新概念2 Lesson13 The Greenwood Boys 音乐拓展

这段雅思考试中对应 音乐的表达 很不错,5分钟左右可以过一遍。


1.adoring fans: people who love a particular band or singer

a huge following: a large number of fans 讲一大群粉丝

2.to go on tour: to go on a planned series of performances around a region or country  代替visit all parts of the country

3.live music: music that is listened to while it is performed (not recorded)

live performance: (see live music) 现场的音乐

a music festival: music performances at a venue often over several days

连着唱5天 可以说是festival了


Speaking about ‘Music’ (Phrases - Liking & Disliking Music) Free English lesson by Michelle




track:recorded in a CD

number:a piece of popular music that forms part of a longer performance一首流行乐曲

Madonna sang several numbers from her latest album.麦当娜唱了她最新专辑中的几首歌曲。


lyrics:words of a song 歌词

subtitles:the words you see in a movie under the screen that help you understand the movie better〔外国电影的〕字幕,对白译文


3.instrumental pieces 

a piece of music (only music, no words)


he is the best vocalist of all time


duet:a piece of music for two singers or players二重奏(曲); 二重唱(曲)

solo 独奏 trio 三重奏  quartet四重奏kwɔːˈtet

7.concert/music festival

concert: happening live /on stage

music festival:happens over days

audience  常发出嘘声hooting


1.It's a timeless classic.

 (evergreen:an evergreen sportsman, singer etc is still good and popular even though they are fairly old〔运动员、歌手等〕永葆青春的,持久的,经久不衰的: )

2.It's a smash hit.(very popular)

3.It's very cheesy.

(有些粗鲁的表达informalcheap and not of good quality劣质的,蹩脚的,廉价的: )

4.It's too unlike the music I normally listen to, I always listen to….


7+ IELTS Music Vocabulary and Recommended Bands

一开始她说她要去看现场演唱会 live concert

歌手是个摇滚传奇 a rock legend ,an icon of….

(icon:someone famous who is admired by many people and is thought to represent an important idea偶像,崇拜对象)

VOC :album/ record / vinyl , live gig / show / concert , catchy / get stuck in your head / ear worm , lyrics , vocalist , venue

Genre of music : jam band , classic rock , classical , hip hop , soul , electronica /house music / drum and bass , punk rock , bluegrass , jazz , grunge


1.album/records专辑 对应 singles 单曲

2.vinyl  /vaɪnəl/ 塑胶唱片  records that are played on a RECORD PLAYER – used especially when comparing them to CDS  在record shop卖

3.gig =show  if someone has a gig, they have a paying show.

a performance by a musician or a group of musicians playing modern popular music or JAZZ , or a performance by a COMEDIAN〔现代流行音乐或爵士乐的〕演奏会;〔喜剧演员的〕滑稽表演:

do / play / have a gig

The band are doing a gig in Sheffield on Nov 12.11 月 12 日乐队要在设菲尔德举办音乐会。

live show/gig/concert 

the energy you get from a live show is incredibily you can't find it anywhere else

gig and show are usually in smaller venues  than concerts (gig 和show举办地点比较小,而concert大 在stadiums里)

4.venue:the place you watch the music

5.a song gets stuck in my head: the song is catchy   it catches your attention and you notice it

6.jingle: the song in an advertisement

I hate when commercial jingles get stuck in my head

这时候可以说 an earworm

genre is the type of music

歌曲类型有哪些Genre of music 

1.jam band : eg .the Grateful Dead

2.classic rock (不是classical) : rock and roll from sixties and seventies 经典摇滚  eg. zeppelin

3.hip hop: eg.A Tribe Called Quest

4.electronica :电子乐 dance music eg. house music 浩室音乐 eg.drum and bass 舞曲的形式

5.punk rock 朋克摇滚 eg.romones

6.bluegrass 蓝草音乐(清新的乡村音乐)eg.earl scruggs


8.grunge:垃圾摇滚rock music from seattle area in early nineties  pearl jam soundgarden

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