


based on scientific testing orpracticalexperience, not on ideas 以科学实验(经验)为依据的;经验主义的;


empirical evidence/knowledge/research


1)to give support to an opinion,

idea, or feeling, and make it stronger加强,强化〔观点、思想或感觉〕:

2)to make part of a building,

structure, piece of clothing etc stronger加强,加固〔建筑的一部分、结构、衣服等〕

3)to make a group of people,

especially an army, stronger by adding

people, equipment etc增援,使更强大,加强…的力量〔尤指军队〕


to change figures, records etc so that theycontain false information篡改,伪造〔数字、记录等〕:

•The file was altered to falsify the evidence.文件被动了手脚来伪造证据。


an object in space like a bright ball witha long tail, that moves around the sun彗星

•Halley's comet哈雷彗星


1)based on guessing, not on information or facts猜测的,猜想的:

highly / purely / largely speculative

•a purely speculative theory about life on other planets关于其他行星上存在生命的纯属猜测的理论

2)bought or done in the hope of making a profit later投机的:

•speculative investments投机性的投资

3)if you give someone a speculative look, you look at them while trying to guess something about them〔眼光〕揣摩的,忖度的


[+ of ]

•the deflection of the missile away from its target导弹对目标的偏离



artillery shell炮弹

9.tissue paper棉纸,薄纸


1)compelling reason / argument /case  etc that makes you feel certain that something is true or that you must do something about i t令人信服的理由/论点/论据等:

•Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town.露西没有充分的理由去镇上。

•The courtwas presented with compelling evidence that she'd murdered her husband.有人向法庭出示了令人信服的证据证明她谋杀了自己的丈夫。

2)very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention极为有趣的;令人激动的;引人入胜的:

•His life makes a compelling story .他的一生是个引人入胜的故事。

3)compelling need / desire / urge (to do sth) a strong need, desire etc to dosomething, making you feel that you must do it强烈的需求/愿望/冲动(去做某事):

•He felt a compelling need to tell someone about his



12.four bodily humors平衡论




1)to continue to do something that has already been planned or started继续进行,继续做;

⇒proceeds:[+ with ]

•The government was determined to proceed with the election.政府决心继续进行选举。

•Before proceeding further, we must define our terms.我们必须先给术语下定义,然后再继续。

2)to continue继续:

•Work is proceeding according to plan .工作正在按计划进行。

3)proceed to do sth to do something after doing something elsefirst–used sometimes to express surprise or annoyance接着做,继而做〔有时用于表示感到意外或恼怒〕:

•Sammy took off his coat and proceeded to undo his boots.萨米脱掉了外衣,接着又解开靴子。

4)always +adv / prep to move in a particular direction〔向某一方向〕前进,移动:

[+ to / towards / into etc]

•Passengers for Miami should proceed to gate 25.前往迈阿密的旅客请到25号登机口。


1)the set of tools and machinesthat you use for a particular scientific, medical, or technical purpose设备,仪器,装置,器械 ;SYN:equipment

•Astronauts have special breathing apparatus.航天员有专门的呼吸装置。

2)the way in which a lot of

people are organized to work together to doa job or control a company or


•The tax will require a massive administrative apparatus.税收需要大规模的行政机构。

•The state apparatus has become corrupt.国家机器已经腐败。

•the apparatus of government政府机构



1)a round hole in the ground made

by something that has fallen on it or by an


•craters on the moon's surface月球表面的坑

2)the round open top of a VOLCANO火山口





1)a science studied in the Middle Ages, that involved trying to change ordinary metals into gold炼金术



24.periodic table of elements元素周期表



1)to change the use of something such as time or money改变…的用途:

divert sth into / to / (away) from etc sth

•The company should divert more resources into research.这家公司应该把更多的资源用于研究。

2)to change the direction in which something travels使转向:

divert a river / footpath / road etc

•The high street is closed and traffic is being diverted.大街封闭,车辆改道。

3)if you divert your telephone calls, you arrange for them to go directlyto another number, for example

because you are not able to answer them yourself for some time转移〔电话〕:

•Remember to divert your phone when you are out of the office.记住,离开办公室要设定电话转移。

4)to deliberately take someone's attention from something by making them think about or notice other things〔故意〕转移,分散〔别人的注意力〕:

divert (sb's) attention (away from sb /sth)

•The crime crackdown is an attempt to divert attention from social


5)to amuse or entertain someone使得到消遣,供…娱乐



to suddenly become better, more advanced etc than people or organizations that werepreviously better than you〔一举〕超越,越过:

28.particle collider粒子对撞机




scattering experiment)又称金箔实验、Geiger-Marsden实验或卢瑟福α粒子散射实验引。是1909年汉斯·盖革和恩斯特·马斯登在欧内斯特·卢瑟福指导下于英国曼彻斯特大学做的一个著名物理实验。


2.Large Hadron Collider(LHC)大型强子对撞机是微观粒子研究中使用的一套装置,主要用于强子的研究,包括强子的光电特性、加速特性以及在特殊物理条件下产生的一系列连锁反应等等

3.Higgs particle(Higgs boson)希格斯玻色子:粒子物理学标准模型预言的一种自旋为零的玻色子



After reading this passage, I havea basicunderstanding of science. Science sounds like an abstract idea which ishard tounderstand. But actually science can be described as an ongoing searchfor truthand the truth is the fruit of scientists and researchers’ arduous andlong-termwork. Galileo Galilei once said, all truths are easy to understand oncethey arediscovered, but the point is to discover them.

To discover the truth, scientistshave touse the right methods: making observations, forming a theory to explainwhat isgoing on and carry out an experiment to see whether the theory works.Then themost indispensable step is to invite peer review to pick holes. Alltheserequire patience, meticulousness, accuracy, and most importantly,perseverance.A scientist has to own the basic character—doubtnig all the thingsas far aspossible. Because in the voyage of seeking for truths, curiosity isjust like asail which is of momentous importance. Without it, humans would notbe likely tomake progress in science. For example, Isaac Newton, the famousscientist, discoveredgravity after being hit by a falling apple when sittingunder an apple tree. Hedoubted the reason and began to explore, succeeding infinding out the gravity.

We are now enjoying the fruit of scientificknowledgebased on previous explorations by scientists generation aftergeneration. Wemay not be a professional scientist, but we have to learn thespirit of sciencewhich is the essence of science itself and apply them to ourlife. May sometime, you can discover or invent something incredible! At leastin that way, wecan do things well!

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