.



In the second week, you then learn about the Basics of Neural Network Programming.You'll learn the structure of what we call,the forward propagation and the back propagation,steps of the algorithm,and how to implement neural networks efficiently.Starting from the second week,you also get to do a programming exercise,that lets you practice the material you've just learned,implement the algorithms yourself and see it work for yourself.I find it really satisfying when I learn about algorithm,and they get it coded up and I see it worked for myself.So I hope you enjoy that too.

在第二周,你会学习到神经网络的编程基础。了解神经网络中,“正向传播”和“反向传播”的结构,还有算法的过程,以及如何高效实现神经网络。从第二周开始,你也会开始做一些编程练习,练习学到的知识,自己实现算法 亲自调试到完美运行,当我学习算法的时候 那让我很过瘾,通过代码编程 亲自看到它完美运行,我希望你们也喜欢。

Having learned the framework for neural network programming in the third week,you code up a single hidden layer neural network. All right.So you learn about all the key concepts needed to implement,and get to work in neural network.And then finally in week four,you build a deep neural network and neural network with many layers.and see it worked for yourself.So, congratulations on finishing the videos after this one.

在学习了神经网络编程的框架之后 在第三周,你会编写单隐层神经网络。你需要学习所有必需的关键概念,才能实现神经网络。最后在第四周,你将建立了一个多层的深层神经网络。让它为你服务,恭喜你完成了这段视频。

I hope that you now have a good high-level sense,of what's happening in deep learning.And perhaps some of you are also assigned to,has some ideas of where you might want to apply deep learning yourself.So, I hope that after this video,you go on to take a look at the 10 multiple choice questions,that follow this video on the course website,and just use the 10 multiple choice questions,to check your understanding.And don't review, you don't get all the answers right the first time,you can try again and again until you get them all right.

我希望你现在对深度学习,有一个高层次的理解。也许有些人会想,自己想到了,哪里可以应用深度学习。我希望看完这段视频后,你会去看那10个多项选择题,它们就在课程网站上,有10个多项选择题,来检查你的理解,不用复习, 第一次做不知道所有答案,你可以多做几次直到你把都做对了为止。

I found them useful to make sure,that I'm understanding all the concepts,I hope you're that way too.So with that, congrats again for getting up to here,and I look forward to seeing you in the week two videos.


1.6 课程资源

I hope you enjoyed this course,and to help you complete it.I want to make sure that there are a few course resources that you know about,first if you have any questions,or you want to discuss anything with the classmates,or the teaching staff including me,or if you want to file a bug report,the best place to do that is the discussion forum,the teaching staff and I will be monitoring that regularly,and this is also a good place for you,to get answers to your questions from your classmates,

希望你能够喜欢这门课程,为了帮助你完成课程,我想要确保,你知道有下面这些课程材料,首先 如果你有任何疑问,想和这个课程的其它同学讨论,想和包括我在内的教学人员讨论,或者想要归档一个错误报告,论坛是去做这些事情最好的地方我和其他教学人员会定期关注论坛,这也是一个,从与你一同学习本课程的同学那 获取答案的好地方,


Coursera-Deep Learning:

or if you wish try to answer your classmates' questions,to get to the discussion forum from this course home page,if you look at this menu bar on the left,you also might look a bit different than mine,but they'll do this discussion forum tab,which gives you click on,gives you to the discussion forum,the best way to ask questions is on the discussion forum,but it for some reason you need to contact us directly,or let us know about some problem,feel free also to email us at this email address.

如果你想要回答同学们的问题,可以从课程首页 来到课程的论坛,如果你看到左侧的这个菜单栏,你的可能会看起来和我的有些不一样,但都会有这个论坛模块,当你点击它的时候,就会打开课程论坛,在论坛上提问是问问题的最好方法,出于某些原因你可能想直接联系我们,或是想让我们知道一些问题,尽管把邮件发送到这个邮箱地址。


I promise we will read every email,and we'll try to address commonly occurring issues,although depending on the email volume.I can't guarantee that we'll be able to reply promptly to every email,but we will read every email that you send,next I know that there are other companies,that wish to train maybe large numbers of employees with deep learning,if you're responsible for employee training in your company,and would like to train a hundred or more employees with deep learning expertise,please feel free to get in touch at this email.

我保证我们会阅读每一个邮件,我们会尽力去解决经常出现的问题,由于电子邮件的数量很多,我不能保证,我们能够迅速回复每一封邮件,但是我们会阅读你发送的每一封邮件。另外 有些其它公司,想要给大批的职员培训深度学习的话,如果你在公司是负责培训工作,想深度学习专家来培训上百或者更多的雇员,尽管通过这个电子邮箱联系我们。

and we'll see if we can help you,we're just in the early phases of developing the university academic program,but if you're a university instructor,or a university administrator,interested in offering a deep learning course at your university,please feel free to contact us at this email address,though I hope that gives you more resources to complete the course,maybe I'll see some of you in the discussion forums,and best of luck.

我们看看能否帮到你,我们在开发大学课程,但处于早期的阶段,如果你是大学领导,或者管理人员,想在学校提供一门深度学习课程,请尽管通过这个邮箱地址联系我们,我会提供更多的资源 来完成这门课程,也许我会在论坛见到你噢,祝你好运。

PS: 欢迎扫码关注公众号:「SelfImprovementLab」!专注「深度学习」,「机器学习」,「人工智能」。以及 「早起」,「阅读」,「运动」,「英语 」「其他」不定期建群 打卡互助活动。

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