A close friend of mine, named Zoe, became a nursery teacher since she graduated from university. Seeing her posting photos of adorable kids with warm smiles, I believed that nursery teacher must be the very job that makes you happy and positive everyday. However, when asked how she would summerize her experience and feelings as a nursery teacher, she said:
The most unfair thing in this world would be that after giving birth to a baby, anyone can become a parent automatically.
Shocked by her words, I kept asking the reasons behind this unexpected answer. Instead of answering my questions directly, she asked me serval questions:
We all know that parents are the very first teachers to newly-borned ones, but have they been trained to be a proper teacher? Do they have professional knowledge of how to getting along with children? Do they know anything about psychology? Do they have any idea of the critical points of a child's growth process and how to deal with them? Do they know clearly how much children could be hurt by unproperiate words?Have they ever tried to understand children's feeling?
I did not expect any of these questions and can not say anything but stay shocked. Well, I could still say that I am too young to think about things like that, but what about you guys? You have being a parent for quite a long time, but have you ever thought about these questions?
During the lunch time, I always heard my colleages saying things like "I have done xxx things to my older child which I am now really regret. I am definitely not gonna do those to my little one." OMG, how poor the older one is! Is it even fare to use your first child as an experiment and learn the right way of getting along with child? How and who can make up for the older one?
<How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk>
At the first glance, I thought it is nothing but a useless book with a beatiful name. To my surprise, I was totally attracted by its content and finished the whole book.
“我们可以结束和孩子的冲突了!“ 是本书的口号,亦是目标。作者阿黛尔·法伯、伊莱恩·玛兹丽施均为杰出教育专家。本书有着”美国家庭教育十大畅销书之一,销售300多万册,被译为30多种文字风靡全球。长踞美国畅销书排行榜,出版20多年长销不衰“的漂亮头衔,而事实证明,它绝对对得起这些头衔。
Naitonal Bestseller, more than 3 million copies sold, the parenting bible. These are just a few titles this book received and it has proved that it deserves.
At the beginning of the book, authors suggested the way that they believed is approperiate for reading the book--- getting a rough idea about the book by looking at the illustrations. I did follow their suggestion and it turned out that, with just a few words for each illustration, it is really attractive.
“天呢,这个我从没想过” “这个好有道理啊”贯穿了我的整个阅读过程。随意举个例子,各位家长可曾想过,孩子们的感受和他们行为之间的关系?你有试着了解和换位思考过他们的感受吗?为什么孩子越发不想跟你交流,真的是长大了就不爱跟父母聊天了这么简单?
"wow, I have never thought about this." "yes, it does make sense." these kind of feelings appeared from time to time during the whole reading process. I will just give you guys several easy examples: have you ever thought about the relation between a kid's action and his feeling? why your kid does not want to have a deep conversation with you anymore? Is it just that as they becoming older, they simply do not want to share their thought with you?
well, there are no direct answers to these questions in the book. After all, every kid is unique and the parent should combine professional theories and reality together to find the most approperiate way for your kid. But, it does list many cases they got from parents during their career and these cases do provoke your thought, very deeply.
You may say that culture difference will cause huge differences between the way to get along, and believed suggestions raised by US people are not suitable for Chinese children. However, what you should always remember is the basic rule of getting along: being equal and respective, even if and especially when you are the parent. Also, parents, regardless of the country they come from and races, have one huge thing in common : they all try their best and are devoted to give the best to their children. Because of this, the culture difference is so tiny that can be neglacted when talking about how to love your child.
Please, do not treat becoming parents after giving birth to your baby as natural. Cuz here, natural shares the same meaning as rediculous! Please rethink about your reaction and use the appropriate way to treat your child and show your love to them.