《普林斯顿数学指引》读书笔记——I.4 数学研究的一般目的(上)




I.4 The General Goals of Mathematical Research (数学研究的一般目的)

1 Solving Equations (解方程)

Mathematics is full of objects and structures (of a mathematical kind), but they do not simply sit there for our contemplation: we also like to do things to them.


Transformations like these give rise to a never-ending source of interesting problems. If we have defined some mathematical process, then a rather obvious mathematical project is to invent techniques for carrying it out. This leads to what one might call direct questions about the process. However, there is also a deeper set of inverse questions, which take the following form. Suppose you are told what process has been carried out and what answer it has produced. Can you then work out what the mathematical object was that the process was applied to?


Because x and y can be very much more general objects than numbers, the notion of solving equations is itself very general, and for that reason it is central to mathematics.


We have just discussed the generalization of linear equations from one variable to several variables. Another direction in which one can generalize them is to think of linear functions as polynomials of degree 1 and consider functions of higher degree.


What matters about an equation is often the existence and properties of solutions and not so much whether one can find a formula for them.


In many instances the explicit solubility of an equation is a relative notion.


The answer to the question of whether a particular equation has a solution varies according to where the solution is allowed to be.


......a typical Diophantine equation, the name given to an equation if one is looking for integer solutions.


What does this tell us about Diophantine equations? We can no longer dream of a final theory that will encompass them all, so instead we are forced to restrict our attention to individual equations or special classes of equations, continually developing different methods for solving them.


For many reasons, differential equations represent a jump in sophistication. One is that the unknowns are functions, which are much more complicated objects than numbers or n-dimensional points. (For example, the first equation above asks what function x of t has the property that if you differentiate it twice then you get -k^2 times the original function.) A second is that the basic operations one performs on functions include differentiation and integration, which are considerably less “basic” than addition and multiplication. A third is that differential equations that can be solved in “closed form,” that is, by means of a formula for the unknown function f , are the exception rather than the rule, even when the equations are natural and important.


As with polynomial equations, this can depend on what you count as an allowable solution. Sometimes we are in the position we were in with the equation x^2 = 2: it is not too hard to prove that solutions exist and all that is left to do is name them.


Sometimes there are ways of proving that solutions exist even if they cannot be easily specified. Then one may ask not for precise formulas, but for general descriptions. For example, if the equation has a time dependence (as, for instance, the heat equation and wave equations have), one can ask whether solutions tend to decay over time, or blow up, or remain roughly the same. These more qualitative questions concern what is known as asymptotic behavior, and there are techniques for answering some of them even when a solution is not given by a tidy formula.


2 Classifying(分类)

If one is trying to understand a new mathematical structure, such as a group [I.3 §2.1] or a manifold [I.3 §6.9], one of the first tasks is to come up with a good supply of examples. Sometimes examples are very easy to find, in which case there may be a bewildering array of them that cannot be put into any sort of order. Often, however, the conditions that an example must satisfy are quite stringent, and then it may be possible to come up with something like an infinite list that includes every single one.

如果想理解一个数学结构,例如群[I.3 §2.1] 或者一个流形[I.3 §6.9],首要任务之一就是想出足够多的例子。有时候例子找起来很容易,却只是多得眼花缭乱而理不出任何秩序的一大堆。然而,时常这些例子必须要满足的条件相当严格,于是这时,想出的就像一个无限长的、包含每一个具体例子的清单。

评:这一段无论是中文还是英文,都始终没有理解作者的意思。为什么主体是分类,谈的却是举例?如果谈的是举出典型的例子,并且围绕着典型的例子进行聚类分组,还可以理解,但这里并没有表达这个意思。提出说存在容易找例子但不好分类组织的情况,但没有给出解决方案,就直接说变成了一个无限长的清单,是逃避了问题,还是这种情况每个例子就的确是一类,与其他例子没有共性?再考虑到下面一段话提到对清单中每一个例子验证某一个命题成立,则该命题对于该数学结构成立,却没有在这段话中交代如何确保分类是不漏不重(Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive,MECE)的。

Classifications are very useful because if we can classify a mathematical structure then we have a new way of proving results about that structure: instead of deducing a result from the axioms that the structure is required to satisfy, we can simply check that it holds for every example on the list, confident in the knowledge that we have thereby proved it in general. This is not always easier than the more abstract, axiomatic approach, but it certainly is sometimes. Indeed, there are several results proved using classifications that nobody knows how to prove in any other way. More generally, the more examples you know of a mathematical structure, the easier it is to think about that structure—testing hypotheses, finding counterexamples, and so on. If you know all the examples of the structure, then for some purposes your understanding is complete.



We therefore know that the regular polytopes in dimensions three and higher fall into three families—the n-dimensional versions of the tetrahedron, cube, and octahedron—together with five “exceptional” examples—the dodecahedron, the icosahedron, and the three four-dimensional polytopes just described. This situation is typical of many classification theorems. The exceptional examples, often called “sporadic,” tend to have a very high degree of symmetry—it is almost as if we have no right to expect this degree of symmetry to be possible, but just occasionally by a happy chance it is. The families and sporadic examples that occur in different classification results are often closely related, and this can be a sign of deep connections between areas that do not at first appear to be connected at all. Sometimes one does not try to classify all mathematical structures of a given kind, but instead identifies a certain class of “basic” structures out of which all the others can be built in a simple way.

因此我们知道在3维和更高维的情况下,正多胞形分为三个族类,即n维版本的正四面体、正六面体、正八面体,再加上五个特例——三维的正12面体和正20面体,还有刚才描述的三个4维多胞体(按:这里不方便展开介绍,可参见 List of regular polytopes and compounds)。这种情形在许多分类定理中非常典型。这些特例,常称为“零星的”,通常倾向于具有非常高的对称性——这种程度的对称性我们不敢期望其可能,却奇迹般地存在。这些出现在不同分类结果中的族类以及特例,时常具备相互间紧密的联系,这正是乍一看毫无关联的领域间有深刻联系的一个信号。有时我们并不打算把某一类型的数学结构全部加以分类,而是从中识别出某一类基本的结构,使得其他结构全可以由它们简单地构造出来。

Why should nonequivalence be harder to prove than equivalence? The answer is that in order to show that two objects are equivalent, all one has to do is find a single transformation that demonstrates this equivalence. However, to show that two objects are not equivalent, one must somehow consider all possible transformations and show that not one of them works. How can one rule out the existence of some wildly complicated continuous deformation that is impossible to visualize but happens, remarkably, to turn a sphere into a torus?


The Euler number is an example of an invariant. This means a function φ, the domain of which is the set of all objects of the kind one is studying, with the property that if X and Y are equivalent objects, then φ(X) = φ(Y). To show that X is not equivalent to Y, it is enough to find an invariant φ for which φ(X) and φ(Y) are different. Sometimes the values φ takes are numbers (as with the Euler number), but often they will be more complicated objects such as polynomials or groups.

欧拉示性数是不变式的一个例子。不变式即是一个函数φ,它的定义域是要研究的那一类的全部对象的集合,而且具有如下的属性,如果两个对象X和Y等价,则φ(X) = φ(Y)。为了证明X和Y不等价,只需要找到一个不变式使得这两个不变式不相等即可,有时候这个不变式的值φ是一个数,但往往会是更复杂的数学结构,例如多项式或者群。

3 Generalizing (推广)

When an important mathematical definition is formulated, or theorem proved, that is rarely the end of the story. However clear a piece of mathematics may seem, it is nearly always possible to understand it better, and one of the most common ways of doing so is to present it as a special case of something more general.


Why did it help to generalize the problem in this way? One might think that it would be harder to prove a result if one assumed less. However, that is often not true. The less you assume, the fewer options you have when trying to use your assumptions, and that can speed up the search for a proof. Had we not generalized the problem above, we would have had too many options.

为什么用这种方式把问题推广会有利于问题的解决?人们可能以为,假设更少时,证明一个结果更难 ,然而实际情况往往并非如此。假设得更少,尝试使用这些假设时需要作出的选择就更少,这可以加速对证明(路径)的搜寻。如果我们没有把问题一般化,我们会拥有过多的选择(需要去尝试)。

There is no clear distinction between weakening hypotheses and strengthening conclusions, since if we are asked to prove a statement of the form P ⇒ Q, we can always reformulate it as ¬Q ⇒¬P. Then, if we weaken P we are weakening the hypotheses of P ⇒ Q but strengthening the conclusion of ¬Q⇒¬P.

弱化结论与强化结论,并不是那么泾渭分明,因为如果我们被要求证明形如P ⇒ Q的命题,我们总可以将其重新表述为 ¬Q ⇒¬P。于是,如果我们弱化了P,我们是在弱化 P ⇒ Q 的假设,却同时也是在强化¬Q⇒¬P的结论。

The abstract concept of a group helps one to see Fermat’s little theorem in a completely new way: it can be viewed as a special case of a more general result, but a result that cannot even be stated until one has developed some new, abstract concepts. This process of abstraction has many benefits. Most obviously, it provides us with a more general theorem, one that has many other interesting particular cases. Once we see this, then we can prove the general result once and for all rather than having to prove each case separately. A related benefit is that it enables us to see connections between results that may originally have seemed quite different. And finding surprising connections between different areas of mathematics almost always leads to significant advances in the subject.


The word “abstract” is often used to refer to a part of mathematics where it is more common to use characteristic properties of an object than it is to argue directly from a definition of the object itself (though, as the example of √ 2 shows, this distinction can be somewhat hazy). The ultimate in abstraction is to explore the consequences of a system of axioms, such as those for a group or a vector space. However, sometimes, in order to reason about such algebraic structures, it is very helpful to classify them, and the result of classification is to make them more concrete again.

“抽象”这个词常常被用来指代更常使用对象特征性质而非直接从对象自身的定义出发论证的那一部分数学(虽然 √ 2 的例子说明,这种区别可能会有些模糊)。抽象的最终目的是探索一系列公理的后果,例如一个群或者一个向量空间的公理。然而,有时候,为了就这样的代数结构进行推理,对它们进行分类会很有帮助,而分类的结果却又把它们变得更为具体了。

one reformulates part of geometry in terms of a certain algebraic structure and then generalizes the algebra.


A process that has generated many of the most important problems and results in mathematics, particularly over the last century or so: the process of generalization from one variable to several variables.


This geometrical interpretation is important, and goes a long way toward explaining why extensions of definitions and theorems from one variable to several variables are so interesting. If we generalize a piece of algebra from one variable to several variables, we can also think of what we are doing as generalizing from a one-dimensional setting to a higher-dimensional setting. This idea leads to many links between algebra and geometry, allowing techniques from one area to be used to great effect in the other.


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